

6357 Uppsatser om IT in health care - Sida 16 av 424

Anhörighälsa. En intervjustudie om de vårdgivande anhöriga till Alzheimersjuka och deras upplevelser av sin situation

Most of the people in today's society have at least some knowledge about Alzheimer's disease to some extent. When a person with Alzheimer's disease is being taken care of at home, the relatives have to change their own priorities and readapt themselves to the existing situation. The primary aim of this study is to describe how the relatives experience their own situation in life. The secondary aim of this study is to describe how the relatives understand their own relation with the health care authorities concerning the help and support issues. The authors have realized this study using the analytic inductive method and have interviewed four informants using a semi structured interview guide.

Munvård hos äldre

SAMMANFATTNING En bristfällig munvård kan leda till olika sjukdomstillstånd. En god munvård är en viktig del i det fysiska och psykiska välbefinnandet. Allt fler äldre personer behåller idag sina egna tänder. De som inte kan sköta sin egen munvård p.g.a. sjukdom eller åldrande behöver därför hjälp.

Närståendes behov av stöd vid palliativ vård

Background: Relatives are those persons who are closest to the patient, regardless of relationship and included into the patient´s life world. When a person is in a palliative stage this affects not only the patient but also the relatives, as it implies such a big change in life for all. The nurse has an important role for both the patient and the relatives. Aim: The aim is to highlight the relative´s needs of support for palliative care. Method: A literature review based on previous research. Ten articles were found, nine with a qualitative approach and one with both qualitative and quantitative approach. Results: The analysis resulted in six themes, these were the result of the study. The six themes were, ?to be seen an confirmed?, ?good communication?, ?continuous information?, ?availability and continuity?, ?to participate? and ?to share responsibility with the staff?. Conclusion: As a nurse we come in contact with relatives of patients in a palliative setting in any form.

Möjligheter till utveckling av en hälsofrämjande skola

School can be an effective environment for achieving a more equal health among children and adolescents, since many individuals can be reached by the health promoting work in the school. In the year of 2000 a project in Skåne was started for the development of health promoting schools. The health promoting projects however, have shown to be of short duration. So, as an alternative, the integration of the health in school ought to be tried. The aim of this study is to give examples how health promoting schools can strengthen their profile.

Vårdberoende, behov av omvårdnad och insatser för äldre med regelbunden vård och omsorg ? del av SNAC-Blekinge, Vårdsystemdelen

Background: The relationship between advanced age, presence of illness and impaired functioning is well known. A large proportion of the elderly population has an extensive need of care and service and therefore need help from municipal care. Aging is a transition in life and also affects the person's identity and self image, making the person particularly vulnerable and challenging everyday safety. It is therefore of importance to gain knowledge about which factors at individual and organizational level that support a person-centered nursing care for the elderly so that caring responsibilities and staffing of nursing personnel may be scheduled based on need. Aim: This study aimed at describing dependency and care needs of elderly persons living in ordinary housing, sheltered housing and nursing homes. Furthermore the study aimed at describing how the dependency was related to the staffing of non-licensed and licensed nursing staff in nursing homes. Method: A descriptive and analytical quantitative method was used in the study.

Kvinnlig könsstympning : attityder och upplevelser

Female genital mutilation is an ancient custom, practiced mainly in African countries. For several years, Africans has immigrated to Sweden and many of the women are genitally mutilated or circumcised. The aim of this study was to bring some clarity to the attitudes and experiences regarding female genital mutilation among those who are affected. Articles for this literature review were searched for in international databases, and in the university library database. The outcome of this study shows that health care staff is in need of greater knowledge about this custom, in order to be able to handle the situation appropriately.

Idrott för alla? : Intresse och engagemang för breddverksamhet

  Aim. The aim of the study was to describe how nurses in home care experience to pursue palliative care in ordinary housing. Methods. The study had a descriptive design with qualitative approach and was carried out through semi-structured interviews with 14 nurses in home health care from two medium-sized Swedish municipalities. The material was analyzed with manifest and latent content analysis. Findings. The underlying theme that emerged in the study was: Working with palliative care in the patient´s own homes is positive but challenging. Informants describe among other things that they perceived palliative home care as meaningful and that relatives have a central role in the palliative home care since they are close to the patient around the clock. The stress that emerges from the heavy work load and the long geographic distances are described as strenuous and to affect the care in a negative way. Informants describe the home environment as challenging as it is often not adapted for care and the collaboration with the palliative team is described to be experienced as both positive and negative.

