22066 Uppsatser om IKEA Case Study - Sida 21 av 1472
Revisorers perspektiv på implementeringen av ett nytt regelverk : ? fallet komponentavskrivningar enligt regelverket K3
This essay deals with the principle of surprise warfare and its development as well as the adaptation of military action that had to be made to surprise the opponent in the modern era.The concept of surprise is divided into its components in order to clarify what is required to implement a surprising maneuver, to understand the complex concept and form a theoretical framework for gathering facts in the case study.Development and adaption are demonstrated by a comparative case study where Pearl Harbor illustrates an example of historical surprise and Operation Desert Storm illustrates a modern surprise. The product will then be analyzed in order to detect the development and how military conduct is forced to adapt in order to carry out a surprising maneuver. The results shows that the military action of performing a surprise attack has had a major development and is now carried out in a different stage of the attack..
Internal Quality Audits as an Improvement Tool
A large proportion of businesses around the world is today ISO 9001 certified and is consequently conducting internal audits on a regular basis. It has however not been possible to conclude that internal audits always add value to the organisation, despite the large utilisation of this tool. Some authors, e.g. Alic & Rusjan (2010) and Wealleans (2000), mean that there are possibilities that internal audits may be used as a value-adding improvement tool. This has led to the emergence of this master?s thesis.The purpose of the case study was therefore formulated to examine how internal quality audits can be made more effective and used as an improvement tool.
Studie av miljökonsekvensbeskrivingar till detaljplan : En jämförande analys av fyra MKB
When the local authorities establish a plan for land use planning, they have to judge if the influence on the environment could be of such a grade that they have to make a special Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), following national laws and EU-directives. The laws for the process in Sweden is set by the Swedish Parliament, with advisory given by the central government authority, the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning, Boverket. For EU, the laws is set by the European Parliament and the Council. The laws and directions for this process have been changed for Sweden in recent years, and the aim of this study was to compare the contents of three different Environmental Impact Assess¬ments to see if there has been any change in appearances and content in later years, as well as to see if different municipalities and authors have effect on the EIAs. According to different studies some of the EIA done are without insufficient focus on main environmental issues in the EIA, or even that some information is missing.
Ledtidsreduktion i en kundorderstyrd produktion
AbstractPurpose ? The purpose of this study is to investigate possible reasons for long lead-time in a customer driven production, and how the lead-time can be reduced. To fulfil the purpose the study has been broken down into two questions.1. Whichfactorsaffectthelead-timeinacustomer-drivenproduction?2.
En konkurrensrättslig analys av ?reverse settlements? i läkemedelsbranschen
The aim of this study was to understand how evaluations are implemented and used in procured nursing homes for elderly. Our methodological approach consisted of a single-case study research. The case in this study was Växjö municipality. Three procured nursing homes for elderly were chosen in the municipality as examples of implementation and use of evaluation. The method for retrieving empirical data and the analyzing of it was based on triangulation.
Ryssland och det civila samhället - ett teorikritiskt analysförsök
Based on an analytical overview of post-Communist civil society development in Russia, the present thesis attempts a critical discussion of general civil society theory from the perspective of its relevance for the case study in question. The text consists of three closely interconnected, mutually reinforcing parts. In the first part, major issues of current civil society research are being thematically presented and discussed. The second part concerns itself with the case study as such. It is divided into two parts, one dealing with the relations between state and civil society in Russia, the other with civil society and the individual.
Do not hope for the best, plan for the worst! : En studie kring Service Recovery vid två svenska företag samt en introduktion av en ny modell inom Service Recovery
Denna uppsats kretsar kring två företags återhämtningsarbete vid uppkomsten av respektive skandal. Vidare skapas en djupare förståelse för teorin Service Recovery's betydelse och användning i praktiken. De två fallen där skandaler inträffat är grundade dels i ICA:s köttfärsskandal och dels i IKEA:s fjäderplockningsskandal. Uppsatsen har en deduktiv ansats vilket innebär att uppsatsen utgår från befintliga teorier som sedan testas med det insamlade empiriska materialet. Den teoretiska referensramen innefattar främst Grönroos teorier kring Service Recovery och kompletteras med teorier så som Service Recovery Paradox, kundförväntningar, sociala medier och immateriell påverkan.Uppsatsens forskningsfrågor besvaras främst med hjälp av en fallstudie med två företagsanalyser samt med en enkätundersökning. Studien är av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ karaktär där kvalitativ data samlats in via en e-mail intervju med Ylva Magnusson vid IKEA, och kvantitativt via en enkätundersökning.Uppsatsen har resulterat i kännedom om hur de två företagen arbetat med att återfå kundförtroende.
