

4538 Uppsatser om Health benefits - Sida 63 av 303

Munvård hos äldre

SAMMANFATTNING En bristfällig munvård kan leda till olika sjukdomstillstånd. En god munvård är en viktig del i det fysiska och psykiska välbefinnandet. Allt fler äldre personer behåller idag sina egna tänder. De som inte kan sköta sin egen munvård p.g.a. sjukdom eller åldrande behöver därför hjälp.

Kvinnors upplevelse av livskvalitet i samband med urininkontinens ? en litteraturstudie

Urininkontinens är beskriven som en dold sjukdom. Mer än 50 miljoner människor i världen är drabbade av detta tillstånd. Urininkontinens leder till försämrad livskvalitet. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa kvinnors livskvalitet i samband med urininkontinens. En litteraturstudie med kvalitativ ansats har utförts.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda barn palliativt

Background: Children?s death is unexpected and unnatural irrespective of a long time of illness or a sudden death. Nurses working with palliative care of children experience a range of different emotions during the care. Palliative care is health promoting even though the purpose no longer is to cure. According to the nursing theorist Katie Eriksson health is possible to achieve even though the patient has got a deadly disease.

Patienters livssituation och vårdkostnad

The purpose of this paper is to test a procedure that would be useful for a certain, more final purpose. Assume that you want to know if the differences in the result of a certain effort in health care have any connection with differences between the life situations of the patients. This would be easier to investigate if the life situations of the patients had connection to the easily available variable Health Care Cost (in Swedish VK). In that case the searching for connections between VK of patient groups and the result of health care efforts would be sufficient to gain knowledge of possible connection between health care efforts and life situations. Thus that is the final purpose.

Profylaktiska åtgärder för kaniner

Rabbits, Oryctolagos cuniculus, rapidly increases as pets. During the right circumstances, rabbits are friendly, social and playful. A rabbit who shows an abnormal behavior should always be examined by a veterinary, though there is almost always a medical problem. This essay is a result of a literature studie with the aim to find the prophylactic measures that may give pet rabbits a more healthy life. Rabbits have got a lot of common health problems, including dental, skin and gastrointestinal problems.

Är Leviathan giftig? : Autonomi och repression som förklaringar till regimskillnader i förväntad livslängd

During the last decade a number of studies have been published that investigate how the most fundamental aspect of political organization, the regime type, affects population health. The results unanimously show that citizens of democracies live longer and healthier lives than citizens of non-democracies. Many explanations for this have been suggested, among these are that democracies redistribute more and invest more in salutogenic resources, and that the tendency of dictatorships to control the media negatively affects the ability to spread information crucial to public health. When these mechanisms are controlled for, however, it turns out that democracy has a large residual correlation with for example life expectancy, which suggests that other mechanisms are also involved.In this paper two new mechanisms regarding the possible psychosocially mediated health effects of the regime type are investigated, namely political repression, and the possible negative effects this might have on the levels of chronic stress, and autonomy, which connects to a large previous literature in social epidemiology. In the paper an ecological cross-country design is used and country-level data, provided mainly by the World Bank and Freedom House, is analyzed with a simple multiple OLS-regression model.

Zoonotic respiratory infections and great ape conservation - an emerging challenge

The conservation of great apes faces many challenges, one of which is the threat of infectious disease outbreaks. Zoonotic transmission of respiratory diseases from humans to wild great apes has recently been confirmed. Since respiratory disease is one of the major causes of death in both gorillas and chimpanzees, this gives reason for major concern. Little is known about the risks of disease transmission from humans to great apes in natural environments, and there is a need for systematic risk evaluation. Researchers, conservation staff and tourists spend time in very close proximity of wild great apes, sometimes during long time periods, which poses a potential risk of disease spillover. However, the presence of researchers and tourists has been shown to decrease the risk of poaching, making the matter increasingly complex.

