4223 Uppsatser om Health centre - Sida 4 av 282
SuNytt - heta nätnyheter eller ljummet informationsblad? En kvantitativ studie av mellanchefers inställning till det interna elektroniska nyhetsbrevet suNytt på Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.
Fästningarnas fest. Organiska nätverk, genomslagskraftig externkommunikation och målgruppsanpassade budskap. En kvantitativ kartläggning av Fastningarnas Fests intressenter och deras erfarenhet, åsikter och förväntningar kring Jubileet
The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to examine what role the new city library in Halmstad has for its users. The questions posed in this study are: What do the users actually do at the library? What roles are the most significant according to the users? Have the politicians succeeded in their intention of realizing a modern library according to the users? The theoretical starting point is Andersson?s and Skot-Hansen?s theory of four different roles of public libraries. In order to extend the model we added a fifth function; the one of aesthetical experience.
Begreppsanalys - en familjecentral med ett folkhälsovetenskapligt perspektiv
Background: This paper was performed by a student in the Public Health Sciences program at the University of Gothenburg as a mandate from the district administration (SDF) Askim-Frölunda-Högsbo in Gothenburg. The assignment was formed on the basis of a need for a new service with a family-centered approach in the form of a family center for families with children aged 6-12 years. The family center will be located in the Frölunda area.Aim: The purpose of this paper was to describe and deepen the understanding of the concept of a family center from a public health perspective. A particular focus was put on interventions that are aimed at children aged 6-12 years.Method: Walker and Avants (2011) model for concept analysisResults: The defined attributes that the analysis led to were the following: Collaboration, Health Promotion, Prevention and Support services and the Visitors. The created model case and the borderline cases showed a clearer picture of the concepts meaning.
Inkubatorns roll : En studie om Uppsala Innovation Centre och dess samarbete med nystartade företag
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur inkubatorn Uppsala Innovation Centre (UIC) arbetar med nystartade företag. För att uppnå detta har företagens etableringsprocesser och de hinder de stöter på under denna process studerats, för att sedan analysera hur UIC arbetar för att överbrygga dessa hinder. Uppsatsen bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer och en enkätundersökning med företag som samarbetat med UIC, samt en kvalitativ intervju med UIC:s VD Per Bengtsson. Slutsatsen är att UIC är en välfungerande och uppskattad inkubator, deras största förtjänst är att de med sitt affärscoachprogram lyckats hålla en hög flexibilitet som ger dem möjlighet att anpassa sig efter de olika företagens behov..
Vetenskapskommunikation till barn och ungdomar genom textskyltar på Universeum
Universeum är ett upplevelsecentrum för naturvetenskap och teknik, ett så kallat Science Centre.I vårt arbete undersöker vi hur vetenskap bäst kommuniceras till barn och ungdomar via textskyltar på ett Science Centre. Vi analyserar vilket språk som bör användas och hur skyltarnas layout ska utformas för att väcka intresse, ge information och lust att lära mer inomnaturvetenskap och teknik. Baserat på denna analys ger vi även förslag på skylttexter och skyltlayout till Universeums avdelning Explora..
Föräldrar med utvecklingsstörning : Intervjuer med professionella personer som arbetar med föräldrarna och deras barn
This is a qualitative interview study about intellectually disabled parents and their children. I have conducted interviews with six professional staff who have some experience working with intellectually disabled persons. In my investigation I used vignettes and those I interviewed had to read the same story about Anders and Britta in preparation for the interview. The six persons whom I interviewed were: a midwife at a mother care centre, a nurse at a child Health centre, a social welfare officer at a rehabilitation centre, a "LSS administrator" at a local authority, and two social welfare secretaries. One of the two welfare secretaries works to assess the social situation of children and the other one works with fostercare.The conclusion that I have drawn is that the relationship between intellectually disabled parents and their children is very important.
Ideologiska likheter eller olikheter? : En analys av de borgerliga partiernas möjligheter för sammanslagningar
Title: Similarities or differences within the centre-right? A study of the potential for party fusions within in the Swedish centre-rightAuthor: Charlie WeimersAim: The thesis seeks to find the potential for party fusions within the Swedish centre-right by analyzing the ideological similarities and differences between the parties.Method/Material: In the thesis, four dimensions of the parties? ideologies are analyzed: view of man, theory for societal structures, fiscal theory and moral values. The results of the study of the ideologies are then compared. The investigation is done with the party manifestos as starting point and with the analysis of ideas as theoretical tool.Main Results: The comparative analysis, based on the parties? ideological views, shows specific party constellations are more probable than others.
