8539 Uppsatser om Hypothetico-deductive method - Sida 29 av 570
Implementation of a Simulated Annealing algorithm for Matlab
In this report we describe an adaptive simulated annealing method for sizing the devices in analog circuits. The motivation for use an adaptive simulated annealing method for analog circuit design are to increase the efficiency of the design circuit. To demonstrate the functionality and the performance of the approach, an operational transconductance amplifier is simulated. The circuit is modeled with symbolic equations that are derived automatically by a simulator..
Teologi som kontrapunkt. En studie i Sarah Coakleys metod théologie totale
The theologian Sarah Coakley has developed a theological method, which she calls théologie totale.This essay examines the methodological criteria for this method. To understand how its anthropology, epistemology and theology are shaped, the criteria are analyzed within a theoretical framework, in which mainly David F. Ford's theological typology and Stephen Bevans models of contextual theology play parts. The material consists of Coakleys texts, essentially the first part of Coakley?s projected systematic theological work.
Förväntningar på ett intranät : åtta stiftsinformatörers syn på kommunikation i Svenska kyrkan
Purpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to study the expectations towards the launch of an intranet in a large organisation.Material/Method: A qualitative method has been used to fulfil the purpose of this essay. Indepth interviews have been made with eight informants of dioceses.Main Results: The study shows that the eight informants of dioceses all are positive towards the launch of an intranet in the organisation. They believe that it in time will lead to a more effective intern communication with less channels and more efficient messages..
Livet efter en viktminskningsoperation : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med kvinnor som genomgått en viktminskningsoperation
Background: Sleep-disturbances in persons with Alzheimer´s disease are prevalent. They are characterized as increased frequency and duration of awakenings, decreased slow-wave sleep, REM-sleep and increase of day-time napping. Depression and lower quality of life are associated with sleep-disturbances. Altogether a significant source of stress for caregivers and an important factor in institutionalization. Non-pharmacological treatment alternatives are rare.Method: Single-case A-B-C design, with non-concurrent multiple baselines, a pilotstudy.Aim: To explore if an educational program on sleep, sleep disturbances and behavioural change directed towards caregivers improved sleep, depression and quality of life in persons with Alzheimer´s disease living at home.
En undersökning av framtidametoder för att säkra förband i produktion
The thesis is an examination of the methods that are appropriate and long-term choice to obtain clamping force and secure screw joints in production. The employer, Scania CV AB, transmission manufactures axle gears to all trucks produced in Södertälje. One of the most common assembly elements is screw joints, where the clamping force is essential to achieve a secure joint. Current methods to secure the joint is due much of the friction effect and is an indirect method to measure the clamping force. The clampforce accuracy becomes more widely with torque angle control.
Integrating Forward by Going E-commerce - A study of the Fashion Industry and the Development Phase of an Internet Establishment
The purpose of this thesis is to outline an appropriate model in order for companies to successfully act and compete physically as wholesalers at the same time as acting on the virtual market by selling directly to the end consumer. The approach of this thesis is hermeneutical and abductive with elements of hypothetically deductive approach. Our research has a qualitative research strategy based on case studies and interviews as well as on secondary data. Interviews were conducted with the case company JaymJay Wear AB as well as with other companies, so called mini cases. The secondary data consists mainly of textbooks, web sites and journals.
?Jävla Muminfitta? : Verbala förolämpningar och 34 andra humortyper isvenska komediserier på TV
Humor is as interesting as it is hard to define. It has travelled a long way since Hippokratestheory about body fluids and how someone, if lacking one of these, were called a humorist andwere laughed at.In this thesis we developed a new method for categorizing types of humor in Swedish comedyseries on TV. We chose six different shows (Grotesco, KvarteretSkatan, Morgonsoffan, Fredaghelaveckan, Parlamentet and Hjälp!) from the two most popular TV-channels in Sweden(SVT1 & TV4).We based or method on previous researchers? work and came to find some categories that wererepresented in most of the previous work. Our own method came to contain seven categorieswhich we believe is enough to obtain all kinds of humor in Swedish comedy series on TV.In our study we saw that most of the humor fell under the category that we called unnormalityhumor,a category which contained incongruity which many researchers believe is afundamental part of humor.Our opinion is that the unnormality-category became too wide in our study and that we perhapsshould have divided it into two or possibly three categories to see a more distinctive result.Nonetheless, our result offers an interesting starting point for future comparative studiesfocusing on similar subjects..
