

988 Uppsatser om IP-network - Sida 41 av 66

Trådlöst nätverk : En förstudie vid Campus Norrköping

Syftet med denna rapport är att göra en förstudie vid campus Norrköping rörande trådlöst nätverk. Det finns många olika standarder och tekniker. Vi har valt att rikta in oss på 802.11b då det är den som används mest. Trådlösa nätverk är ett bra komplement till vanliga kabelburna nätverk då det är flexibelt, relativt billigt och lätt att installera. Användningsområden för denna typ av nätverk är bland annat företag, hemmamiljö och allmänna platser såsom hotell och flygplatser, där människor kan förvandla improduktiv väntetid till effektiv arbetstid.

Drömsymboliken hos Boles?aw Lesmian : Kommentarer till dikter ur samlingen  ?????? ????????

Anne Reese: Johan Lindegrens vägval : en studie i de faktorer som påverkade enskilda aktörers verksamhet inom Stockholms musiksamhälle 1860-1908, Uppsala universitet: Institutionen för Musikvetenskap, uppsats för 100 poäng, 2007.The aim of this essay is to show some of the factors which affected the production and work of the individual musician or composer within Stockholm's music society in the late 19th century. By a case study on Johan Lindegren (1842-1908) I demonstrate how a musician or a composer functioned in the social structures of the music society and how power affected the work of the musician or composer. This essay also fills another purpose as it gives Lindegren a more detailed biography, which is something that has been missing until now.By applying a concept of power, as discussed by Michel Foucault, to this subject and interacting it with the concepts of musical opportunism, I present a new way of talking about the social, as well as the individual factors that affects the individual musician within the music society.The conclusion is drawn that there are two different types of factors that affects the work of the individual; 1) the social network and power within society, which presents positions and opportunities for the musician and 2) the individual character of musician which determine the way the individual uses the position or opportunity he or she is given..

Samordnad arbetslivsinriktad rehabilitering vad händer med projekt som har avslutats?

Inledning: Under min praktik 2011 kom jag i kontakt med ett samordningsförbund FINSAM, som arbetar med rehabiliteringsfrågor. Det var också här som jag kom i kontakt med de olika samverkansprojekt som bedrivs inom regionen både inom Samordningsförbundet FINSAM samt ESF projekten. Syfte med studien var att se vad det är som har hänt när ett samverkansprojekt avslutas. Metoden är en litteraturstudie som jag sen har kopplat samman med det intervjuerna som jag har gjort. Intervjuerna spelades in på en diktafon på respektive arbetsplats samt via samtal i ett bokat grupprum på biblioteket.

Schizofreni och livskvalitet : en litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Idag finns det cirka 40 000 individer som har diagnosen schizofreni i Sverige. Schizofreni innebär psykisk ohälsa i form av bland annat hallucinationer, vanföreställningar samt apati och passivitet, vilket leder till en försämrad livskvalitet. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa upplevelsen av livskvalitet hos patienter med diagnosen schizofreni. Metod: Studien utfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie där sju vetenskapliga artiklar, som var relevanta till syftet, valdes ut, kvalitetsgranskades och analyserades. Resultat: Resultatet delades in i fem olika rubriker.

Livscykelanalys av sex olika fiskodlingssystem : Fiskens miljöpåverkan för konsumtion i Stockholm

This thesis evaluates the environmental performance of six different fish farming systems. The thesis is part of the network group ?Hållbar fiskförsörjning I Stockholms län? (HFFS) which tries to increase the domestic and regional production of fish in Stockholm and move to a more sustainable supply in the Stockholm county. Two of the chosen systems; pangasius from Vietnam and salmon from Norway are delivering a substantial part of the fish consumed in Stockholm today, although they are very different when it comes to system characteristics. One system, arctic char with conventional feed, is produced in a fairly small scale in the north of Sweden, while the three remaining systems are viewed upon as possible options to supply Stockholm with fish in the future.

Handlingsbarheten hos informationssystem : en fallstudie av SJ:s bokningssystem

Sweden is known to be one of the world?s most equal countries. Nevertheless, out  of  Sweden?s 262 listed companies, only seven  of  them  has  a  female  president, which  is  equal  to  3,4  percent. To  counteract  these  numbers  there  are  several  possibilities.  One  arrangement  that  is  highly  controversial     is  affirmative  actions.  But  there  are  other  options,  for  instance  more  and  more female  networks  are  starting  to  rise  and  many  of  them  also  offers  a  mentoring  program  where  the  mentee  gets  the  opportunity  to  learn  from  someone  with  more  experience.The  purpose  of  this  study  is  to  examine  what  difference  the  female  network  Q80,  with  focus  on  its  mentoring  program,  is  doing  for  the  mentee.  As  an  underlying  purpose  the  study  is  also  examining  what  visions  and  attitudes  the  management  and  the  mentors  is  communicating  within  Q80.  The  focus  is  mainly  on  the  visions  of  Q80,  menas  mentors  and  business  exceeding mentorship.  A  survey  has  been  carried  out  among  mentees  from  three  different  seats of mentoring  programs  where  they  have  answered  19  different  questions  regarding  their  time  as  a  mentee.  Furthermore  interviews  have  taken  place  with the management  of Q80  and  two  mentors.  The  results  are  analyzed  based  on  theories  about  gender,  women  in   management,  leadership,  mentoring  program  and  organizational structure.  The  result  shows  that  Q80i  as  a  source  of  inspiration  and  a  support  for  the  category  of  "career  women"  with  its  core  mission  to  strengthen  the  participation of  individuals  on  a  personal  level  more than  to  work  to  even  out  the  gap  in  the  Swedish  labor market.

