

636 Uppsatser om Hospital - Sida 4 av 43

Spanskt sjuk på ett sjukhus i Sverige : Spanska sjukans utbrott på Säters hospital hösten 1918

Spanska sjukan var en världsomfattande epidemi, en pandemi, som drog över världen i flera influensavågor mellan 1918-1920. Syftet har varit att ta reda på hur Säters Hospital drabbades av och hanterade influensautbrottet 1918. Med hjälp av överläkarens årsberättelse för 1918 har jag lyckats få fram att 40,7 % av alla patienter blev smittade av spanska sjukan varav 15,3 % av dem avled till följd av sjukdomen. 529 personer smittades av spanska sjukan på Säters sjukhusområde varav 57 personer avled, vilket motsvarar 10,8 %. Av de 529 smittade männen och kvinnorna avled 12,6 % kvinnor (34 stycken) och 8,9 % män (23 stycken) till följd av in-fluensan.

En retrospektiv fallstudie av konservativ behandling av intraartikulära hovbensfrakturer, typ II och III, hos rid- och körhästar :

Hospital records of 32 non-racehorses referred to Skara Animal Hospital and Halland Animal Hospital, Sweden, between January 1995 and September 2001 for intraarticular fractures of the third phalanx, were reviewed, and follow-up information on final outcome was collected to determine whether any injury or treatment factors could be associated with the outcome. Mean age of the horses was 8.3 years (range, 1-20 years), and follow-up time ranged from 1 to 7 years after injury. In 11 (34%) of the horses, injury involved the front limbs. Twenty-two (69%) horses returned to their original level of use. There was no statistically significant correlation between outcome and elapsed time from injury to treatment, treatment variables, or bony union in the present study.

Jämställdhetsutbildning och jämställdhetsarbete bland sjukhuschefer

This paper is about research carried out at a Hospital at which managers had taken a course in gender equality. The aim was to get a deepened understanding of them and their work on gender equality. I wanted to find out if they themselves felt that they had obtained any new knowledge and if they had changed anything at their workplace because of this new knowledge. I also wanted to know if they had experienced any problems in this process. I found that the course has been more or less decisive in order for them to start working with questions concerning gender equality.

Bland Bokbaciller och Vingklippta Änglar ? En kvalitativ studie kring bestånd och beståndsarbete på fem sjukhusbiblioteks barn- och ungdomsavdelningar

The main purpose of this thesis was to examine the collection management at five different Hospital libraries´ children and youth?s section to discern different roles of the collections. We made qualitative interviews with five Hospital librarians. The purpose was also to see how the collection development affected the different roles of the collections. We used two theories.

Implementering av balanserat styrkort i sjukvården : Fallstudie av Ängelholms sjukhus.

70 % of all implementations of Balanced Scorecard fail. In this essay, we look into which difficulties that exist when implementing a Balanced Scorecard. We have chosen the general Hospital of Ängelholm for our case and we have made qualitative interviews with key persons in the organization to explain these difficulties. The most difficult problem the Hospital faced was to make the employees motivated for the change. It is important that the management is encouraging and is taking an active interest in the implementation as well as experience, patience and having a long term focus.

Undervisningsbehov vid ischemisk hjärtsjukdom - en litteraturstudie om patientens uppfattning

The aim of this study was to determine the self-perceived learning needs in patients with Coronary Heart Disease (CHD). CHD is the leading cause of death worldwide. Poor compliance is one of the causes of reHospitalisation. Patients suffering from CHD need education in order to manage their disease and prevent readmission to Hospital. As Hospital stays diminish the time available for patient education is limited.

Lönsamhetsbedömning av utökad MR-kapacitet på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset

This thesis analyses how a radiology department at the largest Hospital in Sweden, Karolinska University Hospital, most profitably could expand its capacity for investigating cancer patients using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The queues today for patients waiting to be scanned are long, which delays the start of cancer treatments. Meanwhile the Hospital has a budget deficit of half a billion SEK, which make any expansion hard. In this thesis we evaluate the alternatives of investing in new machinery; utilize the current machinery better by using them more days annually or through a shift work system. Finally we evaluate a combination of these.

Mundo mortus ses, sed Deo vivas? : en osteologisk studie med avsikt att bedöma klostret i Ny Varbergs karaktär

The main aim of this study is to determine whether the monastery in Ny Varberg has been used as a Hospital during its active years. The second aim has been to investigate weather the buried individuals at the monastery at Ny Varberg exclusively are deceased monks. Only individuals from the monastery's active years has been included in this study. A total of 16 inhumated individuals was analysed. Both men, women and children was shown to be present, as well as wide spread of children and adults.

Patientinformation, vilken profession förmedlar den bäst? En systematisk litteraturstudie med tillhörande begreppsanalys.

