22066 Uppsatser om IKEA Case Study - Sida 19 av 1472
Rättvisande bilden med humankapital : En fallstudie av fotbollsklubbar och tjänsteföretag
AbstractOur purpose for making this study is to study the implementation, the use of and the effects of Lean within our case objects. We chose to make this thesis by case studies. The three themes mentioned above is also the main research questions that we aim to find an answer to by this study. We have chosen to do a cross section analysis where we conducted structured interviews to find answers to these questions. The theoretical reference frame consists partly of traditional theoreticians within Lean but also more recent research within the subject as well as theory specifically for Lean within the Health Care sector.The result of this study shows in all our case studies that the Management has been supporting the implementation, but that the implementation process proceeds faster if also the professionals are involved in the process. To succeed with the implementation there is a great need for good reasons and strives that can benefit the professionals. By the use of Lean our case studies have evaluated its processes, with the main intentions being to reduce waste activities and to create flows with ?pull systems?.
Att leva som man lär : problem och möjligheter med upper-CASE i systemutvecklingen
Den här rapporten handlar om upper-CASE samt dess effekter, möjligheter och de hinder som finns för dess införande. Fem personer i fem organisationer har frågats ut med enkät eller intervju om deras erfarenheter och synpunkter. I tre av organisationerna användes upper-CASE-verktyg i systemutvecklingen och i två användes det ej.· De förra ansåg alla att underlättad dokumentation, förbättrad kommunikation mellan projektmedlemmar, förbättrad kvalitet hos det färdiga systemet samt en viss tidsvinst i systemutveckling var effekter som uppnåtts av användandet av upper-CASE. Det utvecklade systemet blir också lättare att förvalta ibland. Av negativa effekter tyckte man sig se ett visst beroende av CASE-leverantörens support.
Säkerhet till varje pris : En jämförande studie om utvecklingen av privat säkerhet från Kuwaitkriget till Irakkriget
The purpose of this essay is to examine the development of the use of private securitycontractors in Iraq. The reason is that there has been a considerable increase of the number ofprivate security firms operating in Iraq during the last couple of years. The legislation in thefield of private military and security is indistinct and my hypothesis is that the lack of nationaland/or international legislation can be connected to the increased globalization. To come toany conclusions about this I have chosen to make a comparative study between the two casesthe Gulf War and the War in Iraq which started in 2003. In this comparison, I ask thefollowing questions: 1) Are there any signs of anarchy in the field of private security duringthe Gulf War respectively the last War in Iraq? 2) In what way has the use of private securitycontractors changed from Case 1 to Case 2 ?According to my research, there were signs of anarchy in the field of private security bothduring the Gulf War and during the latest war in Iraq.
Anhörigas upplevelser av att vårda sin partner med demens
Alzheimer?s disease has increasing effects on the Swedish population. Now, about 90 000 swedes have been diagnosed with the disease. Many of these persons are cared for by someone close to them. The aim of this study is to increase understanding for the situation and experiences of the persons caring for their affected partner and to examine which support they are given by the public sector.
Överraskning ? Tidlös eller totalt omkastad?
This essay deals with the principle of surprise warfare and its development as well as the adaptation of military action that had to be made to surprise the opponent in the modern era.The concept of surprise is divided into its components in order to clarify what is required to implement a surprising maneuver, to understand the complex concept and form a theoretical framework for gathering facts in the case study.Development and adaption are demonstrated by a comparative case study where Pearl Harbor illustrates an example of historical surprise and Operation Desert Storm illustrates a modern surprise. The product will then be analyzed in order to detect the development and how military conduct is forced to adapt in order to carry out a surprising maneuver. The results shows that the military action of performing a surprise attack has had a major development and is now carried out in a different stage of the attack..
Stegvis förändring för demokratisering i Kina-en möjlighet?
The aim of this essay is to investigate the situation for democracy in China. The study raises two main questions. They are as follows: Are there obstacles to a democratization process in China? and Are there openings when it comes to a gradual change for democratization in China? The theoretical framework consists of Robert A.Dahl´s Polyarchy theory, and in addition , five factors promoting democracy. Also the notion of an MDP-society (a modern, dynamic and pluralistic society) is looked upon.
Den indiska tigern - En studie av implementeringen av Indiens ekonomiska reformer
The aim of this thesis is to analyze and examine India's economic reforms which the country introduced on the government's own initiative in the early 1990s after decades of practicing isolationism. The analysis entails a thorough systematic examination of possible factors that determined the decision to implement the reforms. These factors are derived from two models developed by scholars within the field of foreign policy.The research is performed through an examination where the possible factors for the reforms have been examined on a three-level basis; system-, state- and individual level. It is a qualitative case study that seeks to explain not only why the Indian government implemented the reforms but also to evaluate the validity of the models to the extent that they stand in accordance with the case of India.The conclusion presented in this thesis is that one model works better for explaining the case of India. The model lie emphasis on structural changes, a crisis and political entrepreneurs committed to a certain type of reforms as a prerequisite for policy change to take place.
