

559 Uppsatser om Halmstad - Sida 2 av 38

Energiinventering av Soldathemmet

This examination paper is an energy-inventory of Soldathemmet at the regement in Halmstad, in colaboration with Fortifikationsverket in Halmstad. The building is first an foremost for the soldiers, where they can go for a cup of coffee or watch TV. There is also a museum and a drivers school in the building. Calculations have been done with two computerprograms; VIP+ and ISOVER Energy. The results were well matched with the statistics that were provided by Fortifikationsverket.

Ett progressivt alternativ? : En studie av Alternativfestivalen i Halmstad 1975-1982

Den här uppsatsen handlar om Alternativfestivalen, en kulturfestival som anordnades årligen i Halmstad mellan 1975 och 1982. Syftet med undersökningen är att studera och analysera aspekter av politisk kommunikation vid och omkring festivalen. I uppsatsen analyseras även festivalen utifrån teoretiska begrepp från brittisk ungdomskulturforskning. Källmaterialet i undersökningen utgörs av tidningsartiklar som publicerades av lokaltidningen i Halmstad, Hallandsposten, under den aktuella perioden. Den övergripande slutsatsen är att det fanns klara aspekter av politisk kommunikation vid Alternativfestivalen, vilket kan sägas ha haft tvåsidor: dels en innehållslig och dels en formmässig.

Över haven, tur och retur : Med huvudsaklig fokus på kvinnlig utrikes migration till och från Halmstad 1870-1894

Mellan år 1845-1930 utvandrade ca 1,3 miljoner svenskar. Hallands län tillhörde de län som förlorade flest invånare till följd av emigrationen. Halmstad var länets enda industrialiserade ort, tillika länets residensstad.Den svenska massemigrationen förknippas i hög grad med Nordamerika, men emigrationen från Halmstad gick även i stor omfattning till vårt grannland Danmark och, i någon mån till Tyskland.Syftet med denna studie är att studera kvinnornas utrikes migration, med utgångspunkt i Halmstad, för att se vilka kvinnor som migrerade, vart de migrerade, i vilket sällskap de migrerade, och i vilken utsträckning de migrerade. Resultaten kompareras även med manlig utrikes migration. Materialet som används är till största del primärmaterial från Halmstads församlings in och utflyttningslängder.Studier av Halmstads kyrkoböckers in- och utflyttningslängder har bland annat visat, att man i hög grad emigrerade till Danmark och Amerika, men inte till Tyskland, och att det främst var ensamstående unga kvinnor ur det sociala lägre skikten som migrerade.

Byggentreprenörers inköp av byggmaterial : - En studie om konkurrens på byggmaterial i Halmstad.

Priserna på byggmaterial i Sverige är idag höga och utgör cirka 40 procent av den totalabyggkostnaden. Samtidigt finns det betydligt billigare byggmaterial ute i Europa. Författarentill denna uppsats har mot denna bakgrund kommit fram till följande problemformulering: hurbedömer byggentreprenadsföretagen konkurrensen inom byggmaterialbranschen i Halmstad?Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva hur konkurrensen fungerar i Halmstad och förklara dekonkurrenshinder som finns. Undersökningens metod är kvalitativ och författaren harintervjuat fyra personer inom entreprenadbranschen.

Implementering av Neutrallager - En fallstudie inom Tooling Support Halmstad AB

Demand has become increasingly difficult to forecast in today?s volatile markets. Being able to produce towards real demand is becoming vital for companies, since inventories of finished goods are expensive to maintain and because miscalculated products tie up capital that in the end is never repaid. More and more companies are using postponement strategies to delay the process of producing until real demand has become known. Tooling Support Halmstad is a company within the manufacturing industry, which has become aware of the benefits with postponement strategies for parts of their production.

Biblioteksutvecklingen i Karlsborg 1907-1970 ? vägen mot ett kommunalt folkbibliotek

The purpose of this master thesis is to describe and analyse the development of the library history in the municipality of Karlsborg. This is done with a comparison to the library development in Sweden as a whole and in particular to the cities of Lidköping and Halmstad. I have worked according to the following questions: 1. How did the libraries develop before the municipality took over? 2.

?Känner du dig välkommen?? ? En undersökning om användares upplevelser och åsikter av miljön och servicen i Högskolebiblioteket i Halmstad

The purpose of this thesis is to explore the experiences and views some users have of the library environment and services of the University Library of Halmstad. The main question to be answered in this thesis is what importance the users attribute to the library environment and services while pursuing their most recent library errand. To answer this question a study of relevant literature on the subjects of library environment, library services and user-surveys in other academic libraries was carried out and a questionnaire was distributed to 22 respondents in the process of visiting the University of Halmstad Library. The literature background and the results of the conducted study were interpreted and discussed and led to the following conclusions: 3 respondents encounters with the library environment and its services were negative in part and thus their experiences and views were relevant to the completion of their library errands. The other respondents? encounters confirmed their overall positive earlier experiences and views of the library environment and its services, but had no real concrete significance for the completion of their library errands..

