

837 Uppsatser om Handle - Sida 5 av 56

Grundskoleelevers samlärande och undervisningen i informationssökning

Education in information seeking is often traditional and focused on technology. When it comes to this sort of education, research proves it is unusual to pay attention to the interaction between students. My intention has been to examine if it is possible to pay attention to the interaction between students, in order to create more and better situations of learning. The issues in this work are about describing the students? interaction.

Digitalisering av bilder vid två museer

The aim of this thesis is to describe digitization of images in two Swedish museums. We want to examine their reasons to digitalize; the administrative and organizational aspects of their work and how they Handle the problems of preservation and access to the digitalized images. These problems will be examined through our main questions: Why do the museums choose to digitize their image collections? How are their work organized in terms of staff and economical matters? What kind of software do they use, and which technical solutions do they choose? Which preservation and access strategies for ensuring long-term preservation and access of the digital images do the museums work with? How do the museums select material for digitization? How do they Handle the matter of discarding of materials? The study was conducted both by reading text material and interviewing personnel at the two museums. The museums? main reasons for digitization seem to be to protect fragile materials from deterioration and provide greater access to the collections.

Constructing Costs

The economic analysis of building contracts is an unexplored field within Law and Economics. This paper makes an attempt to cast some light over the subject and encourage to more research within the field. The main purpose has been to describe why the actual price in a public construction project often turns out to be higher than the contract price and offer a way of Handle that risk. In the paper a model is set up that shows an optimal contract given expectations on actual price and gaps in contracts. Cost increases for the buyer can mainly be explained by two situations.

Rektorer och grundskolereformer : Rektorers erfarenheter av reformarbete

Many political reforms are currently implemented in the Swedish schools. The trend indicate that education in Sweden follows neo-liberal restructuring policy, that highlights assessment, marketization and surveillance in different aspects. According to the new curriculum LGR 11 the school head is the school's educational leader with responsibility for the school's results and development. The reforms put new demands on the school heads tasks, their responsibility and leadership. The aim of my research study is to investigate how the school heads experience andHandle this situation.

Ansvar eller lönsamhet - En studie av Svenska Spel och Systembolaget

This paper examines Systembolaget and Svenska Spel, two Swedish state-owned enterprises, both functioning as monopolies. Systembolaget is the state owned monopoly for marketing of alcoholic beverages. Svenska Spel is the state owned gaming operator. Svenska Spel's task is to provide citizens with gaming products. Both companies are expected to market their products and services while taking caution and minimize damages, but are also supposed to deliver various degrees of economic revenue.

Kvinnors kroppsuppfattning i samband med bröstcancerbehandling : En litteraturstudie

Background                      There are different types of treatments for breast cancer, and these may be of surgical and non-surgical art. These treatments produce different side effects that can cause both physical and mental harm to the woman. The breast cancer can change the women's body image and relationships to their families. The women manage their lives in different ways depending on which culture they belong to. Aim                                    The aim of the study was to elucidate women?s experience of her body and the altered body in relation to breast cancer treatment.Method                              The method used was a literature review based on scientifically articles to overview the field of breast cancer.

De närståendes resa mot att släppa taget : En litteraturstudie om närståendes upplevelser inom den palliativa vården

Background: People who is close to patients suffering from incurable diseases experiences both suffering and grief. It is hard to be there for someone and at the same time Handle your own grief. This can create feeling of anxiety, stress and guilt. Problem: Near related persons might not accept the further loss of someone near, the hope remains until it is final. They may not know the whole width of the situation, not acknowledge to the patient or himself how it is going to end.

Folk tittar på mig som om jag är dum i huvudet när jag säger att mitt barn inte pratar : En kvalitativ studie om föräldrars hantering av svårigheter i vardagslivet med barn som har autism

The purpose of this study is to understand how parents to children with autism Handle difficulties in their daily lives. Previous research defines autism and shows how it can affect families but it doesn?t show how families Handle autism. We have done eight qualitative interviews with parents to children with autism. The result shows similar forms of difficulties in families which children with autism, even though the degree of difficulties varies.

Föräldrars erfarenheter av att leva med barn med födoämnesallergi med särskilt fokus på anafylaxi/Parents experiences of living with children who has food allergy with special focus on anaphylaxis

Background: When a child is diagnosed with food allergy with risk of anaphylaxis, it affects the whole family. The child must learn to live with a chronicle disease and learn the importance of avoiding the specific allergens that may cause a life-threatening condition. The parents must adapt to a way of life with limitations in the everyday life as well as a constant concern for the child. They must learn to Handle an auto-injector and to recognize symptoms of a coming anaphylaxis. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe parent?s experiences of living with children who has foodallergy with special focus on anaphylaxis.

