

837 Uppsatser om Handle - Sida 24 av 56

"De vet att jag läser, med de vet inte vad jag läser." Utbildningsledarskap som tillgång eller hot. Studerandes upplevelser av bemötanden på arbetsplatsen.

Over the period as a student at the Master's Program for Educational Leadership, I have learned thatsometimes the participants School?s management shows concern regarding the purpose of studyingat such a program. The curiosity of what that might devolve upon got me to immerse myself in theapproach to and attitude towards competence development within educational leadership.The essence of what I wanted to examine was how the students from the above mentioned Master'sProgram perceived the treatment they received from supervisors and colleagues and if it waspossible to explain the attitude that the participants in the study reported. I also wanted to examinewhat issues, related to competence development and leadership within the school system, highlightsthe treatment of participants in educational leadership.The results are based on questionnaires and interviews and are divided into four categories; thesupportive, the unaffected, the discouraged and finally a side category to explain how to Handle thediscouraged?s lack of support.

Pluralismens utmaningar - En teoriprövande studie med Belgien och Schweiz.

This thesis is set out as a testing of the crosscutting cleavages theory on twocontemporary cases. The aim is to test the explanation process of the crosscutting theory applied to the political and social situations in Belgium and Switzerland and furthermore to examine potential conflicts in pluralistic states. Our main questionis: How can the crosscutting cleavages theory explain the different outcomes ofsocial coexistence, even with the states numerous similarities? We have examined the two federal states through their social divisions of language, region, religion and socio-economy. Our findings show that both Belgium and Switzerland possess divisions in the above mentioned variables, which in most cases are cumulative structured.

Chalmers oanvända datorkraft - Distribuering av arbete och energihantering med HTCondor

Chalmers University of Technology today have numerous computers which are never powereddown, at the same time there is a need for more computation power for researchers.Hence, we have investigated the possibility to use the computers for computing power andsecondly, if there is no work to be done, to put them into power saving mode.We have made a thorough study where we compared different distributing systems andin the end HTCondor was chosen as the best to implement. HTCondor is an excellent systemfor opportunistic use of computing power, i.e. make use of computers that no one elseis currently using. The system is used at several universities around the world with goodresults and would be excellent at Chalmers, where there is a need for such a system.Our implementation shows that HTCondor is well capable of handling unused computingpower. HTCondor can Handle most file types that may be run on the system.

Gränslösa nätverk : En studie av företags internationalisering till Kina ur ett nätverksperspektiv

This thesis follows a qualitative method and aim to describe firms? international business at an emerging market seen from a network perspective. The purpose of the thesis is to study in what way business relations and networks influence the process of internationalization and describe the way in which companies Handle the external network in relation to acquisitions. Further does our purpose include analyzing if a firm?s network may be the main factor for why international business occurs.

Miljöekonomiska analyser av smog och luftföroreningsproblemen i Kina

Rapid economic development and urbanization has led to an improved standard of living for the Chinese people. Meanwhile, a series of environmental problems have also appeared and smog, in particular, has caused the Chinese people to realize how serious the situation is. Smog has seriously affected normal economic activities and people's everyday lives, resulting in financial losses, increased mortality and disease. How to Handle the smog becomes particularly important. The purpose of this study is to describe and discuss the underlying causes of two sources of pollution, particulate matter and sulfur dioxide, as well as what drives individuals' and firms' environmentally destructive behavior.

Fullfoder och blandfoder till mjölkkor : vad är viktigt för att lyckas enligt rådgivare och lantbrukare?

Total mixed rations (TMR) and TMR complemented with individual grain feeding to dairy cows are a growing practice in Sweden. This is because the heard sizes of the farms are increasing. Some farmers and farm advisors in Sweden have great knowledge and practical experience of working with TMR. In the same time there are many advisors that do not know how to Handle TMR and farms that have a group based feeding of their animals. In this MSc thesis, the knowledge of farmers that use TMR and advisors with lots of experience of TMR are gathered, with the aim to create a guide book for advisors that are about to start or just have started working with TMR.

Kompetens i avskedningstider : en treföretagsstudie om att behålla kompetens när man säger upp anställda

Background: As the economy turns up and down, and companies sometimes face loosing employees, it is important for them to make sure they do not loose competence at the same time. Therefore a need to Handle competence efficiently exist. Purpose. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate what measures companies take to minimise the risk of loosing competence from the company, at times of layoffs and in general. Methodology: We mainly used interviews to gather information.

Bibliotekets tidskrifter och tidskriftsavdelning: En undersökning av högstadielevers läsning i relation till utbudet.

The aim of this masters thesis is to examine the supply of magazines and periodicals for young people at the library. We also examine young peoples reading of magazines and periodicals and compare the librarys selection with what young people read. The main questions of this thesis are: What do young people do at the library on their spare time? What weekly magazines and periodicals do young people read? What range of magazines and periodicals do the city- and the school library have? Where is the department located and how is it designed? What kind of relationship is there between young peoples reading and the selection? To answer these questions we have done an interview with a librarian and a questionnaire among 13-16 year old children. We found that it is not often that young people read their magazines and periodicals at the library.

