

6357 Uppsatser om IT in health care - Sida 25 av 424

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att arbeta utifrån de fyra hörnstenar i den palliativa vården inom avancerad hemsjukvård

The aim of this study was to investigate nurse?s experience of working from the philosophy of palliative care in end of life at home. The study had a qualitative design. Semi-structured interviews were performed with nine nurses working in advanced palliative home care. The analysis of the material revealed four categories and two subcategories.

Hemtjänstpersonalens upplevelser av att vårda patienter i livet slutskede

The aim of this study was to describe home care personnel and their experiences in palliative care. The design was qualitative and data were collected through interviews. Five home care personnel were interviewed, all women, whom have experience of palliative home care.The material was then analysed with qualitative content analysis and eight main categories, derived from experiences of home care personnel, were identified: relationship, safety, quality of care, a better end-of-life, routine, information, knowledge and competence, and work environment. The result showed that all participants of this study identified themselves as family members of the patients whom they had cared for during a long period of time. Additionally, the participants were emotionally touched when the patient died.The majority experienced that the patients do receive good care in their homes.

Övertänjd urinblåsa- redan före operation? En observationsstudie

Introduction: Urinary retention is a common postoperative complication associated with bladder distension. Permanent damage to the bladder affects the patient?s quality of life and may lead to a lifelong inability to empty the bladder and needs of self-catheterization with the risk of urinary tract infection. Bladder distension was classified as the fourth largest health care related injury in Sweden in 2013. Bladder distension may occur before the operation starts and is more common among orthopedic patients.

Avslappning och massage i omvårdnadsarbetet. En litteraturstudie om hur avslappning och massage kan befrämja hälsa.

The purpose of this literature review is to gain knowledge of how a nurse can relieve a patient´s suffering and promote a patient´s health on his/her own without pharmacologic aid. The method is a literature review based on 10 scientific articles. The study is influenced by Antonovskys view of health. The result showed four clear themes: (1) reduced anxiety / worry and physiological effects, (2) well-being and quality of life, (3) steps towards self-care and (4) relations. Relaxation and massage proved to have calming and pain-relieving effects.

Sexuell Hälsa i Nationella Kvalitetsregister

The aim of the thesis was to identify whether, and if so how, aspects of sexual health (reproductive health and cohabitation) are compiled in the National Quality Register and identify reasons for this. A quantitative method has been applied to go through the registers annual reports. In the first part of the thesis, the registers annual reports was mapped with the help of a checklist designed through World Health Organizations (WHO) definition of sexual health. In the second part, a questionnaire was sent to those responsible for each register to find reasons to why and how sexual health is included in the National Quality Registers. The result shows that sexual health is not usually included in the register data, although the survey showed that most registers brought up aspects that could affect the current target group's sexual health.

Från Taylorism till Salutogenes : En studie inom svensk äldreomsorg

A publicly funded elderly care that is widely available at people?s homes has been described as unique for the Nordic countries. There is much research that focuses on the relationship between caregivers and care receivers, and also about how work is organized in these organizations. However, research into how care work is organized in organizations that have implemented a salutogenic approach is limited. This is a qualitative study aimed to examine how caregivers feel that the organization of work in elderly care change after implementation of salutogenic elements in their daily work.

How can the business potential of products with health claims increase?

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the influencing factors on the businesspotential of products with health claims, using PrimaLiv as an example. And togive recommendations on how a dairy producer, which is present in the Swedishmarket, could improve the sales rates of products with health claims. We have chosento put a main focus on the consumer, as he or she determines the business potential.This is an unusual approach since most studies cover the producer?s perspective. Wethereby wish to contribute with new knowledge on the area in question.

Icke-farmakologiska metoder för behandling av beteendemässiga och psykiska symtom vid symtom demenssjukdom

ABSTRACTBackground: People with colorectal cancer undergoing rectum amputation get a permanent colostomy, which affects the social life. It may be valuable for health care what these people experience living with colostomy in order to provide the greatest possible support. Objective: The aim of this study is to describe how people who received a colostomy experience their daily lives and the support they have received from the health services.Method: Qualitative interview study with six people, with a descriptive phenomenological approach.Results: The analysis of the interviews about how it's like to live with a colostomy resulted in three themes: 1) Living with a colostomy gives an uncertainty that affect the social life, 2) Physical and psychological impact of getting a colostomy and 3) Support for health care and relatives.Conclusion: Subjects had a positive attitude towards life, which contributed to that they could adjust to living with a colostomy and feel a meaningfulness of life. The study shows that all the interviewed people overall were satisfied with the information provided by the healthcare personnel. It was good with both oral and written information and very appreciated with repeated information. One aspect that could be improved was the information given aboute the closure of anus during surgery and the following complications.

Värdegrundsarbete på fritidshemmet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om fritidspedagogers arbete med värdegrundsarbetet

The purpose of this study was to gain a clearer picture of how after-school-care teachers? work with fundamental values in after-school care, both practically and theoretically based on the curriculum Lgr 11. I wanted to acquire a broader understanding of the school's core values and what kinds of tools teachers used to cope with their task. I proceeded with two questions:How does after-school care proactively work with core values based on gender, ethnicity and class?How does the work on value issues at after-school care centers compare with Lgr 11?In my study, I used literature studies and a qualitative analysis of five interviews with afterschool care teachers.

