

2613 Uppsatser om Honour related oppression - Sida 7 av 175

Brandrelaterade insekters lokala artrikedom i förhållande till olika miljövariabler : Fokus på betydelsen av konnektivitet på brandfält i boreal skog i Västerbottens län

The last century, forest fires have decreased in frequency due to efficient fire-suppression along with the growth of the industrial forestry. Since 1990, fire has been reintroduced under controlled forms to recreate burnt habitats. Many species that are dependent on, or benefits from, forest fires have increased since fire was reintroduced. The importance of connectivity is often addressed in ecological research. This is particularly important for species dependent on short-lived habitats such as burnt forests.

Den informella organisationen : Jämställdhetsutredning inom bank-och finansbranschen

During the autumn of 2007 I carried out an investigation within the bank and finance Sector. The aim of the investigation was to see how informal aspects could be understood in relation to equality within Bank AB? The main question was: Which are the obstacles and opportunities for equality within Bank AB? To answer the main question I asked the following questions to the material: Are there any gender related different within the organization? How are men and women represented within the internal magazine? Which are the conceptions related to sex/gender within the organization? The investigation is based on a survey, the internal magazine was investigated and finally interviews took place. Throughout the investigation I used organization theory in a gender perspective. With the gender organization theory I examined concepts as structures, leadership, symbolism and changes associated with equality.

Patienters upplevelser av att leva med cancerrelaterad smärta : En litteraturstudie

Background: Cancer-related pain is a major problem worldwide. Studies indicate that patients do not get an adequate pain relief. This creates a large suffering and results in major problems for the patient and their families. In order to minimize this kind of suffering caregivers need to understand how cancer-related pain is experienced by these patients, what it does to them and how it impacts their daily life.  Aim: The aim of this study was to describe patients´ experience of living with cancer-related pain.

Bräckt vatten smakar som tårar : En studie baserad på upplevelser inom Socialförvaltningen i Halmstads kommun beträffande hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

Bräckt vatten smakar som tårar ? En studie baserad på upplevelser inom Socialförvaltningen i Halmstad kommun beträffande hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck.Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur Socialförvaltningen i Halmstad arbetar med hedersfrågor. Vi vill fånga de olika aktörernas upplevelse och förståelse av fenomenet hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck.Studien är baserad på en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer och resultatet är analyserat med hjälp utav teorierna Intersektionalitet, Postkolonial teori och den Mångkulturella triaden.Resultaten visar på att det finns en ambivalens kring hur intervjupersonerna väljer att definiera hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck och att detta dels bygger på att de är präglade av postkoloniala tankar om ?Den Andre? och dels att de i större utsträckning anammat ett intersektionellt tänkande genom vilket man förstår fenomenet hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck ur variabler såsom kön, klass och etnicitet. Inom Socialförvaltningen i Halmstad urskiljs inte ?hedersrelaterat våld? som en egen kategori från ?våld i nära relationer?.

Immunohistochemical study of hemoglobin-related proteins in endometrium from fertile and infertile women

In couples diagnosed with unexplained infertility, the woman has normal ovulatory cycles and no organic pathology, and the man has normal semen. The period during which the implantation of an embryo can occur is defined as the window of implantation (WOI). For infertile women, disturbances in the endometrium maturation are hypothesized to impair the uterine receptivity for embryo implantaition. However, there are still no methods found to predict endometrial receptivity.Hemoglobin related-proteins hypothesized to be involved in embryo implantation have been found in the endometrium in both fertile and infertile women. The aim of this study was to determine whether there were differences in the expression of hemoglobin-related proteins, hemoglobin-?, cytoglobin, fetal hemoglobin and haptoglobin in the endometrium of fertile and infertile women.

Optimal kapitalstruktur : En undersökning tillämpad på skandinaviska och tyska företag

This paper describes and develops a trade off model of optimal capital structure by Bradley et al. (1984). The model is then tested to examine how changes in corporate tax rates affect the optimal capital structure of firms. Based on theoretical implications of the model, four hypotheses are derived stating that firms? optimal debt-to-value ratio is (1) negatively related to financial distress costs, (2) negatively related to non-debt tax shields, (3) negatively related to firm volatility and (4) positively related to the corporate tax rate.


To which extent elderly people at nursing homes have an influence on their daily living is currently debated. Studies have shown that they have limited influence due to restricting routines associated with nursing homes. Therefore the aim of this study was to examine how elderly people experience the ability to influence their daily living at nursing homes and how limited influence is revealed in the daily care. Five elderly people, from four different nursing homes, underwent a structured interview. The outcome of the interviews was analyzed in relation to established theories related to geriatric care.

