

837 Uppsatser om Handle - Sida 56 av 56

Varumärket Sverige : En medveten variabel i företagets varumärkesstrategi? En jämförande studie av två svenska företag.

In these days of globalization, with a higher level of openness and interaction over geographical, cultural and economical borders, the importance of the company?s intangible asset, its brand, is gaining importance as a differentiating factor. Building a strong brand and the emphasis on strategic brand management is something that before was given less attention in firms but today we can see a general increase in awareness and relative emphasis in the strategic work of companies.Countries as brands: Is it possible to consider a nation or a country as a brand the same way you consider a product? Well, looking in to the subject it seems to be a rather complex matter and there are many questions to be asked and answer. Nations around the globe are indeed marketing and positioning themselves for several purposes.

Embryonal näringsförsörjning hos sandtigerhaj och kortfenad makohaj

In this report female farmers use of technical equipment is investigated. There is little research made on this subject in Sweden, therefore this report can be seen as an explorative study. Research makes it clear that machinery, throughout history and even today, has been seen as a male area. Heavy machines are often associated with the same attributes as masculinity. Force, power, efficiency and control are some examples.

Vem är det som kör egentligen? : maskinanvändande och könsroller inom lantbruket : en intervjustudie med kvinnliga lantbrukare

In this report female farmers use of technical equipment is investigated. There is little research made on this subject in Sweden, therefore this report can be seen as an explorative study. Research makes it clear that machinery, throughout history and even today, has been seen as a male area. Heavy machines are often associated with the same attributes as masculinity. Force, power, efficiency and control are some examples.

Undervisning av barn med koncentrationssvårigheter i vanligt klassrum : En intervjustudie med utgångspunkt i tre lärares livshistoria

Undervisning av barn med koncentrationssvårigheter i vanligt klassrum. En intervjustudie med utgångspunkt i tre lärares livshistoria Gunilla Windahl Sammanfattning Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur ?erkänt duktiga? klasslärare anpassar klassrumsmiljö, bemötande och undervisning för barn med koncentrationssvårigheter i grundskolans vanliga klasser. Frågeställningarna var: Anser de intervjuade lärarna att man genom anpassningar av klassrumsmiljön kan underlätta skolgången för barn med koncentrationssvårigheter och vilka är i sådana fall dessa anpassningar av klassrumsmiljön? Anser de intervjuade lärarna att man genom anpassningar av bemötande och i undervisning kan underlätta skolgången för barn med koncentrationssvårigheter och vilka är i sådana fall dessa anpassningar av bemötande och i undervisning? De data som används i denna studie är kvalitativa.

Utformning av kulvertgaller i lösdriftsstall med hela golv för mjölkkor :

Summary The size of the Swedish dairy farms increases and also the demands for rational manage-ment of the herd without affecting the animal welfare enhance. One way to Handle the manure in the cow shed alleys is to have automatic scrapers. In this system the scraper has to get rid of the manure somewhere. The most common way of doing that today is to let the scraper deliver the manure under some kind of gate or covering over the manure culvert. When the scraper goes under the gate or the covering there is a risk of squeezing animals and farmer.

Branson - Jobs : Entreprenör och/eller Ledare?

ABSTRACT Titel: Branson - Jobs; Entreprenör och/eller Ledare?Nivå: C-uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomiFörfattare: Madeleine Nordin och Runa ClaessonHandledare: Lars EkstrandDatum: Maj 2012Syfte: Syftet är att belysa relationen, och studera sambandet, mellan rollerna entreprenör - ledare. Vad förenar dem, och vad skiljer dem åt? Finns det något motsatsförhållande mellan dessa båda roller?Metod: Studien är en kvalitativ studie där ansatsen är en kombination av induktiv och deduktiv ansats, så kallad abduktion. Information och material till vår studie har vi fått genom en intervju och i övrigt olika typer av sekundärinformation.Resultat & slutsats: Tidigare forskning talar om det komplexa i skärningspunkten mellan rollerna entreprenör och ledare.

