

2613 Uppsatser om Honour related oppression - Sida 23 av 175

Arbetsrelaterad stress bland socialsekreterare : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterarnas upplevelse av stress samt hantering av den.

The purpose of our study is to examine whether stress among social workers is present, and if so, what strategies they and their supervisors use to manage work-related stress. The study is based on a qualitative method. The data consist of interviews, with six social workers and three supervisors. The study?s theoretical framework is based on KASAM, SOC-sense of coherence by Antonovsky, demand- control- support model by Karasek & Theorell, stress theory by Hans Selye and coping strategies by Lazarus.

Entreprenörskap ? Vår tids skolpolitiska filosofi? En ideologikritisk analys av Lpf 94 och Skola 2011

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine the ideological currents that have influenced the swedish school system since the 1990's. The background of my interest is the lively debate in schools and media about the new School reform 2011. My hypothesis is that education in 2011 largely will be influenced by neoliberal and neoconservative values. The method I`ve used is discourse and ideology critique, which examines the relationship between rhetoric and power. These concepts are useful to explain the ideological change in different policy documents and in curricula, for example Lpf 94 and School 2001. The theoretical framework is based primarily on the neoliberal and the neoconservative agenda, which are two distinct political rationalities in the contemporary postmodern world.

Den är ju liksom tuggad någon annanstans: Barnbibliotekariers upplevelser av barns och ungdomars ålagda frågor under referensintervjun

The purpose of my Masters thesis is to investigate how childrens librarians in public libraries perceive and meet imposed queries during the reference interview with children and young people. What do childrens librarians think about imposed queries from children and young people? What problems can arise during a reference interview with children and young people, and what strategies can be used to solve them? How can childrens librarians prepare for imposed queries from children and young people that have arisen in school related situations? The study was carried out at public libraries in Sweden. In the review of the literature results from prior research and other relevant material are presented. The theoretical framework includes a communication model on imposed queries developed by Gross, and two other models Levels of Mediation and Zone of Intervention, developed by Kuhlthau.

Utvecklingsprojekt av förpackning inom livsmedelsindustrin

This report covers the thesis done by mechanical engineering at the engineering program at the University of Halmstad. Student Work Development of packaging in the food industry includes 15 credits and has performed over 20 weeks in spring 2009. The thesis work is a compulsory part of education and aimed at the student must apply the knowledge it has given during training in a project related to reality. Student work has been carried out in cooperation with Hanson & Möhringen AB and the project's main objective was to develop an environmentally friendly packaging to their brand Falk Salt. When salt is one of the world's cheapest commodity was packing all the costs have to be as low as possible.

Kan professionell skepticism användas för att förutse revisorers beteende?

Auditors have a big role in society. The question of auditor independence has been debated frequently after the financial crisis. Long auditor tenure with clients has both advantages and disadvantages so the question is hard to solve.One of the traits that are encouraged with auditors is professional skepticism. An important part of professional skepticism is the personal skepticism of the auditor. The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate if a high professional skepticism can increase auditor independence by increasing profession identification and decreasing client identification.

Upphandling av partnering

The effects of social media usage in a professional context, specifically the effects on social media usage in relation to leadership have been studied in order to determine weather or not usage can be productive for leadership in general. The study concludes that there are several benefits as well as drawbacks to leadership in using social media, but has yet to conclude weather productive or not. This study gives an overview of a relatively unexplored subject.Leadership in terms of leader, communication and group dynamics have been defined and explained in accordance with existing literature. A  brief review of computer and Internet history attempts to explain the formation and evolution of social media. Risks in terms of risks related to leadership and risks related to IT-security are taken into consideration and have been briefly explained.

Kan teknikutveckling i form av sociala medier vara produktivt fo?r ledarskap?

The effects of social media usage in a professional context, specifically the effects on social media usage in relation to leadership have been studied in order to determine weather or not usage can be productive for leadership in general. The study concludes that there are several benefits as well as drawbacks to leadership in using social media, but has yet to conclude weather productive or not. This study gives an overview of a relatively unexplored subject.Leadership in terms of leader, communication and group dynamics have been defined and explained in accordance with existing literature. A  brief review of computer and Internet history attempts to explain the formation and evolution of social media. Risks in terms of risks related to leadership and risks related to IT-security are taken into consideration and have been briefly explained.

