

988 Uppsatser om IP-network - Sida 29 av 66

I share therefore I am : En undersökning i svenska studenters motiv för att dela nyheter på Facebook

Researchers points out that social media has become a powerful venue to spread news, both for the news business and the users. Although the news diffusion has become a phenomenon to be reckoned with, we have found no research in Sweden about what motivate users of social media to share news.This thesis work therefore investigates news sharing on the social network Facebook by examining user motives in the light of the media theory uses and gratifications. A web survey was conducted and distributed to students at a Swedish university. The result showed that expression was the strongest motive to share news on Facebook, and the item that was highly valued by the students was to give other valuable information. The result also showed that other motives for sharing news was socialization, information, status and entertainment. .

Urban green in Vientiane, Lao PDR : a minor field study

This is a Minor field study addressing the current situation in Vientiane, Laos where focus lies on the green structures past, present and future. The city of Vientiane is growing rapidly and as a result of this there is a increasing development. The once peaceful capital known for it?s lush and green environment is standing in a crossroad where important decision must be made to preserve valuable areas. During 8 weeks inventories and observations where made resulting into a proposal for future development. The proposal is divided into three parts. The urban fringe and surrounding landscape are still quite undeveloped and have a great potential of green wedges etc. The city of Vientiane and the green network linking important recreational, commercial and cultural places. Detailed proposal over certain green objects such as parks and squares..

Portning till ARM Cortex M3 och prestandajämförelse

The Anybus CompactCom modules are today using the Anybus NP30 processor. These modules are used for communication between industrial machines and larger network protocols. The communication loads on these systems are increasing every day and the limiting factor for the system is the processor.HMS, the company that develops the Anybus CompactCom, has shown interest for a benchmark test between the old processor and a new processor, ARM Cortex-M3. This project includes that benchmark. To be able to get results that reflect reality a test environment was created to simulate Anybus CompactCom conditions.

DET ÄR MITT LIV! DET HÄR BEHÖVER JAG - vägen ut ur missbruk ur ett brukarperspektiv

The purpose of this essay was to investigate which factors the individuals found important in the process of becoming a person with a drug-free life. The framing of the questions we had were to get the experiences, thoughts and wishes of the drug users. The survey was based on thematised qualitative interviews and focused in the personal stories of the interviewees. We interviewed four women and five men, all of which had several years of drug-abuse behind them. We found similarities and patterns and we could identify that the three most important things was the own motivation, will and that the drug-abuser had the possibility to change their social network and had the ability to find other important things in life..

Island - det andra och det samma : Uno von Troils Bref rörande en resa til Island MDCCLXXII som kunskapsförmedling

The purpose of this paper is to study Uno von Troil's book Bref rörande en resa til Island MDCCLXXII as part of the transfer of knowledge about Iceland to Sweden and Europe during the late 1700s. On the basis of discussions on travel books and the image of 'the other', 'I will argue that von Troil, using the skills he already had access to, as well as the skills he acquired after his trip, provides a multifaceted picture of Iceland. At the same time, I will examine how von Troil conveys information about Iceland both to a Swedish and a European audience and illustrate his network relationships and career aspirations..

Mindre modemärkens öden - i branschens händer?

Den svenska modebranschen är en hårt konkurrensutsatt bransch och för mindre modeföretagi tillväxtfas är ett starkt varumärke och image en viktig del i att särskilja sig och sinaprodukter från mängden. I ett mindre modeföretag kan varumärkesfrågor lätt komma attbortprioriteras med främsta motivet att budgeten inte ger utrymme för den typen av satsningarsamt att kompetensen inom företaget ofta brister på just dessa punkter. Som alternativ har denexterna varumärkesprocessen presenterats som ett mer realistiskt alternativ för det mindremodeföretaget då det går ut på att låta sitt kringliggande externa nätverk i större utsträckningstyra och påverka varumärket. Detta branschnätverk kan bestå av allt från media, regering ochintresseorganisationer till mer närliggande aktörer som återförsäljare, PR-byrå ochleverantörer.Syftet med uppsatsen är att, utifrån ett varumärkesperspektiv, beskriva vilket inflytandeexterna branschaktörer har på ett mindre modeföretags tillväxt. För att exemplifiera problemethar en enkel fallstudie på det svenska modeföretaget Stylein genomförts, som med sinpositionering i det svenska medelprissegmentet och tillväxtfas befinner sig inom ramen förden problematik som beskrivs.

Det sociala museet : två museer och deras följare

This essay is about how Östergötland County Museum and Gotland museum use the social network Facebook to connect and communicate with their visitors/followers. It is also about the followers and the experience they get. Two interviews were made with staff from the museums to answer why and how the museums use Facebook. There were also two questionnaires sent to the museums' Facebook followers. The Facebook followers have given answers about why they follow the museums but it also sheds light on age and gender of the followers.

