

4797 Uppsatser om Hand therapy - Sida 15 av 320

A retrospective study of bitches with pyometra and mucometra medically treated with aglepristone

Pyometra is a common and life threatening disease of intact bitches. The disease is caused by a hormonal influence on the uterus in combination with a bacterial infection. The most common treatment is ovariohysterectomy, but several medical options are available to maintain fertility or avoid surgery and anaesthesia. Drugs that can be used for medical treatment are for example progesterone-receptor antagonists, prostaglandins and dopamine agonist. The present study focused on treatment with the progesterone-receptor antagonistaglepristone in combination with antimicrobial therapy.

Sortimentsstyrning inom second-hand

Det finns olika strategier för företag att styra sitt sortiment och sortimentsstyrningen är av viktig betydelse för ett företags lönsamhet. Second-hand företag skiljer sig vanligtvis i sin sortimentsstyrning från hur man traditionellt sätt arbetar med att bygga upp ett sortiment. Det beror bland annat på att de oftast bygger upp sitt sortiment av skänkt gods vilket gör att de inte kan styra över sortimentets utseende på samma sätt som ett traditionellt företag kan. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att ta reda på hur second-hand företag arbetar med sin sortimentsstyrning för att sedan sätta det i relation till det traditionella styrningssättet. Vi har valt att undersöka två olika second-hand företag, Emmaus Björkå, en ideell förening och Beyond Retro, ett vinstdrivande vintage företag som på olika sätt arbetar med att bygga upp sitt sortiment.

För tidigt födda barn i skolan. En litteraturstudie.

Examensarbetet är en litteraturstudie om för tidigt födda barn i skolan, men den neonatalape-rioden finns med som förklaringsgrund. Jag har valt att begränsa mig till att i första hand an-vända mig av litteratur publicerad under 1990-talet. Flertalet av forskarna påvisar en ökad risk för koncentrationssvårigheter och svårigheter i skolan. Fler för tidigt födda barn jämfört med kontrollgrupperna var i behov av specialundervisning i någon form. Arbetet tar i första hand upp de skador för tidigt födda barn riskerar att få, men det är viktigt att påpeka att 90% av de för tidigt födda barnen är friska och går i vanlig klass i skolan..

Utveckling av Scania Buss projektöverlämningsprocess : - En studie för effektivare produktutveckling

Scania is constantly trying to improve their product development process, the PD-process.The company, along with others, is optimizing their development process in order to gainadvantage in terms of shorter lead times and larger market shares. For this to happen, a wellorganized process is required.The PD-process is divided into three different phases that are linked together by a hand-overprocedure. Scania Bus has experienced problems that stem from a lack of hand-over routines,and as a result the product development process has been slowed down. This has a number ofconsequences, one of them being the complication of new project initiations.The main purpose of this master thesis was to review the hand-over procedure. Within thestudy the project directive was also to be examined, and a recommendation of how the start ofa new project could be made easier was included.To begin with, a detailed literature study was conducted with the intention of obtaining thebasic theoretical knowledge needed for this study.

Förebyggande arbete är den viktigaste aspekten vid Hand-Arm Vibrationssyndrom : En systematisk litteraturstudie

Hand-arm vibrationssyndrom (HAVS) är ett tillstånd som inte är så välkänt trots att det är ett relativt vanligt tillstånd bland flera yrkesgrupper. Ökad kunskap inom området kan vara ett redskap för arbetsterapeuter i mötet med patienter med HAVS. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva den vetenskapliga dokumentationen om hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS). Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie gjordes med sökningar i databaserna AMED, Cinahl och Medline. Nio artiklar valdes till resultatet.

The Golden Rule and Bioethics. A Reflection upon the Foundation of Ethics

The object of this thesis is the foundation of ethics. The question is whether there exists a universal core to ethics consisting of a fundamental ethical principle across cultures. This principle could for example be the so-called Golden Rule, which goes as follows: ?You should do to others what you want them to do to you?. The Golden Rule is to be found in many of the world?s religions and is also reflected in secular society.

Polismans laga befogenhet att skjuta : förhållandet till tredje man i teorin och i praktiken

This study aims to develop knowledge of different professional groups and their views on inclusion and collaboration concerning "students in difficulty." Through qualitative interviews and a quantitative survey, the researcher sought answers to this and also how inclusion, through collaboration between different professional groups, can develop in school.The results of the study have been analyzed according by Nilholms (2007) three different perspectives on special education: The critical perspective, the compensatory perspective and the dilemma perspective. The results were also analyzed based on Ahlberg's (2013) communicative ? relationship perspective.The result shows that the concept of inclusion is not clearly defined either in the governing documents or among the interviewees. This makes it difficult to speak the same language in school, which complicates the work of inclusion. Since the governing documents are unclear and somewhat contradictory when dealing with "students in difficulty" educators are put in a dilemma.

Vintage ? ett varumärke?

To dress in used clothes is no longer considered as unfashionable. The acceptance of thesecond hand market has increased over the years. Vintage clothing has becomefashionable because you get the opportunity to create your own individual style. Vintagehas been given status. It has become a trend.


