

8646 Uppsatser om Holt-Winter´s Method - Sida 2 av 577

Möjligheter att förutsäga kvävegödslingsbehov i höstvete med Yara N-tester

The Yara N-Tester is a handheld chlorophyll meter which can be used in several different crops as an aid to determine if there is a need of complementary fertilization with nitrogen (N) or not. If the crop requires more N the N-Tester will recommend an amount in kg per ha. The possibility to assess the need of N depends on the strong relation that exists between chlorophyll- and N-concentration in the leaves of plants. In the multiannual trial series ?Nitrogen to winter wheat at different soil conditions? measurements with the N-Tester was carried out at flag leaf emergence (GS 37). In this work the result of measurements, the NTesters ability to estimate the need of N in winter wheat, will be presented for the years 2008-2011.

Ackumulation av CO2 och CH4 i istäckta boreala sjöar : Hur förändras ackumulationen i sjöar påverkade av avverkning jämfört med referenssjöar?

The aim of this report was to quantify the accumulation of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) in ice-covered lakes in winter (October-March) during three consecutive years, and to assess whether the concentrations of DIC and CH4, as well as the ratio DIC:CH4 differs between years and between lakes affected by clearcutting and untreated reference lakes. Water- and gas samples were collected from four boreal lakes (two affected by clearcutting and two untreated reference lakes) located in Västerbottens inland in spring. The lakes were found to accumulate on average 91, 55, and 84 mgCm-2d-1 during winters 2012-2013, 2013-2014, and 2014-2015, mostly originating from CO2. The concentrations of DIC (autumn and spring) were higher in the affected clear-cut lakes compared to reference lakes for all years, including the reference year (2012-2013) before clear-cutting. No such difference was found for CH4 or the ratio DIC:CH4.

Säsongsvis avverkning : det operativa traktvalets påverkan på den säsongsmässiga uthålligheten i ett bolagsdistrikts traktbank

Due to soft grounds in combination with seasonal variation in soil humidity, there is a lack of stands that are possible to cut during spring and autumn in some geographical regions. For Holmen Skog this sometimes means that a large proportion of the contracted private forest is cut during the winter when the ground is frozen. One consequence of this is that the proportion of winter stands in the stand bank of own forest increases while spring and autumn stands becomes a scarcity. This in combination with milder winters, especially when there is a long period of reduced bearing capacity in spring or autumn, means that the situation rapidly can become critical. The overall goal with this study was to generate basic data for decision support in the work to achieve a sustainable distribution between own forest and contracted private forest in the stand bank. The study took place at Holmen Skog, district of Umeå, during autumn 2007 and was based on interviews and an analysis of harvest planning and delivery data. The study showed that there is a problem with how the cutting is distributed between own and contracted private forest during the year and that it foremost is the proportion of winter thinning of own forest that has increased in the stand bank.

Åre kommun och klimatförändringar : En studie kring hotet mot Åre kommuns vinterturism och dess anpassning till framtida klimatförändringar

Today?s climate research shows that the climate may increase its temperature. One sector that is being threatened by global warming is the winter tourism of the Swedish municipality A?re. Tourism is an important economical source of income in A?re and is now threatened by a shortened winter season.

Land Art och landskap : en studie av tre Land Art-projekt ochderas förhållande till landskapet

My purpose with this thesis has been tostudy the intersection between Landscapearchitecture and Land Art. They both relateto the landscape in some way whetherit is to the urban landscape or thenatural landscape.What tangent points are there betweenthese two subjects, and can you learnsomething of the artists approach to thelandscape?Land Art is an art movement that began inthe late 60?s, what links are there to thecurrent landscape?Last summer, I travelled around the U.S.for a month and visited the three classicLand Art projects. Lightning Field in NewMexico, by Walter De Maria, Sun Tunnels inUtah, by Nancy Holt and the Spiral Jetty,also in Utah, by Robert Smithson.The sites where visited from half a day upto 24 hours and was described and analyzedwith text and photographs.To visit these sites has been crucial formy thesis and will affect my future workas a landscape architect. The use of themethod has been a thought of mine for along time, particularly to analyze ordescribe a landscape with images.

