

4416 Uppsatser om High- and low utilizers - Sida 3 av 295

Upplevelser i stora och små städer : En studie av upplevelseturism och platsmarknadsföring i Örebro och Säffle

A quantitative survey of students in grades one in high school, where the aim is to find out what factors affected their upper secondary school. The survey is based on marketing, and looks to how to market a high school..

High-rise buildings; structural design, prefabrication and logistics

In the report we have investigated four high-rise buildings with the intentions to find out witch parts are prefabricated and what relation can be found between structural design, prefabrication and the logistics. After the investigation we noticed that the grad of prefabrication in each one of the projects is good in relation to what purpose the building have and the given background. During the report we found that layout ? structural design ? prefabrication ? logistics is an order that we think can make the production of the building more effective if followed. We believe that the prefabrication of high-rise buildings have potential to grow and get more optimized in the future..

Frånluftsvärmepumpens möjligheter i flerbostadshus

If a building is heated by a heat pump, it is of high importance that the heat pump has a high coefficient of performance. An exhaust air heat pump extracts heat from the building?s exhaust air. The air has a relatively high and constant temperature all year around, leading to a high seasonal coefficient of performance. This thesis examines whether it is profitable to complement an exhaust ventilation system with an exhaust air heat pump in an apartment block that already has geothermal heat pump, district heating, oil- or biofuel heated system.

Hur kan bra bli ännu bättre? : Hur lärare jobbar med att leda och motivera högpresterande elever.

The purpose of this paper was to investigate how teachers work to lead and motivate high-performing students, and how these students were defined. The method used was qualitative, more specifically an interview, which was then analyzed with a thematic analysis. Six teachers participated in the survey, and what emerged was that high-performing students were often ambitious, structured and social students. High performing students were also characterized by the fact that they needed challenges, attention and positive feedback on their performances, otherwise they ran a risk of not performing. Structure was also important for the teachers themselves, that they had a goal when teaching and a way of achieving that goal.

The Low Line : ett gestaltningsförslag med inspiration från The High Line

In the summer of 2009 the High Line opened in New York, a park built on an out-of use elevated rail viaduct. The park meanders its way through the buildings and allows the visitor to see the city from a totally different perspecive than we are used to.I have made a Design proposal in Eriksdalslunden, Stockholm, with inspiration from the High Line. The proposal is based on design ideas of a park I logically call the Low Line, as the place isn't elevated as in New York, but lowered. The two places have some similarities, mainly the strong urban identity and the tracks crossing both areas. They also have very obvious differences, above all the fact that Eriksdalslunden is situated in a swale and is defined in a third dimension by the high bridges that crosses the area.The High Line is designed by James Corner Field Operations, and they have been working using their motto 'Keep it Simple, Keep it Wild, Keep it Quiet and Keep it Slow' during the whole process, words that normally aren't associated to Manhattan.

De behöver...mer från grunden : En kvalitativ studie om hur lärare arbetar med språklig medvetenhet i en klass med svenska som andraspråk

Background: The competition is getting harder between the universities. To reach the high school students and discover which means of contact they prefer and how they perceive student recruitment are important issues in order to succeed in marketing strategies.Purpose: The purpose with our report is to investigate, analyze and compare the student recruitment in three universities and investigate how the high school students want to be contacted. Then we compare to see if they think alike.Method: We have done a qualitative study and chosen to use focus group interviews for the high school students and interviews for the universities to collect our empirical data. We have compared the empirical data and analyzed it with communication processes and marketing communication as theoretical grounds.Result: All of the universities work approximately the same way with their student recruitment. They put a large effort in the Internet and social networks as well as the personal contact.

Heel Me

High heels ? a fashion that has not gone out of style after hundreds of years. Despite their esthetic advantages, high heels become uncomfortable and harmful after repetitive and long term use. With this as a starting point, Huyen Nguyen ? a student at the Innovation Engineering Program at the University of Halmstad ? decided to make a final thesis project. The project goal has been to combine the esthetic advantages of high heels and bring a comfortable solution to the equation.

"Jag brukar jämföra källor med varandra." : En studie i gymnasieelevers kritiska tänkande

The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine the existence of criteria and to what extent high school students use these criteria when they are collecting information for a school assignment. I also compare students attending different high school programmes with each other and compare students on different levels of education.I have done a quantitative study with 284 students in which the students have filled out questionnaires.The result shows that the most common way to evaluate information is to compare sources with each other. Students also look at how the information is written, and they want the information to be detailed and easily available. More seldom used criteria include consideration of the authority of the writer, determination of how up to date the information is, and gauging the perspective of the information.The result also shows that students attending a high school programme that prepares them for higher education are better at evaluating information than students attending a high school programme of vocational preparation. Students at a higher level of education are also better at evaluating information than students at a lower level of education. .

