

1322 Uppsatser om Home Bias - Sida 18 av 89

Bemötande av äldre missbrukande vårdtagare inom hemtjänsten

The purpose with our essay was to describe and understand the treatment of the homehelp staff towards the elderly addicted caretakers within the care system. Both in a practical aspect as well as in an attitudinal aspect. In order to get the answers to our overall purpose of our essay, we had as a starting point the following questions:* What help is given to the elderly addicted caretakers?* Are the elderly addicted caretakers a stigmatized caretaker group?* What approach does the home help staff conduct towards the elderly addicted caretakers?* Is there a preparedness among the home help staff when it comes to as to whether or not a care taker has an addiction issue or not?When analysing the material we used a qualitative analytical method in order to understand the care givers treatment towards the addicted caretakers. We combined the interviews with the so called vinjett technique; furthermore we used various sociological theories as well as earlier scientific discoveries.The result of the essay was that elderly addicted caretakers are an exposed group.

Synen på "den andre" i ett segregerat område i Kalmar : en studie gjord ur två utlandsfödda mäns perspektiv

Edward Said's book Orientalism (1978) is the most important reference point in the post-colonial theory and describes how the West is dominant over the Orient. There is a clear distinction between "us" and "the other" and the purpose of this study is that, from a postcolonial perspective, focusing on Said's theoretical concepts "the other" and "discourse", examining how two foreign-born people with ethnic backgrounds living in the same place, are looking at themselves, at other foreign-born and native Swedes. My questions to answer this are; ?what are the concepts of "the other" and "discourse" and is it possible to use these concepts to examine how foreign-born people are looking at themselves, at other foreign-born and native Swedes in a specific location??, ?who is "the other" in a place where there are almost as many native Swedes as foreign-born??, and ?how do these two foreign-born people with ethnic backgrounds perceive Norrliden as a place and what effect has that place had on their identity?? I have used a post-colonial philosophical ground and a qualitative approach, focusing on two different interviews with two men, living in Norrliden. In Norrliden almost 50% of the inhabitants are foreign-born were both of the interview-persons are feeling safe and secure.

Ansiktsigenkänning inom Wechsler Memory Scales - påverkas prestation av kön och etnicitet?

I samband med att Wechsler Memory Scales-III översatts och utprovats för svenska och norska förhållanden har deltestet Ansikten analyserats med avseende på fenomen som sedan tidigare är kända kring ansiktsigenkänning. Med hjälp av signaldetektionsteori har den eventuella förekomsten av own race bias och könsskillnader undersökts samt kontrollerats för ålder och utbildning. Slutsatsen är att varken kön eller etnicitet har någon avgörande påverkan på testresultatet och de behöver därför inte särskilt beaktas när personer liknande de som ingår i utprövningsgruppen testas med WMS-III. Förslag ges på fortsatt forskning kring deltestet Ansikten i Sverige..

Distriktssköterskans upplevelser av att nattetid möta närstående till cancersjuka patienter som vårdas i hemmet.

AbstractThe aim of the study was to describe district nurses experiences meeting intimate of cancer patients in home care. The study had a qualitative approach with a descriptive design. The sample consisted of ten district nurses employed in primary health care, working in emergency duty in a district in the Middle of Sweden. The results are presented from the two categories; to communicate and being competent, which was formulated to one theme. The theme ?Being safe in one´s professional role, being aware of possibilities and difficulties when encountering intimates in home care?.

Kan saffran f?rb?ttra HbA1c eller fasteglukos? En systematisk ?versikt bland vuxna diagnostiserade med Diabetes Mellitus typ 2.

Syfte: Syftet med denna ?versiktsartikel ?r att unders?ka det vetenskapliga underlaget kring om ett intag av saffran kan f?rb?ttra HbA1c eller fasteglukos hos vuxna personer ? 18 ?r diagnostiserade med Diabetes Mellitus typ 2, j?mf?rt med placebo. Metod: Litteraturs?kningen genomf?rdes i databaserna PubMed och Scopus. S?kningen gjordes den 240323 och innfattade ord som "saffron?,? crocus?, "diabetes mellitus, type 2" och ?random*?. Artikelselektionen utf?rdes systematiskt med hj?lp av en avgr?nsad fr?gest?llning samt inklusions- och exklusionkriterier, d?r inklusionskriterier var RCT-studier, gjorda p? vuxna personer diagnosticerade med Diabetes Mellitus typ 2 d?r interventionen skulle f? supplementering av saffran, och kontrollen skulle f? placebo.

Kan intag av brunalger s?nka LDL-kolesterolet? En systematisk ?versiktsartikel om brunalgers effekt p? LDL-kolesterol hos vuxna med dyslipidemi

Syfte: Syftet med den systematiska ?versiktsartikeln var att unders?ka det vetenskapliga underlaget kring huruvida ett intag av brunalger kan p?verka LDL-kolesterol hos vuxna med dyslipidemi Metod: Litteraturinsamlingen gjordes genom s?kningar i databaserna Scopus och PubMed fram till den 23 januari 2023. S?kningarna gjordes i block om tre d?r s?kblock ett riktade sig mot alger, s?kblock tv? mot dyslipidemi och s?kblock tre mot RCT. Inkluderade s?kord var bland andra ?seaweed?, ?dyslipidemi? och ?RCT? Endast RCT med interventioner p? minst ?tta veckor inkluderades.

Lär med Educare : När omsorg möter lärande i förskolan

 AbstractMy curiosity of students' use of images for reading led me to seek knowledge of the students view on the text illustrations in the literature and through interviews. This study is about how pupils in the school year 2 experience reading, especially with images. The purpose is to investigate the significance of illustrations in reading for students in school year 2. I also want to find out how students see themselves as readers and how the survey material believes that the students comprehend reading. Eight children, both girls and boys have participated in the interview.