Att testa kvalitet : En validerande informationsinsamlingsmetod för ökad kunskapsåterföring

This master thesis has been carried out at Scania R&D at the department for Powertrain Control System Development during the winter of 2010/2011. In the thesis the writer examine and evaluate the existing method for collecting information from the tests carried out during the development of the Powertrain Control Systems software. It also contains suggestions for how a new method that enhance the validation elements could look like.The master thesis uses Vicentes theories of the ecological approach and theories of how knowledge sharing of tacit and technical information works within an organization and between the organization and its customers. First a workplace analysis at Scania R&D is carried out to see how Powertrain Control Systems work and how they test their software. Second a control task analysis, where the aims decided on after the interviews, is compared to the existing method.

Miljöanpsassad metod för hjultvätt

In order to avoid harmful substances ending up at the municipal sewage treatment plants, it is important to purify the wastewater at the source. One such source is the wheel washers available in many tire garages which are used to wash the wheels on our vehicles when we change between summer and winter tires. It is important to wash the wheels before storage, to extend the tires lifetime. The purpose of this study is to find a green innovative solution for reduction of emissions of heavy metals at the source, so that the sludge from the sewage treatment plants can be used as fertilizer. The target is to find a wheel wash method which leads to compliance with the guidelines for car washers, and that also provides a better washing result than with the existing method.

Analys av hemområdesstorlek hos mellansvenska vildsvin (Sus scrofa scrofa)

The wild boar population grows rapidly in number in Sweden, and it has been predicted that the annual number of shot wild boar will soon exceed the cull of moose. According to estimates, the Swedish population encompassed some 150 000 individuals in 2010. The mean annual harvest has increased by 30% since 1990, indicating that the wild boar is a species we must learn to manage sustainably. A successful management of the boars aims for a population in balance with agriculture and traffic, and also provides good hunting opportunities. For this to be possible, understandings of several aspects of the ecology of wild boar is needed. The sows in this study had an average homerange of 707 hectares during summer, and 659 hectares in winter.

Problematiska ljudkvalitetsskillnader vid liveproduktioner i samma lokal : En studie av upplevd ljudkvalitet vid två DJ-akters framträdanden under Dreamhack Winter 2014

Syftet med denna undersökning är bidra med förklaringar till varför upplevdaljudkvalitetsskillnader kan uppstå mellan olika akters framträdanden vid event och festivalertrots att de använder samma utrustning och är i samma lokal och att förklaringarna ska utgöraen kunskapskälla för dem som eftersträvar en god ljudkvalité vid liveframträdanden.De metoder som har används är fallstudie, webbenkät, intervjuer och egen observation.Webbenkäten användes på Dreamhack Winter 2014 där en grupp undersökningsdeltagaresvarade på frågor om två olika DJ-akter på scenen i D-hallen, Elmia. Fem personer deltogsom intervjupersoner: scenansvarig från Dreamhack, tre ljudtekniker ifrån olika ställen iSverige och en person som jobbar med ljudteknisk konsultation och ljudmätning. Samtligaintervjuer genomfördes via mail. Intervjuerna eftersträvade att ge kunskap om dessa personersfunderingar kring ljudkvalitetsproblemet och scenansvarig svarade på frågor om scenen påDreamhack. En observation av upplevd ljudkvalitet och ljudteknikernas arbetssättgenomfördes av mig själv på Dreamhack Winter 2014.Resultatet från såväl enkätundersökningen som den egna observationen visar att inga storaupplevda skillnader fanns mellan de två akterna på Dreamhack Winter 2014.

