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Komprimering av eBooks enligt Open eBook Publication Structure

I denna rapport undersöks hur elektroniska böcker (eBooks) enligt standarden Open eBook Publication Structure kan komprimeras på ett effektivt sätt. Anledningen till att området valts är att en välanvänd standard för eBooks inte finns för tillfället. Standarden är relativt ny och senaste versionen av specifikationen har kommit ut under 2002. Med i utvecklingen av standarden finns många stora företag som exempelvis Adobe Systems Inc. och Palm Digital Media.

Bära Bort Bord : en diskursanalytisk studie av ett kulturförändringsprojekt på Sandvik

"Målet är att dom ska fixa så mycket som möjligt själva" : En kvalitativ studie om förskolans inomhusmiljö som ett pedagogiskt redskap för barns självständighet.

Abstract   Study: Degree project in teacher education, Advanced level, 15 hpUniversity of Skövde.Title: ?The aim is for them to manage as much as possible on their own? ? a qualitative study of preschools´ indoor environment as a pedagogical tool for the independence of children.Number of pages: 31Author: Jenny Karlsson, Marie PerssonTuto: Gunvi BrobegDate: 2009-01-28 Keywords: Independence, indoor environment, preschool, pedagouge This study aims at examining the indoor environment of three different preschools as a pedagogical tool for the independence of children. Is the design of the premises adapted to the height of the children? Can they themselves reach the material they need and is it possible for them to reach their outdoor clothes or do they constantly have to ask for help? In order to acquire a deeper understanding of the different views of the three preschools, the question is asked: what are the pedagogues thoughts of the indoor environment of their own preschool in the perspective of childrens independence and what affects their choice of furnishing, planning etc? The preschool curriculum clearly states that the children must be given the opportunity to develop their independence. We have experianced that the pedagogues feel that they are unable to plan the environment as they wish and thus, interest is also pointed towards the question: are there any limiting factors that affect the design of the indoor environment, and, that being the case, which are they? The study is based on qualitative observations and interviews because it is in its interest to discern patterns and categories rather than quantity.

Modersmålsträning på förskolan : En kvalitativ studie om hur modersmålsträning är utförmad i förskolor

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate to what a few preschool teachers and mother-tongue teachers consider the influence mother-tongue training has on children. The thesis also looks into how these teachers cooperate and view about the mother-tongue training organization structure and what support mother-tongue teachers get in the concerned preschools. More specifically:What influences do three preschool teachers and three mother-tongue teachers consider that mother-tongue training has on the development of the children?Which support do the three mother-tongue teachers receive from the preschool principals and other preschool pedagogues in their work? - Is there any cooperation between them?In what way do the three preschool teachers and the three mother-tongue teachers think that the mother-tongue training organization structure affect the children?s status in the group?Method: In order to achieve a deeper understanding of the context, a qualitative method based on interviews and observations was employed and relied upon. Three preschool teachers and three mother-tongue teachers from two different preschools in the same municipality were interviewed to acquire answers to the questions concerned.Result: The result of this enquiry shows a direct and explicit comprehension that mother-tongue is immensely important for children?s development.

Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap som kunskapsområde En bibliometrisk studie.

The objective of the study is to map the cognitive structure of Library and Information Science, using a quantitative, bibliometric method. This empirical study shows how co-citation analysis combined with word-frequency analysis can be used to describe the subject content of the field. The research questions to be answered are: -Which clusters of authors can be identified? -How can these clusters be described in respect of their subject content, if the descriptors associated with the authors in the clusters are counted? The results show that the cognitive structure of Library and Information Science can be described by 13 clusters of authors, where each cluster is representing a specific aspect of the subject- domain. For the description of the subject content of the clusters, descriptors DE of the LISA database have been used..

Service som Strategi: Influeras Styrningen av Service eller Service av Styrningen?

The purpose of this thesis is to examine and analyse which effects a service strategy has on the control system of an organisation. The thesis takes a service perspective, and it is assumed that a service strategy gains competitive advantage and that the goal of the service strategy is to increase the customers? satisfaction level. A qualitative in-depth case study was performed on a Swedish beauty company. The organisation?s vertical structure was examined, from central to local level.

Hur lär vi oss av misstag? - En undersökning av inlärningsprocessen i svensk hälso- och sjukvård

In scientific investigations on how organizations can learn from their mistakes the perspective is usually that of the social engineer; the object is to prevent human errors through modeling the system in a certain way. The aim of this paper is to explore the learning process from a different standpoint than those usually applied in organizational learning and error theory. By studying the learning process in Swedish health care I seek to discover how theoretical presumptions affect the outcome in terms of what we actually learn. The theoretical framework draws on two major discussions in contemporary political science; the question of structure and agency and the question of whether to focus on formal or informal structures when explaining organizational behavior.The investigation shows that Swedish health care tend to understand human errors as a result of formal organizational structure. Such a view leads to insufficient explanations to why errors occur but is useful in producing preventative measures.

