3895 Uppsatser om Hedonic pricing model - Sida 16 av 260
Är BIM lönsamt vid projektering av ett småhus?
This report brings up the question - ?Is BIM profitable when planning a single-family home??.The methodology for finding the answer to this question is firstly to state the definitions of BIMand the company that is projecting by using the BIM-model. The answer is then obtained byanalyses of the factors of profitability with respect to: time, opportunity of revision, problemvisualization, preference adjustments and energy. A BIM-model has been made simultaneously asthe writing has proceeded to get a perception of how a BIM-model really matters for the analysis.The analysis shows that the answer for the question depends on further factors. The factors thatare mostly discussed are the company?s intentions and the complexity of the house.
Beräkning av ASME-flänsar enligt EN-standard
In this thesis, a transparent model of the human head has been constructed which was filled with a substance that represented the brain. This model was later crash tested. This was done in order to examine how a transparent model of the human head can be constructed to generate accurate data from crash tests. It was also done in order to examine how impacts on the front of the head can deform the rear of the brain. When a head is decelerating, the brain moves forward inside the skull and may hit the front of the skull.
Hur gott är gratis? : En studie om gratisekonomi
The purpose of this thesis is to identify the most important establishment criteria for companies whointend to do a new establishment. There are differences between regions regarding attraction on startup.Some regions have few new businesses while others continuously expanded its activities in variousfields. The biggest focus on the thesis is the Gävle- Borlänge region where MellansvenskaHandelskammaren is active.Mellansvenska Handelskammaren saw a need for the assignment after the magazine ?IntelligentLogistik? ranked the Gävle region at 15:th place and Falun/Borlänge at 20:th place in the list over thetop 25 best logistics locations in Sweden. This made them wonder what could be made to develop intoa better area with more amenities and a better place in the ranking of the magazine.
Misslyckandedekonstruktion - en metod att analysera tidigt entreprenöriellt misslyckande
Entrepreneurial failure is probably a subject that is not well understood. This might have to do with the methodological difficulties of screening out failed entrepreneurs. In this thesis a tool is developed for analyzing supposed entrepreneurial failure. In this model entrepreneurs are surrounded by different stake holders. By using the failure deconstruction model to analyze my own entrepreneurial effort I find that it has neither been a successful project nor a disastrous one.
Styrning mot förändring: En fallstudie rörande organisatorisk förändring i offentlig sektor
This paper examines and analyzes effects of the introduction of a new management control system tool within a Swedish public health organization, the Södra Älvsborg hospital, and its possible effect on organizational change. The new management control system tool, known as the SÄS-model, has been widely criticized for being too costly and with too small positive effects to be shown. Our approach has with that as a background been to examine whether the implementation of the SÄS-model and its balanced scorecard has been able to result in effects regarding organizational change. We have through a case study aimed to analyze how a management control system, much alike one that is typically used within foremost private organizations, can promote organizational change. Our results suggest that the implementation of the SÄS-model and the balanced scorecard has given the organization clearer visions and goals.
Lokal anpassning och implementering av Operation Management System
In this thesis, a transparent model of the human head has been constructed which was filled with a substance that represented the brain. This model was later crash tested. This was done in order to examine how a transparent model of the human head can be constructed to generate accurate data from crash tests. It was also done in order to examine how impacts on the front of the head can deform the rear of the brain. When a head is decelerating, the brain moves forward inside the skull and may hit the front of the skull.
Test av modeller för prioritering av förändringsförslag i Stora Enso Skog AB´s nya produktionsplaneringssystem VSOP
In order to evaluate the benefits and costs associated to investments in information technology (IT) managers need to be aware of the complexity in the nature of the task. Hence all the benefits that arise from the investment are not of pure economic character. The complexity of the task is even more obvious when managers also need to prioritize between a number of possible investments in order to fit a given budget.Stora Enso Skog AB is about to implement a new administration system to the organisation and due to that they will also implement a new standard system for the production planning process. In order to seek the modifications in the standard system that needs to be done to fit the organisations way of working, the managers have put together a reference group to seek out these modifications.The aim with this report is to identify a model that can prioritize these suggested modifications and test it practically with a group of future system users. The first part of the report is a literature study to map the existing models that are available.