Nära ledarskap : En framtida ledarskapsstrategi i omsorgsarbete på Hemvårdsförvaltningen i Halmstad kommun

Trough the contact with the HR (Human Resources) department of home care management in Halmstad municipality, emerged from the management a wish for a documentation for what should be included in leadership at middle management level in the future. People in middle management positions have a large impact on the operation staff and are also in charge of the individual corporate performance and its success. As we have previously been active in the management of multiple role configurations, including middle-management positions, we have some prior understanding of the complexity of this position. The study was conducted with the aim to investigate different aspects of what leadership for middle managers in home care management in Halmstad municipality may mean to them. With the help of different theories and models various aspects were analyzed due to the impact of leadership.Due to the studies purpose and questions, two focus groups was conducted and interviews with respondents from both the lower and superior positions in home care management in Halmstad municipality was done.

Erotisk och pornografisk skönlitteratur på svenska folkbibliotek

Detta är en uppsats som har fått sin utgångspunkt från rapporten ?Om sociala problem i nya bostadsområden? från Centralförbundet för socialt arbete. Rapporten från 1976 konstaterade att det i hög grad förekom sociala problem i de nya bostadsområden som byggts enligt Miljonprogramsmodellen. I Halmstad byggdes bostadsområdet Andersberg för att bota den bostadsbrist som under 1960-talet rådde i Halmstad. Då området byggdes enligt normer från just Miljonprogrammet, blev uppsatsens syfte att se hur väl detta bostadsområde stämde överrens med de definitioner av sociala problem som preciserades i rapporten, samt att ge en lokal och levande bild av det tidiga Anderberg.

Judendomens livsbejakande budskap : Framställs detta i den svenska gymnasieskolansreligionsläroböcker?

Detta är en uppsats som har fått sin utgångspunkt från rapporten ?Om sociala problem i nya bostadsområden? från Centralförbundet för socialt arbete. Rapporten från 1976 konstaterade att det i hög grad förekom sociala problem i de nya bostadsområden som byggts enligt Miljonprogramsmodellen. I Halmstad byggdes bostadsområdet Andersberg för att bota den bostadsbrist som under 1960-talet rådde i Halmstad. Då området byggdes enligt normer från just Miljonprogrammet, blev uppsatsens syfte att se hur väl detta bostadsområde stämde överrens med de definitioner av sociala problem som preciserades i rapporten, samt att ge en lokal och levande bild av det tidiga Anderberg.


This report will discuss principle, primary and finally manufacturing structure. We were asked to produce a 3D milling to processing the prototype material that is used on the University of Halmstad. From conceptual drawings to produce components for this project have we together with a number of company take developed the right components for this project. We have calculated and analyzed the construction to get the best result for it purpose. Unfortunately have the process to produce the 3D milling has been stopped because of deficient budget and time.

Mätutrustning för ytjämnhet

This report will discuss principle, primary and finally manufacturing structure. We were asked to produce a 3D milling to processing the prototype material that is used on the University of Halmstad. From conceptual drawings to produce components for this project have we together with a number of company take developed the right components for this project. We have calculated and analyzed the construction to get the best result for it purpose. Unfortunately have the process to produce the 3D milling has been stopped because of deficient budget and time.

Parametrisering av lyftok

This report will discuss principle, primary and finally manufacturing structure. We were asked to produce a 3D milling to processing the prototype material that is used on the University of Halmstad. From conceptual drawings to produce components for this project have we together with a number of company take developed the right components for this project. We have calculated and analyzed the construction to get the best result for it purpose. Unfortunately have the process to produce the 3D milling has been stopped because of deficient budget and time.

FNA-klassad lastbilspåbyggnad

This report will discuss principle, primary and finally manufacturing structure. We were asked to produce a 3D milling to processing the prototype material that is used on the University of Halmstad. From conceptual drawings to produce components for this project have we together with a number of company take developed the right components for this project. We have calculated and analyzed the construction to get the best result for it purpose. Unfortunately have the process to produce the 3D milling has been stopped because of deficient budget and time.

Ledarskapsutbildning inom byggingenjörsprogrammet vid Högskolan i Halmstad

The purpose with this essay is to examine different roles of leadership in the working environment by interviewing ex-students that have taken their degree from Halmstad Högskola and its construction program. How do these ex-students handle to be in a position of power in their everday life and how do they handle decision making? Do they find that the education they have recieved in any way has helped them in regard for leadership or do they rather conclude that further education in the area of leadership would be beneficial? These are the questions that I set out to shed some light over in this essay. This study consists of one part theory and one empirical part. The empirical part was accomplished by interviewing ex-students from Halmstad Högskola and this part was later compiled with relevant theories on the subject which were obtained from books , internet and various databases.The results from the interviews show that the general point of view is that the subjects containing leadership in their education hasn't really helped them.

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