Från elev till student : En jämförelse av tre högskolors studentrekrytering och gymnasieelevers perspektiv

Background: The competition is getting harder between the universities. To reach the high school students and discover which means of contact they prefer and how they perceive student recruitment are important issues in order to succeed in marketing strategies.Purpose: The purpose with our report is to investigate, analyze and compare the student recruitment in three universities and investigate how the high school students want to be contacted. Then we compare to see if they think alike.Method: We have done a qualitative study and chosen to use focus group interviews for the high school students and interviews for the universities to collect our empirical data. We have compared the empirical data and analyzed it with communication processes and marketing communication as theoretical grounds.Result: All of the universities work approximately the same way with their student recruitment. They put a large effort in the Internet and social networks as well as the personal contact.

Personlig_Bankman - En kvantitativ undersökning om bankers kommunikation på Twitter

Banks and their products are traditionally characterized as high involvement, informational purchases and as such there is a need to shape the market communication to be logical and catering to the need for information that customers are bound to have. With the advent of social media and web 2.0 a company can no longer opt out of the online discourse regarding their company. As social medias are characterized by being an active media, tailored to personal exchanges and opinions, the match with the high involvement approach that banks usually have to employ is not always ideal. We have examined what happens when banks use different degrees of personal message content and sender profiles on Twitter. Our findings suggest that while some strategies generate higher WOM intentions, others may provide a greater level of sender credibility..

Samband mellan hög incidens ämnesomsättningssjukdomar och klövhälsa hos svenska mjölkkobesättningar :

Metabolic diseases in dairy cows are considered to increase the risk for claw lesions, most of all laminitis, sole haemorrhages and sole ulcers, but also to increase the risk for environmental claw lesions. The aim of this study was to compare claw health in 27 Swedish dairy farms, 18 with high incidence of metabolic diseases and 9 with low incidence. Data on claw health status was retrieved from recordings at routine claw trimmings and analysed on herd level regarding the prevalence of: any lesion, interdigital dermatitis, heel-horn erosion, sole haemorrhages, sole ulcer, lameness, abnormal claw shape, and other diseases (abscess in the white line, limb disorders, double sole, laminitic groove, white line disease, interdigital phlegmon, interdigital hyperplasia, toe abscess and verucose dermatitis). Mean prevalence of any lesion for herds with low incidence of metabolic diseases was 48 % and in herds with high incidence 41 %, and there was no statistical difference between the two groups. Mean prevalence for interdigital dermatitis was 2,0 % and 6.4 % in the low and high incidence groups, respectively (p.

Valsningsteknik för extremt höghållfasta tunna stål

New high strength steels require improved cold rolling techniques. The aim of this degree project was to develop a new and money saving cold rolling technique to manufacture steel strip for saw blades. The work is based on earlier rolling experiments made with a high carbon steel grade at LuCoil Steel AB. The work also focused on the mill requirements to cold roll high strength steels. The results show that LuCoil?s existing cold rolling mill was actually designed for rolling low carbon steel.

Självkänsla och motivation : En studie kring gymnasieelevers självkänsla och motivation inom ämnet matematik

The objective of this study was to bring further knowledge to the subject as to what influences students motivation and self-esteem. The study had focus on role that the teachers play in these aspects. The study was done by using both a qualitative and quantitative approach. The qualitative method was interviews based on six interviews with two teachers and four students from two different classes. The quantitative method was a questionnaire study that was done in both classes.

Värdegrunden i skolan : En kritisk studie av innehållet och arbetet med skolans värdegrund i en senmodern kontext

The purpose of this study is to investigate the content and work processes regarding the values written in the curriculum for Swedish high schools and compare it with theories regarding the individualized society and political moralism. After the clarification of the content in the values of Swedish high schools and the work processes that are supposed to give students fundamental understanding about them, I analyze and compere it to the theories that are presented in the study. The main questions of the study are the following: What kinds of values are found in the curriculum for Swedish high schools? In general, how do Swedish high schools work with the written values when focus have gone from education and learning to instrumental knowledge, results, abilities and flexibility?The result showed that the content and work processes regarding the values in Swedish high schools are purely instrumental and moralistic. Due to the fact, that the individualized society and the neoliberal ideology do not require reflection and real understanding regarding the values.

Förskollärares syn på Kvalitet i Förskolan

My purpose with this work is to find out how it relates with pre-schoolteatchers view about a quality in comparasion to control document, Lpfö-98, and with factors pre-schoolteatchers consider effects quality in pre-school describe pre-schoolteatchers view on that high quality is in pre- school.The investigation has been done by quality interviews with five pre- schoolteatchers working in pre- school. The results show that they do not make a difference between what are high quality and the factors that affect the possibility of creating high quality. Most important is qualified and engaged educationalist in the pre- school who who shows a good attitude towards the children, and where development and learning is central. The most decisive to a pre- schools quality are the personell who work there. A conditon to achieve high quality in pre- school is a head who knows the pre- school activity and its curriculum, and who takes active part in the activity, invites to discussions and offers pertinent competence development.According to the leading document Lpfö-98 you will achieve high quality by offering children rear and care.

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