1322 Uppsatser om Home Bias - Sida 23 av 89
Känsla och mening i trädgården : riktlinjer för utformning av utemiljö vid demensboenden med tillämpning på projekt Vega i Lomma
This thesis puts together general guidelines for the design of outdoor environment at nursing homes for people with dementia. The goal is to give the residents a greater quality of life with the garden.The garden must be safe and secure while offering places for fellowship or retirement and experiences of joy and competence. The plant material and other elements in the garden are inserted to stimulate the senses and to inspire to different activities.
The paper describes the health promoting effects of nature and gardens by referring to scientific studies. These studies encompass the impact of nature on all human beings as well as how the outdoor environment affects our target group, elderly people with dementia. An essential part of the work focus on the conditions in a garden for people with dementia, on the contact between residence and garden and the access to surrounding life.
Eventually, the general guidelines are applied to a real building project ? the Vega project in Lomma,a new nursing home for persons with dementia.
Kvinnor och män i avlönat omsorgsarbete : Hur kön, etnicitet och sexualitet kommer till uttryck i tal och handling på ett sjukhem
The aim of this study was to describe and analyse the constructions andinterplay of gender, ethnicity and sexuality between female and male careworkersand residents in a nursing home. To explore this from a qualitativeeveryday life?s approach, material was collected through participating observations,interviews, and informal conversation with careworkers and residents.The result points out that historical patterns of gender and caring relatedto this context still matter and affect both careworkers and residents. Forexample, female careworkers talked about the concept of caring as a genuinefemale experience, while male careworkers, who were in a minority, insteadtalked about caring in more gender-neutral words. The result also indicatesthat a larger number of male careworkers not necessarily leads to a highergrade of gender equality.
"Man blir snabbt van vid det onormala" : Föräldrars upplevelse av att få byta neonatalvårdenhet
AbstractBackground: Becoming a parent to a child in need of Neonatal Intensive Care can be a traumatic experience. During a time when the parents may need support, guidance and a sense of control ? the family might need to relocate to a hospital away from home if the child needs highly specialized medical care at a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the parents? experience of having to change neonatal care unit.
Upfattningar om skolans arbete med hälsa : en kvalitativ studie i årskurs 8
AbstractBackground: Becoming a parent to a child in need of Neonatal Intensive Care can be a traumatic experience. During a time when the parents may need support, guidance and a sense of control ? the family might need to relocate to a hospital away from home if the child needs highly specialized medical care at a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the parents? experience of having to change neonatal care unit.
Att uppfinna ett nytt hjul eller att fastna i gamla hjulspår : En studie i priming av användbarhet och originalitet vid idéskapande
Syftet med studien var att undersöka priming med exempels påverkan på skapelsers kreativitet. Effekterna av priming skulle testas i formen av egenskapspriming såväl som konceptuell priming och mätas utifrån både en användbarhetsaspekt och en originalitetsaspekt. Ett delsyfte var också att undersöka sambandet mellan intresset för att ta fram en skapelse och en skapelses grad av originalitet samt användbarhet.Primingeffekterna prövades genom ett experiment där 36 studenter delades in i 3 grupper som fick i uppgift att ta fram IT-lösningar för kollektivtrafiken. 2 av grupperna primades med var sitt exempel på hög originalitet respektive hög användbarhet.Effekterna av egenskapspriming undersöktes sedan genom en jämförelse mellan grupperna över hur stor andel av de framtagna lösningarna som innehöll egenskaper från exemplen. För att undersöka effekterna av konceptuell primingen gjordes en jämförelse av originaliteten och användbarhet hos dessa gruppers lösningar jämfört med de framtagna av en kontrollgrupp utan tillgång till exempel.
PARS PRO TOTO? Tillgång till Internet som en del av tillgängligheten på sex folkbibliotek
Internet access has been a part of the range in public libraries for approximately a decade. The Swedish municipals, in charge of the public libraries, and the libraries themselves, have a great deal of saying in how they should be run, what to offer the public, how many hours they have to stay open etcetera. The Library law is very vague on many things, including public Internet access. Even though Sweden is ranked as first runner up worldwide when it comes to Internet penetration among the population (Internet World Stats 2007), approximately twenty percent in the 16-74 age group does not have Internet access at home, at work or at school (SCB 2006a). In this master thesis we try to determine, through personal interviews, how six of those in charge feel about Internet at their libraries, all located in medium-sized municipals (20 000 ? 40 000 inhabitants), why they have chosen the rules and regulations they have and their thoughts about what they consider to be the most important assignment of public libraries.
Det systematiska kvalitetsledningssystemet i praktiken : - En studie om implementering av det systematiska kvalitetsledningssystemet inom hemvårdsförvaltningen i Halmstad kommun
AimThe aim of this study is to through managers in eldercares deskriptions of the systematic qualityleadingsystem examine the implementation process of this system in the eldercare in the municipality of Halmstad. BackgroundIn this paper the background explains elderly care and social work context, leadership in change and implementation processes. The theoretical frame illustrates Vedungs implementation theory and Webers model of bureaucracy MethodTo collect empirical data for this study, a qualitative research design was used in which eleven managers within Halmstads municipality home care management stood as respondents. ResultThe respondents highlighted a variety in the use of the systematic quality management system tool. The result describes that several obstacles were experienced in the use of the systematic quality system. ConclusionBased on the descriptions the respondents gives of the implementation process of the systematic quality management of Halmstad municipality home care management, the conclusion can be drawn that the implementation process has not resulted in the employees making use of systematic quality management in practice. The systematic quality management system that will ensure the quality of the care work is thus used to a limited extent..
