

988 Uppsatser om IP-network - Sida 49 av 66

Vägen till icke kriminell.? En livsstilsförändring.

What is it that drives a person with criminal behavior to change their lifestyle? What are the obstacles to a lifestyle change? These issues have been guiding us during this study. In the introduction, we describe the previous research that has been done among crime in men. The themes that will follow us through the course of the study are as follows; cause of crime, Self-efficacy, social network and lifestyle change. The aim of the study was to investigate the factors that a former prison convicted individual believes has been significant, as they break their criminal behavior associated with a lifestyle change.

Föräldrar som har förlorat ett barn under perinatalperioden : en kvalitativ studie om föräldrars upplevelser av bemötande, stöd och hjälp

SammanfattningAv: Frida RönnbrinkFöräldrar som har förlorat ett barn under perinatalperioden ? en kvalitativ studie om föräldrars upplevelser av bemötande, stöd och hjälpStudien syftade till att utifrån sex föräldrars berättelser, nå en ökad förståelse om hur de upplever bemötandet, stödet och hjälpen då de förlorat ett barn under perinatalperioden. Studien hade följande frågeställningar: Hur upplever föräldrar, som har förlorat sina barn under perinatalperioden, det bemötande och det stöd och den hjälp de fått från professionella? Hur upplever de det sociala nätverkets bemötande och stöd? För att besvara frågorna utgick intervjun från tre teman, professionellt bemötande, professionellt stöd och hjälp samt det egna sociala nätverket. Studien gjordes med en fenomenologisk vetenskapsfilosofisk position.

Ekonomistyrning i interorganisatoriska relationer

Background: Inter-organisational ways of working have become more and more common during the last decades. In order to attain efficiency and productivity, such inter-organisational relationships need to be governed and controlled. However, studies have shown that inadequate control is one of the main reasons for why inter-organisational relationships fail. One of the means that can be used for governing and controlling a business is management control. The use of management control in inter-organisational contexts is a quite unexplored area of research at the present time, which might seem somewhat surprising considering the fact that inadequate control is a common explanation for why inter-organisational relationships fail.

Kundlojalitet : En studie om hur man skapar lojala kunder inom mobiloperatörsbranschen

The cellular market is today suffering from great customer dissatisfaction. Simultaneously, the services offered by the different cellular providers are very homogenous, causing strict competition where various price strategies have been the main mean of battle. From a business perspective, implementing pricing strategies, to keep up with increased network investments, is a short term solution.In a market characterized by lacking customer satisfaction and harsh competition, research has shown the importance of highlighting customer relations in marketing. This type of marketing, which one could refer to as relationship marketing, is considered an efficient, economic, and strategic method of showing the importance of customer loyalty. To get insight in the relationship between the customers and the cellular providers, as well as to show the importance of relationship marketing, this study has used qualitative interviews to find what develops strong customer loyalty.The results showed that increased customer loyalty is achieved when an emotional bond is created.

Höjning av vattennivån i Mälaren : Ett hot mot Stockholms centrala delar vid en framtida klimatförändring?

In today?s World is climate change an important and hot topic. Climate scenarios for Sweden show a warmer climate, especially during the autumn, winter and spring. The same climate scenarios also show that the precipitation will increase during this part of the year, however, during the summer the opposite is expected to occur. The purpose of this essay is to examine how future climate change will affect Stockholm especially the expected increase in precipitation, which may lead to a rising level of the Lake Mälaren. During 2000/2001 was Stockholm hit by a flood. This flood nearly resulted in major consequences and showed that there were significant risks for the city of Stockholm and increasing precipitation will result in even more water in the drainage systems of Lake Mälaren. The results presented here show that it is important to increase the drainage capacity of Lake Mälaren in order to reduce the risks of flooding in the central parts of Stockholm.

Omvärldsanalys i olika typer av organisationer. En jämförande studie av omvärldsanalysen i en kommun och ett företag.

This master thesis deals with the differences in the design of the environmental scanning between different kinds of organisations, as well as the demands and regulations etc. in the respective environments that influence the environmental scanning. The content of the environmental scanning and the organisation of the function are outside the scope of this study. Two organisations that do not have an organised function but are scanning their environment were chosen for the investigation. A model for conducting the environmental scanning developed by Frankelius is used to analyse the practice of environmental scanning.

Lärsituationens komplexitet för elever som upplever svårigheter i matematik : Rutiga Familjen i en ny lärmiljö

The Squares Family is a game developed as a learning aid in mathematics. With its graphical representation of the decimal system, the four basic arithmetic operations and positive and negative numbers together with a learning agent as pedagogical approach, the game?s primary purpose is to motivate students in their learning of mathematics. Although the game is strictly based on mathematical rules it attempts to encourage students to play and work with math without experiencing it as mathematics as this is initially not obvious. The game being internationally tested on normal performing students, this project introduced the game to six Swedish students who experience low motivation for and/or difficulties in mathematics.

Gatuprostitution, varför där? - Fysisk planering och social säkerhetspåverkan på lokaliseringen av gatuprostitution i Göteborg

?Street prostitution, why there?? is about how the physical planning and physical environment affect the localization of street prostitution in Gothenburg. The aim is to increase the understanding of how social security is linked to man's immediate environment and are influenced by the physical environment. Important concepts that are explained in the paper are social security, prostitution, and physical planning.This study deals with theories about the factors that may influence why criminality localized to a specific area, such as legislation, urban planning and community. The study conducted interviews with the Gothenburg Police, Västra Götaland County Administrative Board, Gothenburg City, Stadsmissionen and Mikamottagningen.

