

993 Uppsatser om ICT in preschool - Sida 17 av 67

Värdet av skapande i förskolan : En studie om pedagogers förhållande till skapande verksamhet i Stockholm och i Tornedalen

The purpose of this study was to investigate how preschool pedagogues in Stockholm and in Tornedalen speak about and relate to creative activities. By qualitative interviews in two geographically distant areas, one minority culture and one majority culture, I have collected information from six pedagogues, three in each area. Values in, and the significance of culture in creative activities have been the main focus. From this study I conclude that all pedagogues agreed upon the creative activity having an extensive role in the preschool work. The role of the individual pedagogue within the creative activity is multiple and dependent on where, when and how the activity is carried out.

Barn och trygghet i förskolan : En studie om förskollärares uppfattningar om trygghet hos små barn i stora förskolegrupper.

Barn och trygghet i förskolan ? en studie om förskollärares uppfattningar om trygghet hos små barn i stora förskolegrupper.Syftet med undersökningen är att beskriva och synliggöra hur förskollärare resonerar kring små barn och trygghet i stora barngrupper i förskolan. Det har skett kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra förskollärare på tre olika förskolor som alla har haft grupper som överstigit tjugo barn och i åldrarna ett till fem år. Resultatet visar att barngruppens storlek har betydelse för de små barnens känsla av trygghet i förskolan och samarbetet med föräldrarna är betydelsefullt när det gäller barnens trygghet i förskolan.Antal sidor: 28Children and their secureness at preschool ? a study of preschool teachers? opinions about small children?s sense of security in large preschool groups..

Toddlarlek : En fenomenologisk studie om 1?2?åringarnas sociala samspel under fri lek

The aim of the study was to investigate peer interaction among toddlers 12 to 30 months of age and the teachers? ways to direct the children?s play in outdoor free play situations in a Swedish preschool. Data was gathered through direct observation, and the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty in combination with the assumption of children as social actors built the theoretical framework of the study. The results showed that the toddlers used different strategies to invite peers to interaction and made use of strategies in entering ongoing play that previously have been observed among older preschoolers. These strategies, bodily and therefore in accordance with the phenomenological approach, support the assumption of toddlers as social actors that actively engage in and make sense of their life worlds in the preschool.

Bildskapande : En undersökning i hur pedagogerna på en förskoleavdelning ser på och bemöter barns bildskapande

This report describes a study of how educationalists, from one preschool group, approach to and respond to children ?s creative activity in preschool. To answer the survey ?s purpose I used four research questions, which is the following:-What function do the educationalists give the creative activity in the working?-How do they see the importance of thecreative activity for thechild and its development?-How doeducationalists considerthat theyrespond to the child's creative activity?-Is thereany norms surrounding creative activity in preschool?The theoretical base of the study is rooted in the sociocultural perspective, where creative activity and visual arts can be seen as mediating cultural tools. The method is a qualitative interview of five preschooleducationalists.

"En gång till!" : en kommunikationsetnografisk studie om andraspråksinlärares deltagande i förskolan

The aim of the thesis was to better understand how second language learners becomes lingual participants in a Swedish preschool. Using the following research questions: In what situations are SLLs lingual participants at the preschool? What does their emerging language look like? Are the participation any different considering children's time in the new L2 context? What kind of support does SLLs receive at the preschool?Two focal children at the same preschool was studied with ethnography of communication as method. The focal children chosen were one girl (Mandarin L1, 4.0 yrs) who arrived to Sweden and started the preschool two months ago at the time of the study, the other a boy (Serbian L1, 3.9 yrs) who started preschool and learning the L2 one year and two months before the study. Situations where the focal children interacted with other children or adults were analyzed. Results showed that the focal children in interaction with each other understands some of the others intentions before being able to speak about them in the L2.

Högtider och traditioner i förskolan : en kvalitativ studie om fem förskollärares beskrivningar och reflektioner kring firandet av högtider och traditoner i förskolan

This study is about the work around festivals and traditions that takes place in multicultural preschools. The purpose of this study is to describe and reflect upon the work around festivals and traditions in multicultural preschools from the view of five preschool teachers who are active in their profession.  The purpose is also to investigate which festivals and traditions that are given attention at preschool and for what reason according to the preschool teachers.The method of research chosen in this study is qualitative in the form of individual interviews with the intention of obtaining and interpreting the descriptions and reflections of the informants around the subject. The results will be analyzed from an intercultural perspective.The results show that all investigated preschools celebrate the traditional Swedish festivals Christmas, St. Lucia?s day, Easter and Midsummer, and that these festivals take up lots of space in terms of time and labor.