Medborgare, sträck ut din arm : Bloddonation och blodhandel i Folkets Dagblad 1985-1998

The purpose of this BA-study is to analyse articles about blood selling and blood donations in the Chinese daily newspaper People?s Daily between 1985 and 1998.With publications of popular scientific material, reports from rallies and portraits of blood donating ?heroes? etc., the People?s Daily, i.e. the Chinese Com­mu­nist Party, actively addresses the underlying cultural reluctance to give blood by different means. People?s Daily and the CCP resolutely aims to transform negative Confucian and other traditional notions of losing blood into represen­tations of courage, honour, duty, etc.

Bilden av kvinnan i Library of Congress Classification En genusstudie av Library of Congress Classifications första och senaste upplaga

I have done a comparative gender study of Library of Congress Classification from 1900 and 2001. I have also used a hermeneutic method and ideological critics to find out what picture of women the both systems shows. In my comparative study of the both systems I have found low update of classes which relates to women in the new classification system. Men seem to be a norm in the system, because men are not defined in classes related to both men and women. But many classes related to women are named Women as and Women in The study also shows that women are more related to subjects about family and marriage than men are.

För mycket lycka : om lyckan och det politiska hos Simone de Beauvoir och Sara Ahmed

Happiness is often considered our ultimate goal in life. This essay explores the political im- plications of this view, through the critique of happiness found in the works of Simone de Beauvoir and Sara Ahmed. Ahmed and Beauvoir consider happiness to be harmful as a po- litical goal, since it tends to diminish dimensions of power and conflict in favor of harmony, and is not compatible with a political philosophy based on freedom or liberation. Happiness is often confused with the ethical Good, but this essay argues that happiness does not ne- cessarily entail good things. Indeed, happiness can be used to justify oppression and unjust political systems..

Farmers preferred end-values related to their use of forward contract : a means-end chain analysis

Today?s farmers are constantly affected by the fluctuating world market prices on grain and thereby the price risk that comes with the price fluctuations. The volatile prices of grain increase the price risk within the business, which in turn affects the profitability of the business. The fluctuating prices together with the increased price risk within the farm business have opened up the market for hedging instruments. In this master thesis project, the aim is to identify the underlying end-values of 30 Swedish farmers? related to their choice of using hedging and the product; forward contract.

Följsamhet till handhygien : En litteraturstudie

Background Nightingale attention that hygiene was an important task to prevent health- related infection. Today there are guidelines how hand hygiene should be followed, to prevent health- related infection. Good knowledge and education in hand hygiene and its consequences if it?s not followed is of great importance. Hand hygiene should be performed before and after the clean and the unclean work with patients and materials.

Långtidsfrisk eller arbetsglädje - vad speglar arbetsrelaterad hälsa?

The work related illness has increased and instead of focusing on what?s causing it more and more efforts are put on trying to find the health factors within and outside the work environment. During the past years the term ?long-term health? has arisen; instead of focusing on the number of employees on the sick-list, the focus should be put on the number of employees that has a record of long-term health within an organization, i.e. health-presence.

Språkhantering på ett mindre bibliotek: en kvalitativ undersökning om hur ett mindre bibliotek arbetar med minoritetsspråk

The following thesis will examine how a smaller library manages the prioritization of media between Swedish and 'minority language'. We are also interested in the challenges and problems that can occur in such work, as well as how the librarians think about their role in the integration process. We have studied this through several qualitative interviews with librarians as well as earlier related research. The results show that librarians display a high propensity of appreciation related to working with minority languages and consider this an important aspect of their profession ? they fully ingratiate and accept the importance of helping the immigrant population in learning Swedish.

Cause-Related Marketing - En studie om konsumenters uppfattning av Rosa Bandet-produkter

Vårt syfte är att studera svenska konsumenters uppfattning om cause-related marketing på den svenska marknaden samt om detta påverkar deras köpbeslut. Undersökningen avser de CRM-kampanjer där företag samarbetar med välgörenhets-organisationer och tar fram specifika produkter för detta ändamål, som således kombinerar två varumärken. Vi har utgått från ett konsumentperspektiv då vi anser att detta på bästa sätt uppfyller vår problemformulering och syfte. Vi har utfört en kvalitativ studie för att möjliggöra förståelse av de bakomliggande anledningarna till respondenternas svar. Vi har använt oss av teorier om cause-related marketing och co-branding samt TORA-modellen vilken rör köpbeteende.

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