Våldtäkt, texter och diskursiv ordning : - ett diskursanalytiskt perspektiv på våldtäkt i samtiden
This study's interest area loops around how it is possible to understand texts' leverage over human thinking and acting. Focus lies on understanding which forces that form people?s views around men and women's relationships and relations in the public room. From this perspective our interest is to explore how the phenomenon rape is expressed in texts and how we can understand how rape through these texts are to be shaped in individuals' thoughts awareness and. Finally, it is also relevant to create understanding for how rape as a discoursive practice can have effects on individuals and society.
Spänningsstyrd underfrekvenslastfrånkoppling i elektriska kraftsystem
This report is a Master?s Thesis performed by Andreas Adolfsson and David Jacobsson atChalmers University of Technology. The purpose of this master?s thesis is to evaluate anew method for load-shedding, the voltage controlled underfrequency load-sheddingdeveloped by ABB. This report presents a comparison between conventionalunderfrequency load-shedding and this new method for load-shedding.
Intensiv beteendeterapi för förskolebarn med autism : En studie om pedagogers erfarenheter av att arbeta med intensiv beteendeterapi i förskolan
This study investigates educators? experience of Intensive Behavioral Therapy (IBT) for preschool children diagnosed with autism. The aim is to examine, from the educators? perspective, how useful this method has been, what difference it made for the children with autism that took part in this training and also how the educators? have been able to organize and implement the method. The study is based on 6 semi-structured interviews and 29 surveys.
Retinoskopi av katter : en validerande studie av undersökningsmetoden på katt
Retinoscopy, also known as skiascopy, is an objective method for assessing therefraction of the eye. This method has been used for a long time, both in animalsand human patients. According to the literature, it has been postulated that it is notnecessary to obtain cycloplegia before the examination in lower mammals. Someauthors even mention that it can make the examination more difficult. Therefore itis not recommended.
Säkerhetsklassificering av IT-system på Fläkt Woods AB
This report presents a method for modelling a computer system from a security perspective. The questions that are going to be treated are:? What defines a secure system and how does the company relate to these factors?? What are the threats today based on hardware/software, human factors and company routines/policies?? What measures should be taken for the organisation to reach a higher level of security for their systems?? How do we develop a method for classification of security and what components should it contain?? What changes are reasonable and necessary with the respect to the company?s resources?The report has been done through interviews and analysis of existing systems on Fla?kt Woods AB. From analysis of material, the aspects judged relevant to the subject and to the company?s needs, have been compiled to a document.
Outsourcing av drift och underhåll : En intervjustudie av nyligen ombildade bostadsrättsföreningars motiv till outsourcing av drift och underhåll
AbstractEnglish title: Outsourcing of operation and maintenance -An interview study about newly reconstituted housing cooperatives motives for outsourcing of operation and maintenance. Swedish title: Outsourcing av drift och underha?ll -En intervjustudie av nyligen ombildade bostadsra?ttsfo?reningars motiv till outsourcing av drift och underha?ll.Authors: Jonas Lindquist & Carl Melin Published (year): Spring 2013 Tutor: Sven-Ola Carlsson Examinator: Marita BlomqvistBackground: Now days there are no questions for organizations about if they will outsource parts of their business. It is rather a question about what should be outsourced. In terms of organizations our found theory tells what is being outsourced is everything that does not belong to the organization?s core business, such as supporting functions.
Deterministisk Komprimering/Dekomprimering av Testvektorer med Hjälp av en Inbyggd Processor och Faxkodning
Modern semiconductor design methods makes it possible to design increasingly complex system-on-a-chips (SOCs). Testing such SOCs becomes highly expensive due to the rapidly increasing test data volumes with longer test times as a result. Several approaches exist to compress the test stimuli and where hardware is added for decompression. This master?s thesis presents a test data compression method based on a modified facsimile code.
Integration in the Supply Chain - use of Real Options to mitigate the costs of the Bullwhip Effect
Purpose: During the last years Real Options have been established in many areas of the day-to-day business. Recent literature also tries to address Supply Chain problems with option theory, since an efficient Supply Chain increasingly gains in importance as a significant competitive advantage. This thesis tries to answer the question, if Real Options can mitigate the costs induced by the Bullwhip Effect as one of the major problems in Supply Chains. Methodology: The authors of the thesis used a deductive approach. Based on a theoretical model utilizing Real Option contracts and under the usage of a randomly created dataset the influence of the Bullwhip Effect on the company?s business and financial structure is examined and subsequently analyzed.