3284 Uppsatser om Historically informed performance practice - Sida 13 av 219
Avancerad hjärt-lungräddning med mekaniska eller manuella kompressioner : Uppfattningar hos ambulanspersonal om kompetens, övning, patientrisk och överlevnad
Study objectives:Examine ambulance personnel?s perceptions of skills / training and knowledge with regards to the existing mechanical / manual compressions and frequency of training during a work shift. Do ambulance personnel think that mechanical compressions increase survival? Are there concerns that the device could damage the patient?Design: A cross-sectional study, quantitative approach with qualitative elements was conducted.Methods:Questionnaire form, which was answered by 44 ambulance personnel in an ambulance organisation in Sweden. Participants were on a scale of 1-5 to select how they agree with the claims of the study form and also submit their own comments.
Betydelsen av prestationsbaserad självkänsla för utbränning bland prestationssträvande högpresterare
Utbränning är ett högaktuellt ämne i dagens samhälle där fokus ligger på individens prestationer. Denna studies syfte var att undersöka om högpresterande individer bygger sin självkänsla på prestationer och om detta i sin tur har betydelse för utbränning. Ytterligare syfte var att undersöka om utbränning bland högpresterare med prestationsbaserad självkänsla var lika utbrett bland båda könen. I undersökningen deltog 66 tjänstemän från ett tillverkningsföretag i Mellansverige. En enkät sammanställdes av de tre befintliga och utprövade skalorna; Karolinskas utbrändhetsformulär, The Performance Based Self-esteem Scale samt en del av The Jenkins Activity Survey.
The diffusion of minimum tillage in agricultural China : a study of the factors influencing the farmers? choice of tillage system
The Chinese government´s aim to be self-sufficient in food production in combination with the increased food consumption in China has put high pressure on the productivity within the Chinese agricultural sector (He j et al, 2010). In order to increase the productivity, modernization and adoption of new farming techniques are essential. The opportunity to adopt and import foreign technology has lately been possible in China, as more authority and decision rights have been given to the individual farmers and the country has opened up for foreign trade (Zheng, 2012 & Fan, 1991).
A more open Chinese market enables new opportunities for foreign agricultural companies to expand their businesses by introducing their products to Chinese farmers. But to succeed with this strategy the Chinese farmers must be willing to adopt these, for them new innovations.
Minimum tillage is a tillage practice used worldwide that is suitable in northern China where drought and erosion are the main problems in the crop production (pers.com., Arvidsson, 2012).
Potential users? opinion of new innovations such as minimum tillage is closely related to adoption (Rogers, 2003).
Social taggning: En studie av en webb 2.0 tjänst i OPAC
The aim of this thesis is to study social tagging in an OPAC by looking at the tags of Ann Arbor District Library?s catalogue. In this thesis I analyse the possibilities of social tagging. The main questions to be answered are what is the distribution of tags in different categories, what are the differences between fiction and non-fiction and how do the social tags differ from the terms of the professional indexing practice. Studying 500 tags I find that subject matter was the most frequent category for tags assigned to fiction and non-fiction.
Deliberativ demokrati i praktiken : Begränsning eller utveckling av den representativa demokratin
Bachelor essay in political science by Andreas Byfeldt, autumn 2007?The practice of deliberative democracy- limitations or enhancements of representative democracy??Supervisor: Erik AmnåThe purpose of this study is to find out what impact the practice of deliberative democracy might have on a representative democracy. What effects deliberative democracy could have in this context are scientifically as well as publically relevant seeing that participation in representative democracies as well as the forms of representation is altering.The essay contains both a theoretical segment and a case study. The information regarding the case is based on the results from a questioner, conversations by and observations from the author. In addition an analysis is performed in the case study.The conclusion of the essay is that there is too little empirical research on the subject of deliberative democracy to make a qualified conclusion about what effects the practice of deliberative democracy could have on a representative democracy.
Staten, religionen och kapitalet : en analys av den europeiska skuldkrisen utifrån Max Webers ?Den protestantiska etiken och kapitalismens anda?.
Previous research regarding the European debt crisis has mostly focused on the purely economic aspects of the crisis. However, there is a strong ?Protestant-Catholic? dimension in Europe, where historically Protestant countries are more prosperous than their Catholic and Orthodox counterparts. This has especially been a fact since early 2010, when several countries within the European Union had their credit ratings downgraded. Is this phenomenon merely a coincidence? Or could the roots of the recent troubles in Europe have a basis in historic religions? To tackle this question, Max Webers ?s 110 year old study The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism is brought back into light and used as a tool for analysis of the crisis.The results show that not only are Protestant countries in general more prosperous, but they also have lower corruption and their citizens have a higher level of trust towards the government.
