

120 Uppsatser om Happy sally - Sida 5 av 8

Återfall i kriminalitet : Klientens eller samhällets val

This essay deals with the subject of communication through Facebook. In this survey we studied 100 youths from Karlstad and their communication habits and behavior patterns on Facebook. The social network site Facebook has since its start in 2004 made a mark in modern communication. Today in 2010 the site has more than 500 million users. This paper wants to study what happens to other types of communication.

Arbetsgruppsrelationer - En studie av provisonsanställda på en mäklarbyrå

This study examines work relations on a real estate agency. My interest is to examine how real estate agents apprehend their work relations, and how a recession can affect these relations. Previous research shows that the occurrence of competition in groups decreases the motivation to cooperate. A different research illustrates that reward interdependence is important to performance, and that task interdependence drives observed cooperative behavior. The study contained six interviews with real estate agents working on commission.

Ledarskap och efterföljelse : relationen mellan ledare och anställda på Lycamobile

In this day of age there is no clear definition of what leadership is and exactly what it means. Though something that all existing definitions of leadership have in common is that, it is a process of influence where the leader exerts influence over their subordinates. The concept of leadership can at first glance be seen as a clear substance that is easy to understand. However, this is not the case when one delves into the subject and begins to realize that leadership is a complex concept which includes a variety of things. How to best exercise leadership is a divided perception that may be completely different, depending on whom you ask the leader or the follower.In this paper the aim is to explore the leadership within the company Lycamobile located in Sweden, with respect to management.

: Kläders påverkan på kundbemötandet - en studie om kläders påverkan på kundservice inom detaljhandel

Kundservice har blivit allt viktigare inom detaljhandel i och med den ökade försäljningen som sker på internet. Kundservice har nästan blivit en form av marknadsföring för fysiska butiker. Trotts den hårda konkurrensen mellan butiker på marknaden kan man som kund uppleva dålig service och kundbemötande. Det kan bero på fler faktorer, en av faktorerna skulle kunna vara att butikssäljare är snabba att kategorisera kunder efter deras attribut. Så hur stor påverka har egentligen våra kläder på människors bedömning om oss? Kan kundbemötandet i butik påverkas av de kläder som en kund bär? Detta är frågor som väckte intresset för ämnet i den här studien och som ligger till grund för studiens huvudfråga.

Faktorer som påverkar kvaliteten i omvårdnadsarbetet : ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv

Background: Earlier studies show that nurses work environment is a factor that may affect the quality in nursing care negatively. Other factors are: number of employees, working hours, work structure and planning and working relationships between colleagues. Work relationships are particularly important for nurses as they can affect patient safety. Nurses are prone to stressrelated illnesses and high stress levels prove to have a negative affect on the quality of nursing care. To develop and assure the quality demands effort from every employee.

Matematisk begreppsbildning för elever med läs-och skrivsvårigheter

This essay deals with the subject of communication through Facebook. In this survey we studied 100 youths from Karlstad and their communication habits and behavior patterns on Facebook. The social network site Facebook has since its start in 2004 made a mark in modern communication. Today in 2010 the site has more than 500 million users. This paper wants to study what happens to other types of communication.

Bake a wish : iscensättningar av den lyckliga hemmafrun

ABSTACTINSTITUTION: Institutionen för pedagogikAvdelningen för bildVäxjö universitetADRESS: 351 95 VäxjöTELEFON: 0470-70 80 00HANDLEDARE: Emilie KarlsmoTITEL: Bake a wish- iscensättningar av den lyckligahemmafrunENGELSK TITEL: Bake a wish- stagings of the happy housewifeFÖRFATTARE: Malin NilssonADRESS: Stallvägen 46352 56 VäxjöTELEFON: 070-52 29 572TYP AV UPPSATS: C-uppsatsVENTILERINGSTERMIN: Ht 2008Uppsatsen behandlar likheter mellan bilder hämtade från 2008 och 1950-talet för att finna om bilderna från 2008 är iscensättningar av 1950-talet.Genom bildundersökningar och semiotiska bildanalyser av bilder i A piece of cake (2008), Husmoderns köksalmanack (1950-59) och Anne Taintors collage, undersöker uppsatsen om A piece of cake refererar till 1950-talet, och om det har skett några förskjutningar.Författaren framhåller att det finns en del likheter, framförallt mellan A piece of cake och bilderna i Anne Taintors collage, samt att likheterna i förhållande till olikheterna tyder på en förändring av kvinnan som motiv..