Överlevnad och tillväxt för nyplantersade barrots- och täckrotsplantor : en studie av 42 bestånd i södra Sverige

The choice between bare-rooted and containerized seedlings in southern Sweden affects the investment costs as well as growth and survival. It is important to take these differences into account when choosing seedling type for reforestation. The most important differences between the two seedling-types is that bare-rooted seedlings has open root systems whereas the roots of containerized seedlings are grown in a container which may contain water and nutrients that are available for the seedling during the first period after planting. Moreover, bare-rooted seedlings are often older which results in thicker stembase and better resistance to attacks of pine-weevil (Hylobius abietis). In order to study differences in survival and growth between bare-rooted and containerized seedlings a survey study of newly planted clearcuts in south-western Sweden was made. In the study tree seedling types was included, one bare-rooted and two containerized with different ages. The population of pine weevils was probably low during the studied period which resulted in lower pine-weevil damage than normally found in this area.

Lexikonbaserad Cross-Language Information Retrival: Utvärdering av queryeffektivitet

This thesis discusses main problems associated with dictionary-based Cross-Language Information Retrieval as lexical and translational ambiguity of query terms, translation of compounds and phrases, dictionary limitation. The purpose of the study is to investigate how query structure influences the effectiveness of CLIR regarding performance of three query types: original query, unstructured query and structured query. Query structuring refers to the application of #syn-operator to group query terms. The study comprises an experiment that was performed in the InQuery IR system with TrecUta database that contains 550,000 news articles from different American newspapers. 24 topics were used for the experiment.

Analys och dimensionering av robusta kilspårsförband

This master thesis comprises analysis and dimensioning of a keyed joint between a generator axis and a hub with aid from the FEM-software ANSYS Workbench 13.0.The generator axis is a part of a hydroelectric power station that generates electricity with a reactions turbine, a Kaplan turbine. The existing keyway consists of one parallel key with the width 90 mm and height 45 mm. Due to a planned increase of the power of the generated power with 32 % a design study was needed to see if the keyed joint would be suitable for the extra force. Because of the fact that the axis diameter is bigger than the standards covers/recommends a the keyway had to be re-dimensioned. In an earlier assignment from Skellefteå Kraft AB to Sweco Energuide the keyway was planned to be properly dimensioned, but no final solution was approved.During this master thesis a number of different numerical tests were made.

Från militärområde till stadspuls : Stadsdel Norr - en (nästan) vit fläck på Östersunds stadskarta

How can former military area I5 in Östersund, Sweden, evolve into Stadsdel Norr ("The Northern Quarter") ? an attractive part of the town center? In a theoretical part of the essay the significants of well functioning towns and streets are investigated. The history of Östersund and I5 is shortly reviewed. Present recommendations concerning city design are presented along with guidelines from Vägverket (National Road Administration) for urban streets. The conclusion reached is that a fundamental structure of streets and roads, public and private spaces, is crucial for the possible future development of an area.

Måttliga korvar är bäst : Folkliga uttryck i Astrid Lindgrens böcker

The purpose of this project is to survey the presence of folk expressions, i.e. proverbs, proverbial expressions, wellerisms and familiar expressions, in some of the realistic children?s books by Astrid Lindgren. The purpose also includes the study of the contextual and pragmatic functions of the expressions as well as how the expressions are integrated into the text by the change of the formulaic standard structure. The contextual and pragmatic function concern when, how and why the expressions are used and who the users of the expressions are.

Faktorer av betydelse vid överrapportering mellan ambulans och akutmottagning

BackgroundHandover occurs as a daily task for health care professionals in all levels of care. Handover between ambulance crew and emergency department staff stands for the first exchange of information about a patient?s condition. Different factors may impact the handover communication and make it vulnerable.AimThe aim is to highlight factors of importance at handover between the ambulance and emergency room.MethodA literature review of thirteen studies with qualitative and quantitative research approach. The purpose of this literature review was to provide an overview of the area.ResultsExperiences for health care professionals is that communication is important for patient handover between ambulance and emergency department.

The Price Phenomenon of Equity Issues-A Study on Initial Public Offerings and Seasoned Equity Offerings-

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the price effect on the initial day of trading of IPOs and the price effect on the announcement day of SEOs on Stockholm Stock Exchange. A second purpose it to conduct studies on which factors influencing the price effects and if these factors can be explained by the same fundamental ideas. Theories regarding capital structure and the pricing of IPOs and SEOs are covered. The capital structure theories involve; Miller and Modigliani's cost of captial theory, Static Tradeoff Model and the Pecking Order. The Efficient Market Hypothesis is presented and previous theories are investigated.

Undersökning av energiförbrukning och konceptutveckling av mer energisnåla frukostmaskiner

This master thesis comprises analysis and dimensioning of a keyed joint between a generator axis and a hub with aid from the FEM-software ANSYS Workbench 13.0.The generator axis is a part of a hydroelectric power station that generates electricity with a reactions turbine, a Kaplan turbine. The existing keyway consists of one parallel key with the width 90 mm and height 45 mm. Due to a planned increase of the power of the generated power with 32 % a design study was needed to see if the keyed joint would be suitable for the extra force. Because of the fact that the axis diameter is bigger than the standards covers/recommends a the keyway had to be re-dimensioned. In an earlier assignment from Skellefteå Kraft AB to Sweco Energuide the keyway was planned to be properly dimensioned, but no final solution was approved.During this master thesis a number of different numerical tests were made.

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