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Närståendes uppfattning av den äldres vårdbehov i samband med samordnad vårdplanering
Introduction: The population of Sweden has during the last century doubled. An increased live expectancy results in an older population and the share needing medical care increases. Demographic and political changes in developed counties have resulted in changed demands on the care of the elderly. The elderly are discharged from hospital earlier and this results a significant responsibility on the elderly themselves and their relatives. Often the relatives are engaged in the elderly?s health problems, care needs and the future consequences the current situation results in for the elderly and the domestic life.
Vattenjärnhaltens betydelse för mjölkkors hälsa och produktion :
Drinking water from drilled wells has a high content of iron and other minerals in many places in Sweden. Questions about the association between the quality of drinking water and the health of dairy cows are regulary asked both by advisers and dairy farmers. There are so far not many studies published about the relevance for high iron content in water and dairy cow health and production. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate if there is a connection between the iron content in water and the health of dairy cows. Initially a literature study was made about iron and it´s function in ruminants.
Hälso- och sjukvårdpersonals följsamhet till hygienföreskrifter avseende handhygien och faktorer som påverkar detta : En litteraturstudie
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att redogöra för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens följsamhet till hygienföreskrifter avseende handhygien och de faktorer som påverkar detta. Metod: Artiklar söktes via CINAHL, Pubmed och Scopus. Sökord som användes i olika kombinationer var: hand hygiene, adherence, hygiene guidelines, health care workers, compliance, hand disinfection, infection control, nursing, nurse och hand cleansing. Tretton vetenskapliga artiklar erhölls. Vidare gjordes en manuell sökning ifrån inkluderade artiklars referenslistor och genererade två artiklar som ingick i resultatet.
Skolan, en arbetsplats att trivas på! : en studie om framgångsrika skolledares syn på lärares psykiska hälsa
Aim and questionsThe aim of our study was to increase knowledge about successful school managers' views on teachers' mental health and their own work regarding this subject.In what ways do the school manager work preventive with measures on teachers' mental health? How does leadership affects teachers' mental health? What factors create mental health among teachers? MethodIn order to answer the questions, we have chosen to use semi-structured interviews. To get in touch with schools that have been successful with their work with the teacher's mental health, we have made a targeted step wise sample where we contacted the primary managers of six randomly selected municipalities in Stockholms län. In total six school managers have been interviewed. The empiric data were thematized and analyzed based on the demand-control-support model. ResultsAll the interviewed school managers agreed to that the concept of mental health is about feeling good, about balance in life and to feel safe.
Robin Hood och Hemtjänsten : En förstudie om Företagshälsovårdens arbete med arbetsmiljöfrågor inom hemtjänstbranschen
Occupational Health Service (OHS) has an important role in society. It is designed to prevent illness and strengthen the health of workers. OHS operations and development are currently being studied at the School of Technology and Health at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. One of the industries studied is the home maker service. During the 2010s were such employees one of the most ill groups in Sweden.This master's thesis in occupational environment development and change management focus on examining the special knowledge an OHS and its clients in one home maker service need to strengthen the workers of the industry and find out how the interaction between OHS and home maker service works and how it could be evolved.A qualitative study was conducted in a Swedish city on the basis of an organizational perspective.
Implementeringen av Lagen om valfrihetssystem inom primärvården i Västmanlands län : -Information och styrning
Title: Older people's experiences of exercise training: a survey based on a descriptive design.Course: Public Health: Theory and method of application and degree, 30 credits. University of Gävle, health education program.Author: Helena AnderssonPurpose: According to earlier research the western population is aging. This may affect, the older peoples`s physical disability in one form or another. The consequences may be that the need off care can increase. However elderly can prevent a variety of age-related diseases by being physically active.
Fenomenet samtalsstöd för äldre : En fenomenologisk studie ur omsorgspersonalens perspektiv på särskilt boende
Research shows that supportive conversations with elderly who are living in nursing homes isrequested among care personnel, this to satisfy both older people's mental health and socialhealth. The care personnel try to offer the elderly supportive conversation to the extent theyare able to, but they are experiencing obstacles in terms of shortage of time, ignorance and aperceived ambiguity in their profession. The purpose of present study is to describe andanalyze the phenomenon of supportive conversation with elderly living in nursing homes,based on care personnel?s perspective. The study is based on qualitative interviews with thecare personnel working in special housing.
