

4426 Uppsatser om High- and low utilizers - Sida 61 av 296

Därom tvista de lärde : en analys av kvalitetsbegreppet och dess betydelse fö utformandet av bibliotekets inköpspolicy

In public libraries there seems to be an unspoken consensus on what literary quality is. At the same time librarians are always eager to express the opinion that quality lies in the eye of the beholder. Quality is, it is said, something that you don t have to define. But at the same time it s up to everyone to decide what quality means to them. What I have been missing from the discussion in libraries about literary quality is a theoretical awareness about what it means to divide literature into higher and lower spheres.

E-tjänster i kommunala verksamheter : Risker och hot för e-tjänster i Ljungby kommun

The existence for companies today consists of constant challenges with customers that want more individual products with high quality as quickly as possible. For a company to be able to have a short delivery time, it must also have a short production time. This makes streamlining and improvement of processes a big part of a company?s workThis thesis has been carried out together with the company Lasermax Roll Systems AB, a world-leading manufacturer of feeding, finishing and monitoring systems for high-speed digital printers. They manufacture their products according to the assembling for costumer order principle.The purpose with this thesis is to map and analyze, the assembling process and the test process at Lasermax Roll Systems AB.

Kväveomsättning i gräsmark med olika artantal och artsammansättningar :

This study was carried out at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Dept. of Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden. The aim of the study was to determine how plant species richness and diversity influence the nitrogen pools and nitrogen fluxes in the soil. Plant and soil samples from a biodiversity experiment in grasslands were used. Thirty plots with 12 grassland plant species (legumes, grasses, and non-legume herbs), combined from 1-12 species were investigated.

Analys av QoS i mellanvaran Meteor

This thesis is closely related to the Dynamically Self-Configuring Automotive System(DySCAS) project. DySCAS is a middleware for electronics in an automotive system. Thethesis work has been performed in cooperation with ENEA. Parts of the demonstrationplatform Self configurable High Availability and Policy based platform for Embeddedsystem (SHAPE) developed for the DySCAS project by ENEA have been used in theimplementation phase of this master thesis.The goal of this thesis was to evaluate how the Meteor MW, an offspring of the DySCASmiddleware, should handle QoS and to design a Quality of Service Manager (QoSM) for theMeteor MW that fulfilled hard real-time requirements. The thesis also had the objectiveof analysing and identifying the requirements on such a QoSM from a QoS perspective.Specifically the requirements to guarantee real-time support for applications running onthe MW.

Kläders värde och roll i skolan : En kvalitativ studie om fyra gymnasieelevers syn på kläders symboliska värde, och dess roll som statusmarkör i skolan

Research establishes, that clothes constantly communicate something about its wearer. You send out different messages depending on what sort of clothes you are wearing. For example, a suit can project social status and power, while, a pair of jeans usually conveys a more casual impression. Either way, research state that clothes are symbolic expressions.This essay focuses on the theme clothes and pupils within the school world. Do pupils today experience clothes as symbolic values? By using qualitative interviews, I have examined how four senior high school pupils talk about clothes and its potential symbolic value in school.

Praxis inom hållbarhetsredovisning 2010 : Undersökning av svenska företag noterade på Stockholmsbörsen

Problem formulation: The awareness and importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is growing within both corporations and society at large. The corporate progress in sustainable development can be both profitable and essential for the potential to compete globally. The value of sustainability reporting may differ between industries and companies of different sizes. The demands for sustainability reports are expected to increase. By 2010, no previous survey on sustainability reporting practices had been conducted within Swedish corporations. Purpose: The aim of the current study was to examine sustainability reports within Swedish corporations during 2010 and to compare the findings with preceding surveys to determine differences over time and between corporations.

Identifiering av 13 nya mjölksyrabakterier med DHPLC

Mjölksyrabakterier tillhörande släkten Lactobacillus och Bifidobacterium har nyligen upptäckts hos bin och i honungen de producerar och innefattar 13 nya arter[1]. Forskarna arbetar med att ta fram nya snabba och mer pålitliga identifierings metoder för att karakterisera dessa bakterier. I detta projekt undersöktes möjligheten att identifiera dessa bakterier med en ny metod som heter denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC). Metoden bygger på separation av PCR (polymerase chain reaction) amplifierade 16S rDNA fragment i DHPLC [8]. Vid identifiering av bakterier amplifierades olika variabla regioner från 16S rRNA genen, som påvisade efter sekvensering störst genetisk variation mellan dessa bakterier [1]. Separationen utfördes med ion-pair reverse-phase high presure liquid chromatoghaphy (IP RP HPLC) med delvis denaturering av DNA molekylen.

Man måste fråga sig, vad är normalt och vad är inte normalt?: en kvalitativ studie angående yrkesverksamma tankar kring Aspergers syndrom, dess förhållande till högfungerande autism, diagnostisering och prognos

What compelled me to write this essay was the ongoing debate about DAMP/ADHD between mainly Eva Kärfve and Christopher Gillberg. The purpose of the essay was to ascertain whether there was a similar debate about Asperger Syndrome. My focus was on the causes of the syndrome, how Asperger Syndrome relates to high-functioning autism, how the causes of the syndrome are portrayed by the practitioners to those who have been diagnosed with it and their next of kin, how they view the prognosis of individuals with Asperger Syndrome and their thoughts about the method of diagnosis. To gather the material I have used semi-structured interview guides and qualitative interviews. Five interviews were carried out with six practitioners.

Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskapens överordnade identitet : ämnets betydelse för studentens yrkesinriktning

Library and information science (LIS), being a research area characterized by theoretical discord and definition disarray, provides an interesting field of inquiry. Its content, boundaries, scope and superior identity are not clearly stated. This Master s thesis focuses on a thus far unexplored perspective on the discipline: a conceivable statistic and causes- and- effect relationship between the LIS students appreciated identification with the superior identity of the discipline, and the chosen vocational direction within the field. This relationship is examined through testing a working hypothesis on the results of a major quantitative questionnaire survey. The theory behind our research derives mainly from Thomas Kuhn and Richard Whitley.

Dimensionering av hjälptransformator

The aims of the following project has beento make a proposition how to create aspecific kind of transformer. Thefollowing report evaluates the differentimportant variables and contains asuggestion for a possible design. Intheory it's an ordinary transformer that'ssuppose to transform electrical effect toa high voltage line. The design of thetransformer is using an already existingcurrent transformer design and is adjustedto work for it's specific purpose. Theproject also contains the developing of atransformer simulation model that will beused to evaluate and optimize thedimensions of the resulting transformer..

Att skapa lönsamhet för små företag som arbetar med IT-projekt : En undersökning om projektledning som utförs av små företag inom konsultbranschen för IT-lösningar

Problem: How does project managing appear in small IT-consulting companies and how does the project manager carry out their projects to create successful solutions for their customers?Purpose: The research has the purpose to analyze and review how IT-consults in small companies work and lead their projects to create profitability for the company, which leads to a good development for the company.  Methodology: The research is made on eight research objects in IT-consulting business and the sizes of them are between 1-49 employees. The research is made with a qualitative method to get closer to the research objects. Therefore the research is made in forms of interviews. The analysis is grounded on a comparison between the research data and the theories that are used in the research.Theoretical perspectives: The theories which have been used in the research are Involvement theory (Fill, 1999), PAFF-metoden (Marcusson & Ahlin, 2002), Projektledning (Tonnquist, 2006), Jakten på det effektiva projektet (Engwall, 1999) och Mervärde (Grönroos, 2002)Empirical foundation: The research data are founded from the interviews of the eight research objects, they have the fictive names: Gondor, Minas Morgul, Minas Tirith, Mordor, Osgiliath, Rivendell, Rohan and The Shire. Analysis/Result: Each study object starts their projects with a pre-study phase, as the PAFF-method describes it.

Planering av produktionsflöden. Vad kan påverkas i projekteringsfasen?

Göteborg Energi AB är ett bolag med höga ambitioner att säkerställa ett stabilt distributionsnät för sina kunder. Med ett säkerställande följer åtgärder i form av beräkningar för komponenter som transformatorer av olika märkeffekt, hög- och lågspänningssäkringar och andra kritiska skyddsanordningar som t.ex. reläskydd. Vid ett flertal tillfällen under de senaste åren har det uppmärksammats en problematik där ett fel i lågspänningsnätet har löst ut anslutande transformator. Felet har grundat sig en svag selektivitet mellan transformatorsäkring och lågspänningssäkring.

Kartläggning av produktionsprocesser och identifiering av problem i dessa : En fallstudie på företaget Lasermax Roll Systems AB

The existence for companies today consists of constant challenges with customers that want more individual products with high quality as quickly as possible. For a company to be able to have a short delivery time, it must also have a short production time. This makes streamlining and improvement of processes a big part of a company?s workThis thesis has been carried out together with the company Lasermax Roll Systems AB, a world-leading manufacturer of feeding, finishing and monitoring systems for high-speed digital printers. They manufacture their products according to the assembling for costumer order principle.The purpose with this thesis is to map and analyze, the assembling process and the test process at Lasermax Roll Systems AB.

Klassning av fjällbjörkskog enligt FAO:s definition av skogsmark med hjälp av flygburen laserskanning

Sweden?s forestry legislation was updated in 2010 and a new definition of forest land was introduced. This definition was adapted to the one used by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) for international statistics on the state of the world's forests. It is in short based on the lands ability to grow forest that reaches 5 meters, 10 % canopy closure and has a continuous distribution, according to FAO at least 0.5 hectares. A country-wide laser scanning is now carried out for the production of a new national elevation model; the laser data also provides information on forest height and density.

Studier av koppar i mjölk : en prooxidant med negativa effekter på mjölkkvaliteten

The taste of the dairy product is probably the main factor determining consumer?s dairy products choice. Consequently it is of great importance that the product tastes good and as expected every time. Off-flavors in milk can be caused by for example oxidation of the milk fat. Since copper is a prooxidant, a high copper content in the milk can cause oxidation.

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