

378 Uppsatser om Hunting dogs - Sida 5 av 26

Förekomst av Helicobacter spp. hos hund : samband med hepatit/pankreatit?

To date, the genus Helicobacter consist of 26 different species and even more species are yet to be characterized. Helicobacter has been detected in connection with diseases in the liver and pancreas in humans and animals. Helicobacter spp. are gram negative, curved, S-shaped or spiral shaped bacteria. They are microaerophilic and have flagella that make them motile. Helicobacter, present in the gastric mucosa neutralize the gastric acid through production of urease that hydrolyses urea to ammonia and bicarbonate.

Höftledsdysplasi och armbågsledsartros hos labrador retriever med känt radiologiskt status av höftleder och armbågar : en tredje uppföljande studie

Joint-related diseases including hip dysplasia (HD) and elbow arthritis (ED) can in advance cases lead to that the dog has to be put down, and these diseases are also the cause to expensive veterinary treatments of many large breeds, including Labrador Retrievers. The aim of this study was to make a follow-up study on the 271 Labradors, who previously participated in a study on the effect of nutrition and exercise on hip and elbow status in a birth cohort born year 2000. That study investigated the relationship between nutrition, exercise, and HD and ED. A follow up study on the same dogs at 5-6 years of age investigated the clinical effects of the radiological hip and elbow status at 1 years of age and if was effected by body condition score. This study took place in 2011-2012 and 187 Labrador retrievers participated.

Påvisande av Helicobacter spp hos hund : en metodologisk studie

The purpose of this study was to develop a reliable molecular-genetic method to determine the different species of helicobacter in dogs. The study is part of a larger project to map the prevalence of Helicobacter spp in healthy and sick dogs in Sweden, and to determine the possible connection of Helicobacter spp infection with gastrointestinal diseases in dogs. Several published studies have reported on the prevalence of Helicobacter spp in dogs. The problem is that three of the most common species are so alike that a 16SrRNA-PCR with sequencing is not able to differentiate between them. In this study, DNA has been purified from samples and then a Multiplex PCR has been performed. Multiplex PCRs use multiple primers in one single PCR.

Mjölkraskorsningar i avelsvärdering av tillväxt hos svenska köttrastjurar

The concerning issue of declining number of hunters in North America is also apparent in Europe and Sweden. When the bulk of research found on human dimensions and hunting participation has almost exclusively been done in the United States, this report seeks to add to the needed knowledge on a national level focusing on the causes of hunter declines related to social factors within Sweden. Using hunter data reaching from commune, county to National level, this report describes the correlation between a number of variables and the hunting participation in Sweden.The typical Swedish hunter lives in an area with low population density, the person usually has higher education, the living situation is stable with no recent moving and there is relatively good access to forest land. Persons with weaker connection to the Swedish culture such as foreign citizens, people with foreign background and people born outside ?the Nordic countries? are less likely to start hunt or participate in hunting.A strong relationship was found between the favorite game, moose (Alces alces), and the amount of hunters participating in the hunting.

Orsaker till trombocytopeni hos hund : en retrospektiv studie av 123 fall

Causes of thrombocytopenia in dogs ? a retrospective study of 123 cases The purpose of this retrospective case study was to determine which diseases are associated with thrombocytopenia in Swedish dogs. Records of 123 dogs with thrombocytopenia were evaluated. The most common cause was neoplasia-associated thrombocytopenia (32%). The largest proportion within this group was unspecified neoplasia.

Svensk tjänstehundsavel : en återblick och nutidsbeskrivning samt förslag inför framtiden

In 1936 a governmental breeding project was started with aim on military use. The police later came to use dogs from this project as well. In order to utilize dogs that could fit for other purposes training and education of dogs for search of different substances and of guide dogs for blind persons was performed. A political decision to privatize the whole dog programme was taken in 1992. During most part of the time one had serious economical issues since too few of the dogs that were bred could be considered to fulfil the basic demands for service. To satisfy the need of service dogs private bred dogs were bought as well.

