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V-modulen, en del av en hållbarhetsstrategi.

The state of our society is frequently changing. Due to various factors, the pressure of creating a changeable city is high and necessary to adequately supply the needs for its inhabitants. But making these changes and adapt to the fast shifting state of the city is not always physical possible. Young adults and students is a group that often seeks to move to intensely growing city regions. The reason for this is a more promising job market and more attractive educations, but coincidentally the shortage of housing is extremely high in these areas.

Arbetsmiljövänliga låsvätskor i stötdämpare

This master thesis is a study of anaerobic thread lockers and is done in cooperation withÖhlins Racing AB, which is a Swedish manufacturer of vehicle suspensions.The suspension in vehicles is constantly exposed to high vibration levels and a suspensionunit has several screw- and cylindrical joints. As an extra safety precaution so that thecomponents in the suspension doesn?t fall apart when using the vehicle, an anaerobicthreadlocker is added in these joints. The handling of these threadlockers is not totallyharmless and could lead to allergic reactions, and therefore there are Swedish laws to limit theuse of these. However, new types of anaerobic threadlockers have recently been launched onthe marked that are not considered under this law.

Vardagsmat eller domedag? Marknadsföring av ekologiska varor genom svaga och starka rädslor

In a time when concern for the environment is a topic that is met with both love and hatred, organic goods and services become increasingly common on the market. Communication efforts with the purpose of increasing the proportion of organic products consumed are being conducted by both private and public actors. However, achieving attitudinal and behavioral change within complex areas such as this comes with many difficulties.Within public opinion change, a common way of achieving a change in behavior is to use fear appeals and scare tactics. Earlier studies have shown that messages prompting a low level of fear can be more effective than messages prompting a high level of fear, since a high level of fear tends to raise defense mechanisms in the consumer. The purpose of this essay is to examine whether fear and defense mechanisms is a problem when it comes to making consumers choose organic products, as well as studying whether messages prompting low levels of fear are more effective than those prompting high levels of fear.This quantitative study is conducted in the form of a questionnaire-based experiment, comparing the effectiveness of two messages prompting different levels of fear.

Dokumentation av ensilering med fokus på clostridiesporer i mjölk :

To produce milk of good standard the feed for the animals kept for milk production is an important part in the work of quality. This makes it important to feed them with good forage, especially when feeding with silage. The process of making silage is very complex and requires a careful handling to be successful. The fundamental idea is to create an anaerobic environment in the herbage to favour the desirable micro-organisms, in this case the lactic acid bacteria. This environment is created by careful handlings were the importance is to pack the crop well and cover it as soon as possible to exclude oxygen.

Källkritik på Internet : En kvalitativ studie av den källkritiska medvetenheten hos gymnasieelever på samhällsprogrammet

This essay is an ideographic study over the capacity of high school students to use the Internet with source criticism, and their attitudes towards this media. It?s a qualitative study whose main purpose is to seek out how the students reflect upon the problems facing them when searching facts and information over the internet.The focus group is six 18 year old high school students, who are studying in a normal sized town in the middle of Sweden, and are about to finish their studies in the program for social sciences. The study was made through interviews, one on one with the students,The results of the analysis have shown that even if students not necessarily use a pre meditated method when searching for information over the internet, they do have a basic understanding of the matter, especially concerning the nature of the source, who published it and why. Not all students made any thorough comparison with other, already established media, such as TV or books, but the analysis made it clear that they more or less deliberately saw the established media as more trustworthy in general.

Positiva emotioner i marknadsföringen av kollektivtrafik

On the behalf of the European commission suggestions were made on how to increase the usage of public transportation in cities in Europe. A suggestion on how to make public transportation more popular was to use more emotions when marketing public transportation. However, according to theory emotional marketing is best suited for products that have a more hedonic character which public transportation does not usually have. The aim of this report was to investigate if emotional marketing could have a more positive effect on the attitude toward public transportation than less emotional marketing. Ads for the metro in Stockholm were made and it was tested to what degree they conveyed positive emotions.

Ungdomars ljudupplevelser i vardagsmiljön

Noise is a growing health problem. People are not always aware of the injuries that noise can cause. The media culture of today has a big influence on teenagers. This is caused by portable music players, computers, concerts etc. The schools are having larg classes and that can cause a lot irrelevant speech during lessons.