This thesis is a systematic review of the Swedish healthcare and Hospital-library?s authorities on the consumer health information. The goal is to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses that are inherited in two professions (medical and LiS) with two completely different perspectives on mediating information.The method used is a mix between conceptual analysis of the Swedish term ?patient information? and a Critical conceptual analysis, according to Fairclough, of published native theses and international professional journals.Conclusion of the thesis is that although the nursing and medical staff has the necessary medical expertise it does not, in many cases have either the time or skill to completely satisfy a patient or his/her next of kin´s information needs when exposed in a uneasy situation as when in need of treatment or help in any kind.The Hospital librarian on the other hand does have the intermediating skills and most often the time to explain complex treatments or medical procedures, but the lack in medical or nursing expertise.In a perfect setting there is an inter-professional cooperation which brings a lot of positive results. The problem today is often to overcome the gap in awareness of one and other that exists in a modern Swedish Hospital..

Brytpunkten mellan två platser : gemenskap, miljö och identitet från S:a Maria sjukhus till Maria Park

The result of a short field work done in Maria Park, a place situated in the north of Helsingborg city. A comparative work, using the old S:a Maria and Maria Park. The same place, once a mental Hospital, and now, at the time of the paper being written, it's a richer residential district. Is there anything left of the old mental Hospital in the new community and the residents identities?.

Katt bland hermelinerna - en undersökning om sjukhuskuratorns egen uppfattning om sin ställning i den medicinska organisationen

This bachelor thesis aimed to explore, in a qualitative manner, the relationship and the interaction between the Hospital welfare officer and the rest of the nursing staff. We chose this subject because we wanted to explain the phenomena of being a medical outsider in the nursing team. Our questions at issue were the following three: How does the Hospital welfare officer define his occupational sphere and how do the rest of the nursing staff define it, according to the welfare officer himself? Is the welfare officer's relation to his own professional role and to the rest of the nursing staff affected by where his office is placed - secluded from or within the clinic? How does the welfare officer himself value his profession in relation to the rest of the nursing crew? To answer these questions we interviewed eight welfare officers, placed in two different Hospitals. We used three different theories to explain the primary information.

Arbetsterapeuters informationssökningsbeteende: En intervjuundersökning vid en rehabiliteringsklinik

This thesis deals with the information-seeking behaviour of occupational therapists. Focus was on three different aspects of information-seeking behaviour. The purpose was to investigate how occupational therapists conceive of work-related information needs, their choice and use of formal and informal information sources and their use of the Hospital library. Twelve interviews with occupational therapists were conducted at a rehabilitation clinic in a Hospital. The theoretical frame consists of a general model of the information-seeking of professionals by Leckie, Pettigrew and Sylvain.

Kuratorers personliga upplevelser av stress och coping på ett akutsjukhus i Stockhol

AbstractTitle: Welfare officers personal experiences of stress and coping in an emergency Hospital in StockholmThe purpose with this study was to describe how welfare officers in an emergency Hospital experienced stress in their workplace and what coping strategies they used. Through qualitative interviews the welfare officers thoughts and experiences were examined. The result showed that welfare officers experienced some stress at the workplace; this was related to lacks in the organization, heavy workload and short of time. The most commonly used coping strategies were social support, physical training, short breaks during the day to handle the stress at work. The conclusions of this study was that factors that reduces stress for welfare officers who work at emergency Hospitals was a functioning organization and management, the ability to control and at some levels effect their own work, to have guidance and other opportunities to ventilate with co-workers.

Factors influencing bystanders to start cardiopulmonary resuscitation out-of-hospitalFaktorer som har betydelse för om bystanders påbörjar hjärtlungräddning utanför sjukhus ? en litteraturstudie

Objective: The out-of-Hospital cardiac-arrest incidence in Sweden averages about 10 000 a year. Whether the victim will survive or not is dependent upon rapid actions according to the chain of survival ? early alarm, early CPR, early defibrillation and early medical treatment. While waiting for the ambulance the victim is completely dependent on immediate help from any bystander, because early CPR improves survival rates by two-three folds. Unfortunately not all bystanders start CPR because of different reasons.

En intervjustudie gällande skillnad i resutat mellan två avdelningar vid nutritionsmätningar

BackgroundMalnutrition in Hospitalized patients has a high prevalence. This led to an action plan against malnutrition that was conducted in 2012 at Enköpings Hospital. This paper investigated the nursing staff perceptions of this project on nutrition and nutrient intake in two different departments, and whether these perceptions differ between departments. MethodAn inductive approach with semi-structured interview was used in interviews with eight persons from the staff of the two departments of the Hospital in Enköping involved in the project. Interviews were recorded, transcribed and analyzed by content analysis. ResultsIn the interview material four categories were identified as well as six different subcategories. The different categories were: "Attitude", "Knowledge", "Procedures" and "Workload".

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