

2613 Uppsatser om Honour related oppression - Sida 2 av 175

Heder, handlingsplaner och handlingsutrymme : En studie av socialsekreterares arbete med hedersrelaterad problematik

The study aims to describe and analyse the relationship between norm and practice regarding social services casework on honour-related problems. The relationship between norm and practice involves the difference between the way it is intended that social workers shall operate in these cases and how they perceive that this works in practice. We interviewed two focus groups of eight Swedish social workers, four in each group. We also held an individual interview with a social services business developer. Focus group interviews were based on two vignettes; one depicting an honour-related case and the second an "ordinary" case.

Hedersrelaterad problematik : Fyra socialarbetares och en politikers syn på ungdomar som utsätts för he­­dersrelaterat våld och förtryck

The purpose of this study was to conduct a qualitative study with a case study research design, where we studied social workers and politicians view on honor-related problems of underage girls and boys in the age 13-17. We need knowledge about honor related violence and oppression in the political community and social services to work with honor-related problems. Political decisions affect how social work is developed around the honor problem; therefore, it is also important to highlight this direction for the work. It requires a knowledge complement of honor-related problems not to risk exposing the child to further risk from the family (Hedersförtryck, 2009). This is to live up to, for example the law of Social Services, school law and Human Rights (Hussein & Kinuka-Svedberg, 2010).

Hedersrelaterad problematik : - En kvalitativ studie om skolans möjlighet till förebyggande arbete

The issue of honour related problems in schools are important social problems in Sweden. It?s not unusual that honour related problem has had serious consequences before any action has been inserted by society. Sometimes the efforts made by society have had no impact whatsoever due to them being inserted too late. We can conclude based on our literature and our interviews, the importance of prevention.

Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck : en kvalitativ studie om professionellas erfarenheter av utslussning från skyddat boende

The aim of this study was to understand how social workers deal with honour-related violence, with special focus on the processing from sheltered housing. Our qualitative interviews with social workers that work with this kind of problems show that there are both obstacles and opportunities in the processing from sheltered housing. On the negative side are the loneliness, the shame and the guilt that the girls may experience when they need to leave their families. The social services can both be an obstacles and an opportunity. When the girls need to create a new life in a new city they have a lot of opportunities and in the same time it is hard to get to know new friends when you don´t know the city or have much money.

Samhällets insatser mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

The aim of this study was to analyze society's efforts for girls who are victims of honorrelatedviolence and oppression. More specifically its aim was to examine what efforts thesociety can offer girls who are exposed to honor-related violence and oppression, and howsocial services and shelters cooperate on issues of honor. We have chosen to focus on girlswho are victims of honor-related violence, but we are aware that even boys and men face thisproblem. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach through interviews. Tocomplete the study we have conducted eight interviews throughout Sweden.

Att arbeta med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck - Socialsekreterares upplevelser

The purpose of this study was to examine how social services in Örebro working with young people vulnerable to honor- related violence and oppression. Further the purpose was to investigate recognition of guidelines that could act as support in the work with honor- related violence and oppression, and also however the work with these honor-related cases could have an emotional impact on the social worker. To answer these questions a qualitative study using interviews was performed with four social workers in Örebro. The results have been analyzed and interpreted in relation to previous research conducted in the field of honor research. Further three theoretical perspectives have been used in the interpretation of the results; implementation theory, sociology of emotion and coping.

Med en fot i hederskulturen

Standing partially in honour culture. Description of honour culture and of methods toward changing attitudes among young men..

Ut ur hedersförtryck : En studie baserad på sju självbiografier skrivna av kvinnor som levt under hedersförtryck.

The aim of this study is to understand which strategies helped women escape honourbased violence, by reading the autobiographies of seven women. Honourbased violence is a relatively new problem in Sweden, but it has existed for a long time. According to FN (2012) 5000 women are murdered every year in the name of honour. Honourbased violence is about maintaining the honour of the family. Womens sexuality is connected to men´s honour, and because of that they are not allowed to express it.

?Att våga ställa frågan, att våga höra svaret?

