

6513 Uppsatser om Health promoting health care - Sida 29 av 435

Fysisk aktivitet på recept : En kvalitativ studie ur ett patientperspektiv

BACKGROUND: Exercise on Prescription (EoP) means that a doctor writes out a customized form of exercise to the patient instead of medicine, or in combination with medication. The activity becomes a part of the treatment. Since many today do not follow recommendations for physical activity occurs in the long term a number of public health diseases. EoP promotes health and prevents disease. AIM: The aim of this paper is toexamine whether EoP from a patient perspective perceived to be an efficient and effective method of treatment.

Ni börjar väl dagen med morgonuppvärmning?! En Fenomenologisk studie om de anställdas upplevelse av friskvården på NCC Construction Sverige AB.

The aim of this study was to get a deeper understanding of how employees at NCC Construction Sverige AB experience health promotion activities. The purpose was to identify and uncover the process of meaning constitution concerning health promotion within each subjective individual. To achieve this deeper understanding the participants were asked to answer a carefully formulated phenomenological question in a self-report. The received reports where analysed according to the method of Meaning Constitution Analysis. The result showed that both office workers and construction workers exclusively refer health promotion to bodily functions even though there where some differences in type of activity they focused.

Användarrelaterad energieffektivisering : En studie på länssjukhuset i Sundsvall

Energy efficiency is important both to reduce costs and to reduce greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. In Sweden 40 percent of the energy consumption is related to the buildings sector. Hospitals are complex buildings with different activities in the same building, which requires flexible technical systems for ventilation, heating and lightning. A quarter of the total energy consumption in Swedish hospitals is related to user activities in the hospitals. Therefore it is not only important to work with operational optimization but also to change user activities, to reduce energy consumption.The objective of this thesis was to examine the user-related energy efficiency work at two care units, at the central hospital in Sundsvall within Västernorrlands County.

Motivation till motion och upprätthållande av motionsvanor, en studie kring hälsoprojekten på Albany International

The specified purpose was, based on gender, age and type of employment, study the employees motivation to participate in health projects and their reason to maintain exercise habits after the termination of the health projects. Exercise frequency was studied in relation to the other background variables. A revised version of the questionnaire Motivation for Maintenance of Exercise Habits (Josefsson, 2005) was distributed at Albany International, Halmstad. The most frequent cause to exercise was ?enhance my condition?.

Motion och sömnkvalitet hos äldre personer i en kommun i sydöstra Sverige

Background: The population of the world is getting older and in the year of 2020, 1.2 billion people will be 60 years or older. A common health complaint affecting the quality of life in elderly persons are sleep difficulties. Physical activity is claimed to improve sleep quality and the maintenance of a normal circadian rhythm. Several studies have shown positive effects of physical activity on sleep quality, still the evidence of physical activity as sleep-promoter is insufficient. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate associations between physical activities and sleep quality in persons ?60 years of age.

Upplevelser av att arbeta med djur på daglig verksamhet : En kvalitativ intervjustudie bland personer med funktionsnedsättning

The central part in all public health work is health promotion and disease preventing actions among the population. Since all public health work includes the whole population, the work has to embrace disabled people as well. Within the disability policies, participation and equality are important goals, which illustrate the importance of a job. In previous studies the positive effects of animal have been detected among persons with disabilities, by better balance, better mobility, larger social network, new knowledge and most of all happiness. The aim of this study was to investigate how people with disabilities experience their health when they are working with animal husbandry at daily activities.

BVC-sjuksköterskors upplevelser av arbetet med omsorgssviktande familjer

Many children in Sweden are exposed to maltreatment. Among the purposes of the Child health care (CHC) are to decrease mortality, infirmity and handicaps among mothers and their children, and to decrease hurtful strains for parents and their children. CHC-nurses get critizism for not reporting child maltreatment in high enough numbers to the Social service. The aim of this study was to chart how CHC-nurses finds their work with families suffering from maltreatment. Ten CHC-nurses were interviewed with semistructured interviews.

Palliativ - En begreppsanalys

Bakgrund: Hur vet vi som sjuksköterskor vad som menas när det talas om palliativ? Världen utvecklas och så gör även begreppen i den. Genom att studera ord får forskaren reda på den egentliga betydelsen och den allmänna definitionen. Syfte: Att klargöra och definiera begreppet palliativ. Metod: Begreppsanalysmodell av Walker och Avant (1995). Studien är byggd på vetenskapliga artiklar, ordböcker och lexikon. Resultat: Ur den lexikala och litterära analysen växte studiens kärna fram, attributen. För att begreppet palliativ skall kunna infrias krävs det obotlig sjukdom, tillfällig hjälp, lindring och stöd.

