

2613 Uppsatser om Honour related oppression - Sida 33 av 175

En givande undervisning i problemlösning för andraspråkselever : En studie i årskurs 3 vid en mångkulturell skola i södra Stockholm

Thanks to I have got to explore different teaching ways around the problem solving in a year 3, in a multicultural school which is located south of Stockholm, I have been able to answer my question at issue in my degree work. My question at issue on this investigation and the purpose with my degree work was to explore different teaching ways that promotes pupils with another mother tongue than Swedish, to develop reading comprehension and to get a better understanding of mathematical concepts in problem solving tasks. On this investigation have I chosen to teach these pupils to explore, reach and gain a deeper understanding of what teaching about problem solving promotes these pupils. I have when it concerns choice of method and material collections assumed from a qualitative investigation and gathered the material with help from participation notices and interviews. I have in my investigation reached the conclusion that those pupils with another mother tongue than Swedish developed reading comprehension and got a better understanding of mathematical concepts in problem solving tasks by being taught in a creative and varied teaching. A creative and varied teaching as I taught those pupils in contained:the pupils had to work with living-related problem tasksthe pupils had to work in pairs to resolve problem solvingthe pupils had to work in larger groups to resolve problem solvingthe pupils had to work in a creative way, by writing and drawing pictures and do their own mathematical fairy tale in problem solvingthe pupils had to work with manipulatives to resolve problem solving in half classes..

Övervakning vid allmän anestesi och stående ingrepp på häst

The purpose of this literature study was to describe techniques for monitoring general anesthesia and standing chemical restraint in the horse. A number of various techniques and devices related to e.g. blood pressure measurement, blood gas analysis and pulse oximetry are defined, and finally their clinical relevance and reliability are discussed. The equine patient is generally far more exposed to anesthesia-related risks than other smaller species. Complications such as hypotension and hypercapnia are commonly seen during general anesthesia. Thus, close monitoring is essentially performed by the veterinary nurse, whom is responsible for monitoring the anesthetized patient.

Medling enligt föräldrabalken (FB) : En studie om domarnas syn på medling

This paper is based on a study seeking answers to questions about how the judges at district courts look at mediation as a way to deal with custody and visitation disputes between parents who do not live together. The questions posed in this study are: When is a mediator appointed? What result do judges expect to mediation? What do the judges say about how a mediator should work? What are the judge?s opinions about the lawyer?s role in these cases? Finally, how do the judges define the children?s needs and how do the judges check that the solution is best for the child? The study also aims to compile theories of mediation, to create new knowledge and to possibly develop new research questions related to mediation. The study is a qualitative case study with law sociological and abductive approach. The interviewed judges all have a lot of experience in family law cases.

Europeiska mötesdestinationer : En jämförelsestudie om professionella möten & mötesindustrin i Stockholm, Warszawa & Rom

The meeting industry is a growing industry around the world, and the technological development in recent decades is one of the contributing factors to the increased travel opportunities and meeting industry's expansion. It can be assumed that the technology could replace some of the personal meetings, but humans have always had a need to meet in physical locations in work related purposes, therefore there is no evidence that personal meetings will disappear. Technological development should be seen as complementary rather than a substitute to the existing professional meetings. Public and private sectors within countries has drawn attention to meeting industry's potential, as favored destinations in terms of economic administration, image creation, expansion and acquisition of further market share in the global market. Meeting industry is complex precisely because there are so many different actors and stakeholders that integrate.

Människan bakom sjukdomen : En litteraturöversikt om vårdpersonalens attityder gentemot personer med HIV/AIDS

Background: HIV/AIDS has existed officially for more than 35 years and is now seen as a global epidemic. The disease has claimed many victims and there is no indication showing decrease of the mortality rate. The disease is currently incurable, but antiretroviral drugs have good effect at slowing down the process. The persons who live with the disease are exposed to stigma and, sometimes, negative attitudes. The negative attitudes could affect the person?s willingness carry through the test.

Livspusslet. En studie om stress och hälsa hos vårdpersonal

To increase the understanding of how individuals total life situation affects their stress level and health has lately more frequently been discussed in different contexts. Furthermore, it is important to have knowledge of power structures that exist under given circumstances in a society to get an increased understanding of how to structure the health promoting work to get the highest possible benefits. People?s work life is essential to their health, since we spend a lot of time at work. The aim of this study was to find out which factors that relate to nursing staff?s health and stress level from a general perspective.

Finns det någon variation i CMJ som återföljs av förändringar i någon av pulsvariationerna och handstyrkan?

IntroductionSuccessful training is a key for athletes to make progress in their development. Training must not just involve overload, but also must prevent the combination of excessive overload plus inadequate recovery. Athletes can experience short-term performance decrement without severe psychological or lasting other negative symptoms. Too much hard exercise or too little sleep can cause overtraining, a condition in which the subject can prevent to be away from the sport for several weeks or months. Previous studies have detected that it is important to avoid overtraining.

