3895 Uppsatser om Hedonic pricing model - Sida 6 av 260
Modell av en synkronmaskin för PSCAD/EMTDC med magnetisk mättning i d-led och elektriskt gränssnitt för fältmatare
This report describes a synchronous machine model with magnetic saturation in d-axis, neutralconnection and electrical exciter interface for the transient simulator PSCAD/EMTDC. It hasbeen designed and verified in comparison to the regular machine model in EMTDC.The performance of the model is very good when incorporating a linear as well as a saturatedmagnetising inductance. The dynamic deviation is only thousandths to ten thousandths perunit. By using a cubic interpolation of the saturation curve, the model gives a good representationof the saturation effect. The open source code implementation of the synchronousmachine model gives the possibility to easily adapt the model to specific requirements.The derived model makes it possible to simulate a synchronous machine with its excitationsystems, e.g.
Analys, modellering och återskapande av fordonsdynamiska rörelser i tåg
The purpose of this thesis was to analyse, model and finally generate dynamic vehicular motions in a train. The objective with the analysis was to find important motions for a realistic train experience. The motions from the analysis were then weighted against possibilities for generation in a motion platform.A dynamic motion model was created to model the selected motions. The model was implemented in a simulation environment, more specifically MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation environment was used to simulate the model and to generate outputs to control a motion platform.
Consumers' behaviour in the use of online services and the cultures effect on it-a study of Swedes and Danes use of online job databases
The thesis deals with consumers behaviour in the use of online services and the cultures effect on it. It is a study of Swedes and Danes use of online job data bases. The thesis is based on a quantitative study. A questionnaire were used sent out to 80 Swedes and 80 Danes. The theory concerns areas of online consumer behaviour, decision making and services theory as well as theories within culture in relation to services and behaviour.
?Vad är det jag gör egentligen?? - om att med videons hjälp bli medveten om helheten
This project consists of an adaptation, trial and evaluation of a model for practicing. Based on prior research I created a model aiming mainly to raise a musician?s self- awareness around the different parameters a performance consists of. An additional wish was for it to simultaneously assist the musician in monitoring his or her progress. With video recording and self-evaluation as the two main parts I tried the model by using it over a period of three months.
Multipel regressionsanalys av variabler som paverkar BNP
In this report a model was constructed in order to determine how a number of covariates influence the gross domestic product, GDP. The covariates were chosen depending on their expected influence on GDP, for example education and life expectancy. The data used in this report are collected from the World Bank. The model to describe GDP has been calculated using multiple line arregression. In order to reach a reliable final model the number of covariates has been gradually decreased to eliminate insignificant covariates.
Svenska hedgefonders investeringsstrategier och deras riskexponering
In this paper Swedish hedge funds and strategies are discussed and analysed. These new financial forms seem to draw recently a huge attention both in media, press and the academic world. The fact is that hedge funds have existed already for a long time but it is still known too little about them. After the introduction of hedge funds, different asset pricing models are discussed including the most basic of all ? CAPM and further Fama and French three factor model as well as the expanding model with conditioning approach.
Hudiksvalls samordningsmodell- en modell för att underlätta samverkan?
AbstractHudiksvalls coordinating model - a model to make cooperation easierCamilla Andersson and Åsa GradinThe purpose of this study was to examine the experience each one of the administrators have of their own new model in Hudiksvall to make cooperation easier for the three different administrations in Hudiksvalls municipality. The study will focus on the administrators experiences of Hudiksvalls coordinating design. Questions of the study were: How is the influence of the model on the rules? How is the influence of the model on expectations and parts? What kind of influence did the model have on the responsibility distribution? What kind of influence has the model on the responsibilities at the transfer of costs? To answer the questions of the study we applied a qualitative method, it was made through a standardization interview guide and open questions, with six of the dealing officers who works with the model. Some of the results wich can be discern are by an economic character, andfor the clients that they won`t be passed around the administrations in the community, they get the right help, quick and safe.Key words: cooperation, coordination..
Identifying barriers in pricing capability
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka prissättningsprocesser för att finna barriärer som förhindrar industriföretag att förbättra sin prissättningsförmåga. Förutom att hitta gemensamma barriärer ska vi även ge ett teoretiskt bidrag gällande hur företag kan förbättra sin prissättningsförmåga, med speciellt fokus på barriärer. Vi har genomfört en multipel case-study på 6 industriföretag samt ett konsultföretag. Vårt tillvägagångssätt var abduktivt och vi inledde vår uppsats genom att utveckla ett teoretiskt ramverk som lade grunden till vår studie. Det teoretiska perspektivet innehåller varierande litteratur gällande prissättning, prissättning som en förmåga samt det resursbaserade synsättet.