Hur är det att leva med ADHD? Tankar och funderingar från ungdomar

The purpose of this study was to examine young persons' experiences of life with ADHD. Semi structured interviews were done with four boys age 14-18 years, diagnosed with ADHD. The interviews followed a guide that consisted of themes with questions. The themes examined were: diagnosis, school, home, social and personal issues and how these themes are connected to ADHD. The results indicate that it is hard to live with ADHD.

"Jag kände mig inte okej för att gå hem" - en intervjustudie om äldres upplevelser i relation till täta återinläggningar på sjukhus

Background: Many elderly are feeling lonely and insecure in their homes; it?s difficult for them to cope with their life situation after discharge from hospital. There is therefore a need to get a deeper understanding of their situation and the need for action, thus possibly preventing a new hospital admission. Recent research shows that a better coordination is necessary when elderly are discharged from hospital and that the quality of the discharge is essential for how they cope at home afterwards.Purpose: To get a deeper knowledge of older people´s experiences associated with frequent readmissions to hospital.Method: A qualitative research approach was used trough interviews with open questions. Ten persons with an age of 75 years and older who had a readmission to hospital within one month was interviewed.

Rätten till självbestämmande - En empirisk studie om vårdtagares upplevelser

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att fånga vårdtagares upplevelser av självbestämmande. Bakgrund: Sverige har under de senaste åren dragit ner på platserna inom särskilt boende och istället satsat på hemtjänst och hemsjukvård. Enligt lag ska sjukvården värna om vårdtagarens självbestämmande oavsett var vården ges. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes inom två olika distrikt i södra Sverige. Datamaterialet analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållanalys. Resultat: I studiens resultat framkom att vårdtagarna upplevde att de haft inflytande under den samordande vårdplaneringen och de flesta var nöjda med resultatet av besluten. Dock upplevde vårdtagarna att det ibland var svårt att påverka den dagliga vården.


Our purposes with this essay was from the perspective of young people that has completed a stay at HVB-home, their parents and the social welfare secretaries get an apprehension on their way of looking at the purpose of placement in a HVB-home agrees with the comprehensive view of the placement. We also wish to get a picture of what is of important to change in this matter. How do they experience the reasons for the placement, goals and purpose? What positive and negative experience do they have from their placement? What is relevant to change when you look at the different parties' ways of looking at change/progress in this matter? In what different ways do the parties look upon collaboration and how does that effect the treatment? Our qualitative study is built upon interviews with the persons mentioned, upon educational visits to HVB-homes and upon interviews of staff at HVB-homes. The staffs opinion has also been compared with the other perspectives.

Övervikt hos hund: fysisk aktivitet, nutrition och djuromvårdnad i hemmiljön

Overweight and obesity is currently a major health problem in our dogs all around the world and it is becoming more common each year. There are few studies on the proportion of overweight dogs in Sweden, but it was estimated to be 33% in 2005. Studies in other countries report that between 25-40% of all dogs are overweight. The aim of this study was to survey the animal care for an overweight dog. It was also important to develop a scientifically based advice.

B?r gravida och ammande ta jodtillskott? En systematisk ?versikt om jodtillskotts p?verkan p? barns kognitiva utveckling

Syfte: Syftet med denna systematiska ?versikt ?r att unders?ka evidensen f?r om jodtillskott under graviditet eller amning, hos personer utan allvarlig jodbrist, p?verkar barnets kognitiva utveckling. Metod: Litteraturs?kningen utf?rdes i databaserna Scopus och PubMed den 21 mars 2023. S?korden delades in i fyra block utifr?n valt PICO. Populationen var barn 0?7 ?r, interventionen var jodtillskott under graviditet eller amning, kontrollen var inget jodtillskott/placebo under graviditet eller amning, och utfallet var resultat p? kognitionstesterna Bayley-III eller WPPSI-III. Inklusionskriterierna var att studierna skulle vara RCT:er och att jodtillskotten/placebo skulle vara i tablettform.

Behandlingsalternativ för äldre med depression och ångest : - en studie av Örebro kommuns särskilda boenden

This essay aims to explore the possibilities for elderly in nursing homes in Örebro municipality toreceive other treatments besides medication in case of depression or anxiety. Issues associated withthe object in this paper and which are discussed are prevalence of drug usage, opportunities forelderlies to receive other treatments, prevalence of other treatments and the elderlies own power orinfluence over the choice of treatment. The survey has been conducted with questionnaires sent outby post to nurses at every nursing home for elderly in Örebro municipality. The results showed thatdrugs are used extensively when treating depression or anxiety among the nursing home residents,and other treatments are never or only occasionally being discussed at more than half of the nursinghomes in this study. The results also show that reminiscence therapy and problem-solving therapyhas been used occasionally, while alternative therapies are used more frequently.

Akka. Ett skrivbord för hemmet anpassat för rullstolsburna.

A woman is dying of cancer, she refuses to use her walking aid. Because she is embarrassed. This means she can?t leave her house, and her last days become very limited.Why do we act like this?Can the view we have of products adapted for disabled be changed by working with colour, texture, form and materials?There are many products adapted for disabled, the products often have a good function and well developed ergonomic aspects but the visual aspect leaves a lot to wish for. There is neither effort nor money put in to the exterior design of most of these products.A lot of the solutions that are invented for adapted products can be used in design of ?regular? products.Why should we then divide products in to adapted and non-adapted.

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