

401 Uppsatser om Ice-hockey associations - Sida 14 av 27

"Eftersom det är en lagidrott förväntar sig spelarna att någon bestämmer" : En kartläggning av kunskaperna rörande träningsmetodik inom svensk pojkishockey

The purpose of this study was to examine social workers working process in social assistance with focus on the child´s perspective. We were interested in learning about the existence of variations in approach and attitude between two municipalities. Question to be answered about what methods and approaches used by social workers to include the child´s perspective in the process of social assistance. Another question to be answered about what the manner in which social workers took into account the child´s perspective when the families apply for social assistance in relation to the operations and requirement. To fulfill the purpose, qualitative methods were used.

Fritid - en väg till integration : en studie av praktiskt, lokalt integrationsarbete

According to our apprehension, work of integration is commonly considered managed in the main best through the labour market. Since this path is not available to everybody we wanted to find out how work of integration also can be practised in other areas. The purpose of this paper is to, with focus on children and youth, find out and analyze in what way the people working locally in residential areas and in associations, reflects around integration in general and within their own business, plus in what way they pursue local work of integration practically. The method we have used is qualitative, with unstructured, individual interviews. Our seven respondents within local authority, church and sport clubs, have told us about their work from a perspective of integration.

Distribution av sportevenemang via strömmande medier och webcasting

Användandet av strömmande medier har ökat explosionsartat under de senaste åren. Oavsett om det sker märkbart för användaren eller inte använder sig gemene man i princip dagligen av någon form av tjänst som distribueras via strömmande medier över Internet. Det kan röra sig om allt från att lyssna på webbradio till att titta på videoklipp från nyhetsportaler eller sportsidor på Internet. I denna rapports första del görs en kartläggning över strömmande medier rent generellt. Den läsekrets som inte är särskilt insatt i ämnet får reda på vad strömmande medier är, vilka aktörer som finns på marknaden, möjliga distributionssätt, historik med mera.

Prediktorer för sprintförmåga på is hos elitishockeyspelare. : Kan prestation på is förutspås av styrke- och spänsttester?

BAKGRUND: Ishockey är en stor idrott med över 80000 aktiva spelare i Sverige.SYFTE: Syftet med denna studie var att fastställa huruvida det finns korrelation mellan tester rekommenderade av Svenska Ishockeyförbundet och prestationsförmåga på is. Vidare skulle testresultaten ställas i relation till antropometriska värden.METOD: Studiepopulationen rekryterades från hockeylag i division I. Testerna 1RM knäböj, stående längdhopp samt sergants jump utfördes enligt Svenska Ishockeyförbundets rekommenderade förfarande. Prestationsförmåga på is mättes genom 17 m sprintlopp. Korrelationen mellan testerna och prestation på is beräknades med pearsons korrelationskoeffecient.

Coaching för förändring : spelare och ledare i Brynäs IF reflekterar

Coaching har blivit mycket av ett slagord inom företagsvärlden och olika konsultfirmor. Men vad innebär det konkret för individer och organisationer? Denna studie kommer att behandla coaching utförd av en ledare. Därav kommer både ett öppet och modernt ledarskap som coaching kräver behandlas, samt huvudämnet coaching.Bakgrunden till studien är främst att allt för många ledare idag fortfarande rekryteras med auktoritär ledarskapsstil som inte prioriterar utveckling av de anställda, samt att coaching som definition ibland misstolkas. Så syftet är att behandla dessa frågor och diskutera kring frågeställningarna: Vad är coaching? Vilken betydelse har coaching? Metoden som tillämpas i denna uppsats är en kvalitativ studie med fyra representanter från Brynäs IF hockey A-lag, tränaren Niklas Czarnecki, assisterande tränare Tommy Jonsson, spelarna Ove Molin och Emil Sandin presenterar deras verklighet omkring ledarskap och coaching..

Föreningsliv och demokrati : Om politiska, demokratiska och integrationsmässiga förutsättningar i en somalisk förening

In contemporary Sweden political participation among foreign-born Swedes is viewed as low and it is well known that foreign-born individuals do not use their voting rights to the same extent as the general population. At the same time there are numerous ethnic associations around the country who work with various activities involving political, democratic and integration issues. This study aims to study how four members of a Somali association regard, relate to and work with politics, democracy and integration. The study is based on these four people, but also on their relationship with authorities and other agencies in the community. The conclusion of this study shows in brief that the desire to participate politically is great, but that democracy and politics is accessible to all, depending on the level of language skills and what political knowledge the individual has.

Musiken och folkbiblioteket: en studie av musikverksamheten på folkbiblioteken i Borås Stad

The purpose of the master thesis was to reflect and analyze music library activities and policies in the public libraries in the area around the city of Borås, in the south-western part of Sweden. With this thesis I also wanted to look at the interaction between the public libraries, the music school and the music associations in the same area. To investigate these matters, qualitative method was used in the form of interviews with seven librarians from seven different libraries and five representatives of different local music organizations. Other methods used were observations and source studies. The literature used discusses the role of the music department of public libraries as well as that of a music librarian working in a public library.

