

1076 Uppsatser om Hygiene guidelines - Sida 27 av 72

Omvärldsanalys och dess etiska aspekter ? En kort studie

This study aims to examine Business Intelligence research conduct within Swedish government agencies and workplaces in order to understand the recent debate regarding Business Intelligence research ethics and thus answer the following question: Does Business Intelligence praxis in Sweden meet ethical guidelines recommended by international field experts? A theoretical analysis of relevant and also recent publications, including a Business Intelligence method review, was conducted using qualitative content analysis. In order to validate the results from my theoretical analysis I conducted a series of interviews with a number of professionals who useBusiness Intelligence research in their work and decisionmaking process..

Tio smutsiga fingrar : en observationsstudie om följsamheten till hygienrutiner på en infektionsavdelning som vårdar patienter med ESBL

Resistenta bakterier är ett växande problem inom den svenska sjukvården. Extended spectrum ß-lactamases (ESBL) är bakterier som kan bilda enzymer som bryter ned antibiotika så att den på så sätt blir resistent. En av de stora anledningarna till spridning av resistenta bakterier är personalens brist på korrekt utförande av basala hygienrutiner. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur sjukvårdspersonal på en infektionsavdelning tillämpar de riktlinjer för basala hygienrutiner som finns fastställda för personal inom hälso- och sjukvården. Data samlades in genom observationer på en infektionsavdelning på ett sjukhus i Mellansverige.

En jämförande studie av kalvuppfödningen på KRAV-anslutna och konventionella mjölkgårdar :

In order to investigate if the KRAV-regulations have any effects on the health and welfare of calves, KRAV-affiliated farms were compared to conventional farms with respect to calf management and outcome. The dairy calf has had a low economical impact during history. Even today the value of the calf is low and a lot of calves have a poor health status. The calf breeding is built on tradition and on the fact, that cheap antibiotics have made it possible to ignore, the recommendations about good hygiene in the calf?s environment.

Milking routines and hygiene in small-scale dairy farms in Mapepe, Choma and Batoka districts in Zambia

Småskalig mjölkproduktion är ett system som främjar regelbundna inkomster och spelar en viktig roll för att minska fattigdomen, ger anställningsmöjligheter och skapar välfärd samt säkrar en näringsrik livsmedelsförsörjning. Det finns cirka 2500 småskaliga mjölkbönder i Zambia men deras kunskap om bra mjölkningsrutiner och hygien är ofta dåliga. Bra skötselrutiner och mjölkningshygien är viktigt för att uppnå en god juverhälsa och mjölkproduktion, och för att inte förorena mjölken. Subklinisk mastit är en vanlig sjukdom bland mjölkkor, som medför förändrad sammansättning av mjölken och minskad mjölkproduktion vilket orsakar stora ekonomiska förluster. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka skötselrutinerna, med fokus på mjölkningen, hos småskaliga mjölkbönder i tre olika områden i södra Zambia samt att undersöka om det fanns något samband mellan skötselfaktorerna och juverhälsan (subklinisk mastit).

Bovin tuberkulos : smittvägar mellan människa och nötkreatur på den östafrikanska landsbygden

Tuberculosis is one of many infectious diseases in the world and is responsible for a large number of human deaths each year. The cause is Mycobacterium ssp included in the tuberculosis-complex, there among Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Infection with M. bovis causes bovine tuberculosis in cattle which in 90 % has a pulmonary location. Humans are infected mainly by milk from infected cows but also by close contact with coughing animals or by eating raw meat.

Potentiella alternativ till antibiotika vid behandling av Staphylococcus aureus-mastit

Tuberculosis is one of many infectious diseases in the world and is responsible for a large number of human deaths each year. The cause is Mycobacterium ssp included in the tuberculosis-complex, there among Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Infection with M. bovis causes bovine tuberculosis in cattle which in 90 % has a pulmonary location. Humans are infected mainly by milk from infected cows but also by close contact with coughing animals or by eating raw meat.

Vägledningsmetoder? Ja, tack! Nej, tack! : Om användninga av vägledningsmetoder av yrkesverksamma studie- och yrkesvägledare

The overall aim of this study is to achieve the increased knowledge of the use of the counselling methods in the student counsellors' work and to find the possibilities for development. Two questions are used as guidelines:Which counselling methods do student counsellors use in their work in schools?How can the current education for the student counsellors be supplemented?The analysis of the interviews with six counsellors in Stockholm's administrative province showed that even uneducated counsellors use the same counselling methods as the educated ones. All these methods which are used remind of the known counselling methods that are the part of the current education for the student counsellors.In general counsellors experienced that the education for the counsellors should be supplemented within the field children with special needs and that conversation's methodology is the essence of the counselling work..

Lärlingsutbildning som skolform : Hur ställer sig lärare, elever och handledare till det?

