8539 Uppsatser om Hypothetico-deductive method - Sida 27 av 570
Studie av olika metoder för att mobilanpassa stora CMS webbplatser
The work has been performed in collaboration with Jönköping University. The aim of this work has been to study different methods for mobile adaption of large CMS (Content Management System) websites, where the website of Jönköping has been used as a reference.The website at Jönköping University is used daily by current students, faculties, prospective students and external users. Research carried out by the University shows that the use of mobile devices has increased, and it is therefore necessary to examine the mobile adaptation of the large CMS website.A layout proposal has been suggested by determining which method that is most relevant for mobile adaption of a large CMS website. The website should adapt to different resolutions and devices according to how the existing website is based in the current situation. Emphasis has been put on menu operations, to navigate through the large website in a user-friendly way.
Hygienisering av torkat bioavfall
The main project Dry preservation of food waste from households includes a new technique concerning drying and storage of dried biowaste as well as a study of the sorting of household waste and further usage of the dried biowaste. A question asked in the project is, can the dried biowaste be used as a soil amendment? If organic waste is used as a soil amendment, precaution concerning hygienic safety risks has to be accounted for. The objective of this M. Sc.
Kostnadsföring av optionsprogram : En studie om IFRS 2 och dess effekter för svenska börsnoterade företag som innehar aktiva optionsprogram
SummaryThe purpose of this thesis is to examine what effect the IFRS 2 has on earnings, equity, financial strength and return on equity for listed Swedish companies with active stock option plans. The purpose is further to investigate the companies? attitudes towards IFRS 2 and to find out if companies tend to deviate from stock option plans due to the changed accounting rules. We also want to examine the view of IFRS 2 from an auditor?s perspective.We have used a deductive approach and a mix of quantitative and qualitative research methods with a view to get a completely clear picture within the field of study.
Metodval i magisteruppsatser ? En studie av magisteruppsatser vid Bibliotekshögskolan i Borås
The aim of this meta-study is to present an overview of the methods used in Master theses written at The Swedish School of Library and Information Science at the University of Borås, where all Master theses from 1999, 2004, and 2009 has been studied. The aim includes examining if there is a connection between college (Swedish term: kollegium) belonging and methods used but also to examine and compare the qualitative and/or quantitative approaches to the methods. In the 252 Master theses studied, 353 different choices of method are recognized. After taking note of the methods, six categories are created in which the methods are placed. The categories are: Interview, IR-test, Observation, Studies of Text, Survey, and Other.
Tema arbete ? bra för vem och varför? : En kvalitativ studie om temaarbetets betydelse för lärandet
Pupils learn in different ways. It?s up to the teachers´ to give pupils the knowledge they need to live and work in society. The teacher should be aware of the ways of children learn in the classroom and should teach accordingly. Pupils work individually but should even be offered some kind of group work regularly.
Preoperativ hud- desinfektion
Introduction. Infection Prevention is one of the surgical nurses' main responsibilities. One of the steps which patients undergo in this purpose before surgery is the preoperative skin desinfektion. Background. The patient washes the day before surgery with Descutan cutaneous sponge 4 %, a sponge containing chlorhexidine.
On-line uppdragsplanering baserad på prediktionsreglering
Modern air battles are very dynamic and fast, and put extreme pressure on pilots. In some unpredictable situations, like new discovered threats or mission plan deviation because of enemy aircraft, the pilots might need to replan their predefined flight route. This is very difficult, if not impossible, to do since numerous factors affect it. A system that can help the pilots to do such a thing is needed. Previous work in this field has involved methods from artificial intelligence like A*-search.
Hur en okontrollerad expansion av IT-projekts omfattning undviks
Today there is an even higher demand on IT-projects success rate compared to a few years ago. IT-projects must be handled more efficiently and result in a more profitable investment. In order to make the handling of IT-projects more efficient and create profitability the developers must have a broad understanding of the IT-projects characteristics and which factors that affect the result of the projects. Changes within IT-projects are often carried out through the development of a system. Since this change is more common when it comes to IT-projects it is important to handle risk and change within these kinds of projects in order to prevent and avoid uncontrolled changes.