Unga vuxna cancerpatienters uppfattning av stöd från sjuksköterska under onkologisk behandling- en kvalitativ behandling

BAKGRUND: I Sverige fick 57 830 personer en cancerdiagnos år 2013. I åldersgruppen 20 till 34 år rapporterades år 2012 cirka 1000 nya fall av cancer. Risken att insjukna i cancer ökar med stigande ålder men drabbar även yngre personer. Att insjukna i en cancersjukdom är för de flesta personer ett trauma. Unga vuxna befinner sig i en period av psykisk, fysisk, social och existentiell utveckling.

Utsikt från höghastighetståg : om reseupplevelsens krav på landskapet

As we travel more and more by train it becomes increasingly important that the time we spend traveling, is of great quality. This has been the foundation of this master thesis and has shaped the outcome of it. The traveling experience, that is, the experience of the landscape that flashes by outside the train window, is an important aspect in railway planning and an aspect that should be taken into greater consideration. The purpose of this master thesis has been to examine how to compose or improve the travel experience for an already planned high speed railway and how the travel experience can be combined with other aspects, which have claims on the landscape. This thesis is based on a literature study and a case study of Ostlänken. The work describes Ostlänken, a planned high speed railway in Sweden between Järna and Linköping, with top speeds at 300-320 kilometers per hour.

Drömmen om en effektiv inköpsprocess - ett modeföretags eviga kamp

För företag som verkar på den dynamiska och konkurrenskraftiga modemarknaden är den storautmaningen att skapa en hållbar konkurrensfördel för att på ett lönsamt sätt vinna kampen omkunden. Ett viktigt verktyg är en effektiv och flexibel inköpsprocess. Utformningen avinköpsprocessen avgör förmågan att möta den krävande modekundens efterfrågan. Vår studie avseratt undersöka hur inköpsprocessen bör organiseras hos en produktutvecklande modedetaljist för attvara effektiv och kunna möta marknadens förändringar. För att påvisa ämnets praktiska relevans ochförtydliga problematiken används ett fallföretag där kvalitativa empiriska undersökningar har utförts.En inköpsprocess består av olika aktiviteter som tillsammans påverkar processens utfall.

Friluftsliv i staden : tillfällig landskapsarkitektur på sex platser i Linköping 3-15 april 2012

The subject of this project focuses on how Landscape Architects by their profession can explore and directly make a difference in the cityscape. This paper documents the process of art - based research practice. The purpose of installing temporary activities is to encourage people in the city to discover, participate and invite people to be more playful in the city. My experience of interaction in public spaces comes primarily from the education within landscape architecture, from site-specific art installations I have performed in different cities and from observations of landscape architecture, street art and urban life in the cities of Vienna, Berlin and Linköping. It is fascinating and inspiring to see how the urban space can invite and allow visitors to participate and therefore feel invited to the open space. As a landscape architect I wish to create urban spaces that are useful and inspiring for their visitors. The projects main question: How can you make temporary landscapes that encourage outdoorinspired activities at selected locations in the city? is answered by practice based research, an approach in which theoretical research are developed through practical experiments in the designing- and implementation process.

EU ger eko bland korna - från uppbundet till lösdrift :

ABSTRACT For hundreds of years there has been a tradition with tethered dairy cows in Sweden. The last decades the old fashioned way to hold cows have been questioned and the number of dairy cows in loose housing has been increasing. Last year (2004) 19 percent in total of all farms with milk production in Sweden had their cows in loose housing. Because of EU-legislation concerning all organic production no farms are allowed to build tie stalls any more and after 2010 all organic dairy cows are supposed to live in loose-housing systems. The aim of the thesis was mainly to find out the number of farms with tethered organic dairy cows and if they will continue after the year 2010. Furthermore the purpose was to study if there are any regional differences, how countries similar to Sweden interpret the EU-decision about tethered cows and differences in buildings between organic and conventional farms and the reasons to them.

Utvärdering av strömaterial av restprodukter från wellpapp

SUMMARYFor thousands of years horses have been at people's side. They have been used for transportation at war, to save time, manpower and money. For practical reason, man has forced the horses into narrow spaces. Stabling includes factors as feeding and bedding. In the boxes the bedding materials must be kept clean and maintain good hygiene.

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