

2617 Uppsatser om Hegemonic power - Sida 61 av 175

Betongens yta: porbildning vid gjutning av brokantbalkar med lutande yttersida

The use of Power Line Communication, PLC, as a communication solution for Automated Meter Reading, AMR, is popular by utilities in Sweden and other parts of the world due to demands of accurate and fast meter reading. However the use of the electrical grid as a communication medium is complex and sometimes problematic. This report handles some of the issues and problems that are important to understand when using the grid as a communications medium. Focus is mainly on investigating high frequency distortion in the Kristianstad power grid own by C4energi caused by a frequency converter. Measurements on site are done to investigate signal damping in the grid, different configurations for the frequency converter and signal strength of the PLC-system.

Produktivitetsarbete i anläggningsproduktion ? en fallstudie av ett entreprenadföretags möjligheter och hinder

The use of Power Line Communication, PLC, as a communication solution for Automated Meter Reading, AMR, is popular by utilities in Sweden and other parts of the world due to demands of accurate and fast meter reading. However the use of the electrical grid as a communication medium is complex and sometimes problematic. This report handles some of the issues and problems that are important to understand when using the grid as a communications medium. Focus is mainly on investigating high frequency distortion in the Kristianstad power grid own by C4energi caused by a frequency converter. Measurements on site are done to investigate signal damping in the grid, different configurations for the frequency converter and signal strength of the PLC-system.

Identifiering av onödigt arbete. En studie vid två specifika projekt

The use of Power Line Communication, PLC, as a communication solution for Automated Meter Reading, AMR, is popular by utilities in Sweden and other parts of the world due to demands of accurate and fast meter reading. However the use of the electrical grid as a communication medium is complex and sometimes problematic. This report handles some of the issues and problems that are important to understand when using the grid as a communications medium. Focus is mainly on investigating high frequency distortion in the Kristianstad power grid own by C4energi caused by a frequency converter. Measurements on site are done to investigate signal damping in the grid, different configurations for the frequency converter and signal strength of the PLC-system.

Mer säkerhet och mindre frihet med risk att förlora dem båda: En kritisk diskursanalys av lagförslaget till FRA-lagen

The aim of this thesis is to contribute to a better understanding of the FRA-law. The focus of the study is to examine how Swedish politicians relate to the new draft of this law on intelligence. Key themes in the study are security, threats, surveillance and privacy. The power relationship between the individual and the state is also examined. Empirical data used in this study consists of a spoken plenary debate in the House which was held in connection with the adoption of the FRA law in June 2008.

En osäker eller rätt(s)säker organisation? En hypotesprövande idealtypsanalys om gräsrotsbyråkraternas handlingsfrihet inom Arbetsmarknadsverket

Ever since Lipsky wrote about street-level bureaucrats in 1980 the main belief has been that certain characteristics of their jobs make it exceptionally difficult to severely reduce their discretion. However, discretion comes at a price and if public servants abuse their power the legitimacy of government is at risk and ultimately even the democracy.This thesis address this question by analysing the Swedish employment service which in the beginning of 2001 started a project called ?Af Sverige? trying to improve internal rule of law. By comparing two local and fairly equal jobcentres and how the street-level bureaucrats within use their discretion, I seek to find support for my hypotheses that organizing local jobcentres according to the principles of machine bureaucracy plays a significant part in reducing discretion.My findings show that a jobcentre characterised by strict rules, few units, good communications and a forthright manager who delegates formal power to the employees results in a stricter and more uniform application of regulations among the street-level bureaucrats. My conclusion is therefore unambiguous.

Regionalism som motstånd : Två latinamerikanska staters motiv att ingå i integrationsprojektet ALBA

The formation of sovereign states in regional blocks has become an essential feature in the world system. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to investigate which motives and driving forces that affect the creation of projects of regional integration outside Europe and the Western World. By choosing the Latin American project of integration ALBA (the Bolivarian Alliance of the Americas) as a case of regional integration outside Europe and the Western World, the study investigates the motives expressed by the most prominent actors of the project, Venezuela and Cuba. ALBA is chosen as a representative and a unique case and through the consumption of the gramscian and the realist approaches, the essay defines two motives that affect the creation of projects of regional integration. As a way of investigating the actors? motives, the paper studies political statements, especially those of the Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez, and official positions expressed in central documents and declarations.

Pilotinstallation av fast och fjärravläst nätstationsmätning : Identifiering av för- och nackdelar med nätstationsmätning, Mälarenergi Elnät AB

Today?s electrical grid companies understand that better knowledge of and information about their grid can help realize a smart grid network. One way to gain better knowledge and information about the low voltage network is to install measuring equipment on the substation transformer´s secondary low voltage side that measures the low voltage network losses for that specific substation. By doing so, grid companies can, due to the calculation of the low voltage network losses, identify and address issues such as illegal power dissipation, unmeasured power outtakes, and unsatisfied technical documentation for the substations low voltage network.During 2012, Mälarenergi Elnät AB had a total electrical network loss (both medium and low voltage network losses included) of three to four percent of their total distributed electrical volume. Converting this energy volume into a monetary figure this accounts for a loss of around 30 million Swedish crowns.

Vem har makten över kulturarvet? En fallstudie av urvalskriterier vid digitalisering på Kungl. Biblioteket.

This thesis is performed as a case study, and has had the aim to study who has the power over cultural heritage, by studying the digitization selection criteria at KB and what influences there can be on the digitization selection process. The theory of the arm?s length principle, (Mangset, Kunst og makt, 2013) the professional model, (Rothstein, 2010), that digitization re-shape and re-contextualize cultural heritage material, (Dahlström et al. 2013), and different concepts will influence the digitization selection process has been used in this study. A qualitative research with document study and informant interview and e-mail interview has been conducted.