Interkulturell vänskap på Facebook : Kvalitativ undersökning om kommunikationsprocessen mellan utbytesstudenter och värdstudenter

The purpose of the study is to investigate the communication between exchange students and their host student trough Facebook. The study shows the importance of social cues and self-disclosure to maintain a relationship. The students? everyday use of Facebook helps them to remain connected to their social life locally and create new friendships. Cultural differences were shown in the way the students formed their expressions trough their messages to each other.

Relationsmarknadskommunikation : En undersökning som fokuserar på de lokala relationerna i en globaliserad värld

Relationship marketing is an important part of the new view of communication strategies. The theories around this subject has a general and global perspective on how to manage relations and communication problems. But somehow the local perspective is forgotten. In this thesis we have focused on the local market and which demands it has on the work with relationship management. The purpose of this thesis is to find out how relationship marketing can contribute to create a high valued brand on a local market.

Matematisk begreppsbildning för elever med läs-och skrivsvårigheter

This essay deals with the subject of communication through Facebook. In this survey we studied 100 youths from Karlstad and their communication habits and behavior patterns on Facebook. The social network site Facebook has since its start in 2004 made a mark in modern communication. Today in 2010 the site has more than 500 million users. This paper wants to study what happens to other types of communication.

Kunskapsspridning inom projektbaserade företag

Background: Society of today is characterised by greater dynamics and a constant demand for innovation and fresh ideas. This development is often named "the new economy" or "the knowledge society". Independent of how one chooses to name this society, most individuals seem to agree upon the fact that knowledge grows more and more important. New competencies, such as new knowledge and new forms of organising, will be demanded for corporations to be successful in the future. In recent years it has become more common with corporations based on projects.

En simuleringsmiljö för distribuerad navigering

This master thesis studies distributed navigation which isa function implemented in a future network based combat information system to improve the accuracy in navigation for combat vehicles in a mechanized battalion, above all in the event of loss of GPS. In the event of loss of the GPS the vehicles obtain dead reckoning performance through the backup system that consists of an odometer and a magnetic compass. Dead reckoning means a drift in the position that makes the accuracy in the navigation worse. The distributed navigation function uses position and navigation data with measurements between the vehicles to estimate the errors and uncertainties in positions, which are used to improve the accuracy in position for the vehicles. To investigate and demonstrate distributed navigation, a simulation environment has been produced in Matlab.

Ett vittert fruntimmer. En studie av boktryckaränkor och speciellt fru Fougt

The purpose of this Masters thesis was to examine women printers conditions in Sweden from 1483 to 1883. Women printers usually inherited their printing businesses from their husbands. We wanted to examine the circumstances surrounding women printers, how they managed to keep their companies and for how long. Of these 108 women we also wanted to focus on one in particular, Mrs Fougt. Mrs Fougts ownership of Kongl.

Rapport och Nyheterna : - innehållsanalys av deras gemensamma nyheter

The purpose of this paper is to investigate contents in the news in order to search for similarities between the two television news reports, Rapport and Nyheterna. The news features that I examined in my investigation were broadcast in April and May 2006.SVT and TV4 are two Television channels both belonging to the analogue television network in Sweden, which means that they reach out to almost the whole country. Hence I thought it was interesting to investigate their reports on similar news.The question:- Which are the similarities and differences between how the two programmes describe their reporting on similar news?When I put together the information from the two programmes in the schedule I based my analysis on the following questions: topic, place, length, type of reporting and per-sons/sources.The method for this investigation is a quantitative content analysis. However, some part of the collection of information and description/interpretation of the material is qualita-tive.Rapport and Nyheterna had an average of 15 similar news features per week, of which foreign news dominated.

Att implementera ett internt socialt nätverk : En anpassning för en mindre organisation

Under de senaste åren har användningen av interna sociala nätverk (ISN) markant ökat. En orsak till detta kan vara den ökade användningen av publika sociala nätverk (så som Facebook eller Twitter) på arbetstid, då detta tenderar att sänka arbetsmoralen och effektiviteten hos de anställda. Ett ISN fungerar i princip som ett socialt medium, men dock innanför ett företags eller organisations interna väggar och fokuserar mer på att främja samarbete, kommunikation och kunskapsutbyte. Detta examensarbete utreder hur man kan implementera ett ISN i en mindre organisation och få det att leva i ett företags vardag. Vanligtvis används ISN inom större företag för att främst hitta och dela kunskap inom organisationen.I denna avhandling kommer jag (baserat på genomförda metoder) skräddarsy ett gränssnitt för Xtractor Interactive AB i ett ISN som heter Totara Social.

?Ungefär som man har det hemma ska man ha det på jobbet.? : Kontaktmannaskap på HVB för barn och unga ur ett nyinstitutionellt perspektiv

The purpose of this study was to analyze how the key staff concept is used in residential care for children and young people and which role the key staff concept plays in the organization.The study was based on semi-structured qualitative interviews with six key staff and two managers from two different residential care facilities for children and young people. The theoretical perspective used was the neo-institutional theory and Hasenfeld´s term Human service organizations.One of the conclusions of the study was that the key staff describe that they have a central role when it comes to the treatment of the children. Another conclusion showed the variety of tasks that the key staff have, like the administrative work that they do. They also have an educational role, similar to the one that parents normally have which means that they are responsible of parenting the children. They also described themselves as a link between the children and their social network.

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