The purpose of this report is to map the situation for girls residing in women?s refuges because of honour violence. The questions posed are: What forms of abuse have been described to staff working with females in refuges for victims of honour violence? What are the deciding factors that lead to a girl leaving her family and being placed in a refuge? What are the help needs of girls residing in women?s refuges because of honour violence? Five qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted amongst staff from five different women?s refuges specialising in honour violence. The results were analysed using Foucault?s theories on power, victim vs actor, victim processes along with a victimisation perspective.

Familjens förlängda arm : - En kvalitativ studie om hur unga mäns situation inom hederskontexten kan se ut.

The aim of this study has been to highlight the situation for young men within the context of honour. The aim has also been to highlight the restrictions of young men within the context of honour, and how they rebel against those demands. The study was based on a qualitative research method and carried out in Sweden. The results have been analyzed using the hermeneutic perspective. The results showed that the situation for young men within the context of honour is often manifested by controlling their sisters and the expectation that the young men support their families in the future by marring a woman who has been approved by the collective.

Hedersrelaterat våld kombinerat med annan problematik - Om eventuella samband mellan utsatthet för hedersrelaterat våld och utvecklandet av psykisk ohälsa och/eller en missbruksproblematik

The purpose of this essay is to explore how social workers view a possible connection between exposure to honour violence and development of mental illness and/or substance abuse. We first heard of the possible connection from a voluntary organization who work in this field and who believe that this connection could be common. We therefore wanted to explore this from the perspective of social workers who come into contact with victims of honour violence: was this something they had noticed? How did they deal with it if it was noticed? We also asked how the possible connection could be interpreted and, supposing the social workers had failed to notice the connection, why this could be. We made five qualitative interviews with six social workers working in different contexts whom within their work come across honour-related issues.

Konstruktionen av ett socialt problem : en diskursanalytisk fallstudie av hur hedersrelaterat våld återges i dagspress och fackpress mellan åren 1997 ? 2007

The purpose of this paper was to describe how a phenomenon is constructed into being a social problem, by studying articles on honour killing in the Swedish daily press and in the technical journal Socionomen. The main questions were: can different discourses on honour killing be identified, and if so, have they changed over time, and are there differences between the discourses identified in the daily press and in Socionomen? The method used was a qualitative analysis of discourse influenced by Faircloughs Critical Discourse Analysis. The main conclusion was that honour killing has been textually constructed as a social problem in the studied media. There was one main discourse which clearly pointed out groups as bearers and victims of the social problem.

Varför stannar du kvar? : En kvalitativ undersökning av varför utsatta kurdiska kvinnor i Stockholm väljer att stanna hos familjen

The main purpose of this study is to examine what the factor or factors are to why young exposed Kurdish women stay with their family despite honor-related oppression and violence.We have used a qualitative study process consisting interviews with eight young Kurdish women. We have also applied theories such as cultural patterns and aspects of power by Mona Eliasson and normalization process by Eva LundgrenWith the material from our research we can see that the main and only factor to why the respondents decide to stay with their family is fear of getting killed or beaten.This study will provide you as a reader a better understanding of why young exposed Kurdish women decide to stay with their family..

När det personliga blev politik : Grupp 8:s väg mot feminism studerat ur kvinnobulletinen 1971-1979

The main purpose of this essay is to look closer at how and when the Swedish women?s organization Grupp 8 changed their initial socialistic ideological approach and turned it into a feministic one during 1971 to 1979. By 1979 the group was referring to them self as a feministic movement. This is done by analyzing the way Grupp 8: s discussion in the areas of women in relation to work, family and society changes. The primary information is represented by the groups own magazine Kvinnobulletinen.

Att se utsatta elever : Tre skolkuratorers perspektiv på hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

Denna studie i socialantropologi är baserad på kvalitativa intervjuer med tre skolkuratorer. Den handlar om deras uppfattningar om och erfarenheter av hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. Hedersproblematiken har sina rötter i kollektivets dominans över individen, patriarkala mönster och kulturkrock. Skolan har ett stort ansvar att se de utsatta eleverna, men det råder skilda meningar om vilka som utsätts. Vanligtvis ses flickor som offer för fäders och bröders våld i familjerna, men skolkuratorernas erfarenheter visar att alla individer i familjer där hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck existerar tycks i varierande grad vara delaktiga i våldet, och att även pojkarna kan vara offer..

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