

993 Uppsatser om ICT in preschool - Sida 46 av 67

Projektarbete som läroform : En kvalitativ studie av en förskolas projektarbete

The purpose of the study was to examine how teachers and children interpreted the project and understood its values. To this end, it was necessary to focus on four defining parameters which affect the investigation: structure of pre-school project work, content and delivery, the methods used by teachers during the project, which pedagogical documentation was used (and how), and how the project determined the approach, the curriculum goals and values. Using a qualitative approach, regular unsystematic observations were made over five days, during which three teachers, two pedagogues, two pre-school teachers, and one nanny from the same kindergarten were interviewed regarding children in three age groups: 1-2 years old, 3 years old, and 4-5 years old. The results of my investigation showed that the teachers were divided on how to apply the project as a working method. Children's active role in the pre-school project varied depending on the extent to which teachers adopted children perspective in everyday practice.

Kartläggning av hörselnedsättningar, öronsjukdomar samt diagnostiseringsmöjligheter hos 1 ? 5 åriga barn

Ear disease and hearing loss in preschool children can be difficult to discover and diagnose. This paper investigates ear disease in 20 children controls from 1 to 5 years of age. The aim of the study was to map prevalence and incidence for ear disease, and prevalence of hearing loss in a group of children.Twenty children wide aged 1, 1½, 3 and 5 were included and investigated according to a set protocol with psychoacoustic tests, tympanometry, ear microscopy and a parental questionnaire. The majority of the children could be evaluated by age adequate psychoacoustic tests and otoscopy. Tympanometry was the investigation method that was most difficult to perform.

Förskolebarns möjligheter till utvecklande av förmågor och problemlösningsstrategier inom Montessori och Reggio Emilia

The comprehensive aim of the essay is to discuss the abilities of developing individual, communicative and cooperative skills, related to The Swedish National Agency for Education, for pre-school children in Montessori and Reggio Emilia-inspired pre-schools. The importance of the choice of pre-school for lifelong learning is discussed and examined. The two educational profiles are presented and the theories of communication, collaboration and individual work are the basis for the analysis of the results. The collection of empirical data is done through observations and interviews with pre-school children. First, the informants construct a fantasy animal on their own and then together with a partner.

Våga satsa på lek : en studie om barns samspel i förskolan

 This essay is about how the educators can use the play as a tool to develop childrens social skills with eachother. The work is based on a qualitative study using a survey, where the educators can tell how they work within the play. I chose to use five different participants in my essay. All of them work in the same preschool, south of Stockholm.In this essay I have two questions. These two are:What do the educators tell about the importance of play for children's interaction?How do the educators tell how they work with the play to develop the children?s social interaction?Previous research shows that play gives the children opportunity to develop socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically.

Förskolebarns tankar om nederbörd

Sammanfattning Undersökningen i denna studie handlar om förskolebarns tankar om nederbörd och olika nederbördsformer. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer visas barnens tankar kring nederbörd. I undersökningen intervjuades åtta förskolebarn i åldern tre till fem år. Resultatet som tolkats visar att barns uppfattning av snö och regn är att det kommer från himlen. Majoriteten av barnen vet att regn är vatten.  De kopplar inte ihop moln med nederbörd. Barnen förstår att is är den fasta formen av vatten men inte att även snö är det.

Genuspedagogiska samtal

The education curriculum states that one of the tasks for schools and preschools are to promote gender equality by discouraging traditional gender roles. Gender equality is therefore a part of the fundamental values of the education system. In order to be able to work with the issue of gender equality, the employees need help and further education. Therefore some schools and preeschools contact a teacher specialized in gender equality work.In this essay I have chosen to do a field study of such a teacher at work during different workshops with nurses and teachers. The aim is to examine how she discusses gender ideas and what discussions arises from the meetings with the attendents.

Lärplattan i förskolan : En studie om några förskollärares syn på lärplattan i förskolan

Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka lärarens arbete med lärplattor i förskolan. Studien har tre frågeställningar; 1) Hur beskriver förskollärarna sin syn på lärplattan som pedagogiskt verktyg? 2) Hur beskriver förskollärarna sitt arbete med lärplattan? 3) Hur beskriver förskollärarna lärplattans tillgänglighet för alla barn? Studien genomfördes på en förskola i Mellansverige. Intervjuer med fyra förskollärare genomfördes. Intervjuerna utfördes med en semistrukturerad design; en intervjuform där det finns goda möjligheter anpassa intervjun efter respondenten.

Pedagogers sätt att hantera konflikter : - En jämförelse mellan två förskolor

Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur pedagoger arbetar med att hantera konflikter mellan barn, samt att jämföra två olika förskolor för att se vilka likheter och skillnader som finns. Studien bygger på ett frågeformulär med sex pedagoger på två olika förskolor samt en litteraturstudie som jämförs med pedagogernas svar i frågeformulären. I bakgrunden beskrivs bland annat ett teoretiskt perspektiv samt olika författares syn på konflikter och hantering av konflikter. Resultatet visar på en viss skillnad i arbetet med konflikthantering. Detta genom att olika tankar kring barns känslor har visats samt att pedagogerna på ena förskolan gärna håller sig mer i närheten av de barn som ofta hamnar i konflikter till skillnad från de pedagogerna på den andra för skolan.

