

285 Uppsatser om Hub height - Sida 3 av 19

Skogssådd med tall och gran : effekter av fröegenskaper och skärm/hygge på plantbildning, överlevnad och tillväxt de två första åren efter sådd

Over the past few years the Swedish forestry industry has become increasing interested in direct seeding. Although, in practice, this interest has been restricted to pine seed, the knowledge and techniques that have been developed for pine seeding can readily be transferred to spruce. Direct seeding is a method that is of interest to the forestry industry since it can lead to lower regeneration costs, denser stands and better root development than the more conventional planting method. This study evaluated experiments that focused on direct seeding of spruce in the northern Sweden. Skogforsk set-up the experiments in Gideå and Sävar in 2003.

Vindfällning i naturliga och skapade bryn och kanter :

The aim of this work was to study if the edge of the forest is more resistant to heavy winds than the trees located further in from the edge, and how this edge effect changes between different types of tree species and site types. The data was collected from an electric power line going from the north to the south of Sweden. The mean value of the clearcutted area around the power line was 120 meters. The main direction of the storm in January 2005 was west-southwest and thus the power line was a perfect place for gathering a large data set. The main parameter studied was the damage frequency at the edge of the forest compared to the trees located further in from the edge (up to 100 m from the power line). Tree species mixture, soil moisture class, soil type, topography, stand height, stand height of the stand on the other side of the power line and wind exposition was estimated. The results showed a distinct edge effect. The edge of the forest had clearly lower damage frequency for all tree species. A marked difference was observed between tree species and damage frequency.


In the current situation is the straight tube cutter, that provides Luvata?s line of large recoolers with copper tubes, manually operated. To prevent damages and facilitate mounting the tubes must be properly arranged when they leave the machine. This report aims to investigate and present an automated solution where the operator does not need to participate in the process. A number of theories have been drawn up and tests have been done.

Planteringsförbandets inverkan på bildningen av kärnved hos tall (Pinus sylvestris L.) : en modellsimulering av planteringsförbandets inverkan?

The current state of knowledge indicates that there is more than one factor that initiates heartwood transition. This study supports its hypothesis on the theory that heartwood is formed by a fixed fraction of the annual growthring, 0,5 to 0,8 rings. To calculate heartwood volume modelings were carried out in four different pine stands with different spacings, 0,75, 1,25, 1,5 and three meters. The model indicates heartwood diameter (HWD) and is based on four explanatory variables, height (H), crown ratio (CR%), diameter breast height (DBH) and tree height (TH). The shifting plant spacing results in varying growth rate in the juvenile stage.

Kan markfuktighetskartor användas för att hitta skogsmark med hög bonitet? : ett gis-baserat försök med dtw-index och laserskannad övre höjd

The depth-to-water-index (DTW-index) is derived from digital elevation models (DEM) to map soil wetness, in terms of distance from soil surface to the ground water table. The aim of this GIS based study was to investigate the existence of a relationship between DTW-index and forest site productivity (SP). The belief of such an assumed relationship was based on knowledge that the ground water level is related to site properties that can either promote or impede tree growth. Data primarily comprised rasters of the Krycklan catchment in northern Sweden and depicted DTW-index and a laser scanned vegetation height. The 100th height percentile of each pixel in the vegetation raster was assumed to mirror the top-height, letting it act as a relative measure of SP within a delineated area of equal stand age.

Den fysiska klassrumsmiljön ur ett koncentrationsperspektiv : Vad det innebär att vara koncentrerad och hur klassrummets fysiska miljö ser ut

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Uppsatsen handlar i teoridelen om vad det innebär att vara koncentrerad samt att ha svårigheter att koncentrera sig. Vi beskriver olika typer av koncentrationssvårigheter, vad perception är, vad som främjar och vad som försvårar koncentrationen. Vi skriver om hur man på olika sätt kan underlätta för elever med primära koncentrationssvårigheter. I undersökningsdelen tar vi reda på vilka visuella stimuli elever utsätts för genom de observationer vi gjort i elevtomma klassrum.

Granproduktion på tallmarker! : är produktionen hållbar?

The aim of this report was to investigate the hypothesis that Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst), planted on poor ?Scots pine? stands will not have sustained growth during the whole rotation, due to water deficit in the closed stands. In order to investigate this hypothesis, data from 10 Norway spruce stands in southern-eastern Sweden were collected. In 10 plots in each stand, diameter and breast heights were measured on every tree.