Advent i waldorfförskolan

Detta är en etnografisk studie i hur adventstiden gestaltas i waldorfförskolan. Syftet är att undersöka hur innebörden i advent tolkas och förmedlas till barngruppen av olika waldorfpedagoger. I waldorfförskolan grundar sig verksamheten på årsrytmen och de högtider och fester som följer den. En övergripande fråga i studien är hur dessa högtider och fester gestaltas i waldorfförskolan när barngruppen representeras av olika religioner och kulturer. Studien baseras på kvalitativa intervjuer med waldorfpedagoger, litteraturstudier samt observationer av sedvänjor och artefakter.

AD/HD i förskolan

In this work, I have studied whether if one can detect AD / HD in preschool. I have read some literature and searched on the Internet. I have also tried to get to interview people who are familiar with this topic, which has not been easy. I have questioned 13 persons if they would participate in an interview, but most have refused because they do not have time. I succeeded anyhow to get three persons, two special educators and a nurse on the BVC.

Första mötet med förskolan : en kvalitativ studie om olika inskolningformer på fyra förskolor

This is a qualitative study with four interviews, in four different preschools, in the same municipality. By making it so, it becomes a case study to describe a phenomenon in a municipality which also is the definition for this investigation. The purpose of my study is to examine what it means, in a municipality, to have different types of introduction at preschool. Where I ask the question why preschools choose to have a specific method of introduction and what are the basics and ideas behind the choice of the method? What significance do these different methods have to attachment theory? What do teachers think about the advantages and disadvantages with their choice of method?The versions of introductions are many and may vary; the duration of the introduction may vary from 1-3 days up to 3 weeks.

Herre på täppan : En essä om pedagogernas roll i genusformandet av förskolebarnen

My purpose in this essay has been to gain an understanding of why we treat children differently and analyse the underlying causes. The method of choice was to reflect on some significant events that occurred at my preschool and to use relevant literature as a basis for analysing these events. Society is constantly changing and my focus has been on what happens to the children at preschool if we are not sensitive to this development. There is a need to highlight the underlying social and human values, in order to ensure that children are treated on equal terms. As educators we need to understand the impact of our lack of legal knowledge for children in the development of their understanding of their rights and obligations in a democratic society.

Hur främjar förskollärare barns motorik i förskolan och hur viktig anser de att den är?

AbstractThis work is about children?s motor activity. You can often hear in media about sedentary children, and that one of the factors which contributed to this is computers and things like that. The main goal with this work is to find out how preschool teachers take care of children?s joy of movement and how they work to promote children?s progress of motor activity.

Att vara lärare med interkulturell kompetens : En kvalitativ studie med förskolelärare/lärare som gått interkulturell lärarutbildning

The Swedish school is today a meeting place for many people with different cultures. The teacher education at Södertörn University have since 2002 been influenced by an intercultural profile. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the intercultural profile of Södertörn University is expressed in preschool- teachers/ teachers work. Is an intercultural approach requested in schools and is intercultural approach useful and applicable in the teaching profession? The report is based on a qualitative study of what intercultural competence means for five preschool- teachers/ teachers who have graduated from Södertörn University.

Den pedagogiska resan i förskolan

The aim of the study is to make a comparison between the nursery/preschool recommendations (by the state) made in 1972 and the one used today. Here I?ve focused on the posts of looking after children vis-à-vis the educational responsibility. Also the type of education recommended in 1972 and what type of education recommended today. My questions concerns what the preschool recommendations from 1972 are and how they are viewed and applied today in the 2000nds.Since my questions has to do with ideologies regarding children, family and society I choose to do a specific form of text and content analysis called Idea and ideology analysis.In my theoretical chapter I choose two aspects central for my field of examination.

"Det gäller att underlätta" : en kvalitativ studie om hur grundskolelärare i årskurs 1 ser på sin egen roll vid elevers övergången från förskoleklass till grundskoleklass

Children at the age of six, has since 1991 been allowed to start their tuition in the Swedish school system. Studies reveal that; the first school year (preschool) can be a stressful task dueto the new environment, new friendships and higher expectations.The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze how the teachers perceive their own role in the transitioning process from preschool to school. This purpose required a method of qualitative complexion and therefore qualitative interviews were used. The material is based on four interviews with four different teachers. The teachers were asked the same question considering; the transition from preschool to school from a pupil point of view, their own role in that transition and their opinions on different educational tools.

Relationen mellan interkulturellt ledarskap och praktisk kunskap

My essay is concerned with intercultural leadership and practical knowledge. The essay is about ethical dilemmas and the diversity of issues we face constantly at the preschool. In my story I examine the different views of knowledge and the opportunities to lead people in an intercultural way, and how they relate to each other. I start by looking at the ethical ideas that form the basis for our actions and our view of knowledge. Then, I examine how the practical wisdom guides the ethical dilemmas that arise at the preschool.

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