Digitala bibliotek i den svenska biblioteksdiskursen

The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine the library discourses concerning the phenomenon and concept of digital libraries in Swedish library press 1980-2002. What changes can be identified? The questions are: what is said about the conditions for the phenomenon; how is the concept of digital libraries used; who makes these statements; what are the relations between these discussions and the library context in which they are made? Five Swedish library journals, BBL/Biblioteksbladet, DIK-forum, Human IT, Svensk biblioteksforskning and Tidskrift för dokumentation, were examined. The method used was discourse analysis. The theoretical starting-point was Foucaults discourse theory.

Uppgradering av robotsystem på Termisk sprutning, Volvo Aero

This thesis work resulted in a template for how the thermal spray process can be controlled through robot programs. The robots today and their programs need to be replaced, therefore a new structure which can be matched with the new robot systems is needed. The work is limited to only concern structured programming on the new robots on Thermal Spray Centre (TC) with the programming language Rapid. The basic data for the program was retrieved from interviews with concerned personnel at TC, from studies on process parameters for thermal spray and from existing specifications at Volvo Aero Corporation (VAC). The thesis work briefly describes the process thermal spray and the four methods used at VAC.

Sverige - guldstjärnan på polska turistens himmel : En studie i svenska turistnäringens arbete för att nå polsk marknad

This essay started with a describing of Vision2020 that aims to get incoming tourism doubled and to make global travellers choose Sweden as their destination at the first place. Furthermore, we discuss those 12 priority markets that a Swedish leading communications company in the tourism Visit Sweden puts effort and promotes. Poland was not on the list of the selected countries. With our research we aim to show that the Polish market has potential. Compelling factors point to that Sweden and Poland are neighbour countries with good transport connections and, not least, that the countries have long historical relationships with each other.

Modebranschens Internationella Arena: En studie om svenska modeföretags etablering och varumärkesbyggande på internationella marknader

Syftet med denna uppsats ämnar att beskriva svenska modeföretags internationaliseringsprocess. Därför ska vi undersöka och analysera nätverkets betydelse, barriärers påverkan, val av etableringsstrategier och varumärkesbyggnad vid internationalisering. För att uppnå syftet med vår studie har nedanstående huvudproblem formulerats: Hur går svenska modeföretag tillväga vid etablering och varumärkesbyggnad på den internationella marknaden? Uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkt innefattar svenska modeföretags etablering på den internationella marknaden vilket berör internationaliseringsprocessen, nätverksperspektiv, barriärer, etableringsstrategier samt varumärkesbyggnad. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en deduktiv ansats där fyra fallstudier har tillämpats.

Ickemänniskor som igångsättare, deltagare och medskapare av det sociala samspelet i förskolan.

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att tillsammans med ett posthumanistiskt perspektiv undersöka fenomenet socialt samspel i förskolan med fokus på hur ickemänniskor deltar i detta samspel. Empirin för studien samlades in, under vad som liknas vid en mindre fältstudie, på en förskola i Stockholm. I uppsatsen analyserar jag videoupptagningar från de deltagande observationerna tillsammans med ett antal performativa begrepp utifrån posthumanistisk teori.I dessa analyser blir det tydligt hur ickemänniskorna går att förstå som performativa agenter, som på många olika sätt deltar i samspelandet och formar barnens agerande och de roller barnen får. Genom att jag lyfter fram ickemänniskorna, och även sådana man ofta inte tänker på som så betydelsefulla som t.ex. små golvytor, en trälåda och ett bord, går det att förstå barnens agerande och samspelande, inte som uttryck för hur barnen verkligen är, utan som artikuleringar och översättningar av olika ickemänniskors kommunikation.

Utveckling av en provmetod för ett CAN-baserat nätverk

The ability to tackle NP-hard problems has been greatly extended by the introduction of Metaheuristics (see Blum & Roli (2003)) for a summary of most Metaheuristics, general problem-independent optimisation algorithms extending the hill-climbing local search approach to escape local minima. One of these algorithms is Iterated Local Search (ILS) (Lourenco et al., 2002; Stützle, 1999a, p. 25ff), a recent easy to implement but powerful algorithm with results comparable or superior to other state-of-the-art methods for many combinatorial optimisation problems, among them the Traveling Salesman (TSP) and Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP). ILS iteratively samples local minima by modifying the current local minimum and restartinga local search porcedure on this modified solution. This thesis will show how ILS can be implemented for MSA.

Bring Your Own Device i kommun- och landstingsnätverk : En undersökning om dess utbredd

Något som har blivit en stor fråga på sistone där arbetsgivare tvingats ta ställning är huruvida anställda har tillåtelse att använda sina privata enheter på arbetet eller inte. Användandet av smarta telefoner och surfplattor i privatlivet har på bara några år ökat relativt drastiskt. I och med detta så har viljan också blivit större bland arbetare att kunna utnyttja sina privata enheter även i arbetslivet. Detta fenomen kallas för Bring Your Own Device och implementationen av detta kan orsaka vissa problem och kan exempelvis påverka nätverkssäkerheten. Arbetet ämnade, att genom en enkätundersökning, undersöka hur pass vanligt det var att man tillät privata enheter i arbetet bland Sveriges kommuner och landsting.

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