Simulering av filtrerade skärmfärger
This report present a working model for simulation of what happens to colors displayed on screens when they are observed through optical filters. The results of the model can be used to visually, on one screen, simulate another screen with an applied optical filter. The model can also produce CIE color difference values for the simulated screen colors. The model is data driven and requires spectral measurements for at least the screen to be simulated and the physical filters that will be used. The model is divided into three separate modules or steps where each of the modules can be easily replaced by alternative implementations or solutions.
Modellering av rotationssystem
This master thesis was conducted during the spring of 2014 at Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB in Örebro. The purpose of the thesis was to develop a simulation model of the rotation system for a hydraulic rock drill. In the future, the model will be used to investigate the phenomena called ?jerky rotation?. In order to validate the simulation model a test bench was designed and tests were made.
Den optimala kombinationen : En undersökning av småföretagarnas preferenser vad gäller olika kombinationerav attribut relaterade till revisions- och redovisningstjänster
Background and problem: The abolishment of the mandatory audit in Sweden resulted in a marketorientation in which the small sized enterprises gained a stronger position. Theaudit firms are faced with the challenge to better meet the clients need and todemonstrate the value of audit now when it is optional. In coherence with thisclient focus it is endorsed to implement a value-based pricing that primarilyconsiders the client?s value and willingness to pay. The value of audit andaccounting services to small sized enterprises is not yet fully investigated, whyit is difficult to implement a value-based strategy.Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the value of audit and accounting servicesto the small sized enterprises through the study of which attributes theseservices consist of and which priority the small sized enterprises attach to thedifferent attributes.
Evaluation of Capital Structure Arbitrage in the Equity-Credit Markets
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to test for the existence of Capital Structure Arbitrage oppertunities in the equity-credit markets. Methodology: The mispricing of Credit Default Swap contracts are calculated and used as input in an Equity-Credit market trading strategy. The returns are then evaluated with a modified Value-at-Risk simulation. Theoretical perspectives: A Merton-based structural model, CreditGrades, is used for credit pricing and a mispricing-convergence trading-strategy between the credit and equity markets is implemented. Empirical foundation: Daily quotes for the Credit Default Swap spread of 37 European firms were collected for a period of two years, as well as equity-prices for the same period and the previous two years, used for model calibration.
CAPM - i tid och otid : En portföljbaserad studie av CAPM på den svenska aktiemarknaden
Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) är den prissättningsmodell som mest frekvent används av aktörer på den finansiella marknaden samt i litteratur för att förklara sambandet mellan risk och förväntad avkastning. Teorin grundades under 1960-talet av William Sharpe och tidiga empiriska tester av modellen visade att den med hög förklaringsgrad kunde estimera en framtida förväntad avkastning givet en viss risknivå. På senare år har dock CAPM fått stark kritik eftersom nya empiriska undersökningar demonstrerat att modellen inte längre verkar visa en rättvisande avkastning i förhållande till risk.För att undersöka om den över 40 år gamla modellen fortfarande visar någorlunda rättvisande beskrivningar av verkligheten har vi ställt oss frågan: Går det att med hjälp av historiska data förutspå en riskfylld tillgångs avkastning på den svenska aktiemarknaden?Vid besvarade av denna fråga har studien syftet Att med hjälp av portföljer studera huruvida sambandet mellan risk och avkastning, vilket postuleras av CAPM, stämmer på den nutida svenska aktiemarknaden.Vi har utifrån vår kunskapssyn kritisk rationalism använt oss av en kvantitativ metod för att försöka ge svar på problemställningen, vilken angreps med ett deduktivt tillvägagångssätt. Den teoretiska referensramen behandlar teorier som portföljval, den effektiva marknadshypotesen och CAPM.
Prognostisering av räntabilitet på eget kapital - En jämförelsestudie av tre regressionsmodellers prognosförmåga applicerat på svenska data
A multivariate cross-sectional model is used in this thesis to proxy for expected earnings and to estimate return on equity for 214 companies over the period 2009-2013, using Swedish data. The model, which has never been tested on Swedish data before, is first confirmed to function as a forecasting model for expected return. Furthermore, the model is evaluated through a comparison with two univariate models based on the assumption that return on equity follows a mean reversion process. Forecast accuracy is calculated as the difference of estimated returns and actual returns. The results show that the univariate models' forecasts are superior to the multivariate model's..
Den moderna kommunikationen : En rapport om instant messaging och hur det används av unga vuxna studenter.
This paper describes the development of a simulation model for the ambulance flow in the Västra Götalands-region of Sweden, and an analysis tool for the output of the simulation model. The aim of the simulation model was to be able to evaluate the outcome from changes in the ambulance operations, such as a reorganization of ambulances or an increase in intensity of the ambulance calls. This evaluation is meant to serve as decision support for the strategic planning of the ambulance operations. The analysis tool was developed to visualize the abundant geographical data produced by the simulation model in a meaningful way. The simulation model was validated against historical data which showed that the dispatch time for the highest prioritized ambulance calls corresponds well with historical data.