

993 Uppsatser om ICT in preschool - Sida 29 av 67

Stimulera intresse för naturkunskap : En studie av hur förskollärare stimulerar barns intresse för naturkunskap

Små barn visar tidigt intresse för naturkunskap och det är förskolans uppdrag att fånga upp och ta tillvara detta intresse. Examensarbetet syftar till att undersöka hur förskollärare arbetar för att stimulera barns intresse för naturkunskap. Studien baseras på sex kvalitativa intervjuer med förskollärare från tre olika förskolor i en medelstor svensk stad. Studien behandlar hur förskollärare ser på innebörden av ett utforskande arbetssätt samt hur de tar barns intresse för naturkunskap vidare. Resultatet är att förskollärarna stimulerar barns intresse för naturkunskap genom att vara närvarande, ställa framåtsträvande frågor, fotografera händelser, diskutera i arbetslaget och genom att arbeta efter ett temainriktat arbetssätt.

Naturlekplatser :

This study is essentially based on my own questions concerning contemporary playgrounds. Why are they so unimaginative? What do the children say about them? Is it possible to create playgrounds less constructed, and with more natural elements? This report starts with references to literature studies, personal references and my personal view, and ends with a suggestion for a physical solution for an actual day care centre. The aim is to learn more about how the natural environment affects children, the importance of playing, and try to use this knowledge in a design of a day care centre. My main theme can be summarized in the following question: Why is natural elements in playgrounds considered to be healthy for children? I wanted to create a playground with natural characteristics which I myself would have appreciated as a child.

TV-tittande på förskolan : Hör barn-TV hemma i förskolan?

The purpose with this essay is to reveal the recurrent debate about children?s TV-watching and to investigate if and how teachers should use the TV as a help in the preschool education..

Vad innebär planeringstid? : En kvalitativ studie om fyra förskollärares syn på den pedagogiska planeringen i förskolan

The running of a Swedish pre-school is not just about taking care of children but involves incorporating educational activities that follow curriculum guidelines. In addition, time must be allocated for planning, discussion, evaluation and reflection. Many pre-school teachers feel that there is insufficient planning time which is needed to follow the established curriculum guidelines for kindergarten. Due to the rising numbers of children per class, and the obligation to document and evaluate everything, pressure and lack of time has become a significant issue.The purpose of this study is to investigate four pre-school teachers´ views on pedagogical planning and reflection time. Questions to be answered include:1.

Det var en gång...

Uppsatsen handlar om muntligt berättande som tog form under ett berättarprojekt på en förskola i Malmös västra del. Projektet varade i två månader och syftet var att se hur nio 4-5 åringar interagerade med varandra, mottog och samtalade om berättelserna vi valde att berätta..

Om du lyssnar på mig kanske jag lär mig något! : En essä om relationers betydelse för barnets lärande på förskolan

The purpose of this essay is to explore how educators are supposed to prioritize their work at the preschool so that all children are listened to and the conditions necessary for kids to dare to express their feelings and thoughts are in place. How is the relationship important for the child's learning? How do I become a committed educator who knows how to interpret and prioritize my work so it benefits children's learning? I am developing these questions in two parts in my following text. Firstly I am writing about why it is important that we who work as pedagogues meet the child on the child?s own terms.

Medielek och digital kompetens i en förskolekontext : Design för meningsskapande

The aim of this thesis is to make a contribution to the field of design oriented theory, regarding young children and their way to digital competence. My research question is: How can a preschool with a certain pedagogical ICT-design give the children affordances for media play and for developing a digital competence?The European Parliament points out digital literacy as one of the Key Competences for life long learning. A digital competence is built on basic ICT (Information and Communication technology) skills. Skills you can develop any time during life, weather you are young or old.

Estetiska vägar mot språket : En undersökande essä om estetiska lärprocessers påverkan på språkutveckling

My purpose with this essay is to examine the relationship between esthetic learning processes and language development to find good practices in my work with multilingual children. In my report, I describe a few activities from my work as a preschool pedagogue in a multicultural area, with a large group of children where age and knowledge of Swedish varies. The background to this essay is the problems I experienced in my work with children´s language development in an organization that, in my opinion, is limited by economic factors. The questions I poses are about the way esthetic learning processes can help children develop their language skills as well as their participation in preschool activities. I also pose the question whether there is a connection between the musical ear and children´s development of language.

