

3490 Uppsatser om Hazardous area - Sida 5 av 233

Husbys låga brinner : En kvalitativ studie om unga vuxna som är uppväxta i Husby och deras tankar kring bostadsområdet, invånarna och framtiden

The purpose of this study was to find out what some young adults who have grown up in Husby themselves for perception of the area, what do they think they brought with them of their childhood there, and find out what they think others do not live in Husby has view of the area. In our study we also tried to find out what the young adults raised in Husby think about the media's influence on public perception of the area Husby, and what they think about the neighborhood's future. The main results that we believe we have come up with is that the media seems to have a big role in the creation of our beliefs. The respondents indicate that they think the media portrays an unfair picture of the suburb and its inhabitants. We believe it is very important that people meet to avoid the categories "us" and "them" to be formed.

Fallstudie: en analys av Kungens Kurva utifrån Huddinge kommuns vision för vidare utveckling av området

In this thesis, a case study of Kungens Kurva in Stockholm is made. The municipality of Huddinge has designated the area, which is an external shopping-center, as one of its key development areas in the future. The municipality has established a future vision for the area, which extends until 2030. The vision claims, inter alia, that Kungens Kurva along with Skärholmen will become a vibrant suburb. How well the values and aims of the vision are met in the current area situation is discussed in the case study by a number of analysis that carries out the existing structures and characters of the area.

Förslag till illustrationsplan för Gartnerskolen ? Søhus, Odense, Danmark

Is it possible that by planning in a more sustainable way when building a new area, we can improve our environment?Most environmental problems are created in cities and therefore they should hold the solution. Through a more ecological urban planning a better foundation for sustainable housing could be created.This report follows the process in coming up with a proposal for a master plan for an area in Odense, Denmark. By going through principles for sustainable urban planning made by different organizations and persons and from these extract main principles, a background is founded to continue the proposal from.Denmark works a lot on expanding their green areas, maintain the existing ones and recreate what?s being destroyed as cities expand.

Förslag till skötselplan för Uppsala högar och Tunåsen : ett exempel på medbestämmande planering

This Master thesis is made at the request of the local municipality of Uppsala in Sweden. The purpose of this work is to create a guiding management plan. Recreation, conservation of the cultivated landscape and the historical environment, conservation biology and the aim of the landowners are all considerd. The area is almost 34 hectares and located north of the centre of Uppsala. Landowners are the National Heritage Board, the diocese of Uppsala, the university of Uppsala, the local municipality of Uppsala and one private landowner.

Böklåda med torv på rastgårdsytan i ekologisk slaktsvinsproduktion : effekter på beteende och emission av kväve (NH3 och N2O)

In organic animal production, synthetic amino acids are not allowed. Therefore, a higher level of crude protein is needed in the diet to pigs, which lead to more nitrogen (N) excreted in the faeces and urine. N can be emitted to the air in the form of e.g. ammonia (NH3), which contributes to eutrophication and acidification and as nitrous oxide (N2O), which is a very potent greenhouse gas. The emission of N can be reduced by e.g.

Urskogen med de stämpelbleckade gammeltallarna : en skogshistorisk tolkning av Brännlidens naturreservat

People have used forest resources in northern Sweden for different purposes. Before the 20th century the forest was used for many different reasons, but during the past 200 years it has become an industrial raw material. The presence of people in the forest has left different kinds of traces in the forests. One example is culturally modified trees (CMT´s). The aim of this study was to study and document how people have used the forest resources during the last centuries in Brännlidens nature reserve, and what kind of traces this land use has left.

Etniskboendesegregation : En kvalitativ forskningsstudie om unga vuxnas erfarenheter och upplevelser av att bo på Malmvägen

The survey is a qualitative study that aims to investigate the ethnic housing segregation in the residential area around Malmvägen that is located in Sollentuna. Malmvägen is a millionprogramarea that?s made up of unattractive tall buildings with grey facades. The majority of the residents have foreign backgrounds and the unemployment rate is high among the youths in the area. The apartment rents on Malmvägen are low and many of the residents belong to the subclass of society.