Uppfattningar om främjande av barns psykosociala styrka i förskolan

Psykosocial motståndskraft (?resilience?) innebär att klara sig bra i samband med motgång. Det är viktigt att främja detta i unga år då utvecklingskaskader (kedjereaktioner) som följd av olika upplevelser kan påverka resten av livet. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur motståndskraft uppfattas och hur det främjas i det dagliga arbetet i förskolan. Sju intervjuer med förskolepersonal genomfördes och analyserades och resultatet tyder på att begreppet i sig inte är känt men att många delar av det appliceras.

Barns inflytande i förskolan : En studie om och hur pedagoger arbetar när det gäller barns inflytande under skogsutflykter

According to pre-school curriculum, the children´s needs and interests from the basis for the design and planning of the educational activities. The curriculum also highlights that all children should have the opportunity to satisfy their increasing ability to influence the content and approach. The purpose of this study is to examine whether and how teachers work in involving children's influence and interest in forest excursions.The essay is based on a qualitative approach in which we have chosen to carry out unstructured observations by a team of three educationalists. The study includes children of 3-5 years of age.The results show that the educationalists take advantage of children's interests and needs foremost in conversations. The children are given the possibility of influence that of which concerns only themselves and nobody else.

Det Relationella Perspektivet : En induktiv fallstudie om relationen mellan ledare och följare

This thesis investigates the dynamics of the relationship between a leader and the followers within a chosen organization. The research on leadership has generally been focused on the leader, and consequently treating the followers like passive subordinates. We pursue a more multidimensional view of the subject, meaning that leadership descends from an interaction between leaders and followers, which makes it relevant to study the dynamics of the relationship from both perspectives. We chose to do a qualitative case study on a middle- and preschool which has won a price for being an ideal place to work at. This price peaked our interest to investigate why the relationships are highly functional in this particular organization.

SAMLINGEN I FÖRSKOLAN : En kvalitativ studie om normer och regler vid den planerade samlingen i förskolan

Syftet med studien är att undersöka på vilket sätt förskollärare förmedlar normer och regler till barngruppen vid den planerade samlingen i förskolan. Studien har tagit utgångspunkt ifrån Lena Rubinstein Reichs (1993) avhandling om samlingen i förskolan. Utifrån videoobservationer av samlingssituationer och intervjuer i form av stimulated recall visar det sig att samlingen har förändrats i jämförelse med Rubinstein Reichs avhandling. Resultatet visar att förskollärarna använder sig av olika tillvägagångssätt när det kommer till struktur och innehåll. En av förskolorna har samlingar där barnen själva väljer om de vill delta eller ej.

Övergång mellan förskola och förskoleklass : En inblick i hur pedagoger ser på kunskap, social förmåga och samverkan.

The curriculum of the Swedish school system explains how the transitions between the preschool class and the pre-school should be. The co-operation between the organisations should aim for a long term perspective with the students learning process in mind (Lgr11).The pre-school has almost the same aim in their curriculum, as the curriculum of the Swedish school system.The aim with my study is to examine how the teachers from the different organizations relate to knowledge and how they look at the students social interactions. Also how the transition between the pre-school and the pre-school class is viewed from their point of view. How do the teachers from the different organisations comprehend knowledge?How do the teachers from the different organisations comprehend the social abilities?How do the teachers from the different organisations work and interact in terms of the transition between the pre-school and the pre-school class?The study that has been made is about the transitions between the pre-school and the pre-school class. It´s been investigated by doing interviews with teachers from both the pre-school and the pre-school class.

Koncentrationssvårigheter  : En intervjustudie med lärare verksamma i skolår 4-6

Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine how teachers in primary school reason about and problematize the phenomenon of concentration difficulties. I want to know what the teachers think characterizes concentration difficulties, the situations in which difficulties creates the most problems, and whether the teachers think that these difficulties solely depend on external factors. To examine this, I chose to do interviews with three teachers in years four to six. I have completed parts of my work with my colleague Elin Preisz. We have used the same purpose and issues in our studies, although Elin has interviewed teachers in preschool. With this we want to be able to compare the reasoning between teachers at different stages in school. The results of my study shows that the interviewees think that it is hard to describe what characterizes the problems in concentration difficulties because the problems is very individual.

En studie av några föräldrars syn på delaktighet i förskolan : Parent`s involvement in preschool

AbstractMy aim for this study is to examine what the parent?s of the children attending pre-schoolwants to be a part of, by examining the parent?s description of the performance review andwhat their experience from them was. This study is based on earlier research and literature,which describes the pre-schools activities, how they work and the documented goals they tryto accomplish. I also did eight interviews with parents from two municipalities, which I theninterpreted based on my experience and understanding. The interviews focused on theparent?s description of their experience of how much influence on the work in their child'spre-school.

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