Kampen för livet : Unga vuxnas hantering av sin cancersjukdom

Patients with mental illness experience dissatisfaction with their care due to lack of understanding and ignorance from the nurses. The nurses? approach might influence these patients' experience of their care. The purpose of the literature review was to describe nurses' approach in care of patients with mental illness. The literature review is based on an inductive approach and the result is based on 14 scientific papers, of which eight used a qualitative design and sex used a quantitative design.

Sjuksköterskors dilemma när patienten motsätter livsavgörande vårdinsatser : en litteraturstudie

Background   The patient's rights to self-determine their own health care is described in Swedish legislation and guidelines. However, due to infancy, unconsciousness, severe brain damage or certain diseases, some patients might be unable to make such decisions. Ethically difficult situations do occur, not infrequently associated with culture. Since the patient is vulnerable, there is a risk that the patient in the treatment and care can not be bothered to maintain right to autonomy and that the nurse violates patient integrity.Aim                 The aim of this study was to illustrate the nurse's dilemma when the patient refuses vital caring efforts.Method           A literature review of eight scientific articles with a qualitative approach was performed.Results           The results revealed the following domains to describe the nurse's dilemma when the patient refuses vital care interventions: patients? reasons for treatment refusal, the nurse's understanding of the patient's refusal of care and contradictory legislationConclusion     More knowledge and discussion of the patient's decision-making competence is needed for both the nursing profession and those who make decisions on legislation..

Utvecklingen av samverkansregler mellan hälso- och sjukvården och näringslivet : Samverkan och krishantering i fält av legitimitet

Collaboration is a form of organization on the rise in Sweden. For health care, it is ofinterest to collaborate with industry to ensure that needs for specialist education andtraining are met and that products developed meet the relevant requirements.Conversely, industry actors have an interest to have a close collaboration with healthcare in order to gain insight into customer needs, provide information about theirproducts and to test products in development.The starting point of this study is an agreement and regulatory framework for formsof collaboration between public health care in Sweden in general and thepharmaceutical industry, the medical device industry and the laboratory technologyindustry. The research questions concerns how this agreement has evolved and theprocess surrounding its emergence may contribute to knowledge about collaborationas a form of organization and the relationship to concepts such as legitimacy,corruption and institutional theory.By tracking the emergence of the current regulatory framework genealogicalthroughout history, the study uncovers how the agreements have played a role in andcontributed to the legitimization and institutionalization of collaboration practices andhow crises have changed the shape of the practices. A theoretical treatment ofrelevant concepts such as legitimacy, institutionalization of practices, corruption andstigmatization of organizations form the basis for an interpretation and analysis of theprocess.The conclusions of the examination of the historical process that led to the currentagreements contribute to empirical knowledge of how crises and stigma affect thelegitimacy of collaboration practices and how the repair of legitimacy can be donesuccessfully after a crisis. The treatment of the empirical material is also a historicalsource for the development of ethics agreements between public health care andpharmaceutical industry and the medical industry in Sweden..

Tvång som vård : Patienters upplevelser av tvångsvård och tvångsåtgärder ? en litteraturöversikt

Background For patients in need for psychiatric care who refuse treatment, coercive care might be necessary due to The Law of Psychiatric Compulsory Care, LPT. The purpose of this law is to make sure the patient later on will be able to increase autonomy. The most frequent patients in coercive care suffer from psychosis, heavy depression or having high risk of committing suicide. One of the most important tasks in the nurse profession is to increase patients? autonomy.

BVC-sjuksköterskans hälsofrämjande arbete mot övervikt och fetma

Bakgrund: Barn har rätt till stöd som möjliggör en god hälsa och sjuksköterskor inom barnhälsovården (BVC-sjuksköterskor) ska arbeta hälsofrämjande genom ett stödjande och vägledande arbetssätt. En tidig identifiering av viktproblem är väsentlig eftersom åtgärder bör implementeras under tidig barndom. För att minska utveckling av till exempel hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar samt diabetes är det viktigt att BVC-sjuksköterskor aktivt arbetar mot övervikt och fetma. Medvetandegörande om de faktorer som kan påverka BVC-sjuksköterskor i det hälsofrämjande arbetet är viktigt för att kunna utveckla och förbättra arbetet. Syftet var att belysa vilka faktorer som kan påverka BVC-sjuksköterskans hälsofrämjande arbete mot övervikt och fetma.

Distriktssköterskans möte med föräldrar som ställer sig tveksamma till MPR-vaccination

Vaccination as a part of the preventative public health project has for many years been one of the important tasks of the children's health care. The vaccination program has been adjusted to current research and the health situation in the country. Having their children vaccinated is not something obvious for all parents, though. Especially the vaccination against measles, whooping cough and German measles have been questioned. The purpose of this literature study was to investigate the reasons for the resistance to vaccinate and to illuminate the security creating advice of the nurse at the public health centre.

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