Analys av studentpaketet hos de fyra storbankerna : Gapet mellan student och bank

Background: One of the largest direct selling companies Amway "AmericanWay", which has its foothold in the market economy by means of direct trade. This means that the marketing is in the form of a network made up of various individuals who work together to advertise the company on to various potential customers.Aim: The survey aims to study the factors that are affecting the company Amway's growth.Completion: The survey is based on analyzing the interviews. The authors have relied on the qualitative method, where they have focused on how growth has increased the company Amway.Results: The results of this study are that Amway gradually managed to establish themselves globally thanks to the quality of the products they sell in a functioning market. The study also shows that all member customers are satisfied with the goods they buy from ABO groups, and that Amway's structure is not based on a pyramid scheme..

Det sociala och det tekniska: Möjligheter för Aktör-nätverksteorin inom biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap

This thesis discusses and analyses the existence of two different perspectives, a social and a technical one, in Library and Information Science (LIS). Most of the time the division between these perspectives seems to result in research only using either of them. This can be a problem when studying complex phenomena. We therefore see a need for a metatheory that unites the social and the technical. By presenting and analysing all doctoral dissertations published at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS) 1993-2005, we try to detect and critically discuss the dichotomy between the two perspectives.

Amway : En kvalitativ studie av framgångsfaktorer

Background: One of the largest direct selling companies Amway "AmericanWay", which has its foothold in the market economy by means of direct trade. This means that the marketing is in the form of a network made up of various individuals who work together to advertise the company on to various potential customers.Aim: The survey aims to study the factors that are affecting the company Amway's growth.Completion: The survey is based on analyzing the interviews. The authors have relied on the qualitative method, where they have focused on how growth has increased the company Amway.Results: The results of this study are that Amway gradually managed to establish themselves globally thanks to the quality of the products they sell in a functioning market. The study also shows that all member customers are satisfied with the goods they buy from ABO groups, and that Amway's structure is not based on a pyramid scheme..

Gulliver Simulation - En systemarkitektur f or n atverkssimulering av

Nowadays, a lot of resources are spent on developing systems that will make it possible forvehicles to act autonomously, and make them more effective. One of the projects that isworking on this is the Gulliver Project. Gulliver has constructed a number of miniaturevehicles equipped with various sensors, to use as a physical testbed for autonomousdriving. One big disadvantage with this method is the long iteration time that occursduring the development and testing of a new software.This project has improved this process by developing a system architecture of a virtualtestbed where it is possible to simulate autonomus vehicles that communicates throughany type of wireless network. The testbed has made it possible to simulate autonomusvehicle systems that with a reasonable margin of error, acts like the system would actin a physical test.

Beteendepåverkande designaspekter inom social media

This paper has it?s starting point in the midst of the debate concerning behaviour in socialmedia. Prior research has primarily been concerned with the role and responsibility of theuser while technology has been viewed as morally neutral. The base of the study isdiscourse analysis and a discursive psychology perspective is used to compare texts onTwitter and Facebook that were published during the events of the Boston bombings.The aim is to examine how platform users construct reality, groups and identities andwhat consequences those constructions bring. An interpretation of why the discourse ofTwitter and Facebook differ is grounded in aspects of design, which have been identifiedas having an influence on behaviour.

Knowledge and focus, a condition for continuing sales growth

Problem discussion: To be competitive in a changeable environment, as the video surveillance market, in a time when the company and the market grow with almost 40% yearly, the sales organization must be well trimmed and effective. Knowledge about customers’ needs and what makes success are essential parts of the progress. Sales Product Management (Sales PM) is a new group at Axis with the main task to support local sales offices around the world in their work with different sales projects. Because of the number of ongoing projects Sales PM needs to be able to screen among these and focus on those where their help will be most valuable for the company. At the same time they have to know which kind of support their sales offices want and need.

Mail Exchange Protocol (MEP): Ett utkast till nytt protokoll för elektronisk post

SMTP, the current protocol for sending electronic mail (e-mail) over the Internet, has for many years suffered from several problems and limitations. When it was designed, well over twenty years ago, the requirements for e-mail were very different from those of today. A message was a text message in English, and both user and machine were explicitly named in the address. The protocol was not designed to transfer other types of messages, and no mechanism was included to verify the identity of the sender.In order to solve these shortcomings, a new e-mail protocol needs to be defined. This report specifies a basis for what such a protocol may look like.

På bron mitt emellan : En kvalitativ studie av elevers sociala kategorisering utifrån känslorna av inkludering och exkludering i specialpedagogiska lösningar

The purpose of this paper is to find more understanding for pupils in compensatory educational situations and get an idea about how they place themselves in the social hierarchy. In my study I have interviewed four pupils with different experiences from school with the common denominator of being placed in a special class during some hours of the week. The purpose of this placement is to get them to achieve better results in various subjects depending on their grade but this also means a social separation from friends in the ordinary class and this doesn't correspond well with the democratic idea of "one school for all".What I found was that these pupils categorize themselves different from each other and while two of the pupils find themselves very included in the school's social network the remaining two had problems functioning satisfactory in a social matter according to their own liking. The feeling of exclusion though can not be connected to their participation in the special class but rather to their earlier social experiences..

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