Perception of human acoustic communication in the domestic dog (Canis familiaris)

For most dog owners today it is natural to use acoustic stimuli such as talking to communicate with their pets. Words are used both to ask the dogs to perform tricks, as well as to hold ?conversations? with the dog. This literature review looks at how dogs perceive human acoustical communication and how this can influence the behaviour of the dog. This information could be used e.g.

Social struktur och dominans hos hund

The dog (Canis lupus familiaris) is the first species ever domesticated. They can develop a close bond towards other dogs, almost like a relationship among siblings, which can be a high valuable resource for good relations and cooperation?s. Dominance in dogs is sometimes used to explain undesired behaviors and explained as a personality trait. Dominance though, is not a trait in a dog or a source for undesired behaviors, but can rather be explained as a relationship between individuals, were one of them receives more submissive signals from the other.

On the hunt for improvements : possibilities of increasing welfare in captive cheetahs through hunting enrichment

The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) is one of the big feline species kept in zoos worldwide. The wild populations are quite small and therefore the captive population make up an important part of the total population of the world. Although life in the wild is not always easy and a captive environment provides shelter and food it does not come without problems. In captivity cheetahs become chronically ill and also develop stereotypic behaviours. Neither of these are problems in wild populations and both can be linked to stress in captivity.

Sederingsrutinens påverkan på resultatet av höftledsröntgen : en pilotstudie

Hip dysplasia is a common, inherited malformation of the coxofemoral joint that eventually leads to osteoarthrosis. Several breeds of dogs are affected and the prevalence varies between different breeds. As part of the effort to reduce the prevalence of hip dysplasia and select dogs suitable for breeding, radiological screening is performed by at least 12 months of age. Before the radiological examination the dog has to be chemically restrained, sedated or anesthetized. The sedation protocol used differs between veterinary clinics. The impact of sedation method of the screening result for hip dysplasia has been studied.

Hundens betydelse i dagens samhälle :

The dog has played an important and significant role for mankind throughout history. It's no coincidence that they are known as "Man's best friend". Traditional tasks that the dog has performed include hunting, herding and guarding. In modern times its role has adapted to perform complex tasks in a great number of new areas which many people are not aware of or thinking about. My aim with this report is to attempt to chart as many different ways of using dogs as possible, in order to make society conscious of the great benefits the dog can offer society. .

Objektiv rörelseanalys : ett stöd vid den visuella bedömningen av hälta hos hund?

Lame dogs are a common group of patients for the practicing veterinarian. In the literature it is described how a clinical examination can be performed, based on general clinical-, orthopedic- and neurological examination, and visual evaluation of the dog when standing and during motion. For research, objective gait analysis systems are also used to study clinically healthy and lame dogs during motion. The aim of this degree project was to compare objective kinematic gait analysis with a visual evaluation of dogs with different types of lameness. The project was a pilot study to show if objective gait analysis could be used as a support for the visual examination. Ten lame dogs of different breeds and with different diagnoses were included in the study. They were all patients at the University Animal hospital, Uppsala.

I djurisk skepnad : en studie av djurens rituella betydelse i södra Skandinavien under atlantisk kronozon

This thesis concerns the mesolithic relation towards animals and hunting habits among people in Skateholm, Tågerup and Vedbæk - Bøgebakken. The aim is to look at the societies from a cultural point of view and demonstrate that the people living there identified themselves with animals and adapted their lives, their hunting and their burial customs according to rituals and believes concerning animals in their surroundings. The result is convincing and clearly shows that animals where treated differently in manors which can only be explained with specific cultural relations towards different kinds of animals..

Höjdsättning av mark : faktorer som påverkar processen i markprojektering

The parasite Neospora caninum is an intracellular protozoa discovered in the late 1980s. N. caninum has an indirect lifecycle which means it needs a definitive host and an intermediate host. The confirmed definitive host for N. caninum is dog and the intermediate hosts are among others dog and cattle.

Sjukdomssymptom hos hundar infekterade med Neospora caninum

The parasite Neospora caninum is an intracellular protozoa discovered in the late 1980s. N. caninum has an indirect lifecycle which means it needs a definitive host and an intermediate host. The confirmed definitive host for N. caninum is dog and the intermediate hosts are among others dog and cattle.

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