

378 Uppsatser om Hunting dogs - Sida 14 av 26

Förekomst av Giardia i symtomfria valpkullar :

The flagellate Giardia intestinalis has been known to cause diarrhea in both man and dog. Results from epidemiological studies have indicated that transmission of the parasite from dog to man is plausible even though that route of infection has yet to be shown. Several international studies have shown that the parasite frequently occurs in asymptomatic dogs. In Sweden the prevalence of Giardia in healthy dogs is not known though. In this study, faecal samples were collected at two separate occasions from 21 litters and 21 bitches showing no symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. The samples from each litter were pooled but the samples from the bitches were analyzed individually.

Brunbjörnens (Ursus arctos) inverkan på den nya svenska älgförvaltningen

The European Brown bear (Ursus arctos) has gone from basically being extinct in Sweden to, 2008 being estimated to a total of 3298 individuals. When looking at the new Swedish moose management system it is important to have an ecosystem-based approach and therefore include all the parts that moose impacts on and from in the management, especially the brown bear. Primarily in the spring and early summer the brown bear is a significant predator on moose calfs which must be taken into account in moose management. When the bear recolonize areas that it has previously been eradicated from, it will once again come in contact with people who are not accustomed to the bear's role in the ecosystem. We studied three groups of moose management areas with different predation by bears.

Avlivning av sällskapsdjur, utförd av annan än veterinär : ett djurskyddsproblem?

We know that more than 2/3 of insured dogs in Sweden are put to death by a veterinarian, which means that almost one third are killed in trauma, lost or die in some other way. An unknown number of these are killed by their owner with no veterinarian involved. This graduate thesis contains a specification of the laws that control euthanasia of dogs and cats in Sweden, and the veterinary medical basics on how to perform euthanasia. The objective is also to give understanding on how pet owners choose to put their animal to death and why, and to discuss whether that is an animal welfare problem. It is legal to kill dogs and cats by shooting, using a sporting gun, provided that it is done according to laws and regulations.

Omvårdnad av kanin på klinik : en litteraturstudie

Pet rabbits are increasing in popularity and the owners want the same treatment for them as they would want for a dog or a cat. However, the knowledge among clinical staff about these small animals is not always up to date. The aim of this paper is to highlight the needs of the pet rabbit and how these can be met regarding veterinary nursing. Pet rabbits are different from dogs and cats in several ways and their needs as patients differ as well. Rabbits are herbivorous prey animals. To avoid predators, they are very reluctant to show any sign of weakness for as long as they can.

Incidence of facet joint osteoarthritis in dogs : a retrospective radiographical study

Visas inte på grund av strikt läsningsembargo, fram till 15 december 2014..

Utvärdering av lockmedel för marklevande predatorer under midvintermånader i Norrbottens inland

Many invasive species propose a big threat against the native fauna in the area that they colonise. Today the raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) is speeding from Finland over the border in to northern Sweden. A project to stop the spread and eliminate the individuals that already have established was initiated in the autumn of 2008. To investigate areas that might be interesting for raccoon dogs and to confirm sightings, cameras with auto triggering mechanisms are used. To get the raccoon dog in front of the camera some kind of lure is used. In this study three kinds of different lures was tested against each other?s.

?Yttrandefriheten har väl aldrig utnyttjats av så många som just nu? : En kvalitativ studie om bloggvärldens påverkan på samhället

We have studied the effects that blogs have on the society through interviews with influential bloggers, a news director and the founder of Sweden?s largest blogprovider.Existing theoretical work by other researchers have been used as a starting point to our thesis. Via a deductive method we then proceeded to test these existing models and viewpoints on the reality.Through our research we have concluded that blogs, if they co-operate, have an agenda-setting function, and that they can affect newspapers to write about certain topics.We have also discussed blogs role as media watch dogs. Gunilla Sax, news director, questions the blog world?s ability to fully cover all media, and to deliver a systematic and just review of the media.

Kattens naturliga beteende och hantering av katt på klinik

This literature study investigates the natural behaviour of the cat and handling of cats in the clinic. A presentation of tactile, olfactory, visual and acoustic communication is given. The reproductive behaviour of the cat is explained and the development of kittens is described. The study highlights hunting behaviour, territory structures and social life of cats. The report also includes practical instructions to how the environment and handling of cats in clinics can be improved..

