

4426 Uppsatser om High- and low utilizers - Sida 36 av 296

Europaparlamentsval och partipolarisering : En kvantitativ analys av polariseringens effekter på valdeltagandet i Europaparlamentsvalen 2004 och 2009

The main purpose of this study is to examine if variations in voter turnout for the European Parliament elections in each member state is affected by the rate of national party polarization on the EU-dimension of party politics. The theoretical background assumes that a high level of polarization generates higher voter turnout since more alternatives are presented to the electorate. This makes it easier for the electorate to find a party that represents their preferences. This will, in turn, increase the likelihood that they will participate in the election.This study uses a research design based on a quantitative analysis with data from each member state, except those with compulsory voting, in the European Parliament elections of 2004 and 2009. The results of the analysis indicate a relationship between high levels of party polarization and lower turnout in the European Parliament election.

Användarundervisning på gymnasiebibliotek ? Sju gymnasiebibliotekariers pedagogiska undervisningsmetoder

This Master?s thesis investigates user education at high school libraries. The aim of this study is to examine user education and the educational approach that librarian?s experience in their teaching. The method used for the study is qualitative interviews with seven high school librarians.

Competition and its outcomes: Does a more campelilive electoral system elect more well-educated politicians?

Recent studies have reemphasized the importance of competition in democracy. An ideaoriginating from Weber: that demoeratic competition leads to more qualified leaders, has been resurrected. Research shows that democracies are more Iikely to elect leaders with a high leve l of education, and with in demoeratic states stronger competition correlates with elected politicians with higher education, more political experience and higher previous income. This study researehes whether the earrelation between greater competition and electedcandirlates with higher "Curriculum vitae-qualities" holds between electoral systems. Does a more competitive electoral system elect candirlates that score higher on such measures? Using education as a proxy forthese qualities the study traces different outcomes on education in a mixed electoral system, camparing the majoritarian (more competitive) part of the electoral system with the prop011ional (less competitive) part.

Status - Musikstil - Attityd : en enkätundersökning bland studenter och lärare på Kungl. Musikhögskolan och några utvalda grund- och gymnasieskolor i Stockholm

This study aims to determine whether pupils, students and teachers at various music schools feel that there is a difference in status between different music styles/genres, and if this has an impact on the individual level. The survey was conducted with a digital survey that was e-mailed to junior/high schools with music profile in the Stockholm area and to all the teachers and students at the Royal College of music in Stockholm (KMH). Due to low participation by students and teachers from the junior/high schools the students and teachers of KMH became the main object of the study. The results shows that a majority of the main group of this study feels that there is a difference in status between different music styles/genres. The study also shows that half of the participants believe that the difference in status affects them on an individual level.

Equine metabolic syndrome

Obese horses with insulin resistance are often also afflicted with laminitis. Horses with these symptoms are given the diagnosis equine metabolic syndrome (EMS). Signs of insulin resistance are excessive accumulation of adipose tissue on the neck, around the withers and on the dorsal area of the hindquarters. Insulin resistance means that the function of insulin is defective and does not stimulate glucose uptake by the cells in the body in the correct way. This will result in an increased insulin release.


SAPA´s resource of waste heat is the basis for this thesis to investigate the possibility of energy assets in their cooling water and possible uses for it. The energy in the waste water is greater than the current need which has three uses which are (1) heating the factory, (2) converting liquid propane to propane gas and (3) local domestic heating. The average energy load that is available is 1, 7 MW and the average temperature in the cooling water is 41°C. The total energy load at dimensioning out side temperature is approximately 1,6 MW for the three current uses. The temperature is currently too low to be used directly in the existing systems so an upgrade is needed.

Ny teknik för kombisådd :

The use of combi-drilling during spring tillage has become very common in southern Sweden in recent years. Combi-drilling leads to fewer passes on the field and better plant nutrient utilisation. An example of a combi-drill is the Väderstad Rapid, which is very widely used in spring tillage in southern Sweden. The Rapid has separate fertiliser and seed coulters, which means that the draught requirement is relatively high. It thus requires large, heavy tractors, which compact the soil and are comparatively expensive to buy and run. A few years ago the Finnish combi-drill Tume Nova Combi came onto the Swedish market.