Målgruppsanpassad verksamhet på folkbiblioteket
My purpose with the study is to investigate if it is possible to argue in favor of organizing public libraries according to the client based theory. To create a base to argue from I have studied UFO, a department focused on young adults at the age between 15 and 25 at the public library of Malmö. This case study, performed by investigating the documentation of UFO as well as conducting an interview with the project leader, is the base from which I then can argue for or against the idea of organizing public libraries according to the client based theory. Public libraries should always reflect the communities they serve. This challenges the staff of different libraries in different regions to arrange their organizations accordingly to their local population and to be flexible enough to follow the changes of this population.
Hypoadrenokorticism hos storpudel :
Hypoadrenocorticism (Addison´s disease) results from insufficient production of glucocorticoid and mineralcorticoid hormones from the adrenal glands. The disease is often difficult to diagnose in an early stage because of the multitude of associated vague clinical signs. The standard poodle is one breed presupposed to be at higher risk of developing the disease. The purpose of this study was to give a review of canine hypoadrenocorticism as described in literature, and to characterise Addison´s disease in a population of standard poodles in Sweden. Statistics on incidenceproportions by breed for hypoadrenocorticism from the database of the Swedish insurance company Agria are presented.
Mindfulness i organisationer - en studie av upplevda effekter
The idea of bringing mindfulness into organizations has become increasingly popular. While previous research has shown positive effects of mindfulness practice in individuals, consequences of introducing mindfulness in organizations remain largely unexplored. This thesis examines those consequences through a qualitative study. We conducted semi-structured interviews with members of two case companies. Based on the effects which mindfulness has been shown to have on individuals, our analysis was especially focused on the areas of efficiency, effectiveness and organizational culture.
Vilddjuret sliter sig : En studie i etablissemangets och vänsterns attityder kring politiskt våld i en svensk småstad 1925.
In this Bachelor thesis I am going to look at attitudes towards political violence in a small town in Sweden in the 1920s. The town I have picked for this study is Kalmar situated on the east coast of Sweden. This study is a micro historic case study. The specific case is a strike at the city?s water and gas plants for higher salary.
Provisionsbaserad lön och prisskillnader mellan kanaler ? en källa till kanalkonflikter? : En fallstudie bland företag i Sundsvall
Today?s companies offer their products and services through multiple distribution channels in an increasing extent, in order to reach bigger markets and more customers. Multiple channels result in an increased risk for channel conflict.This essay is an exploratory and descriptive study with the purpose to explore some companies? channel conflicts on the basis of sales commission and price differences. A case study has been made at two different companies and the empirical material has been collected with qualitative interviews.We found more channel conflicts in the company that uses sales commissions than in the company that doesn?t.
Kvalitetsutveckling inom socialtjänsten och införandet av SAS - Socialt ansvarig samordnare :
This master thesis is based on a general issue of quality in social services. I have chosen to illustrate through an empirical case, namely the position social responsibility coordinator and shortened SAS.This position is fairly new to the Swedish social services and has the overall mandate to monitor, develop and ensure quality.To study this, I have developed two analytic schemes. One is based on the concept of quality value components, the second is based on the concept of quality character components. These analytical schemes are used as the presented material. When I study mycase, I have used two methods, documents and questionnaires.In this study I will try to describe how new solutions to improve the quality of social services can conform and develop.
Personalidé som ett strategiskt verktyg - en fallstudie av IKEA Kundservice Center
SyfteMitt syfte med denna uppsat's är att skapa en förståelse för begreppet personalidé och des's användbarhet genom att studera och analysera hur design och implementering av personalidé, utifrån en given affärsidé, kan utforma's på ett framgångsrikt sätt. MetodDet empiriska materialet bygger på en fallstudie av IKEA Kundservice Center i Älmhult. Insamlandet av data har skett främst genom intervjuer med personer i chefspositioner i fallföretaget, medarbetare på personalavdelningen, facklig klubbordföranden, arbetsförmedlare samt personalarbetare på koncernnivå. Data har även samlat's in genom en enkätundersökning till de anställda i fallföretaget. I analysen placera's begreppet personalidé in i det sammanhang fallföretaget utgör.
Produkthype: En fallstudie (En kvalitativ undersökning om vad som ligger bakom en produkthype)
To identify the underlying forces behind a product hype is difficult and the findings often seem random and unclear. To create a better understanding behind the affecting mechanisms would consequently be a valuable addition to the surrounding research area. The purpose of this paper is to understand if there exist common denominators between different product hypes and in such a case, which these are and how they function. By conducting a case-study on four products which have enjoyed immense sale success on the Swedish market, the possible presence of structural resemblance will be analyzed. From the study we can conclude common denominators such as the presence of an underlying trend and an overbalance of indirect decision basis do exist.