Omvårdnad av hästar med mugg för att undvika omotiverad antibiotikaanvändning

Pastern dermatitis is a common condition among horses. It is a symptom, a reaction in the skin of the pastern rather than a diagnose. There are a lot of homemade treatments when you ask horse owners how they Handle pastern dermatitis, but what does the science say about how it should be treated? Today there is a growing problem with antibiotic resistance, but how good are the veterinarians on testing for resistance before they describe antibiotics? Bacteria and fungus is seldom the primary cause for pastern dermatitis, the reaction is often secondary to environmental factors. It?s difficult to diagnose the primary factor and it´s even more difficult when the horse has been treated in different ways before the veterinarian gets involved.

?Det här är myndigheten med stort M ? en kvalitativ studie om skillnaderna mellan att arbeta som socialarbetare statligt respektive kommunalt?

This study is about state officials who Handle applications for sickness benefits and about municipal officials who Handle applications for financial assistance. The purpose of this study is to explore the differences between the two professional roles regarding their conception about their exercise of authority, in terms of flexibility, individual adjustment, empathy and legal security.The study has a qualitative approach and is based on structured interviews with two state officials and two municipal officials. The questions that this study aims to answer are:- Is there a difference between state officials and municipal officials regarding their experience and use of flexibility? - Is there a difference between state officials and municipal officials regarding their perceptions of legal security, individual adjustment and empathy in their exercise of authority? - What kind of bureaucracy can you find in the two organizations?The results show that the state officials in this study have very limited flexibility due to legislation which makes their exercise of authority neither empathic nor individual. The municipal officials in this study state in their turn that the law entails broad flexibility and the opportunity for them to be empathic and to make individual decisions.

GPS-­baserad virtuell geografisk inhägnad för mobil enhet

The aim of this paper is to find an algorithm to establish and maintain a virtual enclosure around a mobile unit. The area may take any form and should be scalable up to and including national borders. The enclosure is managed on the mobile unit. The target system is Android. Smartphones, tablets and more recently, cameras is examples of mobile units.

?De förväntar sig nog inte att jag ska kunna så mycket som jag kan? : en studie om unga nyutexaminerade socionomers yrkesroll

The purpose of this study was to examine and increase the knowledge about the way young, newly graduated social workers view their professional role considering their age and professional experience, how they experience the relation to their clients and colleagues and how these experiences all together affect the way the young social workers Handle their professional role. Seven social workers in the ages between 23 and 25, who graduated from Socialhögskolan, Stockholm University, in January 2007, where interviewed. They also answered a questionnaire covering the similar questions as the interview. Little research had previously been made in this particular area, why the triangulation of methods was helpful in analyzing the results, with ata coming from two different resources. To analyze the data a multidimensional theory was used, containing coping theory, an experiential perspective, Antonovskys theory a sense of coherence, cognitive theory and role theory.

Försvarsministerns försvar : En studie i kriskommunikation

A politician on the peak of his career suddenly sees himself in the middle of not one or two, but five different crisis, that demand a fitting response and a well planned crisis management strategy. While focusing on ethos and its development, the following paper analyses the communicative strategies used by Germany's ex-minister of defense, Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg. Within his one and a half year tenure he had to Handle continuing accusations against policy and character. Guttenberg, who in many eyes was seen as Germany's most popular politician and whose ethos, therefore, prior to the first crisis could be described as strong, is loosing his trustworthiness among the military and other politicians the longer each crisis continues.The purpose of this study is to identify the communicative pattern of Mr. Guttenberg, which in the end lead to his resignation, while his popularity continues to be strong.

Dark Side of Wonderland : en kort 2D-animation med syfte att väcka intresse för en online serietidning

My objective for this project was to create a short but thrilling 2D-animation intended as promotion for an online comic book. The purpose of the project was to learn more about animation and graphics, to further my artistic skills and to learn how to work in Adobe After Effects. I also wanted to learn more about scheduling, project methods and how to Handle stress. During the ten weeks of the project I have created the story, the storyboard, the character design, the backgrounds and the animation. The voice over was recorded with the help of a fellow student who also made the music and the sound effects.

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