Samuel Klingenstierna: Spel och sannolikhetsteori
In this Master thesis, microwave connections between circuit boards are constructed. The primary frequency band is the X-band (8-12 GHz). The purpose of the connections is to enable a more simple and cheaper way of mounting the circuit boards inside a container. The connections have been designed and evaluated, using different computer programs. A few prototypes have been built and measured.
Klassifikationsproblemet för reella flexibla divisionsalgebror
In this Master thesis, microwave connections between circuit boards are constructed. The primary frequency band is the X-band (8-12 GHz). The purpose of the connections is to enable a more simple and cheaper way of mounting the circuit boards inside a container. The connections have been designed and evaluated, using different computer programs. A few prototypes have been built and measured.
Alexanderteknik för emotionellt uttryck i musik : Alexanderteknik som metod för en effektiv spelteknik, och en tillfredsställande musikalisk framställning riktat huvudsakligen till den klassiska gitarristen
In this essay, I want to achieve an accessible and applicable entrance to Alexander Technique as a method for learning to use the body in such a way as to allow emotional expression in music. It is necessary to see the real need of Alexander Technique for the active musician, and therefore important components of music-making will be presented. These components are presented from an Alexander-perspective in order to produce a clear picture of the method of application.The prerequisite for emotional expression in music is musicians and music listeners with the ability to generate, and respond after emotional impressions. Alexander Technique provides an approach to make it easier for musicians, especially guitarists, to express emotions in a performance situation.After years of practice and obtaining musical knowledge and practical skills at the instrument, it is common that muscle tension and ingrained patterns contribute to limited expression. Muscle tensions arising from pressured situations such as auditions, competitions and concerts.
?If we zigzag in the middle, it?s OK? : En fältstudie som undersöker turismens påverkan på balinesisk religion och kultur
[?If we zigzag in the middle, it?s OK?] The purpose of the following study is to examine the relationship between tourism and religion in a Balinese context. We look specifically at changes in religious practice, culture and mentality, as well as how religious philosophy is used as a tool for limiting the negative impact of tourism. The methods used are semi-structured interviews and participant observations. Central themes in the following essay are globalization in the form of tourism, westernization, subsystem theory and capitalism, which also make up the theoretical framework.
C, C++, Java och Python : En prestandajämförelse mellan fyra programmeringsspråk
In today?s society computers are getting a much more important role. To get a computer to work as intended it has to be programmed. A computer program is written with programming languages. There is an abundance of programming languages available today and there are many differences and similarities between them.
Optimering av metodiken vid genotypning av stora DNA-material
In this Master thesis, microwave connections between circuit boards are constructed. The primary frequency band is the X-band (8-12 GHz). The purpose of the connections is to enable a more simple and cheaper way of mounting the circuit boards inside a container. The connections have been designed and evaluated, using different computer programs. A few prototypes have been built and measured.
Beräkning av baslinje för Performance Contracting med linjär regression
Energiutvecklingsprojekt är idag mer aktuella än någonsin. För att kunna genomföra så stora projekt som hela fastighetsbestånd, och samtidigt ta hänsyn till lagen om offentlig upphandling har affärsmodellen EPC, Energy Performance Contracting, utvecklats. I samarbete med SIEMENS AB Building Technologies har jag tittat på hur man kan garantera en viss nivå på besparingarna som genomförs. Denna garanterade besparing beräknas mot en uppställd baslinje, som är en beräkning av hur energianvändningsmönstret skulle ha sett ut med dagens förutsättningar om inga förändringar gjorts. Modellen med regression är noggrann och hjälper till att identifiera avvikande användningsmönster..
Optimering av prioriteringsverktyget Werner
E.ON Elnät has in their project Operational Performance developed a priority tool forconstruction and operation. The tool will help the users to increase the capability to prioritybetween new development projects and removal of faults. The tool can be seen as a measuringfor different bay?s reliability, size and the community usefulness. The result of the priority isdirectly connected to which calibration that is chosen in the tool.The priority tool is still under development and there is therefore an uncertainty about howsensitive the tool is for changes in the calibration.
Informationskompetens i Tyskland och Sverige : En jämförande studie av användarundervisningen vid två högskolebibliotek
This master?s thesis studies library teaching at two university libraries, Freie Universität Berlin in Germany and Södertörn University in Sweden. The aim of this paper is to study views on information literacy, how these views affect teaching practice, and how the teaching of information literacy is connected to, on the one hand, German and Swedish learning culture and, on the other, the local community of practice at the studied university libraries. The theories applied in this paper are learning culture and community of practice as developed in the works of Judith Ricken and Etienne Wenger. The methods that have been used are qualitative, semi-structured interviews that were conducted at both university libraries.It was observed that the teaching practices were highly connected to learning cultures.