Utvärdering av svensk vindkraft : Skillnaden mellan skogs- och traditionella placeringar

During the last years commercial Wind Power Turbines (WPT) has become larger regardingto the generator sizes and Hub heights. Available Hub heights around 100 meters is nowcommon, which has led to profitability for WPT located in forests where there normally are tolow wind speeds. The current knowledgement regarding turbulence and the variation in thewind profile for the outcome of the power production for the WPT in forests is limited.In this Master of Science thesis an investigation concerning forest located wind power plantshas been made. The purpose has been to investigate if plants located in forest perform lesscompared to wind power turbines located at more common locations.The analyses are based on statically material for determining the availability,production/generator size, production/Hub height, production/swept area and how thetopography affect the production results.The analyses show that the variation in production result for WPT located in forest comparedto turbines located at other locations is small. The availability is high and the productionresults are good..

Viltets inverkan på vegetationsutvecklingen i en Sydsvensk skogsföryngring :

Herbivore impact on the Swedish forest has under a long time been a common subject of debate. There are many different opinions depending on what direction the forest owner has with his/her forest. Populations of moose and roe deer have increased significantly in Sweden during the last decades. The purpose of this study is to get a full picture of the herbivore impact on the regeneration areas. The field work was done once a year for seven years (1999?2005).

Jämförelse mellan sådd och naturlig föryngring av tall i Härjedalen

The purpose of this study was to compare naturally regenerated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris (L.)) against seeded Scots pine in terms of benefits and differences. An inventory was performed at a number of different sites, 4 ? 6 years after soil scarification and data on the number of new established plants, their height growth as well as ground-line diameter was collected. Information about site conditions such as altitude, quarter exposure and frost risk was also collected. A review of previous studies was conducted in addition to the field study.

Utvärdering av en subjektiv metod för att skatta mängden trädbiomassa längs vägkanter :

Forest biomass is becoming an increasingly important source of renewable energy, and thereby the demand is increasing. There is currently 213 000 km of forest roads in Sweden that could be suitable for biomass harvesting. Harvest of biomass along forest roads both provides biomass and maintains the quality of the roads. Currently, the volume of biomass along roads can only be assessed post harvest, chipping and industry deliverance. As the decision of whether or not to harvest should preferably be based on more than experience, the TJ-method has been proposed. The TJ-method is a subjective method to quickly determine the dry matter quantity with the assessment being conducted from the roadside.

Kronandelsrelaskopering, en ny metod för att fastställa gallringsbehov?

In today´s forestry, assessments of needs for thinning are based on basal area measurements. This is an indirect measurement. The approach and the developed assessment tables are based on an assumed production forest, which implies that management proposals in stands that deviate from the basic model may be misleading. Since Walter Bitterlich in 1948 launched the idea of the relascope, several modifications have been developed for different purposes. In common is that all are based on a certain angle measurement principle.

Produktivitet och lönsamhet vid skörd av skogsbränsle i klen björkgallring :

The aim of the study was to compare productivity in first thinning of birch stands, when either energy- or pulpwood was harvested. The systems total profitability was also compared by including forwarding and chipping costs. A Gremo 950 HPVR harvester was used and the same driver was used under the entire study. During the pulpwood harvest a Logmax 4000b harvester head was used and a feller buncher head made by Silvatec was used during the energy wood harvest. Six study unit pairs were located in a birch dominated stand outside Ängelholm in Skåne.

En jämförelse mellan två datorprogram för utbytesberäkningar :

This thesis is made on behalf of SCA's Forestry Division and is a comparison of two bucking simulation tools: Aptan (manufactured by Skogforsk) and Best/upr (from Berget Systemdesign). The data is based on 32 stands from SCA's forests in Norrbotten and Västerbotten. The objective is to compare the simulations created by the tools with the harvested volumes from those stands. Three variables are needed for the bucking simulation; these are the diameter distribution (at breast height), the relationship function between diameter and height, and the taper coefficients. The volumes of five different assortments from the stands are compared.

En jämförelse mellan TLS och UAV-fotogrammetri : Inmätning av hårdgjorda ytor

At present day there are several different methods for measuring of paved surfaces.The most common methods today are measuring with a total station, the GlobalNavigation Satellite System (GNSS) and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS). Recently thedevelopment of unmanned aerial vehicles, known as drones, has increasedexponentially and today there are several ways of using drones for measuring surfacesby photographing and laser scanning.This thesis contains a comparison between the methods terrestrial laser scanning(TLS), and unmanned aerial vehicle photogrammetry (UAV). The measurements havebeen applied on two different test surfaces, one of asphalt and one of gravel. Thepurpose of the comparison is to investigate whether the airborne photogrammetry isequivalent accurate in its height levels as the terrestrial laser scanning. For thecomparison to be more extensive, these two methods have not only been comparedin precision but also in the areas of ease of use and economy.The precision was analyzed by comparing the height levels in randomly placed controlpoints on the test surfaces.

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