

4426 Uppsatser om High- and low utilizers - Sida 42 av 296

Wavelettransform med Morletwavelets för analys av satellitmätdata

This thesis is divided into two parts. Part one contains a general description of the flexographic printingtechnique. Part two contains a more detailed investigation in the areas substrate, inktransfer and trends, which are only briefly commented in part one, and conclusions and comments.The major problem concerning substrate is washboard. This phenomena can be limited if one can control and minimize the amount of glue applied in the single- and double facer, use high surface weight on liner, use low surfaceweight on fluting and control the humidity during the conditioning of the corrugated board. Corrugated board with a smooth surface radically increases the quality in print.

Arbete och arbetstidi det postindustriella samhället : En jämförande attitydstudie mellan Sverigeoch USA med fokus på arbetstidsförkortning

Within the field of welfare research, few people take into account both the aspect of gender and class. Thetraditional class-oriented research has a one-dimensional perspective on gender and the feminist welfare researchrarely carry out large comparative studies. A multi-dimensional perspective on the construction ofgender and class would benefit from both the feminist and class welfare-oriented research, and contribute toincreasing the knowledge about the individual's experience and attitudes to work and work time. The aim ofthis paper is to examine the correlation of the intersectional relationship between sex / gender position andclass position with the attitudes and motives for working time reduction. Especially in, (1) the value in work,and (2) the attitude to a high number of working hours, as well as (3) its combined effect on the conflict betweenwork and family.

Identifiering av fel i skogliga beståndsregister med hjälp av satellitdata :

This thesis has focused on the possibility to use a satellite image method developed by Metria Mijöanalys to identify stands that are wrongly registered in Holmen Skogs database. The method is only intended for identifying stand with poor descriptions in Holmen?s database that needs to be updated and not for updating the stand information. The study area is located several km west of Hudiksvall on the borderline between Gävleborgs- och Västernorrlands län. The area is covered by a SPOT image from 2005. By which Metria Miljöanalys has made estimates of forest parameters for all stands in the area, and compared them with corresponding estimates according to the stand database.

PBL som ledstjärna? : Lärares reflektioner kring möjligheter, förändringar och utmaningar med Problembaserat lärande

This survey aims to investigate and analyze how six teachers on a high school in Stockholm reflect on pedagogical aspects of problem based learning( PBL). The survey focuses on ana-lyzing how the teachers relate to the benefits and problems of PBL and how they reflect on the students development. The survey was conducted on a high school and the method used for the study was interviews, each taking 30-45 minutes. The outcome of the survey indicates that the teachers sees problem based learning as an alternative to what they define as tradi-tional education regarding its epistemology. They indicate that PBL allows the students to define their own questions, to be carriers of knowledge and to evolve analytic skills in relation to the basegroup.

Beskattning av skalbolagstransaktioner : Analys av skalbolagsreglerna ur ett tillämpnings- och rättssäkerhetsperspektiv

Shell companies are characterized by containing liquid assets such as cash, securities or other similar assets. Transactions of shell companies constitutes a severe problem since the purchaser often has the aim of obtaining undue tax advantages by not paying the tax debt of the company.Historically it has been complicated for the legislator to stop the set-up in an efficient way since the transactions as such are not illegal, instead rather commonly used for example to restructure companies or for the transfer of companies to the younger generation. The purpose of the current legislation is to prevent individuals and corporations to involve in shell company trade. Aiming for an efficient legislation, the tax rate is at a very high level.The issue with the rules is that also honest buyers are at risk of being covered. This calls for high demands in complying with the principle of legal certainty and the possibility to forecast the tax consequences.The purpose of the thesis is to identify and analyze eventual problems when applying the legislation.

Effektivisering av lagringsplatser. Ett förbättringsprojekt på Mekpart AB

Aeroseum is an aviation museum located in an old military underground hangar. The ventilation system in the hangar is designed for the military purpose of the hangar. This design includes a solution with air flowing through the space between the construction of the hangar and the rock surface. The solution is intended to avoid a buildup of inflammable gases. This design leads too high humidity levels in the hangar.

Direct-EGR tillämpat på HCCI

The Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine is promising in terms of lowNOx, low particulates and high efficiency. Due to its homogeneous charge, where thecombustion starts almost simultaneously from a number of points in the combustion chamber,only lean mixtures are possible to burn because of the resulting rapid combustion, which is muchfaster than the combustion in an SI-engine or a diesel engine. When richer mixtures are used thecombustion will start earlier and also be more violent.To phase the combustion later and lower the combustion speed, external cooled EGR can beused. The EGR-system used in this thesis uses a divided exhaust channel where one channel andits corresponding valve are used only for transporting EGR back to the intake system.Consequently the EGR-valve is connected to the intake pressure. This system is called Direct-EGR (D-EGR).Engine tests verified that the CA50 indeed is phased later when cooled EGR is used.

Studenters attityder till arbetsmarknad och lön

This essay examines whether feminist theory can give a plausible answer to the question: does female and male students have different attitudes towards the labour market and towards wages? Further more, I examine if factors such as class and ethnicity affect student's attitudes. These questions are investigated through a quantitative study of students at four educations on two different universities in Sweden. Two of the educations have a high degree of female students, and the other two represent educations with at high degree of male students.The main conclusion is based on the quantitative research results. Female and male student's attitudes are similar in some cases.