 The purpose with my study was primarily to illuminate the students' expectations on gained knowledge during their studies at the upper secondary school Hotel- and Restaurant program, and to what extent these expectations were fulfilled. Secondarily, the purpose was to compare the students' expected and perceived knowledge with the program goals set by the Swedish government and the knowledge requirements expressed in a pilot study made by the Education council of the Hotel and restaurant business (UHR, 2007).I chose a quantative approach and I used an anonymous group enquiry among students at the Hotel- and Restaurant program at two different upper secondary schools to carry out my study.Tendencies in the result suggested that the students at the Hotel- and Restaurant program expected high knowledge level within the competence areas of Guest reception and communication, Cleaning and hygiene, Cooking of cold and hot dishes and Waiting. The expectations were not big within the areas Computers and Internet and Business economics and management.Fulfillment of expected knowledge tended to be high within the areas where the expectations were big. It might therefore be a good investment for schools to work on the student expectations to increase motivation within the low expectation areas.A confrontation of the tendencies in the result with the program goals and the competence requirements expressed in the UHR study, suggested that the upper secondary Hotel- and Restaurant education might focus some more the areas of Guest reception and communication, Beverages and Organization of banquets. Business economics and management should be given much more weight..

Kost-, munhygien- och tandvårdsvanor hos en grupp med utländsk bakgrund : Diet, oral hygiene, and dental care habits in a group with foreign origin

Introduktion: Karies är en kronisk och multifaktoriell sjukdom som uppstår av samspel mellan bakterier, föda och tandytan. I Sverige har kariesförekomsten tydligt minskat, men det är fortfarande vanlig sjukdom hos individer med utländsk bakgrund. Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka kost-, munhygien- och tandvårdsvanor hos en grupp med utländsk bakgrund.         Frågeställningar: Hur ser kostvanor ut för individer med utländsk bakgrund?   Hur ser munhygiensvanor ut för individer med utländsk bakgrund? Vilka tandvårdsvanor har individer med utländsk bakgrund?    Metod: Enkätundersökning genomfördes i två svenska mindre städer och studien inkluderade totalt 44 deltagare från Svenska för invandrare (SFI) i nivå C & D.    Resultat: Alla deltagarna besvarade att de rengör tänderna minst en gång per dag.

Jakten på stoff : Hur historieläraren på grundskolenivå gör sitt stoffurval

No matter what subject or which grade you are active in, the teachers in Sweden have incommon that they are provided with governing documents that states the guidelines and goalsregarding each subject. Along with these governing documents every teacher has to findmaterial that will be used as the foundation of the teaching. This thesis is a study of howSwedish history teachers define what material they are going to use in their teaching, andwhich the factors are that is affecting these choices. The question whether a child?s ethnicaland cultural background is a factor that affects this choice of material is concerned, as well aswhat is current in Sweden and the world.

Från militärområde till stadspuls : Stadsdel Norr - en (nästan) vit fläck på Östersunds stadskarta

How can former military area I5 in Östersund, Sweden, evolve into Stadsdel Norr ("The Northern Quarter") ? an attractive part of the town center? In a theoretical part of the essay the significants of well functioning towns and streets are investigated. The history of Östersund and I5 is shortly reviewed. Present recommendations concerning city design are presented along with guidelines from Vägverket (National Road Administration) for urban streets. The conclusion reached is that a fundamental structure of streets and roads, public and private spaces, is crucial for the possible future development of an area.

Safe retrieval of nutrients to improve food security

Safe retrieval of nutrients from human excreta to fertilize crops in order to gain adequate yields will increase food security and sustainability in agriculture areas with nutrient-poor fields. Safe and nutritious food will meet the dietary needs of the individual which promotes public health and the ability of an active life. Human excreta should be considered as a resource instead of being assumed as waste. Human faeces and urine is excellent fertilizers which may close the nutrient loop if utilized properly. However, sanitation of the excreta is required to prevent disease transmission by reducing the content of gastrointestinal pathogens such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. The objective of this study was to in small scale evaluate the sanitation in a combined liquid compost and urea treatment by monitor the inactivation of bacteria and viruses at the combination three start temperatures, 45, 40 and 35 °C, and three additions of urea, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 % and reference, 0 % urea addition.

Personalens följsamhet av hygienrutiner vid allmän kirurgiskt ingrepp på operationssal : en observationsstudie

Bakgrund: : Vårdrelaterade infektioner är kostsamma för vården och orsakar lidande förpatienten. Operationspersonal har en viktig uppgift att förebygga smittspridning och följahygienrutiner. Dessa är bland andra att använda rätt arbetskläder, arbeta aseptiskt och enligtbasala hygienrutiner samt att bibehålla steriliteten. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att observeraföljsamheten till aseptik och basala hygienrutiner på operationssal vid allmänkirurgiskt ingreppvid två sjukhus i Mellansverige. Metod: Studien var en observationsstudie med kvantitativansats.

Bara de kommer tillbaka.... : - En studie om hur personalen inom missbrukarvården upplever sitt arbete

The aim of present study is to evaluate the work of the employees within the Addict Care field, how they experience their struggle as well as the significance of the interaction between the client and the employees. It takes a great deal of effort when facing individuals with alcohol ?and drug related problems. The focus should be on the occupational and individual qualifications, while there is legislation, regulations and ethical guidelines to be followed. Intending to comprehend these issues better several interviews were made with six employees within The Administration for the Social Services and The Addict Unit in Växjö area.

Viktiga faktorer för Kommunikations- och Informationsflöden inom projekt

  iiiAbstract?We are living in a time of project. Everything becomes project. All development, all efficient,all changes are running as project?.

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