Aggregatstabilitet, jordbearbetning och fosforförluster i ett typområde på jordbruksmark :

Large amounts of phosphorus (P) are lost from the arable land due to water erosion. Both phosphorus attached to particles and dissolved phosphorus (mainly phosphate) are transported away with drainage-water and surface runoff. Good soil structure is important in minimizing these losses. In this study, soils from 50 fields were analysed with respect to aggregate stability as measured by dispersion of clay together with the content of total phosphorus (TotP), particulate phosphorus (PP) and phosphate phosphorus (PO4P) in the water phase. All soils were clay soils with clay content varying between 21 and 54%.

Spegel, spegel på texten där : ? En studie i mise en abyme som dekonstruktiv praktik i skönlitteraturen

I den här uppsatsen undersökts hur greppet mise en abyme kan användas som ett dekonstruktivt verktyg i fiktionen. De tre romanerna som ligger till grund för uppsatsen är Montecore - en unik tiger av Jonas Hassen Khemiri, Sara Stridsbergs Drömfakulteten: tillägg till sexualteorin samt If on a Winter?s Night a Traveler av Italo Calvino.Gemensamt för romanerna är att de alla genom att kommentera sin egen tillkomst och låta boken uppträda i boken skapar en osäkerhet i frågan om vad som är sanning och inte i de respektive berättelserna. Sanningen rubbas och dekonstrueras om vartannat genom användandet av mise en abyme..

Geografiska perspektiv på turismlitteratur

Efter att ha läst Turismprogrammet, med kulturgeografisk inriktning, på Södertörns Högskola föddes intresset för huruvida den turistiska litteraturen anknyter till ämnet geografi. Den allmänna uppfattningen av litteraturen på Turismprogrammet är att den är bristfällig och inte av önskad bredd. En eventuell geografisk anknytning är svår att hitta. Frågan är om det är ?dålig? litteratur på turismprogrammet eller om annan litteratur har samma brister.

Energi- och exergiflöden i stålframställningsprocesser vid
SSAB Tunnplåt AB i Luleå

Energy costs are high nowadays and that is the reason why the energy consumption needs to become as small as possible in most of the companies. To accomplish the small energy usage one needs to map the energy flows, study them and monitor them. One method that can be used for this is energy balance calculation. The method gives an opportunity to separate different energy flows and see where each flow is heading. There is also another method which is more advanced than energy balance calculation.

"Jag kan inte!" Sex lärare berättar om sina erfarenheter av elever som tror att de inte kan.

Jag har utgått från en fallstudie. Arbetets syfte har varit att få kunskap om orsaker till det beteende som eleven i fallbeskrivningen uppvisar, samt hur man hanterar och bemöter problemet i en undervisningssituation. Svaren på frågeställningarna har sökts i litteratur av bl.a. Karin Taube och John Holt, och i intervjuer med prakticerande lärare. Resultatet visar att beteendet antagligen kommer sig av att eleven är rädd för att misslyckas och gör sitt bästa för att behålla den självkänsla han fortfarande har kvar.

Svenskars resemotiv till Egypten och Thailand

Purpose: My purpose of this study was to examine the factors that motivate Swedes to travel to Egypt and Thailand. To answer the question, I have used two questions.What are the factors that motivate Swedes to travel to Egypt and Thailand?What is the motive for Swedes choose to travel to destinations such as Egypt and Thailand?Method: The method I am using  is the qualitative method. The qualitative method has been processed through interviews of Swedish travelers, the Swedish travel agencies as well as Egypt and Thailand tourist agencies specializing in trips to Egypt and Thailand via phone and e-mail.Theory: The theory I am using are motivators and push-pull factors in achieving an understanding of the factors that influence choice for Swedes to travel to destinations such as Egypt and Thailand.Empiricism: The goal was to get a much more qualitative data from the response from the Swedish travel agencies, Egypt and Thailand tourist agency and Swedish travelers who have traveled to both of these destinations.Result: What I have come up with in my study is that the factors that motivate Swedish travelers to travel to Egypt and Thailand, is the warm climate, sun and sea, culture, variety, the cheap price situation and that there are activities for different age groups. This has led to the heat in both Egypt and Thailand has attracted Swedish travelers to travel to both destinations.

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