Höghöjdsflygning & strukturella batterier : En konceptstudie i flygteknik

This report is written in the purpose to investigate the mechanical forces and characteristics related to a propeller driven aircraft in the Earth?s atmosphere. It?s written as a thesis project during the spring semester of 2014 and graded accordingly.Thanks Arne Karlsson for fruitful discussions. Also thanks to Simon Leijonmarck for help with useful discussions concerning structural batteries..

Stress i hemtjänsten : En studie om enhetschefers hantering av stress hos vårdpersonalen

Abstract A qualitative study of stress management within geriatric care Authors: Hildingsson, Emelie & Magnusson, JessicaSupervisor: Hjorth Aronsson, Christina Essay topic related to stress and stress management in the geriatric care. The purpose of this study is to ascertain how the unit managers, within care of elderly, in their role as manager and leader handle possible stress reactions among its nursing staff. Our purpose will generate the following issues;         How does the employer discover stress among the employees?        In what way is the stress taken care of among the geriatric care staff?What opportunities are there to prevent stress?The study is based on a qualitative research method. As a data collection method we've used semi-structured interviews and we have implemented them in five female heads in a medium-sized municipality in Sweden.

Stockholm Arlanda Airport : En undersökning av upplevelser och logistik av en storflygplats och dess påverkan på resandet

The purpose with this thesis is to investigate how the logistic and the configuration of the terminal buildings and the perceptions of the passengers at Stockholm Arlanda Airport are related to each other, and what effect it has on the passengers and their traveling within the airport.The focus will be on the logistic at all four terminal buildings that is within the Airport. To create a perception of the logistic at the Airport and how it is related to the passengers perceptions, the investigators need to make knowledge of the terminal buildings, and thereby try to link the logistic with the perception of the experience room.Swedavia is the company that own, operate at and manage Stockholm Arlanda Airport. The investigators will make an interview with employees at Swedavia to get a more profound understanding of how the company is thinking about the logistic issues that they need to overlook. There will also be interviews with travelers to get their perception of the logistic, design and atmosphere at the Airport.Observations will also be made at various times at the Airport with focus on all of the terminal buildings. The investigators use qualitative and quantitative methods to reach a result. To achieve a result, the investigators will use theories and scientific facts and other available facts that will be helpful to reach a result that will be analyzed..

Individen bakom sjukdomen

Identity includes an individual´s self-image and the consciousness about their self. It is about being the same person despite changes in their life situation. The identity often get´s fragile because of the disease. Beacuse of the individual´s feeling of lost identity there may arise a conflict between the person and people in his or her surroundings. They may no longer see the sick person in the same way as they used to.

Varning för snabblån - En studie om effekter av varningar i rörlig marknadsföring av snabblån

Payday loans are becoming a challenge of increasing gravity for society. Statistics show that the number of young adults with financial issues related to such loans has been growing over the past few years. Despite efforts to halt this trend, little is changing. Government mandated warning labels in commercials are typically used to inform about the risks associated with the consumption of certain goods and services, such as alcohol and tobacco. Despite issues related to payday loans, there is currently no legislation in Sweden mandating the inclusion of warnings in marketing of such loans.

Kostnader för välfärdstjänster i Västra Götalands kommuner

This bachelor?s thesis examines costs of welfare services in municipalities of the region of Västra Götaland in Sweden. Previous research provided reasons to expect a link between costs of welfare services and demographic changes. Furthermore, Willam J. Baumol?s theory about ?the cost disease? also provided reasons to expect a link between welfare services and salary levels.


This thesis analyses the intertextual relation between Birgitta Trotzig?s I Kejsarens tid and the works of the Polish author Bruno Schulz, using a hermeneutical method. The application of Manfred Pfister?s model for qualification of intertextual intensity initially motivates that the most important intertextual relations should be sought in the realm of ?refer to? rather than ?use?. According to the hermeneutical approach, the conclusion demands an exposition of Birgitta Trotzig?s interpretative practices in relation to intertexts.

Oktogonen - ett långsiktigt styrverktyg

The purpose of our study is to examine whether stress among social workers is present, and ifso, what strategies they and their supervisors use to manage work-related stress. The study isbased on a qualitative method. The data consist of interviews, with six social workers andthree supervisors. The study?s theoretical framework is based on KASAM, SOC-sense ofcoherence by Antonovsky, demand- control- support model by Karasek & Theorell, stresstheory by Hans Selye and coping strategies by Lazarus.

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