

378 Uppsatser om Hunting dogs - Sida 16 av 26

Otitis externa hos hund ? förebyggande åtgärder och råd till djurägare

Otitis externa is a disease regularly encountered in veterinary practice. It is estimated to be the most common disease in the external ear canal of dogs and treatment is often delayed due to unfortunate pet owner ignorance. Owners tend to assume that scratching of the ears and head shaking are natural behaviours in their dog and may be neglecting the problem unknowing of how severe it actually is. A literature study has been carried out to examine the causes of otitis externa in order to present a collection of measures that can be used in the treatment and prevention of the disease. In turn these measures can be advised to the dog owner and used in the home environment to make the best qualifications for healthy ears in the dog. The causes of otitis externa have been divided into predisposing, primary, secondary and perperuating causes.

Webbaserad träning ? en modell skapad för att öka compliance inom rehabilitering av hund

The aim of the present literature study was to define and describe the area ?compliance in veterinary medicine? (i.e. the way treatment recommendations are being performed) and discuss the factors that influence the level of compliance. Based on the findings, a model that intended to increase compliance in orthopedic postoperative rehabilitation of dogs was designed. In the daily work as a veterinary nurse it is essential that one provides the best possible care to the animals from the beginning to the end of the treatment.

Canine S- and M/L- cone electroretinograms

Full-field flash electroretinography is an electrodiagnostic method used to examine the function of retinal cells. Light stimulation of the eye elicits electrical potentials in the retina. By aid of a corneal electrode and a reference electrode close to the back of the eye, the electrical potentials can be recorded and presented as an electroretinogram (ERG). ERGs driven by mainly one type of cones can be used to examine the function of a single cone class. In human beings, studies have shown the cone class sensitive to light of short wavelengths, the S-cones, to be more vulnerable to acquired damage than the other cone classes (Daley et al., 1987; Gouras et al., 1993; Greenstein et al., 1989). Dogs have two cone classes, S-cones, and M/L-cones (most sensitive to medium to long wavelengths).

Den licensierade vargjaktens betydelse för vargstammen

In October 2009, a new decision was made concerning the administration of predators which resulted in a new wolf policy in Sweden. This meant that the wolf population now should be limited to 210 individuals by harvest. The new policy also recognized that the public acceptance of this species must increase and the genetic status improved. In the 17th of December a decision was taken by the Swedish parliament that it should become legal to hunt wolves in Sweden. The wolf hunt resulted in debate on a large scale amongst people, some thought of it as a good decision while others thought it was wrong.

Är djurskyddsanmälningar befogade? - en undersökning av djurskyddsärenden i Västra Götalands län under 2011

The aim of this paper was to study incoming complaints to The County Administrative Board in Västra Götaland during 2011 and examine if it was possible to see a connection between warranted and unwarranted complaints and informer, animal species and type of inadequate. In Västra Götaland, a complaint is classified as warranted if the inspection leads to a reprimand, whether it regards what was reported or not. Data were collected during three weeks through The County Administrative Board´s record system Platina and a total of 456 complaints were studied. The parameter ?complainant? was categorized into four groups according to The County Administrative Boards own division; public with the subgroups anonymous and non-anonymous, animal health staff and others.

Renal dysplasi hos hund :

Renal dysplasia is a developmental anomaly of the kidneys which is considered to be the primary lesion in juvenile progressive nephropathy, a condition leading to chronic renal failure in young dogs. It is defined as disorganised development of the renal parenchyma due to abnormal differentiation, and pathological lesions include persistent foetal structures, dysplastic tubules and cartilaginous and osseus metaplasia. The aetiology of renal dysplasia in dogs is still unknown, but possible causes are infection with canine herpesvirus, teratogenic substances or intrauterine ureteral obstruction. In some breeds renal dysplasia is a familial or inherited disease. Clinical signs of chronic renal failure, such as polyuria, polydipsia, vomiting, weight loss, anorexia, lethargy and anemia, usually appear before the age of 2 years.

Hullbedömning av ett urval av svenska hundar :

Fetma hos hund är ett ökande problem med flera allvarliga hälsoaspekter. Det finns ett flertal sätt att mäta andelen kroppsfett, men ingen metod som inte kan kritiseras på en eller flera punkter. De metoder som tas upp i denna studie är exempelvis morfometriska tekniker, ultraljud och absorptiometriska metoder. Predisponerande faktorer till fetma, bland annat överkonsumtion av energi, brist på fysisk stimulans, ålder, kastration och interaktion mellan djur och ägare diskuteras också. Slutligen ges förslag på möjligheter att behandla fetma hos hund med en praktisk handledning till veterinärer och djurkliniker. Syftet med denna studie var att kartlägga svenska hundars hull samt studera deras utfodrings- och motionsvanor i form av en enkätstudie.