Måltiden som lärandesituation i förskolan : en kvalitativ studie om pedagogers syn på barns övergripande och hälsofrämjande lärande i förskolan genom den pedagogiska måltiden
The purpose of my study has been to find out how four preschool teachers at four different preschools looks at the pedagogical meal from a health and overall learning perspective. I also want to examine how, through the pedagogical meal the preschool teacher works to promote children´s learning and give them an understanding of need to safeguard their health. To achieve my aim I set the following questions;What are the different types of learning preschool teachers believe that children can acquire the basis of the pedagogic meal?How do preschool teachers describe their work from the pedagogical meal to benefit children´s overall learning?How do preschool teachers describe their work at the pedagogical meal for the children to gain an understanding of their health?The study is based on a qualitative method with interviews and observations, triangulation. The theoretical approach to this study is based on the socio-cultural perspective to learning and development.
Effekter av sjuksköterskeledda interventioner i undervisning av äldre patienter med hjärtsvikt : en litteraturstudie
Patients with heart failure have a high mortality and often readmits to hospital care, due to a lack of compliance in the treatment plan. Patient education on self-care provided by nurses is important in improving patient and clinical outcomes.The aim of this study was to describe effects of nurse led interventions of patient education for elderly patients with heart failure. Literature study based on nine quantitative scientific articles. The results shows that different nurse led interventions of patient education with patients with heart failure had positive effects on self-care management, quality of life, health related quality of life and hospital care. E-mail reminder to community nurses and telephone education shows to be the most effective patient education interventions.
Anestesisjuksköterskors upplevelser av sin fysiska och psykosociala arbetsmiljö
Health care is increasingly complex, which increases the demand for knowledge and expertise. Despite this, the share of specialized nurses, including anaesthesia nurses, has decreased from 65% to 48% from year 1995 to year 2008, according to statistics from the National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen) in 2010. Studies indicate that there may be various factors in the work environment that anaesthesia nurses, choose to leave the anaesthesia profession. The purpose of this study was to examine how anaesthesia nurses experienced the physical and psychosocial work. The study was conducted as a descriptive study with qualitative approach.
Sjuksköterskans uppfattning om livskvalitet
Background Satisfaction of life and wellbeing is shown to be important when the
quality of life is to be understood. The nurse has a significant role in the
care of the patient and in his/her experience of life.
Aim The purpose of this study is to examine the quality of life, from a nurse
Method The text analysis was carried out with qualified attempts, of a book,
"Quality of life a challenge for the nurse" (in Swedish) by T. Rustoen, a nurse
who also worked as a teacher in Norway. The book describes how quality of life
is experienced from the patients and staffs view.
Results The text analysis showed that out of the ordinary descriptions of
quality of life, the author found four new themes. These themes where; the
meaning of solidarity, confidence, activity and meaningfulness in the existence.
Conclusion Quality of life is an important word, which means different to
different kind of people.
Klinikintern statistik : en fallstudie kring behov av och möjligheter till framtagandet av ett statistikverktyg
The health care sector is one of the most information-intensive institutions in Sweden. Big investments in information technology have been made to ensure efficiency and quality within organisations in health care. This has led to high requirements in documentation and resulted in an increase in administration which gradually more often is done by nurses and doctors. A major problem is that it is difficult to gain access to the information recorded in all the different systems, which is their objective. This causes double documentation instead of being a support in follow-up performance.
Barn och ungdomars hälsa - En enkätstudie om hur elever upplever sin skolmiljö i relation till sin psykosociala hälsa
Den psykosociala hälsan bland Sveriges befolkning blir allt sämre. Undersökningar visar att mellan femton och fyrtio procent av befolkningen lider av oro, nedstämdhet, sömnbesvär och trötthet. Den största ökningen har skett i yngre åldrar med i stort sett fördubblade andelar. Då skolan utgör en central plats i barns och ungdomars liv är det viktigt att den är välfungerande och arbetar för att främja elevernas hälsa. Syftet med studien var undersöka hur eleverna på en skola i Helsingborgs stad upplevde sin skolmiljö i relation till sin psykosociala hälsa samt om skolans hälsofrämjande arbete påverkade elevernas upplevelse av hälsa i positiv riktning.Datainsamling har skett genom enkäter till alla elever i årskurs 4 ? 9.
Våld mot kvinnor; ett underskattat folkhälsoproblem. - en litteraturstudie om attityder till screening som metod för att identifiera våldsutsatta kvinnor inom hälso- och sjukvården.
Folkhälsovetenskapligt program.
Leva som andra : en träfflokals betydelse för återhämtning och empowerment
Background: There has been a process of de-institutionalisation and mental health care re-forms in Sweden. Social services are, according to the law, responsible for helping persons with mental illness to live a life like others and to participate in the community. The aim of the study was to describe the culture in one of the social services adult day care center for social relations and activities in Stockholm. The aim was also to focus on the importance of the adult day care center for recovery and empowerment from the participants´ perspective. Methods Observations in the adult day care center were combined with four interviews with regular participants.