Vad händer med åsikterna? : Järvadialogen som kommunikationsinsats

The area of Järvafältet in the northern parts of Stockholm is one of the many large-scale investments into Swedish residency executed in the 60?s and 70?s, and which got the name Miljonprogrammet. Not until today these buildings have been restored, and frustration has been brewing in these areas for some time. Järvadialogen is the name of a communication program connected to the housing restoration in the area of Husby, which is a part of Järvafältet, and functions as a promotional and informational dialogue between residents in the area and those responsible for the communication program. The cultural diversity in the area of Husby is significant, and with theories on intercultural communication, change communication and power we study the performed communicative process and the manner in which it is received.

System för statusbedömning av byggnader. Förslag innehållande förundersökning och konceptbeskrivning

The use of Power Line Communication, PLC, as a communication solution for Automated Meter Reading, AMR, is popular by utilities in Sweden and other parts of the world due to demands of accurate and fast meter reading. However the use of the electrical grid as a communication medium is complex and sometimes problematic. This report handles some of the issues and problems that are important to understand when using the grid as a communications medium. Focus is mainly on investigating high frequency distortion in the Kristianstad power grid own by C4energi caused by a frequency converter. Measurements on site are done to investigate signal damping in the grid, different configurations for the frequency converter and signal strength of the PLC-system.

Lantbrukaren som energiproducent : en fallstudie i energisatsningar inom lantbruket

The intrest and development of bioenergy and energy from renewable sources in Sweden has increased rapidly over the last few years. There are a whole lot of alternatives for those who would like to venture and invest in renewable energy production. Production of renewable energy opens up many opportunities for forestry and farming to venture a new branch of production, on basis of the primary production. Several of the new energy sources grows on farmland or in the forest. The opportunities exist in the primary products, as well as in refining and reselling, in the value chain of energy. The starting-point is the Farmer as an energyproducer. This master thesis studies the nature of farmer-own firms, who has invested in production of renewable energy.

Marknadsanalys - En jämförande studie mellan hyresrättslägenheter, bostadsrättslägenheter och ägarlägenhetsfastigheter

The use of Power Line Communication, PLC, as a communication solution for Automated Meter Reading, AMR, is popular by utilities in Sweden and other parts of the world due to demands of accurate and fast meter reading. However the use of the electrical grid as a communication medium is complex and sometimes problematic. This report handles some of the issues and problems that are important to understand when using the grid as a communications medium. Focus is mainly on investigating high frequency distortion in the Kristianstad power grid own by C4energi caused by a frequency converter. Measurements on site are done to investigate signal damping in the grid, different configurations for the frequency converter and signal strength of the PLC-system.

Optimerade klimatlösningar för köpcenter: En parameterstudie i IDA Indoor Climate and Energy

The use of Power Line Communication, PLC, as a communication solution for Automated Meter Reading, AMR, is popular by utilities in Sweden and other parts of the world due to demands of accurate and fast meter reading. However the use of the electrical grid as a communication medium is complex and sometimes problematic. This report handles some of the issues and problems that are important to understand when using the grid as a communications medium. Focus is mainly on investigating high frequency distortion in the Kristianstad power grid own by C4energi caused by a frequency converter. Measurements on site are done to investigate signal damping in the grid, different configurations for the frequency converter and signal strength of the PLC-system.

Fiberarmerad betong - Vidhäftning av kamstål i stålfiberarmerad betong

The use of Power Line Communication, PLC, as a communication solution for Automated Meter Reading, AMR, is popular by utilities in Sweden and other parts of the world due to demands of accurate and fast meter reading. However the use of the electrical grid as a communication medium is complex and sometimes problematic. This report handles some of the issues and problems that are important to understand when using the grid as a communications medium. Focus is mainly on investigating high frequency distortion in the Kristianstad power grid own by C4energi caused by a frequency converter. Measurements on site are done to investigate signal damping in the grid, different configurations for the frequency converter and signal strength of the PLC-system.

50 kVA eller 100 kVA : En teknisk och ekonomisk jämförelse av distributionstransformatorer

Rapporten utreder om distributionstransformatorer med märkeffekten 50 kVA i Vattenfall Eldistribution AB:s elnät kan avskaffas till förmån för märkeffekten 100 kVA. Transformatorer med märkeffekten 50 kVA förekommer vid nedtransformering av spänningen från 22 kV och 11 kV till hushållens huvudspänning 0,4 kV.50 kVA-transformatorer skiljer inte särskilt mycket från transformatorer med den högre märkeffekten i fråga om storlek och pris, och de bedöms kunna bytas ut utan större praktiska svårigheter.Fördelen med 100 kVA är att de elektriska belastningsförlusterna blir lägre i och med den högre märkeffekten. Dessutom innebär ett byte vissa elkvalitetsförbättringar.Nackdelarna med 100 kVA är att de elektriska tomgångsförlusterna är högre och att inköpspriset är högre än för 50 kVA. I övrigt kan kostnaderna likställas för de två alternativen.Endast kostnader för aktiva effektförluster berördes i rapporten då de ekonomiska kostnaderna för reaktiva effektförluster kunde försummas för de aktuella transformatorerna.För att nå ett svar på frågan om det kan vara lönsamt att avskaffa 50 kVA-transformatorerna studerades fem verkliga fall i Vattenfalls svenska elnät. Dessutom studerades eventuella elkvalitetsvinster med ett byte.Svaret blev att inte för något av de fem studerade fallen var det lönsamt med ett byte till 100 kVA-transformator.

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