Remitteringar och minskad fattigdom : Finns det ett statistiskt signifikant samband?
Samtidigt som fattigdomen runt om i världen stadigt minskar så växer sig remitteringsflödena allt större. I denna uppsats undersöks om remitteringar kan anses vara en bidragande faktor till detta. För att kunna undersöka vår frågeställning har vi genomfört en regressionsanalys på ett dataset vi sammanställt bestående av olika mått på fattigdom och andra variabler som rimligen kan antas ha en effekt på fattigdom från 83 utvecklingsländer. Resultaten från vår studie tyder på att viss diskrepans råder inom forskningsområdet då vi inte har lyckats finna något statistiskt signifikant samband mellan remitteringar och minskad fattigdom. Det är tvärtemot vad tidigare forskning har kommit fram till.
När livet förändras : En självbiografistudie om föräldrars upplevelse av att leva med ett barn med cancer.
Background: Cancer is the most common cause of death among children in Sweden. The disease and the treatment cause suffering among the children, which also affects their parents. Research has shown that parents of children with cancer have poorer health. It is the nurse?s responsebility to help, not only the child, but also the parents in their difficult situation.
Arbetsstugan och Barnkrubban : om etablerandet och drivandet av två barnavårdande verksamheter i Karlskrona 1899 - 1943
During the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century Sweden experienced social changes. The proceeding industrialization led to a process of urbanization where people were forced, more or less, in to the cities to find work. The traditional agricultural self-sufficiency society was successively replaced by salaried employment. This meant that family and home was no longer the major centre of production, nurturance and care. In order to support themselves and their families, even women applied for industrial work.
Minnesträdgården : En kvalitativ intervjuundersökning om hur ett trädgårdsprojekt påverkar äldre boende på Djuröhemmet avseende välbefinnande och delaktighet
This study aims to explore how a gardening project with elderly living in Djuröhemmet, a nursing home outside Stockholm, affected them regarding psychological well-being and their experience of participation during the planning and construction of the memory garden. The gardening project is new in its kind by allowing the residents to influence the design of the garden by sharing the project leader their gardening memories from previous parts of their life and by wishing for specific plants and items. The method being used was qualitative interviews where we interviewed seven people living in Djuröhemmet who participated in all or parts of the project. The theoretical framework is Molins (2004) definition of participation, but also theories of meaningfulness, social needs and gerotranscendence were applied. The results indicate that the participants did not realize that their involvement during the planning helped developed the garden.
Den stressade eleven : En enkätstudie om stressorer som utsätter barnen för stress
Researchers claim that stress has become a word of fashion and is now frequently used. They also state that there is no accepted definition that can easily describe the concept. In this essay, I have examined children and stress. The aim of the diploma work is to illustrate stress more closely the stress concept, the underlying reasons that can influence children and how teachers and school staff support children in their stress handling. My three issues are: What is stress? What stressors put children, at home and at school, in a stress situation? How can teachers help children to manage their stress? The diploma work is based on a literature study in order to find out what has been written on the subject in earlier research.
Gotland och Montenegro - att söka Bysans i den västerländska kulturen : en undersökning av Manastir Mora?asoch Mästerby kyrkas muralmålningar
In this essay the author has chosen to analyze the similarities and differences between some of the northern Europe?s late Mesolithic and Neolithic cultures. The research is of a processual standpoint and the information is mainly gathered from secondary sources as well as ethnological studies. The material collected has been analyzed in both a processual and a post-processual manner to most accurately study the foundations of the three primary theories describing the Pitted Ware Culture?s origin.
Homestaging : en upplevelse av bostaden
Syftet med denna uppsats är att belysa fenomenet homestaging i teori och praktik, med huvudinriktning på geografisk betydelse. Begreppet homestaging skapades på 1970-talet i USA och har funnits i Sverige sedan slutet av 1990-talet, men det är först på 2000-talet som det har blivit ett allmänt begrepp. Vi har för avsikt att jämföra homestagingens betydelse i ett litet samhälle, en mellanstor stad och en större stad. Då vi även är nyfikna på om det finns en geografisk skillnad, valde vi även att jämföra två likvärda orter i norra och södra Sverige. Vi har gjort enkätundersökningar på tre mäklarfirmors kontor i Ljusdal, Gävle, Stockholm och Vimmerby, för att ta reda på om de använder sig av homestaging och vad de har för tankar kring fenomenet. Vi valde dessa fastighetsmäklarfirmor då de har kontor på samtliga fyra orter vi valt att titta närmare på, och för att de har en relativt stor marknadsandel.Vi har även intervjuat tre kvinnor som arbetar med homestaging för att ta del av deras arbetssätt, syn på yrket och dess framtid. I uppsatsen belyser vi också homestaging som en upplevelse och hur bostadsspekulanter kan påverkas med hjälp av ?upplevelserummet?. Begreppet avdragsrätt och hur tilläggstjänster behandlas skatterättsligt, granskas även i uppsatsen..
Föräldrasamverkan i skolan : Några föräldrars och lärares syn på hur samverkan kan fungera på en skola
The purpose with this final paper was to examine how the collaboration between parents and teachers can manifest itself. With collaboration, we mean the dialogue that has to exist between parents and teachers in regards to e.g. how well informed the parents are about the regulated principles on which the education plan is built on, and in which way they can take part in and influence the system. This is to empathize on the fact that a good collaboration between parents and teachers help create a good foundation for the pupil?s ability to learn.The method that we have used are questionnaires given to parents and teachers along with studies of literature both as means of furthering our studies as well as a basis for the design of the questionnaires.