An inflammatory reaction is induced after release of proinflammatory mediators such asinterleukin 1 and 6 and tumour necrosis factor ?. These mediators stimulate the liver tosuppress the syntheses of albumin and endure the syntheses of acute phase protein forinstance C-reactive protein. The aim of this paper was to perform a method validation on animmune turbidimetric assay to quantify C-reactive protein in canine serum at the laboratory atSkara Animals Hospital, Skara, Sweden. The validation involved evaluation of the assaylinearity, precision, stability and recovery.The method was proved to be linear for both TruLab control and Medinor control.
Jesu Kristi sinnelag : om konsensusmodellen i Kyrkornas Världsråd
This essay examines the using of consensus method for decision making within the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the process that led to the decision to adopt its usage. The main question of my essay is why the method was introduced to the WCC and what motives lay behind its introduction. Other questions are how the consensus method works; both in theory and in practice, and what the predecessors and prototypes for the method are.The consensus method belongs to a broad Christian tradition of spiritual discernment and spiritual decision making. The New Testament, in particular Acts, gives examples of decision making in the early church which show that discerning God's will was considered essential. However the most influential model for the consensus method have been the decision making process of the Religious Society of Friends or Quakers, and also the consensus model of the Uniting Church in Australia.
Advantages and disadvantages of different observation methods on a troop of wild olive baboons at a river in Southern Kenya
Every observation method has its advantages and disadvantages and a well-adopted method gives more reliable results. Factors affecting the choice of the most appropriate methods for recording foraging behaviours include species, group size, environment, seasons and age. The focus for this study was to determine which method is most appropriate for studying the foraging behaviour of a troop of 89 olive baboons (Papio anubis) living in a riverine forest by the Southern Ewaso Ng'iro River by Lale'enok Resource Centre in Kenya. To determine this, a literature study was carried out to compare methods from monkeys and apes. I found instantaneous sampling was the most common method with intervals of 5 minutes in most cited studies.
Synchronous Latency Insensitive Design in FPGA
A design methodology to mitigate timing problems due to long wire delays is proposed. The timing problems are taking care of at architecture level instead of layout level in this design method so that no change is needed when the whole design goes to backend design. Hence design iterations are avoided by using this design methodology. The proposed design method is based on STARI architecture, and a novel initialization mechanism is proposed in this paper. Low frequency global clock is used to synchronize the communication and PLLs are used to provide high frequency working clocks.
Så nås samstämmighet mellan logistik och företagsstrategi : en analys av hur den logistiska strategin ska utformas för att stödja företagets överordnade strategi
Background: Due to an increasing globalization the competition has increased and this has lead to overcapacity and falling prices on markets today. The subject field logistics has during the last decades been given increasingly significance and has become a way to handle the competition. Theories clearly point outthe importance that a concordance exists between logistics and superior strategy but few, if any, authors give further details about how this adjustment should be made. Purpose: The aim of this thesis is with a case study approach survey if the subject field, which describe the importance that logistical solutions correspond with the superior strategy, is known and implemented in a company. We aim to develop the subject field through our empirical findings.
"Ettan" som kom först : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av hur en studenttidnings förstasida förändrats genom tiderna
The aim was to explore how the first page of a student newspaper has been changed over time since it was founded in the 1960´s.This thesis explores how the front page of the student newspaper Lösnummer has been changed since it was founded in 1966. It concerns the location and frequency of elements and it is based on theories of layout, the first page and visual communicationIn addition, the thesis develops a new kind of method for determining the location of elements on the type area. The method is based on the hexadecimal number system. It is formed as a grid which is placed on the first page to determine the location of the elements.It concludes that the frequency of elements had its peak during the 1970´s and has ever since decreased gradually. Image placement has gone from being scattered all over the front page to be centered and increase in size. .
Ekoturism i Sverige : Avsaknaden av "eko" i Ekoturism?
The purpose of this work is to examine how ecotourism exists in Sweden. In order to answer this, the essay has been based on a qualitative method, which means that the authors have mainly used depth interviews for information gathering. Some of the empirical work is also done using the qualitative method, by gathering statistics, figures and scientific articles. The essay is divided into various chapters to give the essay a clear structure and for the convenience of the reader. The part that have been of most use and support for authors is the depth interviews with the interviewees.