Hur är läget? Om självskattning av psykiskt mående via mobila applikationer

Tidigare forskning har visat att systematisk självrapportering är en fördelaktig metod för att följa enpersons psykiska mående över tid, och att en digital mätmetod i sin tur skulle innebära många praktiskafördelar jämfört med en analog. Detta är en experimentell randomiserad, kontrollerad studie som medutgångspunkt i personcentrerad vård och spelifiering undersöker 35 personers användarfrekvens ochattityder efter en tvåveckorsperiod där hälften har fått prova att självskatta sitt psykiska mående via enmobilapplikation, och hälften fått göra detsamma via ett analogt stämningsformulär. Resultatet visar enhögre användarfrekvens bland deltagarna i mobilapplikationsgruppen, samt ett uttalat intresse hosbägge grupper för digitala metoder för självskattning av psykiskt mående. Bägge metoderna ansesstärka personcentrerad omvårdnad. The aim of this study is to explore user frequency and attitudes for persons using a mobile applicationfor assessing mental health compared to persons using an analogue assessment method.

Upplevelser av hälsa och lärande relaterat till organisatoriskt förändringsarbete : En intervjustudie med sjuk- och undersköterskor.

Work and health are strongly connected because people spend the most part of their adult life in a workplace. The work environment influences the fellow co-workers experience of health and learning in different ways. Accordingly the organizations influence has by doing so, created a great significance to fellow co-workers experiences. Organizational changes often create turbulence within an organization and are often experienced negatively by the fellow-co-workers even if it will give positive effects later. The aim of this study was to illuminate nurses- and assistant nurses experiences of health and learning related to organizational changes.

Utbildningens betydelse för hälsan : En studie i skillnad på ohälsa mellan akademiker och icke-akademiker

The main focus with this study was to investigate if there was a difference in level ofeducation and self-rated health and if it could be explained by the amount of control,demands and social support at work. Theories used in this essay are education, health,and the job strain-model (control, demands and social support at work). We used analready done study by Folkhälsoinstitutet (2004) to examine these questions. Theanalysed sample consists of respondents 12 166 aged 18-84 years. The decline was39, 2 %.

Normkritisk kunskap inom socialtjänsten? : En studie om transsexualism och socialtjänsten

In light of health scandals and intense debate in the media about the elderly, the authors investigates two Swedish newspaper and their depiction of elder care in Sweden. Using Faircloughs three-dimensional model and critical discourse analysis, it is investigated if there is a more prominent discourse and if so the impact of globalization on this discourse concerning swedish elderly care. A sample of a total of ten articles in the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet and Dagens Nyheter is analyzed. The authors found that older people who are granted home help or place of accommodation rarely make their voices heard. Rarely were also relatives of residents given the opportunity to speak.

Irreguljära immigranter - en idéanalys av den politiska debatten

Every human being has the right to the highest attainable standard of health. This is regulated by the UN in the Declaration of Human Rights. However, Swedish legislation discriminate the group of irregular immigrants, regarding the right to health care. Therefore, Paul Hunt, the UN's special rapporteur on the right to health, draws serious critique on Sweden which has caused extensive debate regarding the matter, both in the civil and political sphere of society.Thus, the aim of this essay is through an analysis of the political debate; make visible the norms of citizenship which are dominating the argumentation of the seven parties represented in the Swedish Parliament. An analytical framework, consisting of three dimensions, is therefore used in order to interpret the material which is relevant for the debate.The conclusion is that Moderaterna and Centerpartiet mainly base their arguments on communitarian values, while Kristdemokraterna and Folkpartiet rather show influences of liberal ideas.

"Kärringsjuka?" Att leva med Fibromyalgi

Bakgrund: Fibromyalgi drabbar två till tre procent av befolkningen och är ett kroniskt smärttillstånd utan känd orsak. Majoriteten av dem som drabbas är kvinnor. Sjukdomen syns inte utanpå och det finns därför en risk att drabbade blir missförstådda av människor i sin omgivning och av sjukvårdspersonal. Syfte: Att med den här litteraturstudien beskriva hur kvinnor med fibromyalgi upplever sin livssituation. Metod: En litteraturstudie baserad på elva kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar.

Legitimerade sjuksköterskors förhållningssätt till psykisk ohälsa : Med själen i fokus

Patients with mental illness experience dissatisfaction with their care due to lack of understanding and ignorance from the nurses. The nurses? approach might influence these patients' experience of their care. The purpose of the literature review was to describe nurses' approach in care of patients with mental illness. The literature review is based on an inductive approach and the result is based on 14 scientific papers, of which eight used a qualitative design and sex used a quantitative design.

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