

1076 Uppsatser om Hygiene guidelines - Sida 10 av 72

Små mängder primärprodukter : vad innebär det?

In article 1.2 c) EC regulation 852/2004 it says that the regulation is not applicable to producers who directly supply small quantities of primary products to the final consumer or to the local retailers who in their turn directly supply the final consumer. An almost identical regulation can be found in article 1.3 c) EC regulation 853/2004. The supply by a primary producer of small quantities of primary products, of animal origin or not, are consequently excepted from these two hygiene regulations. In article 1.3 EC regulation 852/2004 and article 1.4 EC regulation 853/2004 it says that the member states are to establish national rules in their national legislation as to the regulation of exception for small quantities. The aim of this study was to investigate the handling of small quantities of primary products distributed locally in Sweden but also the handling of these products in other countries.

Etisk medvetenhet i systemutveckling. En fallstudie av systemutvecklarens ansvar i systemutvecklingsprojekt

Many professions, such as doctors and psychologists, have a long history of work practice which have resulted that these professions have created their own ethical guidelines. The IT profession, which can be viewed as a relative young and somewhat immature profession, have yet to accommodate any clear guidelines regarding ethics. It?s therefore imperative to create discussions regarding ethical actions to raise the ethical awareness and also create ethical guidelines. The development of the IT profession is moving forward at a quick pace and it?s important to understand that this rapid advancement is not only changing the profession but also changing the society and the environment.

Uppförandekoder inom livsmedelsindustrin : en fallstudie

The world has changed its understanding of environmental issues dramatically and more people are showing awareness of social and environmental problems. Various stakeholders have increasingly begun to show an interest in how companies are taking responsibility for their actions. This has led to an improved activity amongst organizations to make their production consequences positive. They work with Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR). In order to communicate their responsibilities, many companies work with CSR and ethical guidelines.

Global Reporting Initiative : En komparativ studie om efterlevnaden av initiativets riktlinjer mellan Ericsson och Vattenfall

Title: Global Reporting Initiative - A comparative study on compliance with the initiative's guidelines between Ericsson and Vattenfall.Authors: Peter Leidhammar, Mattias ThorénSupervisor: Bo EnquistExaminer: Margareta BjurkloSeminar Date: 2009-01-14Background and problem formulation: The interest and the requirements that stakeholders have for companies sustainability issues are becoming increasingly important. Thus more companies are increasing their work on their sustainability reports. As there are no laws governing how these are to be designed, standards have been created by various organizations that companies voluntarily can follow. Now, after the Swedish government gave them the directive to follow the GRI's guidelines the Swedish public companies have started to follow this trend. The question then stand how much the private companies' sustainability reports differ from state companies and whether this can be traced to the differences in the companies' ownership and their stakeholders picture.Objective: The purpose of the paper is:· analyze how the GRI's guidelines are followed by the two organizations· highlight differences between them from a theoretical perspectiveLimitations: This paper is limited to two companies, one company owned by the government and one privately-owned company.

Undersökning av avfallshanteringssystem : För ett nyexploaterat område i Ekhagen, Jönköping

Outside of many Swedish households today, you will find a typical green wastecontainer. This container has not changed since its introduction, despitecomplaints about foul-smelling and its impractical system. Even if the system usedtoday, still is the most optimal choice, there is a lot of newly developedalternatives out there.Its purpose is to get a broader perspective on how a waste management systemcan be developed into a working, land efficiently and aesthetically pleasing systemof humans and the environment in a small residential area.The authors treat the residential area of Jära, Ekhagen, in Jönköping, which ismanaged by JM AB as a problem area in regards to waste management.The issues raised by the authors are the different waste management systems usedin the corresponding areas of the world, how to apply technical andenvironmental as well as the waste management facilities from financial aspects.In the process, the methods used were literature reviews, case studies and aninterview. The case study was done through a modeling of waste managementsystems in the area Jära and an interview was conducted with the company Envacworking with vacuum systems. Studies have been made by different systems n theareas around the world.The results show that using directives and guidance will reduce the environmentalimpact done without replacing the traditional system.

Dammsäkerhetsanalys via stabilitetsberäkningar för Långströmmens kraftverk : En jämförelse mellan olika dimensioneringsmetoder

A detailed dam safety evaluation (in Sweden called FDU) was performed in 2009 by WSP where stability control was performed for Långströmmen power plant with associated spillways. This evaluation concluded that stability could not be ensured, and risk of sliding occurred. The evaluation is based entirely on the recommendations outlined in RIDAS, the power companies guidelines for dam safety, and it is clear that extensive renovations are necessary to stabilize the dam.In this work, the stability will also be checked with guidance through new proposals on guidelines for concrete dams sliding stability, ELFORSK?s report 08:59. This report considered the guidelines in RIDAS as oversimplified, both from an international perspective, but also with regard to the current state of knowledge regarding dam safety.

Sjuksköterskors omvårdnadsåtgärder för att förebygga PVK- releterade komplikationer - En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Perifer venkateter (PVK) är en allmän och rutinmässig åtgärd inom hälso- och sjukvården för att kunna lindra, bota och behandla genom att tillföra infusioner, läkemedel eller för att hålla en fri venväg. PVK består av ett främmande material som i kontakt med blod kan leda till att komplikationer som tromboflebiter bildas. Vid minsta tecken på rodnad, ömhet, svullnad, tromboflebit eller extravasation ska PVK avlägsnas. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att beskriva de senaste forskningsrönen kring sjuksköterskans omvårdnadsåtgärder för att undvika PVK-relaterade komplikationer. Metod: Studien är en litteraturstudie där resultatet baserats på kvantitativa och kvalitativa artiklar.