Tonala skillnader mellan två gitarrer med olika kroppstjocklek

As a guitarbuilder it is an advantage if you can control and understand what is creating the character of the tone. To approach this vast jungle of variables that controls the tone in a guitar, I built two guitars and in one, guitar 2, reduced the thickness of soundboard, back and sides.The purpose was to compare the guitars and establish if there was a significant difference and what it was, in the guitars ability to produce sound. The thought was also to try the thesis: loud but short, long but moderate tone. Also if a lighter built guitar has an advantage in producing a loud but short ton and vice versa.The instruments has been examined by five guitarist, one guitarbuilder and a professor in Speech, music and hearing at KTH in Stockholm.The relative obvious conclusion is that guitar 2 is a bit louder and has a clearer base and treble but the more part of the guitarists fancied guitar 1 better. This one has got more mass fore the tone to stay alive with.

"Alkohol är ett gift" eller "festa rätt" : En undersökning om vad ungdomstidningar förmedlar om alkohol och narkotika

The purpose of this essay was to examine what consequenses of alcohol and narcotics that youth magazines describe and how the user and addict is described. My porpose was also to examine what situations the magazines claim that alcohol and narcotics are related to.The questions for my studie was:1. How is an alcoholic/drug addict /user described in youth magazines?2. What situations are related to alcohol/narcotics in youth magazines?3.

Djur i särskilt boende : - en undersökning av ledningens medvetenhet och beredskap kring samt hantering av djur i särskilt boende i en kommun.

Today older people?s health and life quality are current topics of conversation in society. The number of old people is increasing and their health is deteriorating, that is why there is a need of new ways of meeting their necessities. In this study we have tried to illustrate heads of districts reasoning concerning pets? significance for old people in special housing.

"Skippar prinsessböcker med happy ending" : En kvalitativ studie av genus i fem bilderböcker och fem förskolepedagogers uppfattningar om genus i bilderböcker

The aim of my thesis was to examine if educators need to be critical of what they read to the children from a gender perspective. I examined how picture books depict gender and if the books enhances or breaks perception of gender roles. I also examined educator?s perception of gender and if they think picture books can affect children?s perceptions of gender, but also what educators think about gender equality through picture books. The study is based on analysis of five picture books and interview with five educators.The results of analyzes showed that picture books are stereotyped and enhances perceptions of gender roles.

Facebook och ansikte mot ansikte-kommunikation : En undersökning bland 100 ungdomar i Karlstads kommun om deras kommunikativa vanor

This essay deals with the subject of communication through Facebook. In this survey we studied 100 youths from Karlstad and their communication habits and behavior patterns on Facebook. The social network site Facebook has since its start in 2004 made a mark in modern communication. Today in 2010 the site has more than 500 million users. This paper wants to study what happens to other types of communication.

?Dom som mår dåligt måste få må bra? : En studie av skolintroduktionen för nyanlända flykting ? och invandrarbarn på två skolor

Subject: The Teacher Training Programme, Degree Project in Educational SciencesSödertörn University CollegeAutumn Term, 2006This study titled, Those who feel worst, need help to feel better, is a Degree Project in Educational Sciences for the Teacher Training Programme at Södertörn University College. The purpose of this study is to find out how school introduction for newly arrived refugee children is organized in two schools, considering the fact that many refugee children can suffer from PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The study is qualitative, based on interviews with principals, teachers and students in one junior high school and one high school. The study also reviews literature and research on how to work with children who suffer from PTSD. The results show that lack of national policy for the school introduction and education of refugee children, leads to the fact that school introduction can vary from school to school.

?Den dolda kraften? : En studie om internkommunikation, kultur och internt varumärkesbyggande vid Företaget X

AbstractTitle: Företag X? the hidden power? a study of internal communication, culture and internal branding. Företaget X has in real life a different name.Number of pages: 42 (49 with enclosures)Author: Charlotta Babington ThorszeliusCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Autumn 2007University: Uppsala University, SwedenPurpose/Aim: To analyze the internal communication, culture and internal branding of an insurance company and how they can improve these company tools can be improved.Material/Method: qualitative method using interviews, analysis of internal communication policies and observations.Main results: The policy documents do not match how the internal communication works in every day life. There is a structure that is working and the information flows through the different levels. The vision and goals are difficult to understand as they are written in a complicated way.

"Kompakt oförstånd?" : En studie om modersmålets plats i skolan

View description: The purpose of this study is to investigate in what way the mother tongue language education integrates in a compulsory school activities and also which significance it has to the students who studies mother tongue language. My questions are following:How does the cooperation look like between mother tongue languages teacher, teacher and principal?How do students perceive the mother tongue language education?How does the mother tongue language education take place at the school?Method: This investigation is classified as a qualitative study and consists of theoretical points and empirical material such as interviews and observations.  Based on hermeneutic view of tradition which means that I interpret all my material.Results: My results of this study is that the mother tongue language education does not integrate with the other school activities and the mother tongue language teachers does not cooperate with other teachers or principal at this school. The reason for this is mainly because the mother tongue language teachers work situation. I´ve also seen that language has to do with the creation of a personal identity.

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