

2614 Uppsatser om Heterosexual relationship - Sida 20 av 175

Någon som visar att de bryr sig : En studie angående ungdomars upplevelser av delaktighet iinsatsen Kontaktperson.

The aim of this study was to examine young people?s experiences of participation within the intervention Contact Person. Three questions were asked concerning young people?s experience of participation, aspects that promoted/limited the young people?s experience and the significance they attached to the intervention. The findings in this study are based on phenomenological interviews with five teenagers within the intervention Contact Person.

Styrelsesammansättning och lönsamhet i svenska aktiebolag

In this thesis we examine the relationship between board composition and firm performance in Swedish companies. The selection of companies includes all Swedish limited liability companies, with the exception of micro enterprises, that have been active between the years of 2009-2010. We develop hypotheses based on resource dependence theory, agency theory, and the resource based view, and test these with regression analysis against collected data. Specifically, we examine the effects of board diversity, outside directorships, and CEO duality. Our findings show that none of the theories provide sufficient explanatory power of the relationship between board composition and firm performance, and that further research is required to better understand the role and effects of company boards..

Vi skapar barns ordförråd : En studie om barns språkmedvetenhet i förskolan i Sverige och Marocko

AbstractThere is a lot of confusion when it comes to defining Special Education. An example of this appears here by a statement from Assarson (2007) "Special Education initiates a special pedagogy, but contains no innate sense of what is the special component in it" (p. 52, authors? translation). This study is an attempt to clarify the elements of the concept.

Dagens hotellbransch : En studie som belyser hur hotell i Stockholm arbetar för att behålla sina gäster

Because of the large supply of information is today's leisure travelers very enlightened and have firsthand knowledge of what can be demanded on a hotel stay. Along with business travelers, who are not price sensitive, they place higher demands on the standards and service they require. It has become increasingly important to attract the visitors in a unique way.The purpose of this study is to reveal those aspects which hotels focus on in their business in order to keep their guests, despite the strong competition and the new demands of the changing hotel industry. The study has examined more closely if the hotels have specific concepts in their approach, if their servicescapes (the environment where the service is assembled) are designed in a unique way to attract visitors and if the hotels have special relationships with their guests.The study is qualitative and in order to answer the purpose has observations of the selected hotels and interviews with managers and receptionists been made.One of the conclusions that we reached is that the most important aspect in the hotels business is their relationship to the guests. Each respective hotel strives to have a special and unique relationship with its guests conveyed by its staff.

Vetenskapsteoretiska och metodologiska perspektiv på tidsgeografiska visualiseringsmodeller. -En fallstudie i samhällsvetenskaplig visualisering

In the history of scientific visualization techniques there is a lack of social science practices and methodologies. The advent of modern computer graphics brought the use of visualizations into a whole new era, but even though the tools by which such modern visualizations are created become easier to access and use, the lack of social science researchers harvesting the benefits of such tools still remain. This ease of use, increase in power and accessibility plus the ever growing need within the natural sciences to augment the human senses has further complicated the relationship between scientific methodologies, validity, reliability and the use of visualization techniques. This relationship must be explored, demystified and understood in order to fully grasp the impact of visualization practices when incorporated into any given scientific method. Within the social sciences there is one example of a tradition that has since its conception carried within it a graphical notion and a visualization practice.

Katalogen som tolkningsredskap : Bibliografiska relationer i Resource Description and Access (RDA), med särskild hänsyn till operationaliseringsproblem

The new cataloging code Resource Description and Access (RDA) provides a system of instructions for recording relationships between related resources by means of a controlled vocabulary of relationship designators. The purpose of this two years master?s thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies is to examine the construction of this system, as well as its theoretical foundation. One theoretical point of departure is the necessity of operational definitions for consistent identification of bibliographic relationships. Another such point of departure is that the theoretical model on which RDA is based (the FRBR model) is not a complete description of the biblio­graphic universe, but merely a limited representation of a set of assumptions about that universe.The thesis first examines Barbara B.

Rysslands påverkan på den vitryska demokratiseringsprocessen

This thesis sets out to investigate three questions, first, how the Belarusian democratization process has progressed since the country?s independence in 1991 to the year of 2006. Second, how the relationship between Russia and Belarus has progressed during this time and third, if and how Russia has affected the democratization process. The study has been conducted through qualitative method, mainly using books and articles as sources of information. It has been found that the democratization process in Belarus has evolved in a negative direction ever since the presidential election of 1994.

Utveckling av kundrelationer på Länsförsäkringar

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att illustrera vilka faktorer som påverkar kundrelationer och hur ett företag bör gå tillväga för att förbättra dessa samt för att bevara sina kunder. Vi vill ge en illustration på hur en välorganiserad kundrelation kan framkallas. Uppsatsen är även en undersökning som kommer att framhäva Länsförsäkringarnas varianter av strategier och metoder inom kundrelation, detta kommer även att baseras ur kundens perspektiv. Det vitalaste kommer att handla om hur Länsförsäkringarna kan förbättra och utveckla detta. Metod: Vi valde att använda oss av primärdata för att öka trovärdigheten genom enkätundersökning och intervjuer, våra sekundärdata användes för att ge stöd till den primäradatan med författares och forskares teorier. Sedan jämförde vi resultatet från intervjuerna och enkätundersökningen med vad teoretikerna anser för att se om det överensstämmer med resultatet. Resultat & slutsats: Vi tycker att det har varit ett intresseväckande arbete att följa Länsförsäkringarnas tillvägagånssätt om hur de bemöter kunderna och relationen till dem.