Kostrekommendationer till personer med övervikt och diabetes typ 2 - Litteraturstudie

The purpose of this literature review was to describe if the nutritional balance of the fats, carbohydrates, proteins and fibers can lead to weight reduction and to improve glucos-/blood lipid for individuals with obesity and type 2 diabetes. The method used was a literature review. Twenty-two scientific articles were chosen, which were consistent with the study purpose and questions. The articles were selected based on searches in the Medline database by PubMed. The keywords used were type 2 diabetes mellitus, diet, obesity, comparative, fat, carbohydrate, low carbohydrate, high fat and saturated fat.

Design and Analysis of an All-optical Free-space Communication Link

Free Space Optics (FSO) has received a great deal of attention lately both in the military and civilian information society due to its potentially high capacity, rapid deployment, portability and high security from deception and jamming. The main issue is that severe weather can have a detrimental impact on the performance, which may result in an inadequate availability. This report contains a feasibility study for an all-optical free-space link intended for short-range communication (200-500 m). Laboratory tests have been performed to evaluate the link design. Field tests were made to investigate availability and error performance under the influence of different weather conditions.

Brunnsviken : Utvärdering av åtgärder för förbättrad vattenkvalitet

Periods of hypoxia are a recurring issue in Brunnsviken. Main factors that trigger hypoxia in Brunnsviken are eutrophication  due to anthropogenic emission of nutrients, stratification in the water column due to salinity and temperature differences  that prevents mixing and a sill inlet that prevents water exchange. As an attempt to improve the oxygen levels, bottom water is pumped from Brunnsviken causing aerated surface water to flow back into the basin.  The objective of this Master?s thesis was to study the change in dissolved oxygen levels due to pumping.

Cytokinuttryck vid vaccination med olika vaccinkoncept mot FIP :

Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a feline viral disease with high mortality. There is no cure or any effective vaccine available today. Many questions are yet to be answered about this disease and the immune response in affected cats. The aim of the study is to evaluate two different techniques for the study of cytokine profiles in cats vaccinated with a vaccine concept against FIPV. More information about the immune response in these cats could give valuable information to better understand the pathogenesis of the disease and the development of an effective vaccine.

Tungmetaller i lakvatten : avskiljning med mineraliska filtermaterial

Four different kinds of filter-materials with reactive surfaces have been studied concerning their capacity to absorb heavy metals in leachate from a municipal waste deposit. The heavy metals studied were: lead, cadmium, copper, mercury, chromium, nickel and zinc. The leachate contains high levels of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and has a high pH-value along with a high buffer capacity. These characteristics of the leachate make it difficult to remove pollutants and require efficient filters. The filters that were examined in the report are blast-furnace slag with CaO, sand covered with iron oxides, olivine and nepheline.

Site fidelity of a migratory species towards its annual range

Site fidelity, the behaviour of animals to return to areas where they have been before is a common trait in many species. The Scandinavian moose is known to show fidelity to its range, but to what extent, is little known. The landscape in Sweden changes in a predictable and unpredictable way and hence gives the opportunity to test the existence of fidelity. I used the kernel Brownian bridge method to estimate the home ranges of individual moose over consecutive years and estimated the overlap at the home range level. I also used Euclidian distance to look on calving site fidelity.

Landstingens sjukvård som en del i den svenska modellen : Exemplet Värmlands landsting 1945-1955

After World War II a rapid expansion of the Swedish health care took place. Theexpansion was realised chiefly as a development of the hospitals and was bothproduced and financed mainly within the public sector. The financing consisted to ahigh degree of government grants from the state to the county councils.During the period for this examination (1945-1955) the public responsibility for thehealth care was expanded. This was expressed in the publicly financed system forhealth insurance and the cut down in the charges that the patients had to pay for thehospital care. These changes led to some discussions on the national level but reformscould on the whole, with exception for the suggested reform of the open health care,be implemented.This case-study performed on the county council in Värmland shows that the degreeof consensus was enhanced on the regional level.

Obtaining high quality textile fibre from industrial hemp through organic cultivation

AbstractThe urgency to find alternative fabrics to conventionally produced cotton is increasing as vast amounts of agrochemicals are used and a lot of irrigation is required. In this literature survey the potential of organic cultivation practices to produce highly qualitative hemp fibre, suitable for the textile industry, was investigated. The definition of a fibre in the textile context as well as of the qualities that are essential for a textile fibre was necessary as a base for the discussion in this thesis. The quality parameters looked at were fineness, strength, length, friction, and colour. The impact of external growth factors and plant development on these quality properties are discussed.

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