Folkbiblioteksverksamhet på webben: En kvalitativ studie av svenska folkbibliotekswebbplatser
The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate and increase the understanding of Swedish Public Library Websites and to determinate which activity they mediate. To analyse the Public Library Websites Andersson and Skot-Hansen?s model of roles for the Public Library has been used. This model in¬cludes four roles for the library: the library as a cultural centre, a knowledge centre, as an information centre and as a social centre.
Att hantera sexualiteten i det tjugonde århundradet : en studie av sexualrådgivningen på ungdomsmottagningen och förmedlingen av normer från personal till ungdom
The subject of this paper is the mediation of norms about sexuality, from personnel working at the Swedish ?ungdomsmottagning? (youth centre for service and counselling about sexual health), to the visiting teenagers. The purpose of the empirical study is to investigate how the staff understands the part of their work that implies giving advice about sexuality; how they work, which norms they have about youth sexuality and how they see their roll as advisers. To answer these questions, I have interviewed six staff members working at different youth centres. Three of them work as social counsellors and three as midwifes.The main area of work at the centre consists of individual appointments, but another important task is meeting with school classes visiting for purposes of study.
Distriktssköterskans möte med föräldrar som ställer sig tveksamma till MPR-vaccination
Vaccination as a part of the preventative public health project has for many years been one of the important tasks of the children's health care. The vaccination program has been adjusted to current research and the health situation in the country. Having their children vaccinated is not something obvious for all parents, though. Especially the vaccination against measles, whooping cough and German measles have been questioned. The purpose of this literature study was to investigate the reasons for the resistance to vaccinate and to illuminate the security creating advice of the nurse at the public Health centre.
Ett kulturcentrum i Ulricehamn?
The aim of this essay is to investigate and evaluate the arguments made by municipal politicians in Ulricehamn, regarding the planned Knowledge and Culture Centre. A part from the search for these arguments, I also investigated the attitudes among politicians regarding municipal culture investments in general. I furthermore investigated whether any national, regional, or local culture-political strategies were important in the local debate. The time frame within which the local political culture debate was investigated was from 1997 until present time 2002. The investigation methods used were partly a study of official documents such as political protocols, two articles from the local newspaper, and a clean copy from a web chat, and partly a qualitative study I sent a question regarding the planned Culture Centre to every political party active in the Ulricehamn municipal assembly.
Konsekvensanalys av dammbrott vid Tjärnviksdalen
This report consists of an anlysis of the imapct of a dam failure at Tjärnviksdalen in Ragunda, Sweden. The analysis is conducted using the EU model for environmental impact assessments, as well as a group interview. The presentation of the results in the form of a map where the water level has been raised to the level that the County Board of Jämtland considers to be possible in case of a dam failure.The result of this work is a detailed analysis of the consequenses that a dam failure would cause, the result consider everything from the direct consequences of the water column to an analysis of the chemical changes that the water would undergo.Parts of the analysis have shown that the purification centre and the old deposits will have the biggest impact on Hammarstrand. Both the purification centre and the deposits will realise chemicals to its nearest environment and because of the flooded purification centre the city will not have the ability to clean the water. .
Bilden av folkbibliotek i lokalpressen och hos allmänheten
In this Masters thesis the image of the public library in the local press and in the eyes of the public is examined. The questions posed to examine this are: - What activities of the public library are described in the local press? - What activities does the public associate with the public library? - What functions and roles of the public library can be found in the articles and interviews and how are they expressed? - What opinions of the public library and hereto related activities can be found in the articles and interviews? This study is based on an analysis of 127 articles, published in Borås Tidning during a period of six months, and of interviews with 35 people from Sjuhäradsbygden. To analyse the articles and the interviews Marianne Andersson and Dorte Skot-Hansen´s model of roles for the library has been used. The model includes four roles for the library: the library as a cultural centre, a knowledge centre, an information centre and a social centre.
Möjligheter till utveckling av en hälsofrämjande skola
School can be an effective environment for achieving a more equal health among children and adolescents, since many individuals can be reached by the health promoting work in the school. In the year of 2000 a project in Skåne was started for the development of health promoting schools. The health promoting projects however, have shown to be of short duration. So, as an alternative, the integration of the health in school ought to be tried. The aim of this study is to give examples how health promoting schools can strengthen their profile.
Skolbiblioteket som socialt rum. Om skolbibliotekets placering och utformning.
The aim of this Master's thesis is to explore how the localisation and the design affect the conditions for a school-media centre. A school-media centre is in this study a place where the students seek, find and evaluate information, discuss and exchange ideas. An active place for generating knowledge. The method applied in this study is "Space Syntax Analysis", a quantitative method with visual representation of the results. In the theoretical framework, space is the voids between walls, doors and ceiling, between furniture and bookshelves.