Varför stannar soldater i Försvarsmakten? : En studie på 72:a kompaniet
The study was conducted on 72nd company at Livgardet in order to find out what motivators makes the soldiers stay. The material in the essay is based on an interview with soldiers from the 72nd company. The motivators are then categorized in the model Employee Motivation: A Powerful New Model. The model is based on human drives and I used as a tool for the analysis to identify lack of motivation in a working place. The study shows that the key motivators that make soldiers stay is: the opportunity to go on a peacekeeping mission and comrade/esprit de corps, the soldiers state that they will quit without these two essential motivators.
Mekanisk modell av människans huvud för simulering av skalltrauma och hjärnskada
In this thesis, a transparent model of the human head has been constructed which was filled with a substance that represented the brain. This model was later crash tested. This was done in order to examine how a transparent model of the human head can be constructed to generate accurate data from crash tests. It was also done in order to examine how impacts on the front of the head can deform the rear of the brain. When a head is decelerating, the brain moves forward inside the skull and may hit the front of the skull.
Kulturprojektets karaktär : Perspektiv på ett lyckat resultat
Projects is the most common work model within the cultural area, but what is a cultural project? The definition of cultural projects is ambiguous. There are also no compiled information about what it means for culture to be pursued in project form. Scientific research about traditional project management and success criterias are wide-ranging. So is the scientific research about cultural studies and cultural policy.
Den korta armen : En studie i mångfald och armlängdsavstånd i kultursamverkansmodellen
The name of the study means ?The short arm - a study in diversity and arm?s length in the cultural collaboration model?. Right now there is a reform in the Swedish cultural administration where the responsibility for handing out state funds and grants to cultural organizations is changing from the state government to the local regional governments. The purpose of this study is to map the organisational changes caused by the reform and investigate how this affects the regional policies concerning cultural diversity and the arm?s length principle.
The existence of low balling on the Swedish audit market -A study of companies listed on the NASDAQ OMX Stockholm that voluntarily changed audit firm 2002-2010
Background and Problem: The lack of auditor independence is discussed being oneof the reasons to scandals such as Enron and HQ. A pricing strategy that has beendebated impairing auditor independence is low balling. To win a new client in atender process, audit firms supposedly offer an audit fee below cost and then increasethe fee the following years to recover the initial loss. The auditors? future financialinterest in the company due to the initial loss is by some believed to impair auditorindependence, which makes low balling in Sweden a relevant phenomenon to study.Aim of study: This thesis aims to explain if low balling exists on the Swedish auditmarket and if the size of companies affects the results of low balling.Methodology: To achieve the purpose of this thesis, a statistical study wasconducted.
Hassel (Corylus avellana) som indikator på markanvändningshistorik
Hazel (Corylus avellana L.) is a common feature of meadows and pastures where it can grow in large populations and become very old. Is it possible to use the size of hazel stools for age determination and is it possible to use the size distribution of a population to provide information about how the land has been used? Hazel populations on ground where the lake-water level had been lowered, has been studied to validate an already developed growth model of hazel clones. Different hazel populations, on wooded meadows affected by mowing or grazing or overgrown meadows, were studied to evaluate the method utilizing hazel as land use indicator. The growth model was used to compare the size distributions of hazel populations with historical periods, which has been important for changes in agriculture or demography.
Den demokratiska konsolideringen i delade samhällen - fallet Makedonien En studie om Makedoniens demokratiska utveckling efter den väpnade konflikten år 2001
The consociational democracy model in Macedonia, which came out from a warcrisis and a peace agreement from 2001, in addition, putting an end to the violent conflict, actually admits the division of the society along the ethnic lines. Paradoxically, there is an attempt to bridge the ethnic gap with this model. As a result, the consociational democracy model holds solutions that can be abused if somebody misuses its power and desires to disintegrate the country. The future development depends therefore on the moderate attitude of the citizens, and first and foremost, on the political elites and their commitment to the values of democracy and human rights instead of their nationalistic goals. Furthermore, thepresent democratic consolidation in Macedonia is established on the execution of the peace agreement and the improved effectiveness of the institutions.
Price adjustment and vacancies on theStockholm market ? Estimation of rent levelsdue to office-allocations
The Stockholm office market segment have for a long time been considered a safe havenwhen it comes to withstand negative turmoil in the form of rental compression due toeconomic fluctuation, especially in the CBD demographic. Recently however, a large numberof banks and institutions, amounting to some 200000 square meters, have decided to relocateto more peripheral locations with the aim of cost reductions on rent. This mass exodus isstudied with focus on rental dynamics as the result of increased vacancies. Other variables arestock changes and employment. The method is econometric combined with an interviewseries.