Co-branding och dess effekter på Brand Equity : En fallstudie på samarbetet mellan Prada och LG

This dissertation is a case study on the Co-branding between Prada and LG, ?The Prada phone by LG?. The purpose of the study is to broaden the understanding of Co-branding and the effects this type of collaboration can have on a company?s brand. The research questions are: ?What effects can a Co-branding have on a company?s Brand Equity?? and ?How can these effects be measured??.

Reklamens värde: En kompletterande syn på advertising- och brand equity.

At several occasions, an important question has been brought forward within the world of advertising and media. This is the question of whether or not ?good? advertising should be encouraged by the media. The question has an origin in a belief that such advertising can create values not only for the advertiser, but also for the medium. Although this question has arisen in business media, and although many managers work from the assumption that such relationship exists, there are none or little proof that it actually does.

Idrottande ungdomars attityd till doping : - En studie bland idrottsgymnasister i Karlstad och Torsby

Sports research in the field of social science has shown that regular physical activity leads to wellbeing and positively affects the quality of life. A natural part of being an athlete is learning the functions of the human body, and what?s harmful and destructive, such as drugs (RF 1995). Doping is a constant problem in professional sport. Doping and manipulation of medical preparations in order to maximise performance is one of modern sport?s major problems, according to Blom and Lindroth (1995).I thought it would be interesting to see what the next generation of athletes thinks of doping.

Netspeak som retoriskt verktyg : Skapar elementen inom netspeak mer påträngande problem än vad de löser?

With inspiration from Bitzers situational analysis a phenomenografic method has been used, influenced by Brown & Levinsons´s theory of politeness, to find perceptions concerning constraints (in Bitzer´s sense in his model of the rhetorical situation) in Internet-based communication. Based on three qualitative interviews, this essay has found that the perceptions are closely linked to views of what constitutes formal and informal contexts, varying due to the gender or age of the informant. Netspeak is not considered appropriate, with some exceptions, in any formal situation. However, the perceptions regarding decorum in informal situations differ in nature, based mainly on what kinds of associations and connotations are produced by elements found in netspeak. Since perceptions regarding informal situations vary, there is a large risk of misunderstanding, which this essay aims to survey..

Arvets betydelse för mjölkkors beteende :

It becomes more important to consider different behaviour traits in the selection for dairy cows to be suitable in the production systems of today. The purpose of this investigation was to study the genetic background to behavioural traits and the heritabilities for temperament, rank order, aggressiveness, feeding behaviour and for learning behaviour. Moreover, the genetic correlations to other traits were studied. To be included in a breeding programme a trait needs to have enough genetic variation, a moderate to high heritability or to be correlated to another measurable trait. Behaviour is a quantitative trait affected by many genes and the environment.

Snabba #twittpuckar i upplevelseindustrin : Att hantera upplevelseerbjudanden med sociala medier som marknadsverktyg: en fallstudie i samarbete med MODO Hockey

Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur socialarbetare på barn- och ungdomsavdelningen bedömer föräldrars omsorgsförmåga utifrån ett fiktivt fall. Vidare undersöks om det förekommer skillnader i bedömning angående föräldraförmågan utifrån ett genusperspektiv. Slutligen undersöks socialarbetares handlingsutrymme satt i relation till bedömningen. Studien baseras på en kvalitativ vinjettmetod som omfattar intervjuer med socialarbetare, där intervjuerna har utgått från konstruerade fallbeskrivningar, som är typiska för barnavårdsutredningar. Hälften av deltagarnas intervjuer utgår från en vinjett och hälften från en annan, men vinjetterna är detsamma förutom att föräldrarnas könstillhörighet är utbytta.

Paddan blir prins - när fast pris inte finns. En studie om prismodellen Pay-What-You-Want applicerad på en ny produkt.

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the two new phenomena; the pricing model Pay-What-You-Want (PWYW) and the launch of daily newspapers in the iPad. A quantitative study was conducted in order to examine what would happen if the PWYW-model where to be used by a daily newspaper for its iPad product, and what this would signal to consumers about the brand in terms of brand association and brand attitude. Furthermore, we have investigated which of these factors that are affecting willingness to pay in this PWYW-situation. Moreover, a secondary purpose was to test the two possible presentations of the digital newspaper in the iPad; Product and Access ? and how the results differed between these two.

Metafor - Tao : En komparativ studie i metaforik mellan prekonfuciansk tanketradition och svensk nutid

Metaphors and their use as a rethorical vehicle are examined. Two texts, one in Chinese and one in Swedish, are compared and analyzed to determine the extent to which the associations they create successfully capture the author's intent. Seecondarily, a shift from the assumptions that rhetorical analyses often assume (read: antiquity and Aristotles) to a more abstract internal human platform is suggested. Neurological and cognitive research is cited in support of this shift.The essay examines the question: How can metaphoric contribute to conveying the communicator's intention? By comparing metaphorics used by an historical Chinese rhetor with those used by a contemporary Swedish rhetor.

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