Tidningen Dagens Nyheters uppfattning om vildsvinen (Sus scrofa)? : en innehållsanalys av en rikstäckande nyhetstidning

Since the wild boars (Sus scrofa) escaped from their enclosures in the 1970s, their numbers has increased dramatically. It is an animal that is currently involved in many traffic accidents. The wild boar is a popular animal to hunt. As the population has grown so has the hunting. But, unfortunately, there have also been an increased numbers of attacks on hunters.

Analys av parathormon och joniserat kalcium i blod hos hund :

The calcium homeostasis in the body is normally strict regulated to be kept within very narrow limits. This regulation is due to the action of parathyroid hormone (PTH) which is synthesized in the chief cells of the parathyroid glands. In different diseases, the calcium homeostasis is disturbed and this could either be due to a dysfunction of the parathyroid gland itself, or it could have a completely different explanation. To investigate disturbed calciumhomeostasis, ionized calcium and PTH can be analyzed from a blood sample. There are a lot of different assays to measure PTH in humans.

Eutanasi : en skonsam död

This work is about euthanasia and how to use it on horses, dogs and cats. A description for each animal is done, about when it is time, why, which methods can be used and who is allowed to use them, how and where it shall be done. The methods we have concentrated on are: - Chemical destruction and the most common drugs for euthanatize horses, dogs and cats. - Physical disruption of the brain activity by a captive bolt, only for horses. The captive bolt only makes the horse unconscious and must always be followed by cutting off the vena jugularis. Then the horse dies because of loss of blood. No matter which method used for euthanizing, the animal must be declared to be dead by the operator before other measures. The testing criteria for death: muscle relaxation and cyanosis, cessation of reflex activity and pupillary dilatation, cessation of respiratory activity and cessation of all cardiac activity.

Förgiftningar hos hund och katt

Cats and dogs are often unattended by their owners both indoors and outdoors, and therefore there is always a risk that they will get hurt. In the past, poisoning cases was considered unusual, but nowadays they are considered more common. As a veterinary nurse, it is important to know the common symptoms of poisoning, especially when working with emergency veterinary care. A very essential part of the profession as a veterinary nurse is to inform pet owners about the potentially dangerous substances and how poisonings can be prevented. The purpose of this report was to find out what is written scientifically about some common poisonings in dogs and cats and to present available statistics that covers the number of animals poisoned by various substances in Sweden. Hopefully this essay can also be used as a handbook for professionals in animal health care and to assist in educating pet owners. The report mainly covers groceries found in many homes, often easy accessible.

Vid min sida : en undersökning av människans relation till hästen under vikingatid och medeltid

The purpose of this essay was to try to understand the relationship between the horse and man during the last part of the Iron Age and trough out the Medieval Age. To be able to get a result I investigated the horse's tending, work within agriculture, riding, warfare, breeding, to stable horses, oxen, sports and hunting, eating of the horse and age at slaughter and more. The results showed that the horse's position changed from the later part of the Iron Age throughout the Medieval Ages and in different ways for, respectively, the elite as for the peasant culture..

Utvärdering av radiologiska kriterier för att bedöma tillståndet ileus på hund :

Dogs presenting with vomiting and abdominal pain, are common patients at the small animal clinic, and the reason for these symptoms can have various aetiologies. One common reason for these symptoms is obstruction of the small intestine caused by a foreign body. Obstruction of the small intestine is best diagnosed by using radiography, contrast-study if needed, and ultrasound. To avoid further examinations, diagnosis from plain radiographs is preferable. One of the signs of illness one can detect from these examinations is a dilation of the small intestine proximal of the obstruction, caused by gas or fluid; ileus.

Hjärtfrekvensvariabilitet hos friska hundar

In healthy dogs, heart rate fluctuates during the day. Heart rate variability (HRV) reflects the autonomic nervous system´s regulation of the cardiovascular unit. Heart rate variability shows the balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system, also called sympathovagal balance. Heart rate variability can be measured by time domain - and frequency domain analysis. In a time domain analysis you study the beat-to-beat-interval (RR-interval) in an electrocardiogram (ECG), while a frequency domain analysis can be used to determine the size of the variability.

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