Nursing staffs´ experience of their situation in the work with oral health in persons with psychical disabilities

Background: The oral health is a problem for many people with psychical disabilities. The reason for that is among other things that the psychical disabilities could do it hard to handle fundamental routines in the everyday life. Aim: The aim of the literature review was to describe how the nursing staff experienced their situation about their work with oral health in persons with psychical disabilities. Method: The study has been done as an overview and the data has been analysed with content analysis. Result: Two head categories were identified; barrier that influence the ability to perform the work with oral health and barrier that influence the performance of the work with oral health.

Ovisshetens uttryck : En empirisk studie baserad på berättelser om ovisshet.

Background: Many people within the health care system experience uncertainty. Uncertainty can be described as a feeling, a condition or as a phenomenon. Uncertainty is often associated with stress and an emotional burden among patients. It?s important for the nurse to have knowledge about the expressions of uncertainty to get a higher appreciation for the patients? situation.

Frontier Marknader. : En studie om svenska företagsetableringar på afrikanska frontier-marknader

In the early 1990?s more and more companies of the Swedish public sector were exposed to competition, and this started the debate on how such actions might affect the business and even society.The first chapter examines how the public sector and especially health care, is financed and managed. We also explore what it means to be exposed to competition and find that there are many different ways of exposing the public sector to competition. The study examines dental care as an example of a market with both publicly and privately owned companies. The purpose of this paper is to explore how publicly and privately owned health care companies view their relationship with their consumers.

Sjuksköterskans syn på svårigheter i telefonrådgivning: En litteraturstudie. : Difficulties in telephone advice as perceived by registered nurses: A literature study.

Background.Telephone advice increases the accessibility to health care and the streamlined work at primary health care centres. The goal of telephone advice nursing is to give the caller a correct advice, adapted to the caller?s situation, in order to reach correct care level. However, registered nurse?s telephone advice includes risks for misjudgement.

BVC-sjuksköterskans och skolsköterskans erfarenheter och reflektioner i sitt arbete med övervikt hos barn

Background: Overweight is a health problem throughout the western world. Child health care (CHC) nurses and school nurses meet many children and their families and have the opportunity to work with prevention. The purpose of this study was to investigate the CHC - and school nurse´s experiences and reflections in the work on obesity in children. The aim was also to investigate the structural conditions CHC- and school nurse feel the need for this work. Method: The study had a qualitative approach with descriptive design.

Mycket behöver förändras! Barnmorskors uppfattning om postpartumvård när barnet behöver neonatalvård

Aim: To examine how midwives describe good and safe postpartum care of mothers with infants in neonatal care, and which prerequisites and obstacles they see to giving good and safe care while minimizing time of separation. Method: Semi structured qualitative interviews with ten midwives at two maternity wards in Uppsala. The interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and processed by manifest analysis. Results: Three categories were identified, Good and safe care, Organization as an obstacle and The midwife role. Good and safe postpartum care of mothers with infants in neonatal care required knowledge, appropriate equipment, good guidelines, possibility to see the mother, contact between mother and infant and good collaboration between the maternity and neonatal wards.

Patientupplevelser vid brachyterapi mot prostatacancer

Heart failure is an illness that requires life-long treatment and often affects everyday aspects of a person?s life. Self-care is a significant part of the treatment. Good self-care resources make it possible for people with heart failure to make the lifestyle changes they often need to maintain or improve their level of health. Self-care means having knowledge of and being able to recognize the symptoms and signs of deterioration that can occur with heart failure, so that the person can take appropriate measures ? and it also means knowing when it is time to seek professional help.

Egenvård vid hjärtsvikt- en enkätstudie om vilka egenvårdsåtgärder personer med hjärtsvikt säger sig använda i det dagliga livet.

Heart failure is an illness that requires life-long treatment and often affects everyday aspects of a person?s life. Self-care is a significant part of the treatment. Good self-care resources make it possible for people with heart failure to make the lifestyle changes they often need to maintain or improve their level of health. Self-care means having knowledge of and being able to recognize the symptoms and signs of deterioration that can occur with heart failure, so that the person can take appropriate measures ? and it also means knowing when it is time to seek professional help.

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