Gränser och passager : En analys av de curatoriska och konstnärliga subfälten

I have, with a point of departure in two case studies; the artist, curator and scientist Andreas Gedin and Maria Lind, curator and director of Tensta konsthall, contextualized with a couple of respondents; the freelance curator, writer and editor Power Ekroth and the freelance curator and artist Carl Michael von Hausswolff, conducted a field analysis on curatorial and artistic practices. I have applied key concepts in order to conduct the analysis.Furthermore, the case studies and the respondents have been placed in a contemporary artworld. These components have been related to a contemporary historical segment of the artworld. This in turn, has been related to older, international cicumstances of change and various conditions in the two subfields. I have suggested certain a proximity in the artistic and curatorial practices.

Vägen mot kunskapsmålen : Ur ett lärar och elevperspektiv

The purpose of this study is to investigate teachers 'and students' understanding of why students finish school with incomplete scores and which resources they consider necessary for students to accomplish the goals that are set for the students. Owing to the reuse of pupils and teachers' experiences, this study will highlight significant qualitative aspects of work with students who finish school with incomplete high school grades. Hopefully, will this study be a support and information base in secondary school.The material forming the basis for the report's theoretical assumptions and the basic assumption is based on Lev Vygotsky sociocultural perspective on learning that Olga Dysthe discuss and develop further in his book, Dialog, samspel och lärande.  The present work is based on qualitative research method. I selected this research method because I am interested in getting an understanding of the importance and significance of this research The study applied a qualitative interview format.As a result of the investigation as it has appeared that students difficulties to achieve the goals,depends on several factors, mostly on the student's socio-economic and psychosocial situation they live in. The life situation of the students determines the learning and knowledge process and how they reach their goals.

Usability i relation till Likeability : Ett nedslag i en designprocess för en webbproduktion

This report examines the relationship between usability and subjective judgmentsabout aesthetic and emotional aspects of users of a web production. Through thedevelopment of two prototypes that reflects different aspects of usability and subjectiveassessments examined the consequences of a differentiation of the concepts andUsability and Likeability. Thereafter, an evaluation of the two prototypes are madethrough user testing. Finally, the results of the evaluation is presented and are relatedto the concepts of usability and likeability. .

En jämförelsestudie mellan OpenGL 4.3, OpenGL ES 3.0 och WebGL 1.0

OpenGL is a standard API that is used to manage 3D graphics on desktop computers. Although OpenGL is independent of customized hardware it?s not suitable for all kinds of devices. Therefore both OpenGL ES andWebGL was created. These can be viewed as subsets of OpenGL.

LCC-kalkyler i byggbranschen : förutsättningar och tolkning av resultat

Background:Life-cycle costing (LCC) is an investment calculation that takes intoaccount operating costs throughout the investee lifecycle. LCC calculations are mainly usedto evaluate investments that have no revenue side. Attempts to apply the LCC calculations forbuilding-related investments have occurred since the 1980s. Despite the advantages ofusing LCC calculations, use has not passed through in full. The main obstacles have beenidentified as a lack of relevant input data, and insufficient experience of workingwith LCC calculations.

Effekten av hormonsubstitution hos äldre män med åldersrelaterad testosteronbrist: en litteraturgranskning

Background: Testosterone is the most important androgenic hormone in the male. Aging is closely associated with reduction of serum testosterone which can lead to reduced muscle mass, muscle strength, bone density, and depression. These symptoms may be counteracted by administration of testosterone. Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of hormone replacement in men with age-related testosterone deficiency. Method: We performed a systematic review using Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT).

Pedagogiska datorspel - Designandet av en teoretisk applikationsmodell för pedagogiska spel ämnade för gymnasieskolan, med elevperspektivet i fokus.

In this work we?ve been focusing on how to adjust educational computer games in order to make them suited for the educational context of upper secondary school. Our opinion and entrance to the study is that the related developers of the subject, in some ways, have failed to successfully combine and find the balance between the entertaining and pedagogical aspects in the games. Our main questions is which aspects in the games game developers need to take in consideration to satisfy the pupils, but also what qualities that is needed for them to function in their educational context. In order to do that we had to investigate the people of the target groups own perspective on what technological and social aspects in the computer games they assess as important.

Träning med mål och coachning för patienter med knäartros

Aim: To investigate if physical exercise in combination with coaching will reduce pain and improve knee function in patients with mild to moderate osteoarthritis in the knee compared to physical exercise alone.Method: The study consisted of 42 patients who were randomized to either an intervention group or a control group. Both groups followed a standardized training program at home, but the intervention group received additional support with regard to the aim of their training, as well as extra coaching during the training period of ten weeks. A Visual Analog Scale (VAS) was used to evaluate the patients? pain. A 10 metre walking test, the Index of Muscle Function (IMF) and the Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) were also used to evaluate knee function.

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