Forskningsområdet biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap vid Högskolan i Borås ? En bibliometrisk studie av den intellektuella basen 2001?2006

The aim of this study was to map the intellectual base at the Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS) at the University Collage of Borås, and to compare this intellectual base to the intellectual base of the research area Library and Information Science. This was done by analysing the citations in publications published, between the year of 2001 to the first quarter of 2006, by researchers at the institution, using the technique of author cocitation analysis. Cluster analysis and multidimensional scaling, statistical techniques that are traditional i the author cocitation analysis, formed an objective map of the intellectual base at the SSLIS. This map was then compared with three prior studies, that used the same technique to map the intellectual base of the research area. The result shows that the map of the intellectual base at the SSLIS consists of the specialities: user studies, library studies, culture/cultural policy, information retrieval, bibliometrics and information in organisations.

Lämpliga främmande trädslag för Kalmar och Mönsterås kommuner

This report concerns the for Sweden foreign tree species hybrid larch, hybrid aspen and poplar, and focuses on the area Kalmar and Mönsterås municipalities. The report shows that there are not only advantages with these species. The larch, the most common of the alien tree species has the greatest problems due to that its timber is difficult to sell in the area but also the Larch´s poor pulp quality and is more likely to be damaged by wildlife than the spruce is. Hybrid Aspen is much easier to sell and is used like regular aspen for match wood and textile pulp. Its disadvantage is the high cost for plants and to prevent damage from wildlife.

Total organic carbon (TOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) - Monitoring of organic pollutants in wastewater

Total organic carbon (TOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) are two methods used for measuring organic pollutants in wastewater. Both methods are widely used but the COD method results in production of hazardous wastes, including mercury.The purpose of this study was to validate the method TOC that will replace COD and find a factor to convert TOC to COD. In this study 26 samples were analyzed from four sewage treatment plant in the municipality of Enköping.The results show that the COD method could be replaced by the TOC method.The factor for COD/TOC was between 3.1 - 3.3. Both methods will be used in parallel until 2013 when it will be forbidden to use the COD analysis..

Kvalitetsegenskaper på en kravspecifikation

The result from Requirements Engineering is a Requirements Specification. Characteristics of a good Requirements Specification are unambiguity, completeness, verifiability, consistency, modifiability, traceability, correctness and ranked for importance and/or stability.This work defines these quality attributes and answers the questions how to reach these attributes and the diffuculties which exist in this area.This work should be read to get an overwiew of the area Requirements Engineering and Requirements Specification..

Entrén vid Universitetssjukhuset i Lund : hälsosjukhuset med frånvaro av trivsamhet

Scientific research shows that humans regain their strength when they are spending time in nature. Ulrich, Kaplan & Kaplan, among others, has shown in their research that nature can reduce stress and decrease the after effects of stress. Lund University Hospital, USiL, is a big working place and has a large number of patients. To be a patient often means that you lose control of your daily life which could cause stress. For the personnel high workload can be a stress factor.

Nyttjande av det digitaliserade stickvägsnätet vid skogsgödsling med traktor

Forest fertilization had its peak in the late 60´s, when almost 200 000 ha was fertilized annually. The silviculture of today has high demands for timber production at the same time as the demand for nature conservation increases. It means that it?s necessary to produce more volume in smaller areas in the future. The use of DGPS equipment has in modern forestry in Sweden become more and more common.

Gravar i Alsike hage : Analys av fyndkontexter och gravkonstruktioner tillhörande gravfältet RAÄ 26 i Alsike socken, Uppland

This essay deals with the results and observations made during excavations in an iron age cemetery in Alsike hage, located in Alsike parish. The excavations took place in 2005 and 2006 and the investigated area comprised two adjacent, but secluded burial-constructions; a square stone setting with a secondary grave, and a stone-built terrace with at least one secondary grave. The artifacts suggests that the TPQ of the stone setting, and the construction date of the rest of the graves, is 900-950 A.D. The aim of this study was to comprehend the course of events in the investigated area, and toanalyse the archaeological finds - in comparison to the well documented an discussed material burial culture in the lake Mälar area ? in order to discuss indicators of gender and social status.Metal artefacts has been preserved as a part of the analysis..

Anseende - Hot or Not? : En explorativ studie i hur stora svenska företag ser på begreppet anseende

There are many views in the concept of corporate reputation and the massive research in the area tends to result in many new definitions. Research has shown that a good corporate reputation has a positive relation to Sustainable Competitive Advantage, financial performance and attraction to competent employees. The many views in the concept make it especially interesting to examine the view on corporate reputation in a perspective of big Swedish corporations. Another interesting area to examine is whether the companies manage their reputation or not. The empirical findings of this essay are based on qualitative interviews to get a deeper understanding in the area of reputation.

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