Frihet och jord : En studie av frihetens gränser för bönder, jordfattiga och trälar i landskapslagarnas samhälle

The aim of this study is to analyze how problems are represented within SOU 2008:27. Further more, the aim is to analyze how the new subject plan for history can bee seen as a product of this document. The method used, and the theoretical frame of the study, is based on Carol Lee Bacchi?s ?what´s the problem represented to be?? approach, which basic principle is that policies are filled with representations of problems and that these representations need to be examined. These problem representations are then themselves subject for scrutiny, the second step being an analysis of the texts presumptions and assumptions concerning view of man and perception of knowledge. The results show, among other things, that a problem representations can be found in the SOU; the school system is too vague and unclear.

Jag måste tänka på ett annat sätt... : Fem folkhögskolestuderande med annat modersmål och deras upplevelser av att lära matematik på svenska

The purpose of the present study is to describe adult second language learners? experiences of mathematics learning from a past and contemporary perspective. What experiences in mathematics do they bring? What does it mean to learn Mathematics through their new language?The study is based on life-world narratives from five second language students with another native language than Swedish. Today they all study at a Swedish folk high school, at upper secondary level and they have previously studied at this level in Mathematics. The result shows that the meeting with the Swedish school and folk high school context is confusing.

Högt uppsatta kvinnliga chefer. : ? En studie om valet att sluta på ett stort svenskt företag.

Det finns idag fler personer som heter Johan som är VD i börsnoterade bolag än vad det finns kvinnliga VD:ar i Sverige. Uppsatsen är skriven om ett stort svenskt företag i näringslivet. Syfte med studien var att utvärdera varför kvinnliga chefer på höga positioner inom ett större svenskt företag i näringslivet har valt att sluta samt vad företaget kan förbättra för att bli en mer jämställd och attraktiv arbetsplats för kvinnor i chefsbefattningar. Forskning visar på att det idag 2013 fortfarande finns en hel del ojämställda arbetsplatser. Via kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer med sju kvinnliga före detta chefer på företaget har en bild av vad detta kan bero på skapats.

Oljetemperaturens inverkan på motoroljans degradering i lastbil

The market for heavy duty engines is constantly requiring engines that should be more andmore powerful, while still maintaining low fuel consumption. As a result of increasing enginepower, the engine and coolant temperature increases as well due to insufficient coolingperformance (because of design issues, cost etc.).Also, emission legislations, both current and future, require more and more measures to betaken by engine manufacturers. One way of meeting the legislations is the use of cooled EGR(Exhaust Gas Recirculation), which also lead to increased coolant temperatures.Both these factors also naturally lead to increased engine oil temperatures, the consequencesof which are not thoroughly investigated.This thesis project aims to investigate effects of high temperatures on engine oil degradation,with focus on the greatest degradation process: oxidation. To do this several engine runs havebeen performed on a 310 hp engine with EGR to see what happens to the engine oil in a realengine when exposed to high temperatures. During the tests oil samples have been taken andanalysed for important parameters.As a complement to these engine tests some laboratory oxidation testing have also beenperformed, to be able to compare engine test data with laboratory tests.One goal of the project was to try to formulate an empirical oxidation model, which would beable to predict oil oxidation levels in an engine, given any running parameters.

Modell för beräkning av inläckning till avloppsnät

This thesis is divided into two parts. Part one contains a general description of the flexographic printingtechnique. Part two contains a more detailed investigation in the areas substrate, inktransfer and trends, which are only briefly commented in part one, and conclusions and comments.The major problem concerning substrate is washboard. This phenomena can be limited if one can control and minimize the amount of glue applied in the single- and double facer, use high surface weight on liner, use low surfaceweight on fluting and control the humidity during the conditioning of the corrugated board. Corrugated board with a smooth surface radically increases the quality in print.

Hotellens gröna överlevnad : Den interna marknadsföringens roll i att trovärdigt förmedla miljöarbete

Background: The hotel market has become undiversified and the competition has increased rapidly. At the same time the environment aspects has been given higher priority and the trend continues to extend. A green marketing strategi has proven profitable if the company achieve a high credibility.Problem definition: What factors are important for hotel companies to attain long term business survival trough a green marketing strategy?Purpose: The purpose with this paper is to, trough a case study of Scandic Hotels analyze and find the relationship between trustworthy environmental work and internal factors.Method: This study is based on both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The qualitative data has been gathered through interviews with five different levels of personel, both management and employee, within the company.

How Does Ego Depletion Affect Moral Judgments and Pro-social Decisions?

BACKGROUND: Today?s societal changes, including high rate of change and increasing information flows, are increasing the demand on the individual mental capacity. It becomes increasingly difficult to analytically process all the different dilemmas and everyday decisions as individuals have a limited mental capacity available to make these decisions. Thus, it has been suggested that ego-depleted relies more heavily on intuition, which is less burdensome, when making decision. However little is known about to what extent intuitive decisions differ from analytic.

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