Språksvårigheter: en definitionsfråga : En diskursiv studie om förskolans förhållningssätt, värderingar och synsätt i förhållande till barn med språksvårigheter

After having worked within the preschool and it?s system for a number of years, we have often reflected over the fact that many educators tend to look at children with language difficulties in several different ways, and many of them being conflicting. Something that might contribute to this problem is the fact that the term itself, language difficulties, is defined differently between individuals, who in turn affects the way educators and preschools deal with the problem.The aim of this study is to create an understanding of the problems related to language difficulties, and how it is being dealt with within the preschool environment. To achieve this we have chosen to work within a qualitative research approach, alongside a discourse analysis. The selection of informants we have chosen consists of ten, qualified educators.

Barnlitteraturens pedagogiska funktion : Pedagoger om barnlitteraturens roll i förskolan

AbstractReading books to children is often an integral part in preschool activities. The purpose of thisstudy is to investigate how educators think about the educational function of literature inpreschool activities. I have in my study used qualitative interviews with active educators andobservations to answer my questions about why the educator reads to the children, how theeducator thinks about the choice of literature and if the literature can contribute to thechildrens development and if so, how. The knowledge- and research background presentsliterature and previous research done on the subject. The results of my study shows that theeducators have many thoughts about the importance of literature in preschool.

"Kolla vad jag hittade!" Förskolebarns bilderbokssökning med samspel i fokus

The purpose of this study is to investigate how children search for and choose picture books while visiting the library together in a preschool group. How do children interact with each other and their teacher while searching for picture books? Which aspects of children's everyday lives are apparent in their choice of picture books? The theoretical frame of reference consists of Brenda Dervin's sense-making approach to information seeking and William Corsaro's sociological approach to studying children's routine activities within a peer culture. To capture children's interaction, we have observed a preschool group consisting of six 3- to 5-year olds and their teacher in a library setting during three visits. Our study shows that children's search for picture books is a social activity that involves various verbal and nonverbal strategies in order to include and exclude each other when they find a picture book that interests them.

Från rastplats till lekplats. Förskolors utemiljöer i Skövde kommun

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen i Kulturvård, Trädgårdens hantverk och design, 15 hp, 2015..

"Börja i barndomen" Distriktssköterskans roll i det förebyggande arbetet av övervikt och fetma

Overweight and obesity in children is an extensive and accelerating problem in the western world. The risk factors for overweight are well- known and well-documented. Focus should lie in the prophylactic work in order to prevent overweight and obesity in preschool children. The aim of our study has been to highlight the role of the district nurse in her/his work to prevent overweight and obesity in preschool children. The study was carried out through studies as a literature review.

Barns kunskaper om djurarter : Kan kunskaperna skilja beroende på vart man bor?

This study is about differences in knowledge regarding animals. In the study five year old preschool children from a city were compared to five year old preschool children in the suburbs with multicultural background. The study is also about where children´s knowledge about animals comes from and how educators can make a positive difference. To find this out standardized interviews was used on 23 children from four different preschools, two preschools in the suburbs with 15 children and two preschools in the city with 13 children. A survey was sent out to the educators within these preschools to gather background information on what the children do regarding animals.

Surfplattan tar plats i förskolan : En kommuns tankar och pedagogernas verklighet

Undersökningen handlar om en kommuns arbete med implementering av surfplattor i förskoleverksamheten samt pedagogernas upplevelse av den nya tekniken i förskolan. I studien belyses pedagogernas syn på surfplattan som ett pedagogiskt verktyg. I undersökningen användes kvalitativa intervjuer som metod. Valet föll sig naturligt då det är en primär metod för att få fram den information man söker. I resultatet visar det sig att kommunen inte hade någon plan på hur arbetet med surfplattor i förskolan skulle se ut.

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