En kvalitativ utvärdering av det accelerometerbaserade hältdetektionssystemet ?Lameness Locator? :

Background: Evaluation of lameness in horses is traditionally performed by a veterinarian who subjectively evaluates the movements of the horse. Accordingly, lameness diagnosis varies with the veterinarian and circumstances for which the horse is examined. Research within the area has long tried to establish an objective and standardized method for lamenessevaluation in horses. Several methods have been shown to be reliable and are used regularly within research, for example measurement of forces between the hoof and ground, and measurement of movements with high speed cameras or accelerometers. However these methods require considerable preparation, standardization, and expensive equipment as well as produce large amounts of data that are incomprehensible for the clinician.

Återvinning av näringsämnen från hushållsspillvatten med omvänd osmos

Hammarby Sjöstad is a new district in Stockholm with high environmental standard. Stockholm Water Company evaluates a local wastewater treatment plant with cutting edge technology. The first step is an experimental treatment plant (Sjöstadsverket) with four parallel lines of treatment, each with a capacity to treat wastewater from 150 persons. Within the membrane technology subproject the possibility of using reverse osmosis (usually called RO) to regain nutrients is examined.Reverse osmosis separates the incoming water in a clean permeate and a concentrate that, as the name indicates, is a more concentrated version of the incoming water. Using this method in wastewater treatment, a solution high in nutrients can be obtained without the use of chemical precipitation agent and with no production of sludge.

Fysikdiskursen på Komvux : Betydelsen av student-lärarinteraktioner

This study draws upon the framework for analyzing the discourse of a science classroom introduced by Mortimer and Scott (2003). It has been used for many studies before on high school youths, but never on adults. Therefore, this study focuses on the interaction between teacher and students in an adult education on high school level in physics, and how students can change the classroom discourse. Observations took place in two different schools for adults, in four different teaching groups. The result was analyzed by pattern of interactions, communicative approach, teaching purpose, type of student questions and their effect on the classroom discourse.

Är fytoremediering en realistisk metod för att rena marken runt Glasriket på arsenik, kadmium och bly?

Phytoremediation is a technique using the ability of plants to absorb pollutants in their biomass from contaminated soils and remediate it. The plants are then harvested and the soil gets purified. This method is more environmental-friendly than the normally used methods for soil remediation. Glasriket in Småland is an area with large amount of pollutants including arsenic, cadmium and lead. This area must be cleaned from these metals because of the high threat to the environment ant the health of people who live here.


Beans are a global source of plant-based protein, and in some countries, they constitute a primary source of protein intake. With ongoing climate change, including rising temperatures, it is necessary to adapt beans to ensure a reliable food supply. An important mechanism that many plants have, to cope with high temperatures, is cooling through transpiration. During transpiration, stomata open and release water vapor. Water molecules use heat energy from the leaf to convert into gas, thereby cooling the leaf.

Arvets betydelse för mjölkkors beteende :

It becomes more important to consider different behaviour traits in the selection for dairy cows to be suitable in the production systems of today. The purpose of this investigation was to study the genetic background to behavioural traits and the heritabilities for temperament, rank order, aggressiveness, feeding behaviour and for learning behaviour. Moreover, the genetic correlations to other traits were studied. To be included in a breeding programme a trait needs to have enough genetic variation, a moderate to high heritability or to be correlated to another measurable trait. Behaviour is a quantitative trait affected by many genes and the environment.

Att producera eller reproducera text? : En studie av fem gymnasiepojkars arbete med skrivprocessen i en provsituation

AbstractAuthor: Annelie JohanssonYear: Spring 2006Swedish title: Att producera eller reproducera text? En studie av fem gymnasiepojkars arbetemed skrivprocessen i en provsituation.English title: To produce or reproduce text in essays. A studie of five high school boys? workwith the writing process in a test situation.City, university: Växjö, Växjö Universitet, institutionen för humaniora [Växjö, Växjö University, School of the Humanities]Pages: 53Content:The major aim of this study is to investigate how five male high school students in the ages seventeen to eighteen produce or reproduce in their texts during an essay examination. Focus is also put on the five students? writing processes in a classroom situated writing task and on their own comments to their writing.

Digitala kläder? : En studie om traditionella klädföretags it-strategier 

This paper focuses on traditional clothing enterprise IT strategies. The purpose was to investigate the correlation between traditional clothing companies IT strategies and their brand. In a market where the competition is high it has become more important that the company targets a customer segment. To reach their targeted customers the company builds their brand with different corporate strategies. This segmentation is necessary because of the high exposure to competition, and a well-established brand could be a prerequisite for profitability.  In today?s market, IT has a major impact on the clothing business.

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