Bakgrund Den psykiska oh?lsan i Sverige har ?kat under 2000-talet och v?rdresurserna f?r att behandla psykisk oh?lsa minskar genom nedsk?rningar inom v?rden p? grund av l?gkonjunktur och begr?nsningar av statliga medel. Detta s?tter stora krav p? att den psykiatriska v?rden som ges ska kunna behandla s? m?nga som m?jligt med s? f? medel som m?jligt. Tidigare forskning har identifierat flera f?rdelar och positiva h?lsoeffekter med naturbaserade interventioner.

Att tänka jämställdhet är en sak, att göra jämställdhet är en annan : En kvalitativ studie om hur biståndshandläggare beaktar jämställdhet i utredningar

The aim with this study is to analyze how Swedish social services interpret men's and women's needs and whether it is possible to discern any pattern in the social services investigations. The following questions are of importance: how men and women are described in the assistance investigations and if there are any differences between men and women in assistance investigations. The analysis is based on a qualitative text analysis of twenty assistance investigations. The investigations have been studied gradually and interesting patterns emerged which were analyzed by the theory of gender.The results are multifaceted and demonstrate on the one hand that men and women receive the help they apply for and the assessment of their needs is conducted in an equitable way. On the other hand, the study demonstrates that there is a difference in how men and women are described in the investigations..

"Vem bryr sig om hur våra mest utsatta barn och ungdomar behandlas, när det är samhället som tar hand om dem?" : En studie om länsstryrelsen som tillsynsmyndighet för enskilda HVB-hem

The aim of this study is to investigate how länsstyrelsen as a supervisory authority to private compulsory care-institutions works, to guarantee adequate institutional care of unprivileged children and youth with special problems.In order to reach this aim the following questions are to be answered:? Describe länsstyrelsen´s supervision of private compulsory care-institutions (HVB-hem)? How does the officials at the three chosen county administrative boards find about the responsibilityTo answer the questions of this bachelor thesis I have chosen to apply qualitative methods, by interviewing five supervisory authorities from länsstyrelsen, in three different county administrative boards in Sweden.The findings of the study show that officials sometimes find it hard to know the exact meaning and differences between accountability and to be accountable. It also shows that they tend to think that the relationship between länsstyrelsen and the private compulsory care institutions is complicated. Because the officials have two part relationships, they have on the one hand a consultative role and on the other hand the supervising role.Keywords: Länsstyrelsen, Hem för vård eller boende (HVB-hem), Ansvar, Ansvarsutkrävande, Socialtjänstlagen.

Musik och Film : Ett möte mellan två konstformer i Stanley Kubricks ?2001 ? a Space Odyssey? och Woody Allens ?Manhattan?

Filmmusic is often composed specially for a film. When analyzing film-music it seems very common to study the function of the music in a narrative context in order to see how it cooperates or relates to this narration. In the present thesis I am investigating the interaction between film and music as two ingredients on an equal level. In short: what happens when a filmmaker chooses music that has already been composed for another occasion, even in another time and a different cultural context? My aim is twofold: first to examine current film analytic strategies, secondly to find new ways of comprehend pre-composed music in relation to its new setting in a film.

Kronisk hjärtsvikt hos katt

This student report is a literature study about cardiac insufficiency in cats and it is written mainly for veterinary nurses. It is about cats with an underlying heart disease that has led to an incompensated heart failure.It presents a general basis on normal anatomy and physiology, and also how to make the diagnosis, therapy and intensive care.The student report is also about the role of the veterinary nurse during the process of the disease, how to help the veterinarian in the best way, how to handle anesthesia in cats with a heart disease, which factors that can have a significant matter in feeding, and what advices to give to a pet owner with a cat with a incompensated heart failure..

Kreativa aktiviteters betydelse för äldre personers hälsa och välbefinnande : En systematisk litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Kreativa aktiviteter har funnits inom arbetsterapin genom yrkets hela historia. Att vara aktiv är ett grundläggande behov hos människan. Aktivitet används både som mål och medel inom arbetsterapi för att främja personers hälsa och välbefinnande. Syfte: Att beskriva betydelsen av deltagande i kreativa aktiviteter, inom arbetsterapi eller på egen hand, för äldre personers hälsa och välbefinnande. Metod: Uppsatsen är genomförd som en systematisk litteraturstudie.

The movement of the rider?s hand related to the horse?s behaviour and the stride cycle

One way of signalling commands to the horse during riding is through applying tension on the reins to create bit pressure in the horse?s mouth (Terada et al., 2006; Clayton et al., 2011). The skilfulness of the rider in using the hands when applying bit pressure has consequences both for the horse?s performance and welfare (Manfredi et al., 2010). At the trot there are large vertical deviations of the horse?s body which the rider must adjust and adapt to (Terada et al., 2006) and an unsteady hand due to inability to follow the horse?s movement can be a source of discomfort and conflict behaviour in the horse (Heleski et al., 2009).

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