Analys av temperament hos långhårig collie

The majority of all collie owners in Sweden are satisfied with their dog and choice of breed and may well consider having another one. This was found in a survey that collie owners who owned a collie between the years 1999-2009 had the opportunity to fill in from May to December 2010. In the questionnaire there were three questions included where the owners could answer whether they were satisfied or not with their dog. These questions were: * Do you think the temperament of your dog is well suited for your way of life and the goal you have with your dog? * Would you be willing to get another dog in the future? * If you were to get another dog, would you consider a rough collie? When the answer to these three questions were compared with the dogs behavior, as described in the other questions in the survey, it seemed that it was mainly the fearfulness of the dog that differed between owners who were satisfied with their dogs and those who were not.

Mångbruksplan Äspinge 2:2

This plan of multiple-use is made on the private owned forestproperty Äspinge 2:2 in the middle of Skåne. The term ?multiple-use? came to Sweden in the beginning of the twentieth century and has slowly grown until about 30 years ago when the laws of nature conservation and sustainability was written into the forest law. The so called ecoturism got more and more popular and people began to seek space and silence in difference to the life in the highly populated areas. This also encouraged foreign tourists to come to Sweden. Mostly danish, german, and dutch people.

Rabies awareness, incidence and vaccination coverage in Lilongwe, Malawi

Rabies kills about 55 000 people every year and more than 90% of infected humans are considered getting the disease from dog-bites. To control the disease and eventually eliminate human rabies, the most efficient and economic method is to keep the dog population vaccinated. The objective of this thesis was to evaluate the situation of canine rabies in two urban areas in Lilongwe, Malawi, where canine rabies is enzootic. In each area 200 household-interviews were conducted in September and October 2013. Focal points were awareness of the disease, human incidence as well as vaccination coverage in the dog population.

Jaktens betydelse för Södermanlands landskap : Hur viltvård kan påverka variationen av lövträd och buskar

The fragmentation and reduction of deciduous forests in Sweden is threatening many species. Particularity worrying is the loss of broad-leaf trees, since a diversity of species is often associated to them. Today many deciduous trees are situated along the border between forested and open areas, and these small fragments can be important for biodiversity.The aim of this study is to analyze if wildlife management can affect the variation of deciduous trees and bushes in the landscape. In brochures and literature Svenska Jägareförbundet (the Swedish Association for Hunting and Wildlife Management) recommend hunters and landowners to promote deciduous trees ? often broad-leaf trees ? as wildlife management measures, while the Swedish forestry laws can be sensed as unclear regarding the treatment of these trees.Five properties in Södermanland, Sweden, were chosen as study areas and inventoried in respect of trees and bushes in September 2013.

Dogs on the move : a study of the travel habits of Swedish dogs and their owners? awareness of infectious diseases.

ABSTRACTThe principal aim of the study was to compare the feeding behaviour of cattle, sheep and goats on pasture and explain any differences between speices. Furthermore, I compared foraging behaviour between dry season and the beginning of the rainy season, in order to see any relationships between weather and behaviour.The study was carried out in Shompole in southern Kenya. Behavioural data were collected by observing herds of cattle, sheep and goats on pasture. The livestock were herded on pasture during the days and kept in bomas, where people live, during the nights. The weather in Shompole is characterized by high ambient temperature and low, bimodal rainfall.

Hur bör unga hundar av storvuxna raser utfodras?

The dog is unique in the way that the adult weight can vary 100 folds between the different breeds. Despite this, most of the breeds reach adult size before two years of age. For the large-breed dogs this means a very rapid growth when some of them can have a weight gain of up to 150 times their birth weight. The most rapid growth occurs when the puppies are between three to six months old and that kind of rapid growth during such a short period of time makes these large-breed puppies very sensitive to deficits and excesses of energy, nutrients and minerals. Some examples can be excess of energy, excess or deficit of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus or deficits of protein. The rapid growth can also make the large-breed puppies predisposed to some diseases affecting the skeletal and joints.

Undersökning av retrobulbärområdet på hund med hjälp av ultraljud :

This study was performed in order to investigate the difficulty in diagnosing retrobulbar disease with ultrasound. A retrospective study was accomplished to investigate the use of ultrasound in patients with suspected retrobulbar problems, and how often the examination is diagnostic. The computer based patient files, at the University of Agricultural Science in Uppsala, were searched for dogs with suspected retrobulbar disease. During 1999-01-01-2004-04-14, 14 patients fulfilling the search criteria were found. The patient records were studied, and the written reports from the ultrasound examinations were compared with the printed pictures from the examinations.

Kontinuerlig glukosmätning : en möjlighet för den svenska djursjukvården?

The purpose of this scientific essay is to evaluate if a continuous glucose monitoring system is something that can benefit Swedish animal health care. The study investigates if it is medically possible to use continuous glucose monitoring systems on dogs with an apparatus attached to their bodies. Furthermore, I try to establish whether this is possible in practice and how it could be done. The keywords used were diabetes mellitus, insulin, continuous glucose monitoring, blood glucose monitoring, dog, pet owner and animal nursing care. Furthermore, I wanted to find out if this system could be an alternative to currently established methods to measure the patient?s blood glucose level.

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