Vårdarens känslor i mötet med personer smittade med HIV/AIDS (och orsaker till dessa känslor - en litteraturstudie)

Bakgrund. Under historiens gång har sjukdomar varit förknippade med rädsla och fördomar, HIV/AIDS är i nuläget den mest ökande smittsamma sjukdomen som har associationer med fördomar och skam. Detta ställer stora krav på vårdarens syn på HIV/AIDS och att kunna ge trygg vård som grundar sig på teoretisk och praktisk kunskap. Syftet. Syftet med denna Litteraturstudie är att fördjupa förståelsen för vårdarens känslor i mötet med personer smittade med HIV/AIDS och att undersöka orsaker till dessa känslor.

Att vara i en intensivvårdsmiljö - patientens perspektiv

The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a special unit for patients who is in the need for emergency life-sustaining measures and every patient has complex medical- technical equipment. The experiences of a critical illness and the needs of critical care are experienced in different ways. The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences from patients in the ICU and how this experience has an influence on the patients. The method was a study of literature with a qualitative inception based on eight scientific articles and the analysis of content has been inspired by Graneheim and Lundman (2003). The result of the study is presented by four categories: to loose the ability to make themselves understood, to be forced to adjust to the environment of caring, to have the lack of connection with reality and to be in an intensive care environment, The results showed that patients in the ICU are affected by the attitude from the staff, the equipment around them as well as the sounds and lights in the environment there.

Livskvalitet i äldrevården. En litteraturstudie.

Growing old should be the golden years of your life, being able to do whatever you want to do. Instead these years are often combined with both physical and psychological illness. Neither the body or mind are what they once were. It has been shown through empirical studies that many elderly people don?t have any social support at all.

Livskvalitet i äldrevården : En litteraturstudie.

Growing old should be the golden years of your life, being able to do whatever you want to do. Instead these years are often combined with both physical and psychological illness. Neither the body or mind are what they once were. It has been shown through empirical studies that many elderly people don?t have any social support at all.

Egenskaper hos sjuksköterskan - som påverkar egenvården hos personer med diabetes ? En litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Cirka 3-4 % av Sveriges befolkning är diagnostiserade med diabetes. Detta är en siffra som kommer att öka inom en relativt snar framtid. Diabetes är dock en sjukdom som kan förebyggas med hjälp av information. När diagnosen är ett faktum kan symtomen dämpas, och här har sjuksköterskan en mycket viktig uppgift. Hur sjuksköterskan beter sig i mötet med personen med diabetes är avgörande för hur väl egenvården fungerar.

Mäns upplevelser i efterförloppet av en hjärtinfarkt ? En kvalitativ litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Varje kvart drabbas någon av en hjärtinfarkt och varje timme dör någon i Sverige. Att drabbas av en hjärtinfarkt är en stark känslomässig upplevelse. Oro och nedstämdhet är en vanlig reaktion som kan hålla i sig långt efter hjärtinfarkten. Det finns få studier gjorda på mäns upplevelser i efterförloppet av en hjärtinfarkt. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa mäns upplevelser i efterförloppet av en hjärtinfarkt.

Det gör så ont men ingen ser - Migränens konsekvenser för en persons livsvärld

Bakgrund: Migrän betraktades som en folksjukdom och en miljon svenskar var drabbade av migrän men många var ovetande om sin sjukdom. Migrän kännetecknades av perioder med återkommande huvudvärk, synrubbningar, illamående med kräkningar och allmänpåverkan. Under ett anfall blev personen inkapabel att utföra något. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva migränens konsekvenser för en persons livsvärld. Metod: Undersökningen var en litteraturstudie med kvalitativ ansats och utfördes med hjälp av sju vetenskapliga artiklar.

Kulturens Bokhylla

?A culture center should be visually welcoming as well as attract a diverse range of visitors with different backgrounds.? This was the client?s request for a new cultural center in Nairobi. The location is in the heart of Nairobi?s industrial area, near several existing buildings that are already in use by the culture organization known as Go Down. I have chosen to keep most of the existing buildings and to use my new building as a complement for the desired program.

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