Specialpedagogikens många frågetecken : En grupp pedagogers tankar om pedagogik och specialpedagogik

AbstractThere is a lot of confusion when it comes to defining Special Education. An example of this appears here by a statement from Assarson (2007) "Special Education initiates a special pedagogy, but contains no innate sense of what is the special component in it" (p. 52, authors? translation). This study is an attempt to clarify the elements of the concept.

?Vad gör bibblan på Facebook?? En studie av ungdomars uppfattningar om bibliotekens marknadsföring och kommunikation i sociala medier

The purpose of this study is to examine young people?s opinions about libraries using social media for communicative and marketing purposes. There are three research questions: What do young people think about libraries using social media for communicative and marketing purposes? Do they want to interact with libraries in social media and, if so, in what way? Are their opinions and their will to interact influenced by what kind of relationship they have with libraries, their reading habits, and whether or not they use libraries? digital services? Prior research is divided into three themes: library development, marketing, and young people. The theoretical framework is made up of a combination of relationship marketing, using Evert Gummesson?s three catchwords relationships, networks, and interaction, and the engagement pyramid, as depicted by Brit Stakston.

Bara en flickvän som bor långt bort : En studie av tjejers datormedierade relationspraktiker

In this study ? Just a girlfriend who lives far away? ? I interview fifteen girls about their experiences with computer mediated relationships. From a queer theoretical perspective I examine how these girls do and talk about their relationships, in relation to norms about relationships and sexuality as well as notions about online and offline.My aim is to discuss in which ways the performing of these relationships both reproduce and challenge norms about relationships and sexuality. The girls I interview attempt in different ways to show that doing relationships online is just as ?normal? as doing them offline.

Ömsesidigt utbyte av manipulationer - en studie i social kompetens

Social competence is an effective weapon at all costs on today?s market. In many job ads we can see the words to be socially competent. In our report we have studied the subject?s social competence, relations, relationship marketing and personal networks and looked to the connection these subjects have to one another.

Kvinnors våld mot kvinnor. En jämförande studie av könsmaktsanalysen och våld i lesbiska parrelationer.

AbstractFokus för denna uppsats är våld i lesbiska parrelationer och hur man teoretiskt kan konceptualisera detta våld. Mitt övergripande syfte har varit att öka förståelsen för denna form av våld och därmed bidra till ett relativt outvecklat forskningsfält. Ett ytterligare syfte har varit att undersöka om den könsmaktsanalys som haft stor betydelse för tolkningen och förståelsen av mäns våld mot kvinnor i heterosexuella relationer även kan förklara våldet i en lesbisk parrelation. Fokus för min analys har dels varit om och i så fall på vilket sätt kön är en faktor som kan förklara det lesbiska relationsvåldet, dels om en förståelse av våldet inom en könsbaserad teori kan innebära en viss problematik. Jag har även undersökt andra faktorer som heterosexism och homofobi och dess betydelse för våldets uppkomst och former samt mer individrelaterade förklaringsmodeller.

"Dom är ju helt underbara en del..." - ungdomars röster om invandrare och svenskar

The purpose of this essay was to analyze if and how teenagers think about immigrants and Swedes, the relationship between them and to find out where these thoughts originate from. The essay consisted of four main questions; do the teenagers think in terms of immigrants and Swedes? How do the teenagers reason in terms of who is an immigrant and who is Swedish? What do they think about the relationship between immigrants and Swedes? Where do these opinions originate from?The study was based on eight interviews conducted with teenagers born in 1987. Our conclusion of the study was that it is not easy to determine who is Swedish and who is not. It was clear in this study though that looks and behaviour were utterly important.

Register now and stay in touch : En studie om sambandet mellan CRM-system och företagsprestation

Title: Register now and stay in touch ? a study about the relationship between CRM-system and business performance.Purpose: The purpose with the study is to identify if there is a positive relationship between CRM-system and business performance in Swedish multinational companies in the industrial sector.Audience: This essay is addressed to the Swedish multinational companies in the industrial sector.Methodology/ Approach / Design: We have applied a qualitative method, with a deductive approach. Through an in-depth interview with the case company Benzlers AB, which provided the empirical basis, supplemented with the CSI-values.Conclusion: The study has presented evidence, that there is a positive relationship between CRM-system and business performance which has been confirmed by the positive increase in the CSI-value after the implementation of the CRM-system.Originality/ Value/ Contribution to knowledge The study contributes with its own results that fill in the knowledge gap about the subject in Sweden. The study finds that the CRM-system effectives the interaction with the customer and thereby business performance increase, with the CSI-value as unit. This therefore increases the value and importance of investigation of Swedish multinational companies, whose purpose is to satisfy the customer and at the same time, increase the business performance.Future research: For future research we suggest publishers to base the empirical basis through additional in-depth interviews with added case companies. In order to confirm the relationship between its validity in the industry, and also indentify what happens between inputs and outputs, which leads to increased business performance.Keywords: Customer Relation Management (CRM), CRM-system, customer satisfaction, business performance, Customer-Satisfied-Index.Thesis type: Business economy 61-91, Bachelor essay, Marketing (15 credits), spring 2010th..

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