The pros and cons with technology sourcing: A case study of sourcing contracts in the Contract Research &Technology Market
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the process of technology sourcing within firms active in the CRT-market. The primary focus of the study is the motives, risks and problems associated with technology sourcing, to construct key learnings for organisations consider undertaking this way to access research and development or those organisations that are already operating in the CRTmarket. Method: As method has abduction been used. The empiric material of the thesis is based on qualitative research in form of interviews in a conversational manner. For correct interpretation and understanding a hermeneutics approach has been used.
Den interna marknadsföringens påverkan på tjänstekvaliteten: en fallstudie av två säsongsbaserade hotell
The purpose of this thesis was to study how internal marketing affects service quality in the tourism industry. It was decided to conduct a case study on two hotels with summer seasonal employees. Pite Havsbad and Strand Hotell Borgholm were chosen as study objects. The case was based on interviews with the hotel manager at Pite Havsbad and the vice president at Strand Hotell Borgholm, who coordinates the internal marketing at the companies. The findings were that seasonal employees do not affect service quality much.
Valfrihet för äldre : En kvalitativ studie om implementeringen av ett valfrihetssystem och dess förväntade effekter i en utvald kommun
I have conducted a qualitative study were the aim was to understand how the freedom of choice act in eldercare is handled at a municipality level as well as a national level and the effects that can occur. The methods I have used for this study is a document analysis and semi-structed interviews. I have conducted semi-structed interviews with three professionals in the eldercare organization in a large municipality in the south of Sweden, I have also conducted a phone interview with a representative from Socialstyrelsen. The professionals that I chose for my study was a chief of staff, an aid case worker and a person who worked in the municipality with the implementation of freedom of choice act. The study shows that the work quality is expected to rise with the freedom of choice as a consequence of the customer and performer model and will give the caretakers a higher level of influence. The study also shows that the municipality will get a greater responsibility and the aid case workers will get extended tasks though they will have to inform the caretakers regarding the options and they will also be mediate between the caretaker and the performers. However the study also show concerns regarding rough traders whose aim is to make money and does not have the same rehabilitation agenda. There are also concerns for those who can´t chose for them self though they will not be able to be a part of the freedom of choice act in the same way and that is something the municipality needs to work out a system for.
"Det är så samverkan ska fungera" : En fallstudie av hur lokala aktörer agerar när en krissituation uppstår
AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to investigate how a local authority acts when anunexpected event occur. It´s done with a basis in two crisis communicationstheories; Coombs SCCT theory and Gilpin and Murphys complexity theory,which largely are each other?s opposites. To conduct the study, a case studyof the floods that hit Kristinehamn in the summer of 2014 was carried out,which gave us a good opportunity the achieve the aim of the study. Themethod used was qualitative research interviews.
C-7/13 Skandiamålet : En analys av hur Skandiama?let pa?verkar art. 11 merva?rdesskattedirektivet anga?ende merva?rdesskattegrupper
In September 2014 the ECJ issued its decision in C-7/13 the Skandia case. The case con- cerned service transactions made between a main establishment in a third country and its Swedish branch. The branch was a member of a VAT group in Sweden. The ECJ estab- lished that the membership resulted in that the VAT group was considered as one taxable person which meant that the services was considered provided to the group itself and not the separate member. Therefore the transactions were deemed taxable.
Framtidens apotek : En fallstudie av ett apoteks interna marknadsföring
Background: Around the world, markets deregulates, which leads to increased competition. Meetings between the consumer and the employees of a company determine how the customer perceives the company and / or its brand. This has result in that many companies have realized the importance of internal using the same marketing skills that are used externally. In 2009, pharmacy market went from being a monopoly market to be a regulated competitive market.Problem: Is there any internal conditions for a private company, whose culture and structure was formed under a state monopoly, to create a strong corporate brand?Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to, through a case study, analyze and evaluate the internal marketing in a company which has undergone a change of ownership and retained the same staff.Method: Through interviews with key personnel and staff , data was gathered for the case study, which means that the method is qualitative.
Businessclass.se - En trollbindande marknadsföringshybrid? : En trollbindande marknadsföringshybrid?
The purpose of the study is to examine the difference in attracting advertisers to marketing hybrids versus general internet forums, this based on selected theories and advertisers' preference for our case study object, the marketing hybrid, businessclass.se..
Djurtransporter i Europeiska Unionen-En analys av Eurogroup for Animals påverkan i EU:s beslutsprocess
Our thesis is a single-case study in which we try to answer the question: Why didn?t the lobbygroup Eurogroup for Animals get enough support for their demands in the latest regulation regarding transport of animals? As an example of their cooperation with their memberorganisations, we have chosen the Swedish organisation Djurens Rätt. Through interviews with key-persons involved in the process and with the use of Jeremy Richardson's theory regarding lobbying in the EU, we found that there were many different factors that effected Eurogroup for Animals chances to get an animal friendly legislation. For example by setting too ambitious demands Eurogroup for Animals wasn?t considered to be a serious actor during the legislation process.