Svensk kod för bolagsstyrning : Efterlevnad och tillämpning ur ett oberoende perspektiv

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to present an overview of the Swedish listed companies and their compliance with the Code and its normative rules for independent decision-making. Methodology: The authors have read and delved into the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance. The authors have chosen to study the enforcement of the code based on independent bracing guidelines. The study was conducted through a combined quantitative and qualitative approach. The study is based on primary data collected in the form of companies' corporate governance reports, which have been supplemented by structured interviews.Frame of reference: Swedish ownership structure and concentrated ownership, self regulation and normative guidelines, institutional theory and earlier research on this topic.Empirical foundations: A comparison of the selected companies has been based on the independence rules of the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance. A specific company has been presented with the company's application of the code, interviews have also been done with this company to increase the understanding of the empirical basis further.Conclusions: There are several flaws with the code and how it is applied today.

Interaktiva, digitala lärresurser : Med underhållning kommer motivation

Earlier research has shown that combining education with entertainment can improve students motivation in school. With this study we aim to learn more about interactive digital learning resources and how they should be designed to entertain and thereby contribute to motivation. We have identified aspects of educational games that also could be considered when developing interactive digital learning resources, to make them more entertaining and motivating. We have chosen to study and evaluate an interactive digital learning resource called ?Grasp the Disaster?, a fictional online adventure created for students in the ages between 13-15.

Könsstympade kvinnors möte med västerländsk vård : En systematisk litteraturstudie

Background: Female circumcision or female genital mutilation is a tradition that is carried out mainly in Africa. The intervention refers to that part of- or all of the girl?s external genital organs are removed. Aim: The study's purpose was to highlight the consequences of female circumcision in the encounter with western health care.Method: A systematic literature reviews was performed as a method. Twelve articles were selected for the study and these were sought in Chinal, PubMed and PsycINFO. Analysis and interpretation was done according to qualitative content analysis, inspired by Lundman and Granheim.

En riktig jul med julkalendern? : Utveckling, innehåll och målgrupp för SVT:s julkalender

Abstract The purpose with this essay is to get an understanding of how the christmascalender hasevolved throughout the history, and why its shape looks like it does. We have made ananalysis of the 21-centurys calendars to get a look on the content and tried to track a targetgroup. Which themes have characterized the 21-century and how can you put these in relationto earlier calendars? To get a greater insight in the design of the christmascalendar, we madean interview with SVT's Susanne Kvarforth. After this it came to our knowledge that they arelacking guidelines besides that their target group is 6-12 year olds.

NATO operativa planeringsmodell (GOP) prövad i operation Weserübung-nord

C-uppsats som avhandlar de centrala begreppen i Guidelines for Operational Planning(GOP) (Centre of Gravity, Decisive Points, Direct and Indirect Approach, Culmination,Manoeuvre, Temp, Operational pause och Lines of operation) granskat i ett historisktperspektiv.Uppsatsen försöker verifiera hypotesen att Guidelines for operational planning (GOP)centrala begrepp fungerar och är applicerbara på alla operationer. Ett belägg för detta är attman kan identifiera begreppen i en historisk operation.Tyska väpnade styrkor från Wehrmacht, Kriegsmarine och Luftwaffe genomförde ett anfallöver havet och i luften mot Norge den 9 april 1940. Operationen var av tyskarna döpt tilloperation Weserübung-nord och var mycket vågad. I uppsatsen kommer denna operation attvara det historiska perspektivet.

Att handskas med händer : en observationsstudie om handhygien i Tanzania

Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva hur sjuksköterskor upplevde omvårdanden av patienter med psykos inom psykiatrisk öppen- samt slutenvård. Bakgrund: Allmänheten har än idag en negativ och felaktig bild av psykisk sjukdom samt psykiatrisk vård. Att vårda personer med psykos skiljer sig från arbetet med somatiska sjukdomar. Metod: En litteraturstudie genomfördes vilken baserades vetenskapliga artiklar som sökts i databaserna Cinahl och PsykInfo. Resultat: Omvårdnaden av patienter med psykos upplevdes som oförutsägbart vilket krävde ständig beredskap och mycket tålamod.

Sjuksköterskors följsamhet av basala hygienrutiner : med fokus på handhygien.

Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskors följsamhet till handhygien är en förutsättning för att förhindra smittspridning.Varje år skadas 100 000 patienter i vårdrelaterade infektioner och var tionde inneliggande patient drabbas. Vårdtiden förlängs med 4 dagar och detta kostar samhället oerhörda resurser och kostnader. Kontaktsmitta via sjukvårdspersonals händer är den vanligaste orsaken. Detta skulle kunna förhindras om sjukvårdspersonalen utför korrekt handhygien enligt de rekommenderade riktlinjerna. Syfte Syftet med studien var att belysa faktorer som påverkar hur sjuksköterskor inom den slutna vården följer riktlinjer för basala hygienrutiner gällande handhygien.

Digital kompetens : för individens frigörelse eller för marknadens behov?

Eskilstuna Folkhögskola is located in Munktellstaden in Eskilstuna. The school has two separate buildings with entrances that are difficult to find. By having two separate buildings, and to be in an area where there are rules and guidelines for the area's environment, makes it difficult to guide visitors to the school premises.The purpose of my research was to examine how to guide visitors to the school, and how to increase understanding that the school's various buildings are connected.Through practices such as site analysis, interviews, I found that the guidelines are not adapted to the current situation that is established in the district.Through theory and empirical material I have produced a design proposal to facilitate Wayfinding to Eskilstuna Folkhögskola. This is presented as a landmark and a clarification of the schools entrances and signage..

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