Projektmodell för mindre produktutvecklingsprojekt

How projects are managed can have a big impact on the project`s result. There are different types of frameworks on the market whose purpose is to help project leaders to pursue a successful project. Those frameworks focus on larger product development projects and both the literature and companies have addressed that the frameworks are too comprehensive for smaller product development projects. They have therefore asked for a framework that is more suitable for those smaller projects. To complete a project on time and to the planned cost is important in both larger and smaller product development projects.

?Vems barn vill du att jag väljer bort?? En kvalitativ studie i en kommun i Västra Götaland om fem skolkuratorers upplevelse av stress i arbetet

The purpose of this study was to examine how school counselors in a specific municipalityviewed their work situation, if they experienced stress and how they would Handle that stress.Five school counselors out of eight in the specific municipality participated in qualitativeinterviews where they could describe their feelings and thoughts. Their experiences wasexamined and analyzed with the theories of coping and empowerment. The results showedthat there were unhealthy levels of stress in the profession amongst the five counselors. It alsoshowed that the uttermost reason for the experienced unhealthy stress was the feeling of notbeing able to give as much time and help to the pupils as they want and need. The reason forthis was that an increasing number of pupils were, and are, experiencing unhappiness and arein need of seeing the school counselor.

Grus i maskineriet : en fallstudie om förbättringspotential

Grus i maskineriet ? en fallstudie om förbättringspotentialVäxeln AB, a company that provide sales, service and repair of industry gears, has contacted the authors of the essay and asked us to investigate in which areas of the company that has improvement potential. Persistent improvement is a recurring and up-to-date issue that many business leaders not put enough resources on. A big problem in many companies is the issue that there is no comprehensive view and therefore some of the workers tend to not follow the routines that are required for the whole system to work.The goal with the essay is to give Växeln AB advice on to which areas in the company that have improvement potential.We have used a qualitative method with mainly semi-structured interviews which has led to an inductive approach. 13 co-workers that work in different areas of Växeln AB have taken part in the interviews.

Kunskap är makt -eller- Tacit Knowledge Management

Today we are living in a knowledge-society where knowledge sharing is of utmost importance for companies in order to keep their competitiveness. Therefore, it is a much debated issue - in both the academic and the corporate world - in what way one should Handle the knowledge which continuously is created within companies. The aim of this study is to describe how practitioners share tacit knowledge within a large knowledge company. By that we aim to get an answer to how the chosen theoretical models regarding tacit knowledge relate to the empirical world. In this study we will focus on tacit knowledge in contrast to explicit one.

Förändring av intranät och dess inledande utmaningar

Organizations today face changes continuously as the society, the surroundings and the technology change. The information technology used in organizations has become essential, where intranets are a big part of it. Many organizations embrace social intranets, and these kind of changes has an impact on the members in the way they work, Handle information and communicate. As many organizations and the members in it face new kinds of changes, they also face new kinds of challenges. This paper presents an interview study at Smurfit Kappa Kraftliner in Piteå, whom are about to go through a change process unlike any other change they have ever gone through before.

Frihet, Säkerhet, Rättvisa - En diskursanalytisk studie av Frontex roll i EU:s gränspolitik

This is a study based on discourse theory in purpose to examine the border-politics ofthe EU. Since the EU step by step has developed into an area of free movement on capital, people and services, the external frontiers have been given prioritiy on the political scene. Development in recent years have put questions of foreign- and security politics on a supranational level, meaning that the EU-member states in a wider range now cooperate in these political areas.To Handle the increasing ammount of (illegal) migration to the EU an independet agency, Frontex,was established 2005 in favour of coordinating the Member States in issues regarding bordersecurity. The focal point of this study is to critically examine the identity of Frontex by using Becks theory of risk combined with the theory of governmentality. By doing so I seek to highlight the relation between Frontex and the EU and also that of Frontex mission in relation to illegal immigration.

Schengen och illegal immigration : En komparativ fallstudie mellan Spanien och Tyskland

The topic of this thesis is immigration policy in the European Union with focus on the Schengen cooperation and illegal immigration. Immigration policies and other policy areas such as asylum and refugee policies have become hot topics on the EU agenda in recent years. Partly because of cooperations like Schengen, but also because a need of a common immigration and asylum policy has emerged.The purpose of the thesis is to give a better understanding of the relations that might be found between illegal immigration to the EU and the Schengen cooperation. Schengen plays an important role in dealing with international migration in the EU and will probably continue to do so in the future.The thesis is a comparative case study with Spain and Germany as the two specific cases. Their national immigration policies are examined and put in relation to the Schengen cooperation.

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