

7059 Uppsatser om Health care nurse - Sida 18 av 471

Med Personen i Centrum - Sjuksköterskors uppfattningar om att vårda patienter med ett palliativt vårdbehov på en akutkirurgisk vårdavdelning

Introduction: On the surgical wards in most hospitals in Sweden patients with different surgical needs are cared for. Patients with gastrointestinal conditions are, for example, nurtured alongside patients with urological disorders or patients in need of observation for head trauma. When the nurse, in addition to these patients, have to care for patients with palliative care needs can be perceived as problematic for nurse and patient alike.Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore nurses' perceptions of care for patients with palliative care needs on an acute surgical ward, based on a person-centered perspective.Method: A focus group interview was conducted with the strategic selection of nurses from two acute surgical wards in a county hospital in western Sweden. The data from the interview were analyzed with qualitative directed, deductive content analysis with person-centered care as a theoretical framework. The theoretical background shows that person-centered care includes partnership, participation and structured documentation.Results: The results of this study show that even a fourth category, organization, emerged and needed to be reported.

Frihet ? dess innebörd och betydelse ? För patienter med ett palliativt omvårdnadsbehov utifrån sjuksköterskans perspektiv

Introduction: Palliative care is based on an active total care where the patient's independence and participation are included. Few studies have been based on a concept of freedom in relation to this target group.Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the perception the nurse has about "freedom" - its significance and meaning from an existential perspective for patients with palliative care needs.Method: A qualitative content analysis based on a narrated and written down text from focus groups with adequate examples. The starting point in the focus groups was to focus on existential issues in relation to patients near death. Based on the concept of freedom, has the printouts been analyzed, categorized and codedFindings: Nature, identity, integrity and self-esteem are important aspects for our approach to freedom but freedom is also about existential questions where hope, reconciliation, freedom and forgiveness are included.Discussion: Discussion: We all have our own definitions and meanings of freedom. The largest and perhaps most important fullest freedom is our inner freedom - our own existential freedom.

Anhörig eller anställd personal? - Vilken vård efterfrågar äldre när de drabbas av sjukdom

There are more and more elderly people and different diseases will affect them. How will the public care be able to face this need of care for the elderly? There are a lot that shows that there will be an increasing demand on the achievements of the relatives. How can this development be answered to? Shall the achievements be concentrated on giving support to the relatives, or will there be a concentration on nursing staff? The purpose of the study was to enlighten who elderly people will be nursed by if a disease affects them.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av arbetsrelaterad stressoch faktorer som bidrar till arbetsrelaterad stress : en litteraturöversikt

Background: Long-term stress can lead to reduced health among nurses which can result in impaired quality of care. Stress in nurses' work needs to be studied in order to prevent stress and impaired quality of care. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe nurses' experience of occupational stress and factors that contribute to occupational stress. Method: The method used was a literature review. Results: The analysis resulted in five themes which describe nurses' experiences of occupational stress and factors that contribute to occupational stress.

Ökad kunskap hos sjuksköterskor om orsaker till bristande följsamhet förbättrar patienters delaktighet

In today?s health care it?s most common to treat an illness with a kind of pharmaceutical preparation. But lack of resources, given information and bad communication and collaboration between the patient and the nursing staff can lead to a patient unwilling to follow the doctor?s prescription. This does not just affect the individual patient?s health but it can also result in consequences for other people and the whole society.

Långvarig neuropatisk smärta : en litteraturstudie om livskvalitet ur ett patientperspektiv

Objective: From the patient?s perspective describe communication difficulties, which can arise, and how they are handled in their contact with public health care and illustrate their needs of communication.Method: A study of literature was carried out to receive a background and an insight in previous research concerning the subject area. Twelve women with hearing loss was asked to complete a questionnaire, with open questions, regarding communication difficulties in health care situations.Sample: For the literature review, scientific papers were selected via the database, PubMed using relevant keywords. Seven were selected for closer review. For the survey study twelve women were asked to participate which ten of those responded.Results: The study of literature shows that communication difficulties occur in public health care between patients with hearing loss and the nursing staff.

Hur hanterar sjuksköterskor stress i arbetet? : En litteraturöversikt

Background: The nursing profession involves meetings and situations which can be stressful. The work environment can cause additional stress in the form of time pressure, lack of support from colleagues, management or disgruntled family members and patients. This places the nurse in a position that requires a sharpened ability to handle stress. It can become overwhelming and unmanageable and cause a serious threat to the nurse's health and wellbeing. To handle stress the nurses uses different coping strategies.Aim: The aim of the review was to gain a better understanding of how nurses deal with occupational stress.Method: A systematic literature overview study based on eleven articles, including both qualitative and quantitative studies.Results: Nurses deal with stress in different ways based on their own resources.

Faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans omvårdnad av mrsa bärande patienter

Mulitresistent staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a bacteria that is resistent against penicillin, this makes it difficulte to treat. MRSA causes woundinfections and other seriouse conditions. If MRSA establishes in an hospital environment it often spreads fast. Common ways of spreading MRSA is through direct or indirect contact. The nurse should work according to guidelines, apply hygienic routines and prevent the spread of infections.

Färdigheter som sjuksköterskor använder sig av för att skapa goda vårdrelationer i ambulans och på akutmottagning : en litteraturstudie

Background: Encounters between patient and health care have been shortened and fragmented. Times when the patient is in the continuum of care is related to how well the patient feels confirmed in the meeting with his/her carers. Aim : The aim of this study is to highlight skills that nurses use to provide good care relationships with patients in the ambulance and emergency room. Method: A literature review was done. Search for articles was conducted in the databases Cinahl and Pubmed.

Individanpassad omvårdnad : ett steg mot optimal stationärvård för hund och katt

When nursing human patients during hospitalization, the nurse is the one responsible. The nursing is controlled by different models of nursing and careplans, shaped by every patient?s individual needs. This is to guarantee the quality of the care. The veterinary nurse is not ultimately responsible for patient care.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av triageprocessen på en vuxenpsykiatrisk akutmottagning : En empirisk studie

Title: Nurses´ Experience of Triage Process in the Psychiatric A & E Departmentfor AdultsAuthor: Miljatovic, MilosDepartment: School of Life Sciences, University of SkövdeCourse: Degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Thesis in Nursing Care, 15 ECTSSupervisor: -Examiner: Brovall, MariaPages: 23Keywords: Triage, Nurse, Psychiatric A & E Department for Adults, Triage scaleBackground: In the beginning of 21st century some psychiatric A & E departments inSweden have introduced triage process and psychiatric triage scales. The aim was to meetthe growing numbers of patients with mental health problems attending psychiatric A & Edepartments, in order to shorten waiting and transit times.Aim: The aim of the study was to illustrate nurses´ experiences of triage process in thepsychiatric A & E department.Method: Qualitative empirical study was conducted.Results: Three categories were identified: Triage process creates confidence, Obstacles intriage assessment, Possibilities for improved patient care through triage process; and sixsubcategories: Aid and support in having an assessment tool, Sense of comradeship,Getting possibility to take answer and show the competence, Deficiencies with assessmenttool, Sense of inadequateness due to long waiting times to physician, Sense of ambiguityduring the triage process.Discussion: Safe triage process is needed to achieve quality care in the psychiatric A & Edepartment, thus it is important that nurses have adequate triage scale, and the resultssuggest that it is important for nurses to have an adequate triage scale which makes iteasier for nurses in nursing care..

Fysisk aktivitet på recept - patientens upplevelse : - En intervjuundersökning

Jacobsson, A. (2013). Physical activity on prescription ? patient experience. C-thesis inPublic Health.

Perioperativ överrapportering-En systematisk litteraturstudie

Background: A patient undergoing surgery will meet many caregivers in different settings pre-, intra- and postoperative in the surgical pathway. Lack of communication is a common digression and the handoff is such an occasion. The purpose is to describe current knowledge about the patients´ right to safe care perioperative. The study is a systematic review (pilot). Result: The handoff was informal, unstructured and inconsistent.

Kalkyler i vården: en översikt och ett praktikfall

This thesis investigates management accounting systems in a Swedish health care environment. Through a qualitative case study of an activity-based cost accounting system that was introduced in 1994 at S:t Görans Sjukhus, a large Stockholm hospital, the following questions are addressed: What benefits can an activity-based cost accounting system offer the Swedish health care providers? What are the potential problems impeding the implementation of such a system? Main findings: an activity-based cost accounting system can improve the understanding of where costs are generated in the production processes. Comparisons between alternative production processes are improved, and the data may serve as a basis for internal pricing measures. Concerning the second question, difficulty in reconciliating the principles of economic control with the culture present in a hospital is identified as the main obstacle to a new management accounting system..

Moral distress och dess konsekvenser för sjuksköterskans yrkesutövning : Littersturstudie

The aim of the present literature study was to describe the significant factors contributing to the development of moral distress and the consequences of moral distress can lead to in the nurse profession. A literature search was performed in the databases Medline through PubMed and Academic Search Elite on the basis of in advanced defined criterions. A total of 19 articles was reviewed and included in the study. The main result revealed that nurses experience moral distress and that it is frequent within the nurse profession. The findings revealed that there seem to be several significant factors in the development of moral distress, such as providing life-sustaining care, competing loyalties, conflicts with the physician, communication barriers, emotional barriers, cultural barriers, regulation and rules and working environment that gives the nurse difficult or unsolved ethical dilemmas.

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